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Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Homecoming v3 Empty Homecoming v3

Tue May 02, 2017 9:35 am
The pack of ninja would emerge through the forestry exhausted, the final stretch of their journey spawning sighs of relief as they continued on. Komon would let the wounded reach the gates first, they needed the medical attention, and aside from severe burns along his arm he was in perfectly fine condition. Although the blood covering his entire outfit and the sweat seeping through his clothes would suggest otherwise.

He’d stand there for about 2 minutes as the ninja in front of him concealed whatever unlucky soul was on guard duty and decided to wait it out.
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Homecoming v3 Empty Re: Homecoming v3

Thu May 04, 2017 10:29 am
That worthless waste of space Komon was backs like clearly. He got robbed. By a missing Nin, right next to a Kumo military outpost because he refused to call on the back up of two chuunin and a Jounin. He's shunned currently. Utter stupidity like seriously, clearly this was why he wasn't a Jounin yet. Pride killeth all! The greatest of all sins, you sinful little waste of space. Still the shinobi that came back with Komon were good shinobi of Kumo. Loyal. Strong. Lacked in an over abundance of pride. Strong fighters. Knew when to call for back up and not allow a shinobi to just get marked as a B rank MN. You know becaus ewhy would we make our opponents stronger in the middle of a war. Get over yourselves.

Anyways, Senshi knew well ahead of time that the Tornado contingent was coming back to Kumo. As such had scheduled a small, mini parade for those that could do so. As the conquerors of Tornado company came to the gates they would find it fully manned, gates thrown open and every off duty shionobi not preparing for a mission or with a valid excuse standing in two lines. One on each side of the gate. They were all wearing their worn guard uniforms showing they too have been busy defending the village. Each looking worn, though not as worn as the shinobi that were approaching. Once the leading General, another Jounin, of the assault force came level with the gate every single shinobi snapped into a sharp salute. Right hands making fits and thudding on their left collar bones.

A slow drum beat music could be heard now, as Senshi walked down the line paying no heed to his soldiers. They knew what they were doing. He reached forwards clasping the leading Jounin hand in a firm handshake. After a brief discussion where Senshi welcomed him back to Kumogakure, he gave him directions on where to go. All I injured shinobi were t be sent to district two to be quickly debriefed. Shinobi who were marked with on a minor injury would follow the medics with green partxhes on their headbands to their tents. Shinobi s with mildly dangerous injuries were to follow the medics with yellow patches to be healed. Finally shinobi with grievous injuries were to be taken by shinobi with red patches to be healed. All this information was passed down before the procession continued.

In a single leap Senshi went from where he had been standing to being directly even with the gate guards, off to the side but able to see every shinobi entering the domains of his protection. He was dressed in his new Maku General armor, face hidden by a white mask, weapons out in view, and a dark red cloud declaring his alliegience to General Slaanesh. It was about this time that Senshi's chakra sensory pinged off of Komon's chakra signature. Turning towards it slightly to find and observe the Chuunin. He could see what easily denoted moderate injuries, nothing seemed fully life threatening. He made a few hand signals to a guard who weaved through the crowd before stopping next to Komon. "Chuunin Hyuuga Komon, the Jounin Commander requests your presence." 

The man that had approached Komon also wore a version of Senshi's armor, as did every shinobi in the defense force. Theirs were black on black with gray boots and gloves and mask, and the dark red cloud on their chests proclaiming alligience. He would wait for Komon to acquiesce before leading him over to a Senshi, pausing several steps away from the heavily clothed six foot seven giant. He'd salute before moving away from whatever conversation was about to occur.
Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Homecoming v3 Empty Re: Homecoming v3

Fri May 05, 2017 3:11 am
Komon was talking with a few other shinobi who had fought in the battle of tornado country not paying much attention to the elegant welcoming party that “the jounin commander” had worked so hard on. He was in the middle of a delightful conversation about swordsmanship when he was interrupted rather abruptly by some guard. If he hadn’t been wearing baransu an easily annoyed look would appear on Komon’s face as he hated being interrupted but it seemed the man had a good reason. A jounin had requested Komon’s presence. “Yah sure I’ll be right there” And then he’d quickly turn to apologize to the group of men he had been talking too saying it looked like he had to go.

Komon would push his way through the crowd to see a tall man, that bore a similar stature to senshi. Suspiciously similar… “Senshi?” He’d say with his head cocked to the side. He couldn’t tell with the mask on, and he was tired and didn’t feel like activating his byakugan.
Kobayashi Senshi <3
Kobayashi Senshi <3
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Homecoming v3 Empty Re: Homecoming v3

Fri May 05, 2017 3:53 am
Senshi blinked for a movement it was clear by the stench coming off of Komon that he needed a shower and a change of clothes badly. He also needed those burn wounds cleaned and heralded. Grlowling kigntky in annoyance he stepped forwards his hand flashing out to catch Komon's injured arms wrist. He spoke before he move however, "hold still in going to check your injuries and heal them in if can." With that, should Komon not struggle like an idiot Senshi would with one fell sweep of his futon chakra cut the bloody bandages from wrist to shoulder. Reaching down he pulled out a water ball, that was lukewarm and began to drench Komon's arm in it.

After waiting several seconds he carefully peeled off the bandage to get a full look at the burn marks on the chuunin's arm. Nothing too hindering but it was probably an annoyance for the boy. Really he'd probably be fine healing normally but Senshi didn't have that time to waste and as such he pulled his hands away flashing through techniques and using the Mysical palm technique. His hands flashed up grewn as he ran them over the burn wounds. He did 't heal the scarring at all. If Komon was weak that h needed to be aesthetically pleasing he could ask another medic. Senshi did't have time to waste. Instead he healed the nerve damage and any pain associated with it until it looked remarkably similar to Senshi's burn wounds..

Once done Senshi too a step back eyeing the Hyuuga seriously, "to get showered, changed, and restocked. Meet me here. Good will be provided if you have a preference let me know. If you have any further injuries that. We'd attending I'll handle them at our meal. Be quick, we have an important mission, S Rank. See you soon Komon." Senshi the. Handed him a paper and wet back to observing his troops for several minutes before turning and heading into the village himself. He needed to sto by his office and the. Make it to his home before Komon did. Komon when he followed the address Senshi had given him he Would find a large plot of Land, Even nice two story home Sitting on it.

Shichiro Hashimoto
Shichiro Hashimoto
Survived 2021
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 35000

Homecoming v3 Empty Re: Homecoming v3

Sun May 07, 2017 3:27 am
Senshi didn’t answer Komon’s question. Which to most people would seem rude, but over the time the two had gotten to know each other Komon had become increasingly aware of Senshi’s dislike of pointless small talk. The motions he made were enough to bring light to Komon’s question as he felt the wraps on his burned arm fall off with a breeze of wind. Senshi’s wind nature.

The healing process didn’t take long, senshi was a skilled medic after all. He had proven it time and time again since their first mission, with hitori and Komori, guiding the young medic through a horrifying process. Senshi however must have decided that the matching burn scars was a nice bonding experience for the two as he left the scarring in place while repairing the nerves.

“Thanks” Komon would say as he got up and began to listen to senshi’s list of commands. The plan was to meet back here eventually so that they could partake on their mission. He’d give a quick nod before heading back towards the home he hadn’t seen in weeks, wondering if he’d see sakana and hitori along the way. His gennin had been lucky enough to stay behind for the war. While the chuunin had been thrusted out onto the front lines.

Claiming nothing.
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