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Basic Ninjutsu Training Empty Basic Ninjutsu Training

Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:35 am
Han wakes up early in the morning and prepares for a productive day at school. He gets ready and leaves for class.        

"OK class. Today I will teach you basic ninjutsu. We'll start with the Rope Escape Technique. This basic ninjutsu is important for any situation that includes hostages or if you ever get tied up. If you cannot perform this technique, you will be an embarrassment to the village and to shinobi everywhere." He says with a serious look on his face. It seems like he is annoyed at teaching this technique. "We will be tying each of you up in a chakra infused rope that ca only be broken by this ninjutsu.You will not be able to use any hand seals and hand signs as your hands will be restrained. Try emitting or expelling your chakra into the rope to untie it. Good luck everyone." He says sternly. He walks up to each and every student and slowly ties the rope around the student's arms,hands and waist. He takes about ten minutes per student as he makes sure the rope is secured tightly and that the student cannot escape. He eventually makes it to Han.

"Are you ready? This technique should be easy for you. I expect you to do well, ok? Make me proud," He says with a grin. "Yes Sensei. I will try my best. I am a bit sore though, so I might mess up." He says scratching the back of his head. He can feel the rope grasping his hands tightly. It's chafing and it cuts deep into his skin. He focuses his mind and emits the chakra into the knot of the rope. It doesn't untie though. He tries to emit a little chakra through the entire rope but the chakra infused in the rope is stronger.Due to the failed attempt to break free of the rope, the grip of the rope tightens. Han winces in pain as it almost causes him to bleed. He focuses his chakra into its Wind Nature and makes it rush at high speed and sharpens it. He emits a much stronger chakra into the rope and the rope loosens and he is free. He rubs his hands and wrists and checks his rope burns. He winces as he touches them and decides not to mind them right now. However, due to the nature of the chakra he emitted into the rope, it gets cut into multiple fragments. (That's interesting.) He thinks as he walks up to his Sensei."Sensei, I mastered the jutsu, and I took it a little too far hehe." He says with a grin, ready to learn the next technique his Sensei will teach him. Han notices the other students' situation. Half of the class is still struggling with the rope and some are starting to bleed a little. Han goes over to help some of the students."Try to feel the amount of chakra inside the rope then try to overpower it. Be careful though, the rope gets tighter every time you fail." He says to his classmate next to him.He repeats this to almost all his classmates, receiving thanks and gratitude from each and every one of them. 

"Good, now the next jutsu will be the Substitution Jutsu. This Jutsu is a very important jutsu that can save your life on multiple accounts. I will be pairing you up again for combat training. The hand seals required are the Tiger followed by the Boar,then the Ox and the Dog, and finally, the Snake. This jutsu allows the user to replace his body with an object not more than ten meters away from them. Ninjas use this to escape from the opponent or to hide from the next strike." He says with a serious tone in his voice. "Remember, Tiger,Boar,Ox,Dog, then Snake." He walks up to Han. "Han, you will be partnered up with me. You have some real talent and can become a Gennin pretty soon. I'll try to teach you as much as I can before that." He says with an honest smile. "Alright, I'll attack you and I want you to defend yourself, but try to use the substitution jutsu." Han smiles and gets into his defensive stance. "Yes, Sensei. I will do my best. I won't fail you!" 

