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Hikari Namikaze
Hikari Namikaze
Stat Page : Hikari no Tenshi
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 276150

A day shadowing a queen's man Empty A day shadowing a queen's man

Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:35 am

“Ugh! Why is it so hot out here?!” Hikari Namikaze would ask out loud as she was stumbling around in the heat of the day. It had to be over 100 degrees outside right now! The young maiden would be wearing her tight white combat dress. She would have her stockings covering the majority of her exposed legs and wearing fingerless gloves that wend up to her shoulder. So the clothes that she was wearing wasn’t horrible for this weather, but it was still incredibly hot! The Gennin was carrying a huge create of water on her own, she was told by the queen’s men that they needed water at the front, and as the ‘intern’ as they called her, it was her job to get the water. So, the sixteen year old girl had to go grab the water cooler from the front gate, lug it all the way to the lake by herself, fill it with water by herself, and then carry it all the way to the village entrance by herself (Serriously, the guards were like, in their mid to late twenty’s, they shouldn’t be making a small girl like Hikari carry this by herself!) After carrying it (For what felt like hours) She arrived back to the village entrance. There, stood a squad of 5 guards, all of them on examining travelers attempting to enter the city. Hikari would lug the massive container into the guard station and look out at the queensmen that were checking people out. In the middle of them was a huge man, the captain of the guard, Ivel. He stood at over a foot taller than Hikari and had two longswords on his back. He had blonde hair, had to weigh over 200 pounds, looked around thirty, and had his long hair pulled back into a pony tail. This was the man that Hikari was supposed to shadow, and find out how queen’s men do their job.

Usually, this would be quite enjoyable for the curious Hikari, but all she was doing was the same thing she did on her last mission, just guarding the front of the village. On top of that, she wasn’t even really allowed to talk to the people this time! She was just there to ‘observe’ (Unless someone needed more water, in which case, Hikari was your girl.)

Hikari would continue to watch the soilder’s carefully, it was her mission today to understand what the job of the average queen’s man was, but Hikari felt like she wasn’t really gaining anything by siting around and watching them. With all honstey, she kind of hoped that something would happen that would make things more interesting…….
It was at that point that a few people would appear in the distance running toward the village, they looked like travelers, but with a few open wounds, and they were running toward the city. They seemed hurt and this caught the genin’s attention.

Hikari would call over to Ivel, “Captain! Over there, do you see that?” And would point over toward where the travelers are coming from.

The guard captain would look over toward the men and sigh before calling over one of his men and Hikari and went over to meet them. As they approached, Hikari would notice that the men were exhausted as if they had been running for some time. As they approached, 4 of the five men running would pass the group of three people as if they didn’t exist. The fifth one would come to them and would hunch over, gasping for air.

“What is the meaning of your running, traveler?” Ivel would demand.

“B… B….. Bandits!” The man would gasp out. “Bunch of them, ambushed our caravan on the way here. There were a lot of them. We hired guards…. But they were surprised! Last we checked the battle was still going on…. Just, God help us!”

Ivel would look the man up and down, trying to determine if he was lying or not, but would decide to believe the man.

“Ok, we are going to help this caravan out and look for survivors. Smith, you’re with me, Namikaze, you go back and get renforcments.”

Hikari couldn’t believe what she was being told right now! She was combat ready! She should be on the front lines right now! At the same time though, part of her didn’t want to be on the front lines, but she figured she needed to learn how to be sooner or later. “No sir, this man can go back and get help, my mission is to shadow you, and if you are here fighting, then I need to be here, fighting.”

The man would get angry, but say “Fine! It isn’t my job to put up with the rants of some hormonal teenage girl! But if you die! It isn’t on me!”

Hikari and the two men would start to run towards the direction the group had come from.
After about 20 minutes of running, The group came upon a devastating scene, about 20 bodies were laying on the ground (Either dead or unconscious) Of various different people. Some were guards, some were bandits. There were 4 men still conscious, One of them a guard, three of them were bandits. The guard had a short sword raised, parring strikes from the 3 bandit’s scimitars, and he was obviously loosing and wasn’t going to last for long. Hikari, (Who had been running along with the men in order for them to keep up, but now, Hikari ran at her full 100 speed trying to reach her location in time. She would be getting close, but she could tell she wasn’t going to make it. With no choice, and adrenaline running through her veins, she attempted a jutsu which she hadn’t mastered yet, but was practicing working on for the last few days. The young teen would activate Wind Release: Wind Glaive and take a deep breath, Allowing the air to slip into her body and constantly relax the muscles, increasing her speed and possible chakra outflow.

With that, Namikaze would form the sign of the tiger and increase her speed to 130 getting in range, before using “Great fireball shower,” And shooting 20 2 meter large fireballs in the direction of the fight. As she sent them out, (Speed of 75 and power of 75) She would aim at above the heads of the combatants. And scream “We are stopping this fight! Now!”

Seeing this, the bandits would look over at Hikari and look at each other, before running off in fear.

As Hikari got to the site of the battle field, she would start to cast basic medical jutsu on the guards and bandits that were down.

Eventualy, The other two men would catch back up with her, as she was healing a bandit, and would draw their weapons, probably with the intention of finishing him off. But Would decide against it out of pure shock of what Hikari was doing.

“What are you doing? That is a hostile! Finish him!” Ivel would scream.

“No!” The naïve Hikari would say defiantly. “We need to save as many lives as possible! If you need a reason to, then think of it like this, there might be more bandit’s running in this group. If we bring them back, then we can integrate them, but we need them alive to do so! Start administering the first aid!”

The two men would look at each other, as if they wanted to come up with some sort of argument, but Hikari’s point of there being more bandits around was enough to convince them that they should stay alive for now.

The group would stabilize everyone they could, and when reinforcements arrived would start carrying people out toward the village.


Word count: 1366
500 Ryo,
1 AP
1 CD post with Village Leader

Wind Release: Wind Glaive (400+1366) 1766/4000
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

A day shadowing a queen's man Empty Re: A day shadowing a queen's man

Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:30 am

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