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Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
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Ryo : 517000

Virtual Reality Check Empty Virtual Reality Check

Sat Jun 19, 2021 10:50 am

Seb, but for real this time:

Quite the peculiar feeling came over the young Berserker as he took in his surroundings. Only seconds ago did he place a headset on and now he miraculously found himself in an arena created by the simulation program. "So this is what modern technology is capable of" the Tau voiced, almost as if he was a neanderthal who had just discovered the wheel and learned how to create fire. Sebastian allowed himself some time to fully grasp where he was, looking around trying to get as much information about the terrain as possible. For now the only thing he knew for certain was the fact that he was standing on a circular platform, a 100m radius from the center and surrounded by a trench of very realistic looking water. 

Listening to the beating of his two hearts, the foul chakra coursing through his body, the Tau simply awaited the arrival of the one he got paired up with and the one the two of them would be facing. The Kazekage. Well, a clone of her to be exact. It would be interesting to see how well he fared against an opponent of that caliber, as well as finding out how much he had grown ever since arriving and joining Sunagakure. Sebastian grew almost impatient to test his mettle against the leader of the village, perhaps this battle would allow the Berserker to learn more about his strengths and weaknesses all the while showing Mizuki he wasn't simply the dense idiot he usually was. And who knew, maybe she'd even let him learn one of the many techniques she possessed herself, assuming he wouldn't get knocked out after five seconds. 

Trying to calm down, the young Berserker prepared himself for what's to come.

(WC: 292)

Nature Stacks: 1/6
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Fri Jul 02, 2021 10:30 pm
She released a breath as she materialized 10 meters in front of Sebastian - tilting her head to the side for a moment before giving him a kind smile. “Sorry my old friend, this is going to be a one on one arrangement… I believe we have an old debt to settle, don’t you?” Before she had entered the arena she had informed his partner to actually hold off and train with Raleth as he requested more earth training and while she knew the element it wasn’t one she was the most endowed with jutsu wise. Rolling her shoulders back she would begin to slowly walk in a clockwise circle around the man as she contemplated what her first move would be against him.. When it hit her that her first moves shouldnt be against him at all. Thus she would activate Chakra Enhanced Strength to grant her speed and strength +50 to enhance her actual attack when the moment arose. As she began moving quicker to make her hand seals harder to follow as she weaved two separate strings - 7 for the Seal of Absorption and 7 for the Seal of Redirection - crossing her hands across one another to place the seals on either of her shoulders. To Sebastian's eyes it would seem as though nothing was happening as the seals she placed would spread their markings on her skin under her clothing. 

 All the while she spoke, “That day in the glen you won by sleight of hand and misdirection and I have to admit you took me for a fool… I haven’t forgotten my friend.” With her words finished she picked up speed to weave a new set of 7 hand seals for Hiding in the Ash and Dust which she would explode from her mouth as she rushed in close to the man from behind - the ash pouring from her mouth obscuring all their vision but the chorus of a double heartbeat would lead her accurately to him. The ash itself would spread out at 80 speed and encompass 20 meters around her burning everything it contacted. To ensure this course of action- when she rushed him she would have slammed her foot directly into the back of his right knee to cause him to buckle [60 strength] - and allowing her to grab whichever arm was closest and wrenching it back [60 strength] while her other hand extended her claws and plunged them into neck intending to slash the arteries; dragging him down to the ground as the ash burned around them. 

Speed was 130 for hand seals and attacks.

Jutsu Used
AP 2000
Seal of Absorption V7 - 60 AP power and speed 80/130
Seal of Redirection V7 - 55 AP power speed 80/130
Hiding in the Ash and Dust V7 - 55 AP power and Speed 80/130
Chakra Enhanced Strength (v7) - 40 AP

Skills Used:

[V7] One-Handed Seals - for 3 jutsu

Remaining AP - 1790

Last edited by Mizuki Ohta on Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:14 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : editing out the debuff from hiding in ash)
Yemma J. Kibitsuji
Yemma J. Kibitsuji
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Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:38 pm
Yemma’s stomach would lurch in terror as he was sent flying down a tube of what looked like space and time itself , his body feeling as if it was breaking apart as he traveled. When the raging torrent of space and time calmed and his body reassembled properly he would be standing next to the tau from earlier he would stumble a bit as he gathered his footing from his trip down the ole brain tube. He would materialize as mizu began giving the second part of her speech
About being taken for a fool by the man standing about six meters to yemma’s left ‘bad blood between them maybe? What did he do to her?’ yemma would think to himself nervously as he began eyeing his kage not being able to make heads or tails of a damn thing going on.

Although the next set of action would leave him completely dumbfounded as he was engulfed in a cloud of searing burning ashes , “son of peruvian who- *cough* god fucking- *cough*” he would attempt to spit curses loudly but would only end up choking himself further having had enough he would blindly use blink ejecting himself  from the cloud of burning ashes and right into one of the adjacent tree’s to the side he would fall back as his skull made impact with the tree at top speeds his vision growing spotty as he stumbled backwards then forwards falling face first onto the arena floor ass up.

