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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Mon Oct 17, 2016 12:38 am
The door slid open as Kirin walked back into the building housing the exam. Her typical shuriken holstered at her waist, small blades carried in the back ensemble was present as she walked, positioned to not make noise even though she was every bit the definition of "well armed". As she passed a group of Chunin instructors walking the opposite way she veered closer to the wall. Not out of nervousness really, but more a sense of not wanting to be noticed until the right time, by the right people. She was there for the test to get her out of the academy and finally doing ninja work, even if she had to start.. finding cats or something. Anything where she could put her skills to use in more than the family business.

She set aside her bag in a corner once she reached a clear space, standing by a pair of double doors and straightening her posture to look like she belonged there. She was clearly old enough to be much higher in the ranks, but the duty of a shinobi wouldn't allow for someone to just up and be among the elite of the village, unless you knew the right people. But those kinds of ninja were snobbish and boring, and she desired to be one who could speak with actions just as well as words, and do both to her best ability. And if that meant starting all the way at the bottom, then she had already set her mind to it. She waited as a Jonin passed with a group of his own, thinking over all of the required skills for the exam. The ones they told you about were simple enough in theory, but even after practice and tutoring she was still struggling not to waste chakra with each application of ninjutsu.

She steadied her thoughts as a few interested partied perhaps noticed how hard she had been concentrating, waiting for her time to try and take the exam, if she was allowed.

[Word Count: 334]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:04 pm
Akihana wasn't sure how the time actually slid into her schedule to allow extra training for the newest batch of genin trying to perfect their fire techniques, she just knew that she had agreed without a thought and then the time had somehow found itself sneaking into her morning routine. She had to be at the academy anyway, she might as well arrive an hour earlier to coach the students who truly wanted to get to know their element more and honestly, the kunoichi liked it. Being around the academy was doing her a world of good whether anyone noticed it or not and if asked, Akihana would even argue it was doing the students some good.

"Shanti, focus sweetheart," the medic encouraged as the young girl who was currently spurting out sparks began to grow irritated with her lack of progress. There certainly was fire in the young genin, both literally and metaphorically but Shanti had yet to realize how to deal with it. She may not admit it but every time a spark too fiery emitted from the girl, she jumped back in fear. A shinobi could not be afraid of her own power, she would never wield it skillfully otherwise.

"Alright guys, that's it for today," she proclaimed as the clock struck eight, signalling for her to wrap up the session and return to her exam proctoring. "I'm very proud of all of you., you're doing great. But one thing to keep in your mind though," she began in lieu of a farewell. "Your fire is a part of you. It's not a fire, it's your fire. You need to embrace it, you need to understand that it will listen to you if you give it a chance to. You can control it but you have to believe you can control it first."

Shanti squirmed uncomfrotably where she stood, as if this was a personal attack on her despite Akihana not mentioning any names.

"Go home, sit on your own, meditate, reflect, look at your fire nature in the way you feel comfrotable looking at it. If you like it as a form of destruction, meditate on its awesome power. If you like the idea of fire being used to provide heat and life, meditate on that. Decide right now what your fire means to you and then return here and show me, alright?"

A few cheers went up from the children but Shanti remained quiet. The medic didn't pursue the topic further. Turning to the targets, Akihana blew out a soft breath, a line of thin flame erupting from her lips, her breathing perfectly in tune so as not to swallow any of the barely there smoke rising from the fine red line that looked so much like a laser. Tracing the fire on to the large target set up for the kids, the kunoichi traced the fiery letters on the surface.

Have a great day!

The blonde didn't stick around to see their reaction, heading into the academy and collecting her papers form the front desk. there were only a few applicants attempting the exam today and only one female. Akihana made her way into class, not noticing the female at first but then spotting her trying to appear nondescript. Her chakra was barely there but it was at least detectable. The kunoichi wondered if the girl was just shy.

Names began to be called out as the six students gathered stepped forwards, each performing the two jutsu with varying levels of success. Two failed at the very first technique, the third passed, the following two were rerecorded for extra tutoring before another attempt until finally it was time for the girl who was now the last remaining student in the class with Akihana.

