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Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:51 am
Senshi looked relatively annoyed as he moved through the city towards one of the merchant shops, he could not believe that his favorite clothing had been ruined. Due to the amount of training he had been conducting, the missions, especially that last mission, and his recent growth spurts his mother had told him, in no uncertain terms, that she was trashing his favorite brown pants and black vest. They could just not hold on any longer due to general wear and tear of his profession, and the blood stains. Especially the bloods stains. Senshi could vividly recall his mother’s horrified gasps, and his father and brothers slightly scared and slightly proud expressions when he had walked through the door after his last missions. He really hadn’t meant to kill the man, but things happened. Senshi really wished he could talk to his Jounin Commander, or just someone in general about it, yet had not found the time recently to do so. Shaking the thoughts off him continued on his way.
Fukishima-san had offered him the use of his stores and a decent enough discount that he didn’t feel bad splurging a little on the higher end clothing. Plus his parents had agreed to give him some extra money, saying that he was only ten and though he was making his own money now they were still partially responsible for him. Senshi was just happy that his black cloak hadn’t been ruined in all the messiness. Then again he only wore it when he needed stealth or when it was a particularly cold day. Shaking his thoughts off Senshi finally arrived at the store entering it with his mind singularly focused on collecting his new clothing and getting back out to the training fields. He wanted to develop the skill he had thought of and the only way to do that was to get back to training. Once inside Senshi moved to the pants clothing rack, ignoring the greeting words of the cashier.
He was currently wearing a dull gray cotton t-shirt, with a pair of black pants, and his usual shinobi sandals and gear strapped in at places. The shirt and pants were extraordinarily baggy on him due to the fact that they were his older brothers and he was merely borrowing them for the day. Once Senshi had found a pair of black pants in his size, with a bit of growing in mind he picked out ten pairs. Best to be prepared so he wouldn’t have to do this again. He noted that the pants were heavier than his old pants, definitely meant to be worn while doing strenuous stuff, but wouldn’t afford him any extra protection really. He just wouldn’t have to worry about them getting destroyed as quickly. He moved to a rack that had several vests on it. His wire mesh shirts were all still good to go so he just needed a new vest to wear. He was briefly distracted by the long sleeve shirts, with winter coming in he would definitely need a few of those. Grabbing 5 black long sleeve shirts to wear over his wire mesh shirts, but under his vest he quickly added them to his growing pile before moving back to the vests.
Looking through them he was tempted by the darker colors but know wearing his cloak or just removing the vest would allow him to be completely stealthy. He decided that just for once he would pick something in his favorite colors, not that he would ever admit it to anyone. He didn’t want to seem like he was completely ignoring shinobi decorum so instead he grabbed a vest that was primarily black but had the dark orange that was his favorite color as stitching in it. It also had two metal plates near the collar bones that were of the same dark orange, and a place right over the heart where he could place his forehead protector instead. With the thought of all the blood and how quickly the thief had died he found this to be a particular good idea. He didn’t want to end up like that thief, it was a frightening thought to the boy. The vest also had his favorite color of blue along the left side by his hip and up over his abdomen and carrying around to cover half the back and part of the left shoulder. Senshi was quite pleased with the vest and proceeded to grab all twelve the store had, four were too large for him but he was sure he could grow into them. As he was walking towards the changing rooms he noted some wrist braces that were the same color blue with black ridges on them.
Smiling he grabbed all the pairs of those that they had as well, for once he wouldn’t look so dull and this brought a smile to his face. He would of course be lying to his parents and anyone at all that asked and inform them that this was the best they had in stock at the time. He couldn’t let people know that he liked such bright colors, it just wasn’t becoming of a shinobi. He shuddered to think what his monochromatic black wearing Jounin would say if he ever knew. Reizo of course would probably love the fact that he, Senshi, was not so dull. Senshi was unsure what his youngest teammate would think but decided not to dwell on it too much as reached the changing room and quickly changed. Taking his headband off his head and popping it free of the cloth he inserted it into the vest he had chosen to wear proud of how it looked. He took the cloth from his headband and wove it around his left fist until it was tied up around his hand looking like a hand wrap bandage. He slid on his new wrist/partial forearm guards with a smile before placing his black shinobi sandals back on.