Yemma would slowly pick himself up rubbing at his eyes which where now puffy and red , “i think i’ll sit this little spat out “ he would mummble to himself as he around to the side of the tree to watch from the side lines for an opportune moment to strike or atleast wait until these two settled any business they had because that was not pleasant in the slightest.

Body Flicker-10 AP
700 AP left
Damage 80-25 = 55 HP deducted 45 HP left
DR Pool: Empty
Is half dead yay

Yemma J. Kibitsuji:

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Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
Stat Page : King of Hearts
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Ryo : 517000

Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Sat Jul 17, 2021 2:35 pm
Ah, there she was. The Lady in Red. Appearing 10m in front of him almost like a Goddess answering his prayers, only Sebastian wasn't quite the religious type. "Hm?". The young Tau tried to figure out what exactly Mizuki meant by that, an old debt to pay? "Did she not like the flowers I got her? Is that what it's all about?" he thought to himself. However, now wasn't the time to think about such trivial matters as the Berserker needed to try and test his mettle against one of the Kazekage's clones. Green eyes would follow her movements, circling around him maintaining the same distance like a predator waiting to strike. Unfortunately for his opponent Sebastian didn't plan to play along and be the helpless prey.

Not letting the Kazekage out of his sight the Tau noticed she had started to pick up pace, forming hand seals to officially get the battle on its way. Although he did not recognize the signs, it was still clear something would happen soon. Timing his actions with hers, Sebastian finished forming five hand seals of his own by the time Mizuki was done talking. As the lovely kunoichi made her way towards him the Tau simultaneously released and expelled an impressive amount of water which would then made its way into the woman's direction. For some reason Sebastian couldn't help but get confused as he witnessed Mizuki getting ahead of the technique she activated only moments ago. 

A trick, or maybe a distraction? Perhaps she simply underestimated her own speed or overestimated the technique she used, who was to say. Regardless of her enhanced physical state the Kage still had to close a distance whereas Sebastian simply had to react. Waves reaching 20 meters in height would make their way towards the target, crashing down on the beats of a once popular song called Tsunami. The surge of water would attempt to knock Mizuki off her feet and swallow her in the process, potentially crushing her under the immense pressure of the waves. The Berserker's technique would have no issue overpowering the ashen cloud following behind the Kazekage and quickly get rid of it.

However, if she tried to deal with the incoming jutsu the Kage would soon find herself in quite the predicament as the Tau had already started forming another set of hand seals, either to react or set his next move into motion. 

(WC: 404, TWC: 696)

Nature Stacks: 2/6

AP + Stats:

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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Tue Jul 27, 2021 2:29 am
Aborting her initial direction of action she would instantly merge with the ground at speed of 100 using Mayfly the moment she saw the oncoming torrent of water and reemerging behind him with 10 meters between them. The moment her torso was above the ground she began weaving the 7 seals for Foo Dog Heads at 130 speed, creating 6 10 meter long and 2 meter thick constructs from the ground 5 meters ahead of her. All 6 would converge on the Tau with a varied placement - 3 on either side, 2 coming in from above and 2 coming directly at him. [80/80]. Any construct that managed to hit him would clamp its jaws down on any portion of his body it managed to hit - attempting to hold him in place and draining AP. 

Once that tech was active she would move from that position, moving 10 meters to the left and weaving 6 more hand seals for Swamp of the Underworld while she moved - choosing to begin the swamp 5 meters in front of herself and 5 meters from him - the middle of the the 10 meter distance she held from him. [80/80] The swamp would spread out at 80 speed and reach its max 20 meter radius while she moved back 5 meters out of its reach [making the distance between herself and the Tau 20 meters if he was unable to avoid being pinned down]. She would remain at the ready - feeling a bit guilty at the state of Yemma who entered directly into her ash cloud.

AP 1790

Mayfly - 100 AP
Chakra Enhanced Strength (v7) upkeep 20
V7 Foo Dog Heads - 45 AP
Swamp of the Underworld v7 45 AP

AP - 1580
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Ryo : 330650

Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Sun Oct 10, 2021 3:51 am
As the other versions were merging with the original, this version felt it was also time to converge - ending the simulation with a simple swipe of her hand and the phrase "End Training." before the clone, and everyone involved was instantly transported back to reality. The reality of the clone was almost immediately ended as it exploded from existence in a puff of smoke to merge with the original Mizu who was standing at the same spot she was before everyone donned the head gear. 

694 words - have not claimed - probably won't.
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Sun Oct 10, 2021 2:12 pm
Sebastian Mikaelson
Sebastian Mikaelson
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Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:05 pm

(TWC: 696)
- 696 to finish assimilating Fire heart (previously trained here, using 25% max stat discount)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
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Virtual Reality Check Empty Re: Virtual Reality Check

Wed Oct 20, 2021 6:36 pm
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