"Miss Kirinai, you're up next," the kunoichi called with a smile, greeting the student warmly like she had the others. "You know the drill by now. Please perform the clone and transformation technique and give a combative use for each of them. Take as long as you need."

(Please write an 800 word post in respons and you're good to go)
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:09 am
As soon as other students started to file in, Kirinai stopped her endless thinking and followed the rest of the people that were definitely younger than her into the room. Why had she stopped before the class? She knew the rules by now, but perhaps she was being cautious. She was holding back on necessity so not to be instantly noticeable as probably the oldest Academy student ever. Even as they all faced the front desk, she sat rigid and attentive, ignoring the others, refusing to see if they were someone she knew, at least right now. She didn't want her concentration broken. Plus, their examiner seemed to be looking at her closely.

The proctor came in and Kirin got a good look at her she faltered in her act. Wasn't that Lady Akihana? She straightened up even more if possible, her hands silently practicing in front of her it seemed as the other students began to find seats to their liking. She took a deep breath and counted to three, relaxing herself as she felt the weight of the situation upon her. The first student went before the proctor and began to form seals, and she did too as if to mimic and learn something.

In the bursts of smoke parading the front of the classroom, she couldn't make out anything at first, so she had no way of knowing if it had worked or not. She became still, calming her breathing down to almost nonexistent levels as she watched the first fail in his task. the weight on her increased, as if the student next in line was gaining mass with his nervousness. She felt it just as much as he likely did, but stayed still and calm. Her form was composed and still, at full attention all the way to the left of the male participants, waiting her turn to be called. The next student was called, and she felt the weight lift off of her even if her own nervousness threatened to return. Was it that hard to assume that she had learned enough about ninjutsu theory and the two basic techniques that she could pull this off?

The third performed the two jutsu admirably, and Kirinai studied his technique in the process, checking it with her own. It wouldn't matter much really, since she had by now already decided whether she was capable enough. After all, the jutsu were easy, but her Chakra control needed polishing. That was an understatement, but it would be up to the proctor to test that. She felt the exhaustion creeping up her body at being in the same position so long, of maintaining that wooden, adamant stance of watching and being unseen as much as possible until the moment of truth. The fourth stood and began his own exam, but Kirin was already confident in her ability by now. She had scanned all of the possibilities, thought about the concept of just performing the techniques like the others. They all transformed into someone they were familiar with or someone they could see, one of the other students maybe or a friend. Their clones were passable, but couldn't follow their movements enough to keep the original safe for very long.

Of course, these were Academy-level techniques, and Kirin knew they weren't meant for real combat, but finding a practical application while safe in the academy was paramount to success anyways. The fifth rose, performed about the same as the fourth, then left, and the proctor was now looking at Kirin sitting in her chair and telling her it was her turn. Her moment had come, but would it be enough to impress the judge?

The Kirinai across the room sitting in her chair, the one Aki was addressing, seemed to lose focus, then poof, disappearing in the smallest amount of smoke that dissipated very quickly. Meanwhile, the chair of the second student exploded in an equal amount of smoke, which revealed Kirin, panting for a moment from the strain of holding that position, holding an angsty student, and keeping that constant flow of chakra going without losing her clone. It took her a good twenty seconds, but she finally straightened up and approached the front desk, giving Akihana a bow as she spoke, "As demonstrated, ma'am, the Clone technique is used to fool the untrained or preoccupied eye into believing someone is somewhere they're not. When coupled with the Transformation technique to disguise oneself, it can be an effective redirection tool to keep an enemy confused long enough to strike from behind.. Most beginning students don't read the manual properly, but an astute person doesn't limit themselves merely to the possibility of becoming a person, but an object, and using clones to mask their own presence completely. This is one of the tools a shinobi uses to complete missions."

[Word Count: 810]
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 5:49 pm
To Akihana's great surprise, the student she had been addressing vanished into a puff of smoke, demonstrating clearly that it had been a well placed clone. But the surprise wan't over. The chair in front of the previously created clone was transforming, into the original student here to take the test. The bonde couldn't hide how impressed she was at the creative and original way in which the girl had demonstrated both techniques and rovided an explanation for them after, clearly outshining every other student who had attempted the test today.