His hands move as fast as it can and do the Hand Seals Tiger,Boar,Ox,Dog,Snake and charges his chakra evenly throughout his body. Sensei dashes forward and starts punching and kicking Han with combinations of Taijutsu. However, after his combo, Han gets replaced with a chair. "Good, you managed to do it on your first try. Now, continue defending." He says with an approving nod and continues attacking his advanced student. Han takes a few hits over and over again.He starts to get a little bruising and winces at the pain. He quickly does the hand signs again and gets replaced with another chair. (How do I counter this barrage? Ok, let's try something new.) He charges his chakra and changes the nature into Wind Chakra. He does the hand signs and performs the Wind Release: Wind Arrow and prepares two arrows of pressurized wind chakra. He watches as the illusion of his body gets replaced by another chair and he waits for his Sensei to finish his combination. When his sensei finishes his combo, he pushes one of his Wind Arrows with a chakra pulse and prepares to push another one. He also uses the substitution Jutsu and manages to escape the Wind Arrows. "Did you learn that by yourself? Impressive. Wind Natured Chakra without even being a Gennin, let alone by yourself? You really surprised me. I believe you can be a great ninja. I'll use one more technique on you and use the Substitution Jutsu to escape it. Get it Han?" He says preparing himself. "Got it Sensei. I am ready for anything." He says ready to fight. They both perform the hand signs at the same time. This time he does the hand signs without thinking, it becomes easier and faster, almost second nature for him. He watches as his Sensei uses a wind ninjutsu. The jutsu seemingly makes him spit out multiple bursts of condensed air as he destroys the chair that replaced my form. "Woah. That's awesome Sensei! I'd like to learn that technique in the future!" He says excitedly. "I'm sure you will. Just be patient. Well, you mastered the substitution jutsu. Congratulations. Now, let's move on. I have one more jutsu to teach you today."  

"Since you finished ahead of the others, I'm gonna teach you one more technique. It's another defensive jutsu that can help you in a lot of situations. It's called the Genjutsu Release. This jutsu removes all Genjutsu or illusions from affecting you, but you need to realize that it is an illusion and keep calm. Remove all doubt or fear from your mind and focus your chakra and push it throughout your entire body to expel the effects of the Genjutsu. Now, I'll use a Genjutsu that starts off weak but over time gets stronger so try your best to escape as fast as you can." He says performing the Genjutsu. "Yes Sense-" He says as everything goes dark. He becomes nervous as he walks around with complete emptiness. "It's ok Han, its just an illusion. Ok you got this just charge your chakra and..." He says nervously. He charges his chakra evenly across his body and closes his eyes. When he opens them, he can't move. He is stuck in the position of the release Jutsu. (OH no, oh no! What do I do now? Wait, its just an illusion, just an illusion, it's ok, you got this.) " Release!... What? Why?" He says confused and scared. Things start to brighten and he thinks he is ok but he finds himself in the inside of a stomach. He wants to scream but he can't and he can feel the stomach acid burning his feet. The stomach acid starts rising and he feels an intense fear. He looks around frantically, searching for a way out. Then, it gets even worse. He starts to see his classmates falling out of the lining of the stomach and his eyes go wide. He can't protect them, he can't protect himself. Things are spiraling worse and worse as he hears the screams of his classmates and friends dying out slowly in front of his eyes. They start screaming his name and begging for help and he just can't do anything. He starts to scream, louder and louder in this seemingly eternal death trap. "NOOOOO! STOP IT,STOP IT!" Then, after what seems to be an eternity of this never ending nightmare, he looks down at his charm, and remembers his mother. He reds the charm and repeats it in his head. "Protect..." (Protect,protect,protect). He can feel his mother's presence. He calms down and clears his mind from fear and doubt as he feels the reassuring feeling of his mother. Together, they say "Release!" As he says this, he opens his eyes in his classroom. He sighs as the sweat fell down his face. "How long did I take." He says wiping the sweat off his brow. "It took you twenty minutes. We tried to snap you out of it but you wouldn't escape it. You were close to being trapped permanently. I'm glad you're safe but you should go home and rest. You should take the rest of the day off. Take it easy, Han." He says concerned.

"Ok Sensei, I think I need it." He says as he leaves class and rests for the night, holding his charm closer than ever before. 

WC: 1628
Claims: 8 Stat points+ Substitution Technique+ Genjutsu Release+ Rope Escape Technique
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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Basic Ninjutsu Training Empty Re: Basic Ninjutsu Training

Thu Mar 09, 2017 8:44 am
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