It wasn’t quite cold enough to warrant the long sleeve shirts and it would let him go out showing off his recent musculature from all the training. He knew he looked more like a thirteen or fourteen year old than his meager ten years but he was proud of the fact. Moving from the changing room he approached the cashier, explaining who he was and was pleased to note that all the money he had received from his parents would cover the change in clothing. That was certainly a relief to the young boy as he exited the shop, a onetime use summoning scroll in his pouch. He needed to look into learning to create those they would make his eventual long term missions much easier.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Some Serious Threads Empty Re: Some Serious Threads

Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:42 am
With the village's influx of Genin came the usual spurge in new missions which were good for the village economy but also warranted a closer look by the mission council directly responsible for reporting irregularities to the elder's coalition. Akihana had the joy and responsibility of being a member of both committees. These days, the blonde worked on as many projects as she could fit into her schedule, rising well before dawn so she could maintain a house her persistent nature refused to give up on until it became a home and then spending the rest of the day at the academy, the hospital, her own offices in the Raikage building, in various meeting and when free of all that, simply walking among the citizen of Kumogaure, hearing their stories and helping them where she could.

The report of the D rank gone awry had landed on her desk the day it had happened, the case important enough to be brought to her directly. A genin had killed a petty thief and though the mission was a success, it was the kind of success that came at a personal cost to the medic. As it was, reprimanding the ninja took a back seat to the well being of the thief whom she had tracked down and attempted to revive. It seemed she was too late though so the First Lady had done what she could to console the family of the thief, a group too terrified to be aggrieved under the new regime because they suspected their grief would mark them as traitors.

Akihana had spent some time with them, expressed condolences for their loss and assured them they were not gong to be victimized further. And when that was dealt with, she had returned to the business of tracking down the Genin she herself had passed. Perhaps that was a decision that needed rescinding? If he couldn't tell under which circumstances to use deadly force, he probably wasn't ready for the shinobi forces.

And still, Akihana simply didn't want to summon him to her office and deliver his fate to him. Despite everything, he was a kid and before delivering any form of punishment, the blonde owed it to him, herself and Kumo to at least try to understand what he had done. So instead of a traditional summon, the Kunoichi had decided to stage an encounter on neutral grounds, namely outside a moderately upscale clothing store she was only familiar with because her seamstress sometimes recommended clothes from there. Today, the young woman waited outside the store for the boy to finish his shopping, encased safely in her snow white cloak over a badge knee length dress. The cloak stood out amidst the drab surroundings, a beacon of resilience despite the times. She had been told that wearing white was always impractical in Kumo but Akihana had been resolute and white she wore.

It it could survive against the taint of the village, so could it's people.

As the young ninja exited the store, Akihana called out politely. "Excuse me, do you think I could infringe on a few minutes of your time?"
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Fri Nov 18, 2016 2:36 pm
It was undoubtedly a good thing that Senshi had no idea what his superiors were thinking concerning his blunder with the Art Thief. It would not have been good for his emotions or stress levels. Just the idea of thinking that he could have possibly failed a D rank mission would have sent him into a neurotic fit. If he knew that anyone was considering revoking his Ninja License and sending him back to academy student days he would strongly consider committing Seppuku to restore the honor of his clan in the village’s eyes. He wouldn’t have much choice considering how his father would react, and to think he had just managed to get his own mother to praise him for doing good on the E rank mission he had conducted not long ago. He would have felt great shame even considering that he would see disappoint for him, her favorite son in her eyes.
So, yes, it was a good thing that Senshi didn’t know the thoughts of the First Lady. If she had summoned him to her officer, he would have undoubtedly also entered into a neurotic fit, the utter horror of him being a Genin and walking into the First Lady of Kumogakures office would have been terrifying. He undoubtedly would have spent several hours preparing ensuring he looked as good as possible and that nothing could be found at fault for his appearance. Instead of enacting any of those horrible scenarios on the poor, overly tall, ten year she had instead decided to surprise him. No time to consider the consequences of anything he could have done just a figure oddly dressed in white speaking to him, TO HIM, respectfully. He turned to face the figure he had dismissed, mainly because really who wore white in Kumogakure. Not that he really had room to talk with the bright orange and teal vest he now sported.
Before he could consider replying, his mind finally caught up to what his eyes were showing him. This wasn’t just any figure dressed in white, this was effectively royalty of his village. His semi-relaxed posture suddenly snapped to a very formal stiff attention. His right hand balled into a fist smashed into his left collarbone with enough strength to cause him to gasp slightly as it hit the bruise that was hidden beneath the vest. He gave her a half bow, not as deep as he would give to Raikage-sama, but far more than he gave even his father. “My time is yours to command Akihana-sama, you need not ask only tell me what you require and I shall endeavor to complete it to the best of my meager abilities.” He held his half bow and salute until she would give him leave to relax to standing at attention for her. His dark green and brown mixed eyes would never meet hers as he either kept them pointed to the ground or an inch or two above her head. He was nervous, his mind was running too fast for him to really follow what was going on with it.