"Oh my, that is some impressive bit of work," the blonde complimented, a bright smile on her face. her golden eyes twinkled warmly at the young female before she added. "You pass with flying colors of course. Please come forwards and collect your head band, Kumogakure is proud to have such an innovative new kunoichi."

Should the young lady step forward and receive the head band, Akihana would give the girl a once over, noting how she was a lot older than the usual Genin exam applicants. Had she just had more time to hone her chakra or was she naturally this talented? The only way to know, in the medic's opinion, was to ask.

"May i inquire as to why you waited until now to take the test? Your chakra control appears to be on par with some of our more experienced Genin yet you're only attempting the rank now?" There was only polite curiosity in her tone, allowing the girl to pretend she hadn't heard the question if, for whatever reason, Kirinai didn't wish to answer.
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:58 pm
Kirin bowed again when she was complimented, allowing herself a smile when she began the dip down, then resuming a serious face when she stepped forward and received the forehead protector graciously, "You honor me, Lady Akihana. I'm far from perfect. I've been told I waste too much energy in the execution of my techniques. I merely compensate by being precise and making my actions count." she bowed her head again, clearly trying to show the proper respect due of the Raikage's wife while keeping her excitement close to her heart, her eyes constantly drawn to the shiny metal and the Cloud Village insignia etched into it.

But her mind was drawn back by the question, making her look up again and ponder quickly what to say in response. The truth, of course, but how best to explain it? "I wasn't chosen to be a ninja, ma'am. by family or otherwise. I come from a family of weaponsmiths." she began, running her fingers down the length of the headband's sash as if counting the inches it ran on either side. "I joined after the.. the events a few years ago. I didn't think a career in making weapons for both sides of a civil war would help the innocent, so.." she placed the metal of the headband to her waist, above her belt, and tied it slowly behind her back, loosening and tightening the sash until it felt snug but comfortable.

"So I told the folks I wanted to be a shinobi. I asked for admittance and got in despite my age and.. weak chakra reserves. I don't have time to play with the children and not listen to my instructors. I take each and every lesson as a fact of life. I know the risks and welcome them. If I can save even one life in exchange for my own, then I've given meaning to my existence. I don't want to be known as the daughter of a weapon crafter." she looked up into Akihana's golden eyes with her own, seeming to blaze with passion she normally kept in check, "I want to be a shinobi, Kirin of the Cloud, and protector of the people. Age is only a number, ma'am."
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:24 pm
As the student addressed her using her formal title, Akihana waved it off, indicating that the formality wasn't necessary. A result of growing up being as unimportant as she had been, the medic had never learned how to deal with being important now, and she preferred it that way. "You can just call me Akihana" she insisted, giving the girl a friendly smile. "And you must never downplay your accomplishments either," she followed up once the girl stated she wasn't as good as she clearly was. "I've been taking these exams for a few months now and no one has attempted to try the method you did. Give yourself credit for a job well done."

Akihana watched the girl step forward and take the head band, placing it around her waist in what would likely become her preferred style. Akihana too had worn hers that way once upon a time and the memory brought a faraway look into her eyes for a mere second before she focused on Kirinai again. Listening quietly as the girl explained where she hailed from and why she had chosen this path, the blonde only nodded at appropriate intervals but made no attempt to interrupt her.

"That's very admirable of you," the older kunoichi finally responded when Kirin was done. She meant it to. Other than the fact that Akihana didn't lie, the truth was clear in her soft shimmering gaze too. "It is indeed better to help than to hurt, but being a ninja often makes us face the kind of realities we were never prepared for. Saving people is not always as clear cut as the novels and propaganda make it seem. Sometimes you don't get to choose between good and bad, sometimes you get to choose between bad and worse, and it gets even more complicated when you think one thing is bad and the other worse while your comrades think the opposite."

There was no need to paint horrific examples of the situations she was insinuating. The girl had lived through Youka's initial takeover of Kumogakure, she probably knew the horrors first hand and here she was, now serving on his army as one of his ninja. Kirinai might not know it but she had already made a decision between bad and worse, and for that, Akihana could only be proud of the newly minted Genin.

