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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Tue Mar 05, 2019 11:47 pm
C-rank: Guarding an Outpost

This day was starting out pretty bad already. First, Hato woke up way too early and couldn't fall back asleep. Then, her stove wasn't working so she couldn't fix herself up some relaxing tea. Finally, Hato couldn't find her matching boot heels she normally likes to wear out in the village. However, it wasn't all bad and she was able to relax in the shower. On incredible stressful mornings, she would start singing a random tune that pops into her head.

Suddenly, The young woman's singing was cut off with a knock at the door. Quickly, she wrapped a towel that was hanging on the towel rack, around her torso so it covered her privates as she quickly went to address the door. 

Upon cracking the door open to see who was bothering her shower time, Hato would see a shinobi of kumo in uniform with a file. "Hello?" Hato said behind the security of her door. "Are you Hato Sano?" The man asked, confused on why she was hiding behind the door with wet hair and partially nude. "Yes, I am. How may I help you?" She asks politely even though she was pissed about being interrupted on her relaxing time. "I was supposed to bring you this file. You are to gather the two teammates for this mission and head out. All the details are in the file." He hands her the file and Hato grabs it from behind the door before shutting it on the man. Seeing as this as a reason to actually get dressed, she did so. 

The two others that were chosen for this mission was Sugimoto and Okami. She recognized Okami's name as she had met him before, but Sugi was a new one. The young woman wondered what kind of person Sugi was and why he was chosen to come along. The first address listed was Sugi's so she would head over to his first. 

As she walked, Hato read the details. It was a simple outpost guarding mission that was in the black forest. Hato heart sunk for a moment as she read that it was in the dark and creepy Black Forest. The thought of going out there for a mission was chilling. Even it's name was ominous. It was a totally mystery what would happen out on this mission. 

Hato arrived at Sugi's residence, as it was stated in the file, and gave a hardy knock for Sugi to come out.
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Thu Mar 07, 2019 6:25 pm
Sugimoto eyes felt kind of crusty and when he tried to look around the room everything was cloudy. He managed to sleep a second night with out the same nightmare forcing him awake. Rubbing his eyes, Sugimoto would start to pry himself off his new bunkbed. Repeating the same process as he did every morning and jumping off his top bunk while activating his quiet footsteps jutsu so he did not slam on the ground. He would slowly make his way to the bathroom and wash the sleep from his eyes, these last few days had him feeling like his life was finally calming down. For the first time in a while It  would seem that Sugimoto was not the second one up, some of the older kids were up taking care of the new dog he adopted on that one mission. 

                He would make his way to the kitchen, the air was thick with the scent of Mother Abigail's cooking. He would find his way to the kitchen and take a seat, Mother Abigail would study him from the corner of her eye and smile as she placed a plate of eggs, bacon with a side of toast. He started digging into his breakfast, working his way through the eggs when a knock at the door. Before Sugimoto could get up one of the orphan kids who was playing with the dog outside would rush over saying "Hey, Sugimoto there is a ninja out there and I think she is here for you."  Sugimoto would look to the door and then back to the boy and say "would you mind keeping her distracted while I go change into my shinobi gear. The two would split up Sugimoto would rush to his room while Tim the orphan kid would head back outside. 

                 Sugimoto rushed to his room and grabbed all his new shinobi gear, laying it all out so he could swiftly put it all on. Sugimoto would do the hand seals and place his hands on his chest to make a fuinjutsu chakra barrier seal. Once the seal was in place he would don his armor and his weapons and his mask. Once he was suited up he would head out side and go to meet this unknown shinobi. 

                 Tim the orphan would run up the female shinobi, unsure of what to do next he would sputter some "ums" and "uhs" until he blurted out "wow miss how do you fight being top heavy?" his eyes made it clear he was referring to. What ever her response would be Sugimoto would appear through the door not so long after this. 

WC 441
Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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Village : Tsukigakure
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Sat Mar 09, 2019 4:25 pm
Okami was just strolling this morning. He had all his chores done: Making breakfast, getting this week's groceries and cleaning his room. It was still pretty early so he thought that it would be good to get some walking in before some training.

