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Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Fri Mar 30, 2018 2:41 am
Atarashi think it over for a moment. in his mind he agrees with what Higuto says. However he's unsure if those are his true motives. Atarashi isn't certain what could drive someone to those kind of actions but he's seen weirder. No matter what Atarashi think, he know that this is a chance to at least learn something instead of just sitting around doing nothing.

"I'm ready to begin."
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Sat Mar 31, 2018 12:21 pm
Higuto nodded to the young boy's answer before addressing the water around him.

"Now this jutsu is known as the Hidden Mist Jutsu. It's very simple to learn and only takes one hand seal to utilize: Tiger."

Higuto brought up his hands and formed the Tiger seal as he focused his chakra into the water and steam slowly began to billow up and outwards before compressing denser amongst other strands of steam to form a light mist. Higuto had made certain to make the mist just light enough for Atarashi to see Higuto through it as the mist continued spreading itself out over the field and covered a large portion of the forest as well.

"What's great about this technique is that, while your opponent can possibly still sense you through chakra sensory, those that don't know that skill will have to use their eyes in order to track you which can be sometimes impossible. Unfortunately it blinds the user, too, unless they know chakra sensory as I do."

Feeling that he had proved his point Higuto relaxed his chakra as the mist slowly began to dissipate and vanish into the air before Higuto gave Atarashi the thumbs up.

"Your turn. Give it a try."

(Jutsu used: Hidden Mist Tech 10 AP; 304/404 AP
Hidden mist cancellation)
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:46 am
"Alright I'll try, but don't expect much."

Atarashi makes the tiger seal with his hands and starts building up water chakra to use in the hidden mist jutsu. The water chakra slowly starts to build in Atarashi's body in preparation for casting the midden mist jutsu. After a while the water chakra forms inside of Atarashi's body and is ready to be used in the hidden mist jutsu. Atarashi starts to push the water chakra out of his body and into the environment. Atarashi let's his water chakra start to flow into the water around him, grabbing a hold of the water until Atarashi believes that the water is saturated enough that he could adequately control it using his water chakra. He makes his water chakra entangle every molecule of water with an iron grip that he believes will be enough to be able to manipulate the molecules. Atarashi then starts using his water chakra to excite the water molecules to try to change their state of matter so that they'll become gas and start raising into the air. He does this by shaking the molecules using the water chakra he's wrapped around the water molecules. Atarashi memorizes Higuto's position relative to himself. He has an idea that might work if he's very careful. He wants to use the cover created by the hidden mist jutsu to go around Higuto and surprise him by poking him in the back after sneaking around him under the cover of the mist. The thought if proving, at least to himself, that he's at least a little sneaky is very appealing to him. The water starts to lift into the air and forms a dense, impenetrable fog. The line of sight is reduced to less that a meter as the fog hovers in the air around the training field. Atarashi begins his less than perilous trek. The fog makes it harder for Atarashi to see as well but since the training field is rather flat and he remembers where Higuto was on it he's able to move without too much trouble. Luckily for Atarashi fog doesn't make a sound when you walk through it. Atarashi makes sure to be careful of every step, being as quiet as possible. Atarashi silently walks behind Higuto, not making a sound from his feet in the water, his breathing, or the rustling of his clothes. He slowly positions himself behind Higuto so that he'll be in Higuto's blind spot when the fog dissipates. He then starts to release the hidden mist jutsu. He then removes his water chakra from the fog created by the hidden mist jutsu and the water re-condenses and falls back to the ground. Right as the fog is falling Atarashi pokes Higuto in the back. "Did I do it right?" He moves back away quickly just in case he accidentally startled Higuto. He keeps a close eye on his environment, just in case something isn't right, like maybe the Higuto he poked was a clone or something.

(503 out of 1000/2. hidden mist jutsu claim)

(250/260 AP)

(sorry about the wait. this is how long it takes me to write something like this)
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:46 am
Higuto stood impressed as the mist surrounded his body and he watched as Atarashi disappeared out of sight... At least from his eyes standpoint. Even though the mist kept Atarashi hidden Higuto could still track his chakra signature as he stood there and kept his hands in his pockets while feeling Atarashi moving from within the dense fog. He felt him move around behind him as the mist seemingly dissipated before he felt a poke in his back and he turned around to smile at Atarashi.

"Nice one, Atarashi! Not at all bad for your first time with it. You should be proud of yourself."

He watched as the rest of the mist cleared up as he chuckled and smiled wider to the young boy's success.