"Saving is also not always good, clean work. Sometimes it's messy, sometimes you fail. Do you think you'd be able to get back on your feet when that happens? When you fail and then fail again?" It wasn't up to Akihana to test this young ninja's resolve but she would at least make sure the girl didn't go in with the illusions of grandeur that so many of her ilk had.
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:25 am
As she was told to call Akihana by.. well.. Akihana, Kirin seemed to struggle internally with the notion. Perhaps she wasn't used to such a casual address from a superior, or maybe she still had trouble discerning whether to be friendly opposed to formal. Either way, she smiled and nodded in answer, but found it peculiar that her faults were also being addressed. She merely shrugged at the comment and bowed again, "I meant no downplay, just stating the facts. The worst thing I could do with my career is start off overconfident."

But she felt enlightened by all of the compliments. What she had considered a necessary evolution of the techniques had apparently been something no other student had thought of doing. Lucky for her she was inventive from her parents, or she might have faced the fate of those who had failed.. or simply passed like normal students. She was receiving praise directly from Mrs. Raikage herself. A little fangirl squealed in her head at that thought, one she then silenced with cake then maintained a friendly, cordial demeanor while speaking.

Perhaps it was her devout concentration to the exam at hand, despite already passing it, but she thought she saw Akihana's eyes drift into thought, and she fought a slight blush back. Thankfully, Kirin was very soon being lectured on the principles of the creed she had just given. She couldn't do much more than nod as Akihana spoke, trying not to be rude. But all of what she was saying were scenarios that Kirin had went over in her head upon the decision to join the academy, and she had come to terms. When it was finally her turn to speak, she replied quite calmly.

"Yes ma'am. As I said, I joined to make a difference as a shinobi. Even if it means choosing the lesser evil, or deciding the fates of the few versus the many, I feel much better empowered with the knowledge that I CAN choose, rather than cowering in my house, waiting for decisions to be made for me. I don't care about fame, but I want people to know me all the same, know me as a person who stands with her own skills and protects what she loves most."

Kirin let her fingers play lovingly across the sets of shurikens she had hand crafted and sharpened to a fine edge, her own thoughts drifting as she added to her previous statement in response to the question posed, "No one's perfect, Akihana, ma'am." She paused, trying to get used to not adding the formal title, "But the point of failing is to learn from it, and try again. So yeah.. I'm more then capable of accepting my failures, of accepting the burden of loss. But for every loss I suffer, I'll be able to save the next one twice as efficiently. It's one part of my nindo."

Snapped back to reality, Kirin summed up her thoughts with a smile, a genuine one, and said, "What should I do now, ma'am? I suppose, if the rumors are true, I'll be carrying groceries for the elderly for a while." Her own attempt at humor. "But if it leads to more important tasks, I'm prepared to do what I must for the village and its people."
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:14 pm
Once again, Kirin had Akihana's undivided attention as she spoke, clarifying that she wanted to make a difference no matter how small or big. The blonde let her continue to explain, getting a good amount of insight into the newly appointed Kumo kunoichi. As she grew up, she would learn to guard her ideologies better, learn not to trust everyone with her inner most thoughts but right now, the medic was glad Kirin had yet to truly learn that. It meant she was being completely earnest in the things she did say.

"I truly hope you do learn from failures, but more importantly I hope you find the strength to get up again after them," the blonde spoke quietly once the younger female was finished. "And here is where I'd probably give you the most important bit of advice I can possibly give," she continued, looking at the girl seriously. "Make friends, kirinai. I know not many go down that path but those who do never regret it. Make more friends than enemies because that's what helps you get up when you get knocked down." Akihana spoke through experience, not simply a generic philosophy targeted at all new students.

"Often times we get lost in competition, in proving to the world and ourselves how much we're worth and we forget to make friends, to form relationships that matter. Most shinobi see these ties as weak but these can be your greatest strength in my personal view."

When questioned about eh kind of missions she would receive, the blonde lapsed into silence for a moment, looking the young girl over. The beginning o an iea was already formulated ine rh mind but it required Kirin's contemplation and agreement if it were to be put into action.