The walk around the village was relaxing because it was just an ordinary day. Citizens weren't in a rush to get food or the latest cool thing on the market. There was no one shouting and getting into conflicts with one another, just peaceful conversations.

However, the peaceful thoughts became more destructive and terrifying as he thought of his random transformations and the on coming threat of the missing ninja that has the power to defeat a large military outpost. Okami tried to remove these memories and focus on something else but there wasn't much going on, so the thoughts went on without any interruption. It got so bad that he rushed into the nearest store just so he could focus on something within the store. It was a jewelry store. He looked around the store and stared at some beautiful necklaces covering the tiny glimmering rocks. "Can I help you?" The store clerk asked in a very kind tone. "Oh....uh I was just looking around the store. My mom loves necklaces." It was a lie, Okami just didn't want to seem like he was about to rob the place. "But it's way to out of my price range." Okami continued to say before leaving the store awkwardly. How embarrassing 

Okami dug his hands into his pocket while he walked around some more. Upon passing the orphanage, the young lycan noticed Hato standing at the door with a little kid confronting her. "Hey Hato!" Okami calls to her and runs over too see what was going on. He was just glad he found something less awkard to distract himself from his sinister thoughts.  

Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Sat Mar 09, 2019 8:42 pm
As she approached the residence, which seemed to be an orphanage, the children that were outside would run inside as they saw her. Hato wasn't sure if this was out of fear or excitement. Some word were passed along between some orphans inside the house. 

One orphan, Tim, approached her and tried to say something. After a couple filler words, he slipped out a question about how she fights with her "bags' weighting her down (not his exact words). Hato was a bit stunned and wasn't sure how to respond to something so crude. Especially since it came from an orphan. "Well, young man, I can do it because of a strong back and the fact that these girls are a part of me and we move as one." She smirks down at the kid while rolling her eyes. "Besides, you don't ask a lady ANYTHING about her breasts, just a heads up for the future." She rubs his hair, messing it up, before returning to business.

Suddenly, another voice came from behind Hato, calling to her. She turns to see Okami Lupines coming towards her. Him being here means that she would have one less stop to gather the team for this small mission. "Hey Okami! Perfect timing. We have a mission to do." Hato would give Okami the files on the mission. "We are just waiting for our finial team mate." 

As soon as Sugi comes out of the orphanage all readied up, Hato would give him the files on the mission. Hato summarizes the mission, "So basically we doing a simple patrol in the Black Forest." As Sugi was finishing up the reading, Hato would take off towards the gates and towards the ominous Black Forest. 

It was still morning and the sun was rising though the forest, cause the trees to cast long shadows to the west. The trees were dark with white veins, a very unusual sight. Hato begins with, "We'll need to fan out but not that much. Stay as close as 10 meters. We'll need to rush to each other if there is trouble." 

WC: 351
TWC: 763
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Sun Mar 10, 2019 12:07 am
           Sugimo only caught the end of Tim’s conversation with the female shinobi, even tho Tim’s words may have been effective as a distraction. But  if you think about in term of the long term benefits ie not getting your ass kicked, he clearly failed. Walking past the kid he would give the top of Tim’s head a swift chop “Pow”, Tim would quickly recole and head back to play with the other kid. Looking over to the lady shinobi he would attempt an apologetic bow, “Sorry for his rude remarks, he is young and stupid.” He heard Okami call out the lady shinobi’s name and then head over, Hato, Okami and I where now all gathered just outside of the orphanage , Hato gives a basic rundown of the mission, and then they headed towards the outpost through the Black Forest.

          Sugimoto would listen to Hato’s orders and fan out as they headed to the outpost. He would use this time to prep, with practiced hands Sugimoto would form the hand seals for ram, horse and ox, then his lower legs would be surrounded in air that would make his steps make no sound. Then he would active a four hand seal and touch his chest, this would seal a chakra barrier ready for combat. Then he would put who of his weapon pouch in both his sleeves, the right would hold his extra runic kunai while the left would hold a regular kunai. He would check the runic katana by his side, those of the Yamato clan are known to form important bonds with their weapons. But this weapon felt like it was just a mere tool and nothing more. He would check to make sure his runic mask was secured firmly, then touched his runic flack jacket to make sure it was fitting him correctly.

