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Princess Love
Princess Love
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Knock knock... Empty Knock knock...

Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:49 pm
(Continuing from here.)

Nodding to Yen once more, still agreeing with his words, Love measured the heat in his eye. Still far greater than hers but they would fuel each other. Once his wife had fetched the cloak he'd asked for the duo went directly to their kage. Once in the proper building, they would request an emergency meeting. If the kage was in the secretary would give them a heads up before letting the two shinobi in, if not they would perhaps be allowed to wait inside until they arrived.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:04 pm
Yen walked into the building as per custom he did his usual wait by the receptionist desk and with the explosive volly of volcanos in his eyes he could only see oro's bored expression in his minds eye. For it his only disire now was to send the boy to the early grave that was to be marked by yens hand. Perhaps the ground that oro would stand on. The thought amused him as his tactics he knew like the back of his hand especially if it was against himself.

Time to drag a traitors corpse from one end of the country to the other.
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Thu Feb 15, 2018 11:16 pm
Miko had a bad habit of allowing strangers and those without an appointment to barge into Risako's office like it was nothing. To Love, and Yensung, she would speak to them in her humble and endearing voice, "She'd be pleased to meet you guys, I don't believe Madam Hokage is busy at the moment." Standing from her seat, the plump young woman would guide the two down the hall. "Go right on in," she said, her hand placed upon the door. 

Risako's silvery eyes snapped to the door as it opened, and she exhaled audibly, a half way sigh. The woman was rather busy, but if someone without an appointment was allowed in they must have something important to say, she thought. Standing from her desk the Hokage bowed her head to Love and Yensung as they came in, despite her loathing of the later. "What's business do you have?" While she couldn't punish them if they came to her with nothing, she would hate to have her time wasted.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Fri Feb 16, 2018 1:09 pm
"Thank you." Love said to the Hokage's assistant after the woman had escorted them and held the door open to let them in the office. Seeing the person they came to see rise from behind her desk Love would waste no time. "Lady Hokage, it's a pleasure to meet you." Love said with a small bow. This young woman had been one of the many people Love had watched in the Jounin Exams. The red haired girl wondered how much of a shock it was for Risako to be appointed the leader of one of the [former] Five Great Shinobi Nations shortly after having gained a rank up to Jounin. It must be incredibly taxing on the young woman but right now was not the time for such thoughts they were here for a much more serious reason. Social calls could be made at a later date so, for now, Love would introduce herself. "I'm not sure if you're aware of me, I'm Love Sakumo." She said very politely without saying the running gag she had with people. "We're here today because several minutes ago I received a letter from Orokana." With that said Love would look to Yen who held the now wrinkled paper. She didn't feel that she needed to say much more as Yensung had informed her that the male in question had been marked and surely the leader of their village would already know this as well. So she would wait for Yen to hand Risako the letter and also wait for her reaction and comments on it.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Sun Feb 18, 2018 1:40 pm
yen strolled into the room of the kage's office and in return gave a bow to risako. although he pushed past his rather loathsome emotions the aburame cloaked in black eye gazed upon risako's although his eye shone a light that burned fury beyond his loathing of her "knee bending" his attention was now focused on the future of plunging his hand through the heart and book worm known as orokana. For this his voice was warm but that was because risako was not the target of his emotions. He placed the letter with his amusingly healed right hand  on the desk. Perhaps a clear reminder to risako that he did not forget her hand in their little playground fight. still he spoke up and addressed her fully.

"lady kage. Apparently my former student of the genjutsu arts orokana decided to send a letter to us here.... So i would prefer to go pick him up myself, and do the honorable extraction.... extraction would occur within a few days time, and the results would be placed on your desk hopefully clean and crisp. Apparently he is in Hoshi and happened to by what is written been in kumo.... so you should have figured the gravity of this as it is. Love sakumo here may be able to speak reason to have him come clean before you and the rest of konoha in due for his punishment.... As She has known him pretty well."

yen stated as he took a step back and glanced at love for a second as he continued.  

 "As you should recall he has been missing since the suna fiasco. I suspect he left amid the kazekage mess. So i would like to know if this is allowed would you allow me to utilize lethal force should he not agree? we should also inform hoshi that he is to be turned over to face his charges. As I recall desertion is pretty harshly punished. He will not be a problem If he fights back and attempts to take me down. Having been trained by me I will be able to neutralize him effectively. Besides he tried to escape before and I sent him back. I also have the means to track him since i planted a little means for my insects to follow him. So If we study these areas and catch hint of him I will proceed with contact. All i need is you to inform the latter of the villages his name and to put him on hold, or place any information on his whereabouts for the picking."
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Sat Feb 24, 2018 3:08 am
The Hokage recalled Orokana, barely able to remember the male in question, but she did recall some memory of him nonetheless. For a moment, she was silent as she pondered the information presented to her here. "You speak of charges as if he has committed a crime." Her brow furrowed, and standing up from her desk, she continued. "He's been missing since the Kazekage was slaughtered, and Suna was taken over, and you proceed to imply that he's a criminal based on his status as missing in action?"

Pausing shortly, she'd turn to Love. "I'm sending you to retrieve him. I trust you can do so without starting a war."

"Dismissed," she said. "Love, stay here for a moment."
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Tue Feb 27, 2018 10:54 am
Love wasn't sure how the Hokage would react to this information but she would wait patiently for her response. The red head had not been privy to any beef Risako and Yensung shared but she knew there was some, she could feel the tension however subtle. When Risako paused Love wasn't sure that she would allow them to retrieve the male but then her voice returned. With the woman addressing her solely Love would process the words being spoken and reply, "Yes M'lady." She would say this with a nod before glancing at Yen. Risako further made it clear that only one had been selected by asking Love to stay behind after dismissing the male. The Hyuuga would do as told while he exited.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 1500

Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Tue Feb 27, 2018 11:20 am
yen simply bowed and headed out the office as he was fine with the choice and the decision. leaving without a word.

Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Sat Mar 17, 2018 12:36 am
"I'll be sending you to Hoshi with a jounin named Rei." With a stern expression, the Hokage looked Love in the eye before issuing her orders., "If any fighting breaks out between you and the Hoshi-nin, don't bother coming back. If Orokana refuses and chooses to stay, by all means use force, but do not start an unnecessary war."

Risako stuck her hand out to Love, motioning with her fingers for the girl to give the woman something. "Let me see your hand." Presuming Love did so, Risako would apply an FTG seal to the Chuunin's hand. "I'm giving you one month from the time you depart to complete the mission. If you've failed to complete your task after that, I'll be retrieving you. Dismissed."

One Love left, if she did, Risako began writing a letter for Rei that would be dropped off to her.
Princess Love
Princess Love
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Knock knock... Empty Re: Knock knock...

Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:30 am
Rei... Yamano? She was in Risako's group for the Jounin Exam although they announced her as Queen. Another Hyuuga that didn't bear the last name, interesting. Even more intriguing was the fact that the girl could also use her byakugan without the veins around her eyes bulging. Of course, Love had it already in her mind to figure out how she was able to do that so she wouldn't be lost in thought about it as Risako continued.

If a fight breaks out don't bother coming back? What the hell does that mean? Is she just supposed to join their ranks or go rogue? There was no way in hell Love was going to die by them however she kept those thoughts to herself and nodded to her kage's words. With Risako motioning for her the red head bridged the gap between them and held out her hand as instructed. Due to her limited fuuinjutsu knowledge Love didn't know what jutsu this array belonged to but she could feel Risako's chakra signature coming from it.

Immediately after placing the seal the girl would explain why and then dismiss her. "Got it." She said before she turned to leave.

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