The main point of thought that kept coming up however was one simple question; what could she want with a lowly Genin like him. He hadn’t even done all that much for the village yet and he was terrified that maybe something was wrong with some of his reports. Maybe he had failed a mission, maybe he had failed his village. Despite his thoughts running through his head, and the undoubtedly large amount of dread at the thought of failure that ran through his eyes he smashed them all back down forcing himself to produce the best politely attentive expression he could. He had no doubt she had noticed his lapse in emotional control and a brief amount of fear welled up that she would say something to his family or even punish her himself. He still wasn’t healed fully from the last session he had conducted with his fathers and brothers to ensure he could maintain control at all times.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

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Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:44 pm
It was easy to see how deeply formality was steeped into his upbringing, Akihana had noticed a similar issue when she had first met him upon his Genin exam. Back then she had asked him to call her simply by her name but perhaps he was too stuck in his habit. Regardless, the blonde offered him a warm smile. "If you don't mind..." she began, reaching over to him where he stood still in a salute. The small gesture of pain hadn't gotten unnoticed to her trained eyes and no matter what the situation, he was still a child in pain. Reaching out a slim, pale hand, Akihana made sure to not make any sudden moves so as to not scare the child.

Fingers glowing green with medical chakra, the blonde brushed her hand slightly to his collarbone, transferring the healing energy to the young man. It seemed he hadn't been to a proper medic after his many missions, that or he had received more injuries after. Both ideas sat equally uncomfortably with the kunoichi. A few seconds of concentration and Senshi would began to feel the bruise fade, a calm spreading through his shoulder taking away any aches and pains.

"There we go," she spoke softly, withdrawing her hand to her side. "I hope that helps," she added in lieu of telling him to relax his posture. Her hand disappeared underneath her snow white cloak once more as her golden eyes appraised the child. He looked well enough but looks could be deceiving, Akihana knew better than most people.

"I was actually on my way to do some groceries," she began, contemplating the Genin with a thoughtful look. "The Raikage has a bit of a sweet tooth I'm afraid, and I've been meaning to bake for a few days now, just never found the time. I wonder, would you like to assist me if you don't have any other plans?"