          With everything in order he would let out a nervous sigh, this was his first mission where he was leaving the village. He could feel his nervies rise as he recalled the worriesom news he heard in Kumo a few days prior, other outposts completely destroyed by some missing ninja. Was he strong enough to take on these unknown foes, was this team able to stop the waves of destruction these rumors alluded to? He could only hope that whatever lay ahead he had the metal to stand strong. He would continue with the squad until Hato gave more orders or we arrive at the outpost.   

W.C. 853
A.P. 40 for Chakra Barrier
A.P. 5   for Quiet Footsteps Jutsu

Shin Kenshin
Shin Kenshin
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Tue Mar 12, 2019 10:36 pm
The young lycan was surprised to hear from Hato that he was actually needed for a mission. What a great coincidence. It was also to perfect distraction from his own nefarious thoughts of the past. He joined Hato in waiting for their last team mate. Sugi. Once he saw his friend walk out of the door to join them, me smiled ecstatically.

They started for black forest, which had a very foul name, it brought shivers down Okami's spine as he heard they were heading there for their mission. It was a simple patrol, they would have to job to make her there was no danger coming to them from the mysterious looking forest that would cause alarm. 

Upon arriving, Hato gave the orders to spread out but not too far so they weren't out of ear so they could cover a greater range whilst also being able to come to the aid of any of their comrades that were in need of aid. Okami would obey the orders and head over to the right side of Hato, as she would take center and Sugi would take left. Okami wasn't able to see the two of them due to the dense trees blocking their field of vision. However, they were in easy ear shot. And due to Okami's enhanced senses, it was much easier for him to hear everything. 

Okami kept a steady pace as he trailed and observed the white veined forest. It was actually more beautiful than ominous in Okami's eyes. It relaxed the previously tense lycan and soothed his thoughts. Which could be dangerous for a patrol mission as they needed to stay vigilant. Suddenly, a crackle could be heard in a near by tree to Okami's right side. With caution, Okami traveled up a tree adjecent to the tree with the sound coming from it. He watched as a squirrel bolted out of a hole in the tree where it was most likely keeping it's nuts it was storing for the winters. The young lycan took a exhaled in releif as there was on reason to freak out. Now he just felt silly. Okami quickly jumped down and quickly caught up to the other two.

It was only a hour into the mission and Okami was already getting kinda bored of the mission, and they still had a whole days worth of mission time. The boy continued down some narrow tree way by jumping over the gap and making it on the others. Okami would then go towards Hato and ask, "What if there is danger in the forest? Would we face it or report it?"

WC; 440
TWC: 756 
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Sat Mar 16, 2019 12:20 am
The mission was in full swing after Okami and Hato collected Sugi for the mission. In the Black forest, the trees were tall and dark with white veins that surrounded the trunk of the tree. It was very haunting and not Hato's style. She is a very urban woman that prefers to stay inside civilization. As she walked, the constant squish from the ground as she moved across it was a reminder of why she hated the forest. But she needed the cash and it was a pretty mild missions for the most part. 

As they walked, Okami walked up to Hato and asked her what they would do if they ran into trouble. Fight or flight. She thought about it. If they fight, there might not be a need to report much and get some intel. However, if they fight something that is out of their league, the mission would be a failure. "I guess it's up to your judgement." Hato continued, "I prefer we retreat rather than fight anything that could be out here." Hopefully it didn't come to that. Hato just wants to get home and get some tea.

It was about the middle of the day, the sun was high in the sky. The tree's shadows were much smaller and the group was half way done with their mission. "Alright everyone rest up for a quick while!" Hato instructed the group as they have been patrolling nonstop. The young woman jumped into a tree and laid across the branch so her legs would get some rest from the aching. Due to the time of the year, there were no leaves on the trees and they were bare. The shadows would make it seem like they were claws laid on the ground. 

