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Nagata Hyuuga
Nagata Hyuuga
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Reality or Illusion [P] Empty Reality or Illusion [P]

Mon Jun 12, 2017 5:18 pm
”Only by being aware of your environment at all times, can you differentiate whether or not you’re caught in a genjutsu. Always take note of what’s around you. Be mentally present, be perceptive and be receptive to all the external stimuli”, explained the sensei while writing facts and notes down on the board. He had been explaining about Genjutsu in intricate detail for about an hour now. Nagata was listening intently, as he was supposed to but he couldn’t stop thinking about what lay ahead.

Sensei had a way of doing things that made his students more prone to death than learning the thing being taught. He redefined the bloody nature of the village and took it to a whole new level.

The lecture ended and they were instructed to learn the theory and understand. Training would be taking place the next day. Nagata went home and learned things. The most interesting thing that was unveiled to him was that his Byakugan could really help with genjutsu. The eye that sees all, the Byakugan did have its perks. The day went by and Nagata practiced and learned as much as he could.

The next day the students were gathered in the training grounds once more. ”So, I’ll be placing you in a genjutsu and you’re going to have to break it. That is all”, said the sensei. Unlike last time, he didn’t explain much. Nagata kept feeling something awful was going to happen. Nervously he reached for his sugar free coke and opened the can. Sipping through it as he looked around, while the others whispered to make sense of what they were expected to do in the meantime. While he drank the non-sugary delight, a student nearby shouted in shock. ”Look out! Monster! Run for your life!”, he said as he began panicking and running around. Baffled, Nagata looked around and noticed nothing.

Having a hunch that the sensei had something to do with it, he activated his Byakugan. Just as his father had told him, there was something odd with the chakra flow of his fellow student. ”Yeah definitely, he has been placed under a genjutsu. Sneaky Sensei”, he thought nodding to himself. While Nagata assessed this particular situation, the sensei was having fun mentally torturing all of his students. Obviously, Nagata was not to be spared.

Caught off guard, Nagata realized that his body just stopped moving. He could not move his arm to get his sugar free coke to his lips and take a sip. It was odd, his brain was sending the signals to his body but his body just refused to move. Realizing that it was sensei’s doing and that he was caught in a genjutsu, he focused and channeled chakra. Just like how sensei had explained to do when caught in genjutsu. He couldn’t move, so making the hand seal was out of the question. Another good thing about being a hyuuga was fine chakra control. To get out of a genjutsu, all one needed to do was flow their chakra rapidly and that’s what he did. It took some effort because it was his first time but he managed it.

Finally, allowing him to take a sip from his sugar free coke. Unimpressed, his sensei nodded in approval. For now, he was off the hook and capable of dispelling genjutsu.


Word Count: 569.
Stats Gained: 2.

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Brooke Uchiha
Brooke Uchiha
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Reality or Illusion [P] Empty Re: Reality or Illusion [P]

Mon Jun 12, 2017 8:22 pm
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Reality or Illusion [P] Empty Re: Reality or Illusion [P]

Thu Jun 15, 2017 10:31 pm
I only see the stats, exit and jutsu that need approved. If there is something else please make it more clear.
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