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Asahi Igarashi
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Sat Dec 12, 2020 2:32 pm
A Disgruntled Few [S Rank]


Asahi was laying in bed, trying to enjoy the last few minutes of rest before he had to get up to start the day's work. The sun was just beginning to peak over Sunagakure. A small ray of light made its way across the wooden floor of his apartment. Soon that light would hit him and he would know it was time to get up, but until then he meant to enjoy every last second under the sheets.

"Ho ho ho!" the Hollykage's words rang in his ears.

He sat up in bed to see a spectral ghost of Christmas hovering in the shadows. Asahi took a hand to his eyes to rub the sleep out. He hoped that when it was done the ghost would be gone and he would have realized that it was all just a dream. The sleep was gone, though, and the ghost was still there, waiting to be answered. No such luck, the Genin sighed. He threw back the covers and got dressed as quickly as possible. Doubtless there is another mission that requires my aid. There's always something with this Hollykage.

"I'll do it," he said first, not bothering to argue with the strange Christmas Kage. Asahi knew it was no use, he would have to complete this task one way or another. At least the rewards aren't so bad. "Just tell me what you need so I can get this over with and be back in Sunagakure before sundown."

"Ho ho ho!" the ghost chuckled in response. "Very well, very well! Some pesky little elves of mine have made off with a treasure of mine. Senju Wood, perhaps you have heard of it? They are unhappy with the working conditions this Christmas and seek to get back at me. Naughty, naughty elves." The Kage sounded very disappointed with them. "Anyways, they took of with this material in the dead of night. Loading it up in a sleigh they took it deep into the forest. They have a lead on you, but with the sleigh it is slow going. No doubt you'll be able to catch up to them. The sleigh will leave a trail through the forest, it shouldn't be so hard to find. Get the wood back, capture the elves and the job will be completed."

"Sounds easy enough. When do I start?"

"Now!" the Kage said.

Asahi blinked and opened his eyes and he was suddenly standing in a snowy wasteland. Before him was the start of a trail into a dark and cold forest. The wind howled all around him. Luckily the sun was just coming up, for this task would be near impossible at night. He looked down and could see the sleigh marks heading into the forest. He shivered and rub his arms across his chest to get the blood flowing. It was always difficult moving from a place like Sunagakure to a snowy wasteland in an instant. The Genin made a move to start his mission but the Hollykage's voice echoed in his head once again.

"These elves may prove troublesome. There will be others joining you. Await their arrival before starting your mission, it shouldn't take long."

And so it was that the brown haired, green eyed Asahi Igarashi of Sunagakure stood in the freezing cold with his arms wrapped tight around his body. His simple black jacket did little to keep the temperature out. He bounced up and down as he awaited help for the mission. The ninja couldn't wait to get into the forest and out of the cold.


[OOC: Open to any and all!]

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Travin Uchiha
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:09 am
Travin walked into his room in the wee hours of the morning right before the sunrise. All he wanted was to lay in his bed and get a few hours of sleep before having to get up and get back at it. However, as he opened his door sitting in his chair was probably the last person on the planet that he wanted to see. The overly plump man dressed in red and white with rosy cheeks and a giggling belly as he stood laughing. “No, not again I just got off an all-nighter” Travin would wine at the man. Before quickly grabbing another jacket from his closet. He knew that there was simply no arguing with the man he tried that and nearly got froze to death last time. “What you need this time,” Travin asked the man. 

Finally, the man stopped laughing “Some elves took some special wood from me and I need you to get back for me.” Travin nodded along once he finished before he started back up again. This was the most the Hollykage had spoken to him before just teleporting him to where he needed him. “It’s Senju wood they took in one of my sleighs I need you to hunt them down and bring back the wood” Travin still nodding along as this man seemed perfectly comfortable asking Travin discreetly to kill several elves for him. 

Fine let’s get this over with do your magic” Travin would tell the Hollykage with an air of wanting to finish this as fast as possible so he could get some sleep at some point. The Hollykage clapped his hands together with a laugh and the next thing Travin knew he was standing in the snow again. This time outside of the woods in a clearing with clear tracks heading into the woods. Next to him was another man bouncing back and forth on his toes clutching his arms around his chest for warmth. Travin could tell that he was from Suna based on his shinobi headband. 

Well, you’re going to freeze to death out here like that” Travin said offering the extra winter jacket he had pulled from his closet before being teleported. This still left him with his normal clothes including his loose fit pants, combat boots, and a tank top with zip-up hoodie combo he wore. He would wait to see if the guy took his extra jacket or not before introducing himself. “The names Travin and from what I’ve been told we are to hunt and kill some elves” he would say clearly tired.