Should the boy agree, Akihana would fall into step beside him, her steps dainty and her face settled in a calm, happy expression. Together, the two would walk towards one of the larger grocery store chains located in the next block. "Senshi right, if memory serves?" she asked politely just in case. "What have you been up to these days? I hope becoming a Ninja is living up to your expectations."
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Tue Nov 22, 2016 4:27 pm
Really, he could never imagine calling someone of such importance by their first name. The very thought would bring shivers of terror through his very being. As her hand reached out to him he flinched, he hadn’t meant to and his father would be terribly disappointed in him for it but, he was too used to a hand coming at him in anger to prevent it. He always flinched initially before settling back into his usual stoic posture. He hardened his eyes and felt his muscles tense but then the sudden flow of healing chakra registered to him. He let loose a slight gasp of surprise, why was she healing him. Confusion flash across his face before he clamped down on his emotions giving her an odd look before managing to become blank faced again. He really need to revisit some emotional control training if he was giving so much away.
Senshi’s body hid many a bruise from the regular toughness training, as his father liked to call it, that he went through. Though the majority of the bruises were hid by his clothes a simple diagnostic jutsu would quickly reveal them. Senshi didn’t find a problem with this training as he felt that it would improve him so that he could better serve the village his life had been dedicated to. He needed to be serious about his training or he’d end up like his uncle. A disgrace of a shinobi, a disgrace to his family, and a disgrace to his village. “Thank you, Akihana-sama. I apologize that you had to waste chakra on such a simple thing. I shall endeavor to better hide such things so as not to cause a fuss.” It took every ounce of his control not to allow his jaw to drop in utter surprise.
Raikage-sama had a sweet tooth. The big, bad, utterly terrifying Raikage. A sweet tooth. Senshi’s brain short circuited for a minute at her words. He just couldn’t comprehend what she had said. With a sudden kick to his system he rebooted his mental faculties wiping the surprise clear from his face. He was really lacking today in his control. He made a mental note to prioritize training to fix the issue. “Of course Akihana-sama, I live to serve, any assistance I could give I will gladly do.” He paused a slightly pained expression on his face, “However I don’t know how to cook.” Shame and embarrassment flashed across his young features and his face colored red slightly. He had never known cooking, let alone baking, would be something he should know. He would need to study up on that as well, he couldn’t afford to be lacking in anything.
As they stepped off, Senshi naturally slowed his pace so he was walking a respectful half step behind her and to the left. The position of honor was always to the right and he ensured that she was on his right side. He probably looked more like a hovering body guard as his eyes scanned the street and he let loose a light pulse of chakra to check the area. He was briefly surprised by the overwhelming feel of Akihana-sama’s chakra. It felt like his insides were burning, but at the same time he felt the same comfortable crackle of lightning that made the hair on his arms stand on edge. There was a sudden rush of soothing feeling that he didn’t know how to describe. Maybe it was her medical capabilities? He wasn’t sure in either scenario but he did know she currently blinded his chakra sensing abilities with how much she had. He would need to adjust before he could sense anything beyond her and that was a liability.
His posture tensed more as his eyes roved the streets, she might not need protecting from someone like him but his mother had pounded into his head that a young man should always take up such a station when in the presence of someone so far above him. It was only respectful after all. He inclined his head partially at her words, “Yes, ma’am, Kobayashi Senshi. Becoming a shinobi has been my deepest desire, Akihana-sama. The chance to serve my village and support it in any way I can is my life’s goal.” He paused, she had asked but he was really unsure if he should add more. She couldn’t really be interested in what he had been doing since graduating. He was already surprised enough that she had remembered his name. Choosing to be polite he continued speaking, “I’ve spent a considerable amount of time training and doing as many E and D rank missions as I can to assist the village. There’s a lot of problems in the poorer sectors that need help and as a shinobi it is my duty to assist in any way possible.”

His eyes roved the streets as he let loose another pulse of chakra focusing on trying to become accustomed enough to hers to see beyond it. “If I may be so bold Akihana-sama, may I ask what sorts of things someone can bake?” He was wholly unaccustomed to sweet things, it wasn’t that he disliked them simply that his family had raised him to stick to a very strict healthy diet. He could count on one hand the amount of times he had consumed something unhealthy like Dango.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

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Tue Nov 22, 2016 5:54 pm
The Kunoichi's smile lapsed slightly as the child apologized for being healed. Taking him in fully, the young woman gave him her undivided attention as she spoke next. "Healing someone is raven a waste, Senshi-kun," she spoke clearly, her golden eyes on his tall frame and a certain gravity to her words. "Never underestimate how far kindness can get you. I would implore you to never hide your wands in future but to seek treatment for them. How else would you function optimally as a ninja of the cloud? There are no prizes for suffering in secret, young man."

With that said, she began to walk and naturally, the boy fell a half step behind her and to the left. He walked just as her own personal guard did when visible. In another time and place, Kobayoshi Senshi might have made a good Queensguard but she wasn't a Queen, never had been and likely never would be. For now, she preferred to think of them as just two ninja walking to the store to pick up some baking supplies.