Hato's mind would wander the word that there was going to be a grand battle in Kumo. She wondered how the battle would go. Would she need to join the other side in order to survive? Or defend Kumo until her dying breath? There were a lot of options at the current moment and she wasn't sure of which one would be the correct answer. Their break ended and the trio continued on wards, ending her thoughts of the matter.

Towards the afternoon, the wind started to pick up and clouds started to form overhead, making the dark forest even darker. The smell of rain was in the air, warning the trio of the oncoming obstacle. Hato had think of someway to get a shelter going. "Let's start heading back, we'll start forming a camp." Hato picks up the pase as they turn around. She wanted to get some distance back before the rain would pour onto them. Luckily, the rain starts out as a drizzle. "Okami fetch me some dry wood quickly. Sugi get some things for a shelter." Hato finds a nice place between two trees where a tent could easily be erected.

WC: 490
TWC: 1253
Tanjiro Nazar
Tanjiro Nazar
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Sat Mar 16, 2019 9:56 pm
            Shadows would dance in between the trunks of large trees that were scattered densely throughout the Black Forest, the clouds above that barren tree canopy was slowly condening into large rain clouds. Sugimoto would feel that the rains were coming before he could see that it was, they would have to make shelter soon or be drenched. Hato would call for them to take a  break, so Sugimoto with his prediction of rain in mind decided he would use this break to go around the Black Forest and find stuff he would need for later. Sugimoto would use his Generic Sealing Technique and go around gathering up dry wood and leafs for a shelter, the later was harder to find, but if you looked around long enough you could find some. It would take him the entirety of their groups short rest to find what he would need to build a shelter.

          When Sugimoto got back to the squad the atmosphere seem off, Hato was just sitting staring off into her own thoughts. He assumed that her thoughts were being consumed by the ever present threat of the attack from the missing ninja Kenshin. He unsure of what he would do in the upcoming attack, he felt no love for the village Kumo. They long ago let his ancestors be driven out of their homeland, so he would find it poetic justice if someone did the same to them. But he now has people he cares for, he would have to defend Ken, Riyo and everyone at the orphanage form the attack. But what could he do? He was just getting accommodated to the shinobi world,he had no real power. How could he stop people who attacked and killed others to stay alive? Did he even have the resolve?  These kinds of questions have been running on loops through Sugimoto’s mind as soon as her heard the grave news. Putting on a stoic face hidden by his mask he would sit nearby until Hato gave the order to move out.

          The squad of ninja found out soon enough on their scouting that what Sugimoto predicted to himself has come true. Rain started to fall in big heavy globes, the currently barren tree tops offered no protection from the elements. Promptly Hato would order Sugimoto to set up temporary a shelter and Okami to get dry wood. Sugimoto would find a big tree with thick branches over head and using one of the lower hanging branches Sugimoto would make an impromptu shelter. Pulling out his scroll he would undo his Generic Sealing Technique and pull out all the wood he gathered earlier, he would take the 12 bigger logs and make a sizable lento shelter using the now forming mud to sab onto the packed logs and then layered with the previously gathered dry leaves. This made a somewhat dry shelter for the ninja squad to use, but this made a new dilemma. Three wet and cold shinobi who are worried for the future, miserable in the present and unbinded to the past. What were these three people to talk about other then what lie ahead.

         Sugimoto would turn to the other Shinobi while rain pattered across their makeshift shelter, he wanted to start a conversation with them but even tho he may know Okami he did not know him. Hato was a different story, he knew near to nothing about her and she seemed preoccupied at the moment. Plus whenever he looked directly at her he could not help it but his eyes wandered, lucky the mask helped with that, as long as he only moved his eyes. But he knew he needed to to get some information on what others were thinking about, so he would ask out loud “What do yall think about the upcoming attack on Kumo? Have either of you heard anything about what's going on? Also I do not have any experience with missing ninja, could one of you tell me what they are like?"  Sugimoto would uncomfortably sit in their makeshift shelter waiting for a response, deep inside he was hoping what they might say could be taken as reassurance.                