"Well, that depends on you," Akihana answered carefully, measuring each word as she spoke it. "Most early missions are designed to be easy, to earn you an income you can live on and to give you a sense of accomplishment and pride in what you do. It's a good system and it works. When you start out helping children and the elderly, it instills in you your values as a shinobi and it gets you praise. No one who's helped rescue a child will be seen as anything less than a hero for a bit, that kind of thing really encourages young ninja to make progress."

Meeting the girl's gaze straight on she added. "But not only smiling children and kindly old people need help. Everyone needs some form of assistance, whether it is glorified or not. Some of us work with the people society has completely given up on, people who don't necessarily even want our help... And if you'd find more meaning in that kind of work, then I may have a suggestion for you." The offer lay between the two kunoichi, hesitantly extended by the elder and being contemplated by the younger.

"Mind you, there will be very little glory in it, certainly nothing that would feature you in a newspaper. But it is shinobi work nonetheless, the truest form of shinobi work."
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 9:59 pm
Everything Akihana was saying made sense, even to her with little experience of the shinobi world. It was so different looking on the civilian side of things compared to the honed senses and knowledge granted to a ninja. And it was a job as well as a life obligation. You were signing your existence to the duty of being a trained killer, in essence, and it was more than a physical commitment. A lot of people lacked the mental aptitude to make such a decision, or lack the psychological foundation to deal with the consequences.

In particular, she had nothing to say back to the notion of friends. She wasn't against the idea, but she was not in practice for it. Even the academy students here gave her a bit of space, because she was half a decade above most of them. It was simply something she would have to get used to, no matter what she did.

But as much as she could be, Kirinai was ready for the trials, or at least ready to try. And Akihana was answering her every question, which was all she could ask for. But when the topic came around to missions, Kirin was surprised at not immediately being told what she had learned in the academy. Usually, she assumed she'd be assigned to a team and given very low ranked missions. But it seemed Lady Akihana had another idea. Was it because she showed proficiency in her academy techniques? Or perhaps her age? Aki had just made a point of explaining the importance of the lower ranked missions, so it must be a special circumstance.

"As I said, I don't care to be famous, but if I'm known for anything, it's to protect what I love at any cost." she repeated, nodding, "That said, I'd be happy to hear you out, ma'am. I'm ready to start earning my title."
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Rising Star [Genin Exam] Empty Re: Rising Star [Genin Exam]

Mon Oct 24, 2016 4:03 pm
The blonde was glad that Kirin hadn't rushed to agree to whatever Akihana had to offer without even considering it first. Most newly promoted genin were eager to please, afraid to ask for clarification and mostly too naive to think here was a situation they couldn't handle. This girl was clearly different. Her age and what she had seen her village go through no doubt had opened her mind more to the vast realities of the world. She would do well as a shinobi.

"I'm currently working on the prison reform project," she explained, reaching for a file that was little used but still present in one of the drawers of her desk. The only reason she insisted on the file being kept there was because most new shinobi did not always know to get information from the missions counter and often gravitated back to the only place where information was provided for them up until that point - the academy. Handing the folder to Kirinai she continued.

"As I'm sure you've at least heard, the Kumogakure prisons were full of men and women deemed traitors, those even unfit for the lowest district. I'm happy to report that over half the inmates have been either pardoned or served their sentence in full and been released." That being said, the smile on ehr face softened into neutrality, a hint of concern in her golden eyes. "However there are still many prisoners who either want help or can't see that they need it. Conditions in there are as you'd expect any prison to be and the staff... well, they had up until now been given a bit of free reign. In particular, one executioner felt it was his duty to tear his victims limb from limb." The kunoichi shuddered at the memory of Taios and his indifference in the face of those he killed.

"We need good administration there, someone who will not see prisoners as more meat for the grinder, someone who will not only look out for them but advise them on ways to apply for parole, counsel them on matters pertaining tp life in prison and generally treat them with the respect they deserve. Some dont't even realize they are eligible for pleas and we don't have enough people wanting to volunteer to inform them. If you'd like, I can speak to the advisory board on which I too have a seat and we can take you on as an intern."
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