The blonde nodded as he spoke of the poorer sections of teh city. Akihana herself spent considerable time in those districts, talking to the unhealthy, the poor, the unkempt and the criminals. This would be a good opportunity to gain is views on the dregs of Kumo's society. "And how do you find your work with these people? Have you managed to make up your mind on how they can best be helped?" She herself was running several reform projects but it didn't feel right to tell the Genin about them just yet. Akihana always worked as discretely as she could not just out of secrecy but because the medic truly believed that duty without fanfare was the most honest form of service.

"Knowledge of cooking is not necessary," the First Lady assured Senshi, making her way towards the store just around the corner. Shifting slightly to tuck any stray locks of gold politely behind her ear, the kunoichi moved to hold the door open for the child, waiting for him to enter with a bright smile on her face. It was only right to return his courteous behavior in kind. "I'm sure you'll learn very quickly, I have complete faith in your ability."

Once they entered, she would greet the middle aged man at the counter politely by name, a habit too old to shed now. Akihana was on a first name basis with almost everyone she met and she didn't see that changing anytime soon. Once the greetings were done, she turned to the young man. "Have you never had cake? or cookies? Or pies? All these things are baked. And if you've yet to try them than we must remedy that instantly. Shall we go get some flour?"
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:22 pm
Senshi blushed at her words dipping his head slightly in embarrassment, though it was a gentle rebuke it was still a reprimand. He felt he should have known this, and it shamed him to think that he wasn’t doing right by his village. He gave a quick, choppy nod before responding, “Yes Ma’am. I wouldn’t want to dishonor the village with a poor performance, I shall ensure I get such things treated in a timely manner.” Senshi fidgeted nervously at the level of attention he was generating from her, he was wholly unused to anyone paying this much notice to him. When they finally began walking a slight sigh of relief exited his lips before he straightened back up. He couldn’t show weakness, it was frowned upon. Especially here.
Senshi’s aspirations of one day being in ANBU was quite possibly a part of his guard like behavior. Though ANBU should neither be seen nor heard, there were times when he knew they would pull duties like this. Needing to walk in the open with their charge would deter threats almost as well as hiding in the shadows. Senshi preferred to think of this as a mission in escorting the First Lady of his village, anything less would make it seem to him as a frivolous activity. There was training to be gained from everything after all.
At her words the young boy cocked his head to the side slightly in thought. His mind was drawn to the mission where he had assisted a family in not only repairing a hole in their house but in bringing them some worn clothes his family hadn’t needed any more. He gave a slight shrug of helplessness before responding. “I think we need a better way to gainfully employ them, ma’am. They live in poverty because of a lack of useful work for them to do. Employing them effectively would cut down on crime and the risk of spies infiltrating.” He paused wondering if he should continue, but she had been so kind and seemed genuinely interested in his response that he saw this as an opportunity to possibly assist the family he had seen.
“It would also help them fix their homes, and buy better clothes for the winter. Many of the homes are in a dangerous state of disrepair. I noted it in a mission report for one of my E ranks, there was a home with an old man and young girl. They will have difficulty surviving the winter if we can’t find a way to ensure that district is improved. Their whole neighborhood will.” He flushed slightly in embarrassment before continuing on, “I regretfully admit I couldn’t get enough wood to repair more than their house.” He hoped she didn’t hold the failure against him. He was a shinobi of Kumogakure, its citizens were his honor to protect. Not being able to assist them properly was an indignity he had not expected to suffer so soon.
He mentally kicked himself as he realized he could have gone to the forests to collect more wood, and possibly gotten a friend of his fathers to shape the logs appropriately for use. He would need to make a mental note of this for the future. Senshi flushed as she reached the door before him, he should have been faster. It was unbecoming to allow a lady, especially one of her standing to hold a door for him. He stepped in quickly forming the ram seal he concentrated his chakra and used the S/T technique Mass shift to hold the door for her as she entered the shop only allowing his chakra flow to stop once she was safely ensconced in the shops walls. “I hope I perform to your standards Akihana-sama.” His eyes roamed the shop, lingering on the shop keeper briefly to assess him for threats.

