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Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Tue Dec 31, 2019 12:20 am
Miz never really thought about how simple body language could honestly give away things like that. But he never knew about Zim and Prim either. That was a not a huge shock, he could see the two together. Prim and Zim made a cute couple. The thought of a shadow wielding Sharingan using child was rather scary! Damn that kid would have major power! Miz brought his mind back to the topic at hand, Yen reading people, maybe it was time he made this hard for Yen when it came to him, because someone reading him made him feel very violated. Then again, as a ninja, if you are easily read isn’t it more dangerous? Ninjas are supposed to be unpredictable. Predictability could get you killed, or something worse. Not sure whats worse than death at the moment but there are things out there. Maybe he better join in the conversation.

“I never knew about Prim and Zim either, I assumed my relationship with Akki was all anyone really knew about in our group. Im not shocked though, they make a good couple!” Miz said trying to lighten the mood. “Anything else you got from reading us Yen?” He asked hoping his question would be answered after Zims. Because he was curious how he read Zim and learned about their relationship.
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:44 am
The boys responses were expected. Zim wondering obvious stuff like never wandering or kissing in public. Jayden amused but under all likeness was prolly lying, but still the need to vet any further was not necessary. Miz more curious to what else,but it was another easy thing to explain. A careful eye learns more than a loud mouth.

"See zim the reason why you may be perplexed is that you are unaware of your immediate reactions and responses. That is why you are like a glass of water. It may change form, or even purpose, but it is wet. Just like a human. We care about things. Our families, allies, and self. But we also no matter how concealed we are. Care about something. It is why the first person that speaks reveals more than the room that is quiet. It is why when you wanted to just go running into danger you revealed your love. Perhaps if you moved that dedication to prim as your goal to get stronger. You may have moved a bug. Because just like that. Each of you guys failed that simple test."

Yen stated as he took a sip of the water and lifted it to each of them.

"When we are stressed we reveal our secrets you see. But it takes a trained eye and a good social induvidual to fully take advantage if these things. Example jayden is a boy so while he may say he is single there is no denying he has someone,or had someone in his mind and heart. An lapse of simply declaring that being single does not deny that he is indeed looking,or perhaps using it as a front. But perhaps we can ask each girl their interest perhsps in you Jayden?"

Yen grinned at the man and his gaze shifted to miz as he finished.

"You see if you watch quietly you learn more. For example. What am i doing miz?"
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:53 pm
Zim sighed heavily. He may as well admit the truth about him and Prim. He is amongst his trusted friends and people he cares about. His words would be safe here, and he doubted they would run and tell anyone about them. Anyone that wasn't supposed to know or put Prim and him in danger anyways!

"Very well, me and Prim are together. We have been boyfriend and girlfriend for a little over a year now. I would like to have her as my wife eventually." Zim announced a little surprised at his own bravery, despite how private he was. "As for Jayden, he may well tell us about him and Saya. Yeah, I know J, and I have known for a while." Zim said tossing a rubber ball in the air and trying to use his shadows to catch the ball. Jayden probably won't be to happy with Zim but no use in hiding this stuff from those close to them!
"May as well get it out so we can learn how to better keep out secrets. If anyone can teach us, it's Yen." He was being serious, if Yen can read people he knew how everyone could keep their secrets to.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Tue Jan 14, 2020 4:47 am
Bastard! Jayden thought to himself as he looked over at Zim and he gasped as his jaw almost hit the floor! How the fuck did he know? No one knew! They must have slipped up! Too late now, there's no lying at this point! He at least tried...
"Fine...damn you Zim! Me and Saya hooked up shortly after Zim/Prim and Miz/Akki did. She basically approached me, said I was hers...and well., That was that." He said as his cheeks flushed? He wasn't use to being open like this.

[Sorry, short. Busy night at work.]
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Tue Jan 14, 2020 3:17 pm
Miz thought for a second. He did catch something about Yen through actions and body language. No doubt about it in his mind, this had to be true.
"I presume Yen, you care a lot about us, because otherwise, your duty as squad leader or deputy Kage or not, you still wouldn't have even bothered training us. At first I assumed you just did this for Prim Uchiha and took over for Haru Hyuuga who was originally supposed to be our leader. But your actions speak louder than any words could have...." He paused to take a drink and before he could speak again he heard Zim mention Jayden and Saya!
"Wait! what the- Jay and Saya? No way! Seriously? Holy shit!" Miz said nearly spitting his drink out! This time of relaxing actually calmed his voices...or so he thought...