"Are you ready for another jutsu or do you think you may need to relax?"

(No worries. Take your time if you need it)

(Skill used: Chakra Sensory
AP recharge: 314/404 AP)
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:04 pm
Atarashi signs in disappointment.

"I guess I can do another jutsu."
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Wed Apr 11, 2018 3:28 pm
Higuto notices the sigh and tilts his head in confusion. He decides, though, to not think too much into it before he nods to Atarashi and thinks of the next jutsu to teach him. He decided he'd teach him another jutsu that didn't rely so much on chakra reserves to perform. He brought his hands up to form the clone seal as out of a puff of smoke a flesh and blood copy of himself appeared beside him.

"You did really well with the Hidden Mist technique, Atarashi. With your level of chakra I don't doubt you'll be able to do this soon as well. What I will teach you now is a jutsu that's able to pin targets within a certain range of you in a temporary sort of paralysis."

Higuto thus brought his hands to form the Tiger seal as his clone brought a kunai out and tried to stab the original Higuto. That was before it was stopped mid swing as though something had taken a hold of it and pinned it in place. The clone couldn't move as Higuto brought down his hands and plucked the kunai away from the clone before bringing the blade to it's throat.

"Pretty handy as a jutsu to get out of a sticky situation. As you can see it can easily help turn the tides for you, as well, provided your opponent isn't strong enough to break free from it."

Higuto cancelled his clone jutsu as it vanished along with the kunai once more into smoke before turning to Atarashi.

"Wanna give it a try?"

(Jutsu used: Shadow Clone 30 AP; 274/404 AP
Temporary Paralysis 10 AP; 264/404 AP)
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Wed Apr 11, 2018 7:40 pm
Atarashi keeps looking between the Higuto and where his clone was. He seems to be in shock.

"Hold on now. What was that? That strange seal, and then suddenly...

...what was that?!"
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:40 am
Higuto watched the young Genin's confusion as he gave a soft smile.

"Oh yes. That was the shadow clone technique. You've been through the Genin exams so you must already know of just the standard version of the clone technique. While that version just creates a lifelike illusion or two of yourself this version actually gives the clones you make form and allows them to actually aid you in battle. Don't worry. I have every intention of teaching you that technique. Right now, in fact, if you feel that you're ready? I'll warn you it's not an easy jutsu to learn."

(AP recovery: 10 AP; 274/404 AP)

Last edited by Higuto Aburame on Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
Atarashī Senju
Atarashī Senju
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:19 am
"A real clone? Yes, please teach me that. It would be so helpful. How does it work? What was that seal? What can it do? Can it use jutsu? I don't care how hard it is."
Higuto Aburame
Higuto Aburame
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A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju) - Page 4 Empty Re: A Meeting of Youths (Open, Atarashi Senju)

Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:08 pm
Higuto nodded to Atarashi's resolve as he decided he'd go ahead and give a demonstration.

"Well, let me show you the seal once again."

He brought both of his hands up as he formed his fingers to resemble that of a cross as he then focused his chakra and once again, in a puff of smoke, a clone materialized right beside him with hands in pockets.

"So let me go ahead and answer your questions while explaining the pros and cons. A good thing abut shadow clones is that they act just as any flesh and blood person does. They can think, move on their own accords, and yes even use any jutsu within their original's repertoire. One of the best parts of a shadow clone is that any information that their brains learn will be transferred directly to your own brain once they vanish. For example: I could be at Ichiraku enjoying myself a bowl of ramen while my clone here is at the library reading a book. Once he disappears anything that the clone read within that book I automatically know about. Along with such uses the clone is basically a copy of you in your attributes as well: your strength, speed, and level of chakra gets transferred to your clone. However, of course, there are drawbacks. For one shadow clones require a decent amount of chakra just to even form. Even more so when you expect them to perform a jutsu. Because of this they will often split your chakra apart from you so that they can be able to perform. They also are pretty brittle. Being as they are the formation of essentially only your chakra, if you haven't trained your own body well enough, the slightest amount of damage done to your clone might set it off prematurely. Same thing applies for the distance your clone can be away from you. They often have to keep within half a mile of you otherwise they will vanish."

Higuto's clone vanished as he relaxed his chakra and smiled wide upon finishing his demonstration before turning to Atarashi.

"Do you have any more questions?"

(Jutsu used: Shadow Clone 244/404 AP
Clone deactivated in same post)
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