He noted the familiarity and kind way she dealt with him, it led him to believe that this was who she truly was. Maybe she wasn’t just being kind to him randomly? He shook his head in the negative to her words before respond, his voice halting and low as he shyly responded. “No ma’am. It has been my focus to be a capable shinobi of the cloud since I was born as such my family strictly frowned upon my having sweets or fatty foods in my diet. I did once have…” he paused trying to remember the name of the confection he had eaten, “I think it was a cup cake?” His head tilted to the side in confusion for a moment before he shook it off. “It was my sister’s birthday, I was six and she insisted everyone try her creation.” This last bit was said in a whisper as though he was trying to remember fully. He wasn’t even fully aware of the fact that he’d spoken it aloud.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Some Serious Threads Empty Re: Some Serious Threads

Wed Nov 23, 2016 4:33 pm
The blonde listened carefully, not simply to humor the young shinobi but also because she found his ideas genuinely helpful. Reforms of the Kumogakure prison and the first district were among her top priorities and she would pay great attention to anyone willing to help her with that endevour. At the notion of them being gainfully employed, she nodded in agreement. Her team had reached a similar projected outcome if they were to become contributing members of society. It wasn't enough to simply turn their loyalties, they also had to contribute to the current Kage's regime to be labelled as functioning members of the Cloud.

Akihana was just having trouble with how that could be given that reinvents of what Kumo had been six months ago still existed, like the executioner she was working so hard to relieve from his position.

"I'll take that under advisement," she added when he spoke of the coming winter and how it would be hardest for the poor. She was already working on distributing extra blankets and bedding to the shelters and orphanages in the village but it looked like those were not the only places in need. perhaps... if she could get a hold of Denkiteki. The thought of the Hoshikage made her smile fondly fro a moment before she stepped in through the door of the shop.

The ideas on which Senshi was raised did not compute with Akihana. She herself was raised to be a ninja yet had not been deprived of sweets regardless of other depravities.. But then again, her parents could hardly say no when it was her honoured grandfather who brought her ice cream and dango. Akihana had never viewed her own childhood as unfortunate but now she could see it was really a more comfortable upbringing than most people received. "A little sugar is good for one's system, medically speaking," she explained as they made their way to the baking section. "There is absolutely no need to deprive growing shinobi of all food groups, especially sweets. I have a son myself and though he's naturally averse to overly sweet things, even he eats a slice of pie every now and then."

Moving over to pick up an overly large bag of special flour, Akihana handed it to the boy with an apologetic glance. Should he accept the bag, she would move forwards. "I was thinking of chocolate chip cookies but since you haven't had much experience with baked goods, let's make a cake too. What flavor do you think you'd like?" Waiting for his answer, the kunoichi moved to gather the rest of the ingredients, butter, chocolate chips, pecans, icing, food dyes and shortening.

A quick trip around the section ensured she had everything she would need, the last bit being the eggs which she encouraged Senshi to handle gently as she passed the tray to him. He may not have known much about baking but she hadn't been wrong in his ability to learn, so far he seemed to be keeping up well with whatever she requested of him.
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Some Serious Threads Empty Re: Some Serious Threads

Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:15 pm
Senshi was unused to people listening to him so intently, yet he managed to speak without stuttering. That D rank mission to help at the academy, and training with Reizo were undoubtedly to thank for this. If she had asked him for his thoughts on how to gainfully employ those people he would have tentatively offered the idea of sending them to the training grounds to gather wood, or even to the mountains with a small shinobi escort to do the same. Then they could employ a local carpenter to teach the people how to form the wood to their needs, after that the people could be put to work rebuilding their own houses. With a few people watching over to ensure things were done properly it would keep the people busy and make them feel as though they were helping themselves as well. To help alleviate cold he could figure that fuuinjutsu seals, charged with fire type chakra could be added to building to build a natural warmth. He wasn't skilled enough in fuuinjutsu for such a thing, especially since he was not a fire type but he knew if he worked with someone who did have a fire affinity and after he made Chuunin and could begin specializing in something else could probably learn how to do it. 
The difference in their upbringing might stem mostly from the fact that neither of Senshi’s parents were warriors. Either shinobi or samurai and they did not know what was acceptable. Instead that had based their parenting of the boy based off stories of old samurai that his mother’s family had passed down. With the influence of his Uncle, before he had died, contributing to the image they had already held they had maintained a very strict atmosphere with their youngest. In contrast however his older siblings were treated with great leniency. Senshi didn’t see this as favoritism or anything negative, he merely believed that the strict life style was necessary. He, unlike his siblings, was entering into a dangerous profession that could end in his untimely death if he wasn’t prepared.
“May I ask how sugar benefits the system, Akihana-sama?” The boy was largely curious to this, he thought maybe it had to do with a momentary energy boost. But then he had read a few nutrition books, just to be well rounded and knew that sugar for the most part was bad. In that it could be absorbed into the system and easily transferred into ‘bad’ fat. Fat was a necessary component of a human body, yet bad fats would compromise his system. “Pie? That is the mushy thing right, Akihana-sama?” He was sure he had seen pies before, his sister and mother were very fond of an apple dish they made for desert regularly. He hadn’t tried it but did recall that it had smelled rather nice, of cinnamon and baked apples.
As she grabbed the bag of flour and offered it to him he was quick to accept it, looking at it curiously. He had seen these bags at his mother’s house but had rarely watched her use it except in the baking of bread and the few sweet dishes she did make. Shrugging the thoughts away, knowing that he was not going to understand how these things were used just yet he continued to accept any items she would grab. “UHm…” His voice trailed off as he tried to remember the cupcake confection his sister had made. He remembered enjoying it, but it hadn’t seemed very important to remember at the time. He figured a cup cake may just be a cup sized version of a cake and so it should apply. “I think my sister made a red something, it was pleasant to taste. It was a name for upholstery that came after the red part.” He flushed as he stumbled through his words, feeling inadequate for not knowing how to answer such a basic question.

“I apologize Akihana-sama, I can’t recall the name of it.” As she offered him the eggs, encouraging him to be gentle with them he took them with a look of slight fear on his face. This would be like holding a baby he surmised. His mother and sister had been talking once about his sisters duties as a maid and caretaker to a wealthy merchant family. He had overheard how one was supposed to hold a baby and he shifted the items in his hands so that he held most in his left, while his dominant right hand cradled the eggs carefully. He surged his chakra so that in the event he tripped or needed to he could quickly use Mass Shift to catch the eggs and prevent them from being destroyed. He kept glancing at the eggs cautiously to ensure they were okay. The items he was holding were light compared to the bundles of iron or steel he transported for his father. He may have been learning quickly, but that was probably due to how much he personally enjoyed intellectual pursuits. It had conditioned him to listen closely when someone was teaching him something. His joy of learning was only outstripped by the enjoyment he derived from performing well and receiving praise for it.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ryo : 223500

Some Serious Threads Empty Re: Some Serious Threads

Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:19 pm
It was endearing to see is conundrum over sweets and baked goods, but more than that it was enlightening. The time they had walked and shopped together had proven at least one thing to the blonde, however his mission had ended, Senshi did not intend it that way. He seemed a kind individual even if one bound to his family and duty. He could have been Akihana at age six, eight, ten and twelve, even fifteen, wanting to do his own thing but so burdened by the duties attached to him by his family and village, afraid that disappointing one would mean disappointing the world.

Perhaps if that little girl hadn't been so restrained, she wouldn't have been so easy to trick. But the greatest lie of her life had also led to her greatest joy so who was she to begrudge fate the betrayal. This boy though, he was not her, he could still find happiness without the hardships that led to it.

"Alright," she agreed, answering none of his questions as she presented a signature to the cashier. He would know where to send the bill. Thanking the man, she and the Genin walked out the store, his arms full of baking supplies and hers firmly beneath her pure white cloak once more. "I'll answer all your questions if you answer one of mine. What happened in your last D rank mission, i believe a thief was involved."

Her tone remained gentle and her golden gaze understanding as they walked outside, however, the weather had chilled slightly. There was no judgement in Akihana, no, if the boy was as kind as she hoped he was, he would have judged himself plenty already, he didn't need it from her too.
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