"You should be training you lazy worthless excuse for a Hozuki!"
"Yen doesn't care!"
"Kill them all! Take over, renew the bloody history of the mist!"

Miz leaned over and put his fingers on his temples as he took a few deep breaths. Something has to stop these voices!
Alister Yama
Alister Yama
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:10 pm
They each had their secrets. But all was safe with yen at the wheel. Jayden and zims confessions were amusing to the point it would make solid running joke, but yen did not need to press further. Privacy was privacy of course, but attempting to hide it was another thing. It took more than merely not speaking, but it pleased him miz finally go the reason why yen cared for them.

His training methods,and speech may be unusual unless serious, but he actually cared. Funny how thoes that push people the hardest or show scts of tough love. Are truly the ones that cared. He would'nt be cookie cutting his lessons like most. Because most people did not hold the integrity of an village and their people on their shoulders. But then again it is the life they chose to abide by.

"Good miz. But if anything this is why i press you guys more. Potential and willingness to learn requires you to be willing to be broken down. Not harboring an ideal because in that case you already have your path set. This is why even now i allow you to ask away, butin exchange expect 3 times the effort. Your words are best followed by your actions."
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Sat Feb 01, 2020 11:35 am
Zim had began to fall asleep, he had been training harder than usual and he wasn’t quite use to it yet. He opened his eyes again and stretched. He sat up this time to keep himself awake. He was very curious about something.

“I know we do a lot of training, but when are we going to see the rest of the team. Team Fukutaichou is not just Miz, Akki, Jayden, Me and Hotaru! We are actually a very large team! And when are we going on missions? We have been training but don’t most teams go on missions?” Zim asked curiously. “I know Prim is coming to visit, but we need to do something to kill the time before she gets here.” He added as he looked over at their team leader, father figure or whatever you want to call him at this point.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
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Village : Kirigakure
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:17 pm
Jayden Terumi knew Yen cared. It was apparent as MIz had said and as Yen had expressed. He pushed them hard to be the best they could and they tried, even though they had A LOT to still learn! Jayden wondered about the rest of their team as well. Fuku was a VERY large team split into different sub teams. For Example, Jayden, Zim and Miz were Team Fukutaichou Kiri. Konoha was Akki, Hotaru and Megami, before Megami left to go to Volcano.

“Yen, the rest of our team, have you met them all? Did you train them all? Did you push them as hard as you push us?” Jayden knew it was a lot of questions, but enquiring minds want to know!
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Sat Feb 01, 2020 12:31 pm
Miz figured Jayden and ZIm would change the topic of relationships, with how private they were, he could understand. Now, Team Fuku is quite large, there were supposed to be three leaders as they had three teams from three different areas. Haru Hyuuga was suppose to lead Team Fuku Kiri, which was originally suppose to have Akki in it. Zim was going to be in Team Fuku Konoha, which also had Megami, and Hotaru, and the rest were to be under Prim. But Prim gave Konoha and Kiri to Yen, and the went missing herself like Haru. Now She is back and apparently has the rest of the team with her, but who...thats a lot of team to have....someone has to be helping her.

“And, who is helping Prim, considering we have a large team and you are in charge of 5 Genin? You can only imagine if she has the rest of the team how many are under her.” MIz questioned. Which is a good question to ask! Hopefully Yen had an answer if not Prim really had her hands full!
Zim Nara
Zim Nara
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Never too late (TFK & Yen/P) - Page 2 Empty Re: Never too late (TFK & Yen/P)

Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:44 pm
Suddenly as though on cue, a carrier pigeon holding a letter on its left leg flew in the open door and landed on Zims leg. Zim retrieved the letter and read it. He stood up and motioned for Miz and Jayden to follow him. 
“Yen, sorry, it’s a bro thing, we have to talk alone!” He said as he looked towards the other two. 

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