Wc 697 
TWC so far 1550
Shin Kenshin
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:15 am
Hato explained to Okami that if they do run into trouble that it would based of judgement on how they should handle. However, it was preferred that they get away rather than fight. Okami didn't like running from a fight but Hato out experienced him. The young lycan knew that it was always safer to listen to the most experienced as they knew more about life skills that he could learn. One day he would become experienced enough to make his own choices. 

The day was starting to move along with them, the morning quickly turning to the afternoon. Okami had never been on a mission for an entire day. It was some hard work and left a lot of open thought. Normally, he'd get a mission done within a couple hours due to them mostly being D and E ranks that didn't require much thought and practice. Now he was dealing with hiking across an entire forest in one day to see if there was anything suspicious.

Hato finally calls the group for a break to recuperate from the long hiking. Okami lays below the trunk of the tree and looks at the rest of the Dark Forest. It's beauty enchanted him. Unlike Hato, Okami loved this forest. It was free from the touches of humanity and it was basically the closest the pure wilderness as it was going to get and he was loving it. It was safe from missing ninja that wanted to destroy the village, it was safe from the harm of the world. 

After the break, the smell of rain hit hard and it the moisture in the air started to rise. Everyone in Kumo was used to this smell as it rained a lot and the team knew what was coming. As the sun started it journey to the west, the clouds covered the sky. Hato finally called the group to get materials to build a campsite. Okami was giving the task to collect some dry branches so they could build a fire for warmth. The young lycan does so before any of the wood could get wet. He had to hid some under his shirt to keep from getting wet. He returns to see Sugi had built the tent for the three of them to stay in while the storm passed. Since it was already pretty late, Okami knew that they would probably be staying the night in the mystifying Dark Forest. 

As they were settling into the shelter, Sugi decides to spice up the converation by asking what the two of them thought about the village being in danger and if they had ever dealt with any missing ninja in the past. "I haven't dealt with missing ninja before but I know they can be ruthless from the stories I heard about them back when I was a student at Sunakagure." Okami continues, "as for what I think. I don't know. I will trust our leaders and hope they make the safe choice. I will fight for my friends and family if need be." Okami then reversed the question after Hato would give her response. "What about you?" 

WC: 526
TWC: 1283
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)  Empty Re: All Day?!? (Sugi, Okami)

Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:35 pm
The two genin boys did as Hato instructed and went on their way to gather the materials. They both returned later with the materials. They had retreated to the shelter Sugi had provided. Then in the center of the tent was the fire to provide warmth and light as the sun had just set and the night had consumed the sky.
The rain began as they sat inside and it was just the three of them. Sugi started up a conversation with the question what they thought about the attack and if they had experience with missing ninja. Okami responded with that he wasn't sure what he thought of it but he trusted the leaders. Foolish. Okami was loyal however unable to see the situation clearly. Hato responded very bluntly, "I think we either go down fighting or we take ourselves down before they can do it." She continued, "One way we have a chance of winning and keep our pride. The other way there would be less casualties. As for missing ninja, they can differ. Some are psychos that just do it for the hell of it, Others might be just be greedy." Hato had some experiences with such, even had more explicated time with people like that. Nothing she should tell a kid. 

Hato then would lay down after hearing both of their responses. The warmth and her weariness from all the travel made her fall asleep easily. The mission was already going longer than it was supposed to. She hoped that the next day was going to go quickly for her.

The next day was wet from all the rain the night before. Hato exited the tent and climbed up the tree so that she could avoid the wet ground. The puddles were deep and the ground was mushy. Totally gross. Once they were all out and wake, she would take off Kumo to deliver to news. The news that literally nothing but a rain storm happened while they were on the mission. 

They arrived and Hato went to inform the mission office of what happened on the patrol and for the group to collect their rewards. Before they departed to their homes, Hato would tell the two, "Go home and get some training done. This battle could mean life or death and you two need to work on your skills." Hato knew that a goal was always good for progress. She knew that the two of them could be useful in the future and that she might need them for when that time comes.

Wc: 428
TWC: 1681

mission rewards 
1681 wc towards Blood Sensory (1681/2000)
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