Last edited by Travin Rentei on Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:11 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added color for convo)
Stat Page : Sarutobi, Raleth
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:57 pm
Before the sun rose, the immense, ash-haired Raleth Sarutobi could be seen kneeling in his back porch, meditating between the plants, fruits, and flowers cultivated by his own hands. The aroma of his garden calms his mind, and allows him to center himself and his thoughts for the day. It was also a good way to think on the tea he would prepare, as one's first cup of brew dictates how the rest of the day can go. As the first rays of morning shine over the horizon, a strange chill and familiar jingle brings Raleth out of his meditative trance.

He looks around his porch, for the source of the sound, and eyes a folded piece of paper that lays in front of him. The smell of peppermint wafts from the white, red-lined paper, and a wide smile spreads over the stone face of Raleth. He stands and walks out of his back porch. He goes to his kitchen and prepares a kettle of black tea with honey and vanilla, a brew that would make one feel alert and refreshed: the perfect drink to combat the exhaustion from lack of sleep. 

He goes to his bedroom, and removes his morning robe. He hangs it on a rack, and goes to his closet. He grabs a black long sleeve and layers it under his dune-colored flak jacket, he puts on a pair of straight, black pants. He slides his feet into black boots, and he grabs a large, black, white-fur lined, Sarutobi winter coat. He puts each arm through the sleeve, and closes the silver buttons. He grabs his weapon pouches and attaches them to his sides, he places his fuma shuriken on his back. He grabs two other coats, one red and one green, as the kettle in the kitchen whistles, Raleth exits his room. He takes the tea off the burner and pours it in four thermoses. As it cools, he goes to his kitchen and fills a straw-basket with peaches, apples, mangos, and strawberries. Putting everything in a pack, he goes back to his outside porch, and unfolds the peppermint-scented piece of paper.

What's this!? Workers stealing toys from the good girls and boys!? Do they not know that they are denying cheerful smiles and joyous days?? SUCH WRONGS MUST BE RECTIFIED!!

As Raleth finishes the message, beams of light burst from the paper, and envelope the immense Sarutobi: blinding him.

In the next instant, Raleth's vision returns, and he finds himself in the freezing, snow-blasted Land of Iron. Howling winds bring biting chills, a trail in the snow twists and turns toward the edge of a dark and foreboding forest. Raleth makes a mental note, the trunks and branches could obscure ones vision, and provide ample cover for ambushes. Turning away from the forest, Raleth brings his attention to the other two people he's found himself with. 

From their chakra, Raleth could tell both of his companions were genin. One, a brown haired, green eyed boy wore the symbol of sunagakure on his headband. Curious, thought Raleth, I've not seen him before. Raleth recognizes the symbol on the other genin, one of Kirigakure.
Raleth shakes away his own personal thoughts, the idea of nurturing the next generation of shinobi makes him beam: and makes him forget his own personal grudges. 

"Greetings!!," thrummed the deep, warm, basso voice of Raleth Sarutobi, "it is good to meet you both!"

The immense chuunin would walk up to both genin, and hand each a thermos, as well as a thick winter coat, their choice of either red or green. "Before we begin, let us eat! Breakfast is a meal that should never be skipped, it is needed to keep the mind sharp and the spirit well!!"

Without waiting for a response, Raleth would bring pieces of the cut fruit he brought to the two genin, and, together, they would enjoy a fulfilling meal of peaches, apples, mangos, strawberries, and black, vanilla tea. If the genin were to eat, they would feel alert, awake, and refreshed.

"WONDEROUS!," exclaims the ash-haired Sarutobi as the meal is finished, "Before we begin, I think its best we asses our own strength. Oh, and introductions, of course!" His voice rumbles over the snow-blasted, Land of Iron, "I am Raleth Sarutobi!" at this, the immense chunnin strikes a pose of martial prefection, rippling and flexing his muscles with excitement "I am a taijutsu master, skilled with ninjutsu. Please, as we make our way to the forest to find these dastardly elves, stay within 10 meters of me. I have very sharp senses, and can keep tabs of you as long as you stay within that range. Do not fret, friends, we will make it through this day!"

Again, the ash-haired chuunin beams at his compatriots, he awaits their answers: and the start of their mission.


Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Sun Dec 13, 2020 7:56 pm
It wasn’t long after Musu returned from helping the hollykage clean up his workshop a bit when he opened the letter again and hoped that there would be another task ready for him to do. Sometimes when Musu opened the letter there were several tasks that were available to him but today there was only one. In bold red and green ink this mission appeared to be more urgent and much more important than the rest. Musu wondered why these workers revolted against the hollykage but it really didn’t take much thought to see why. Another question that Musu asked about was whether or not there would be more of it along with it. The substance and Katsuragi and Musu found while they were cleaning the workshop was a treasure that had to have been far more valuable than this wood that they were retrieving. Maybe the workers didn’t realize the prize that they were holding behind a few unlocked doors. That or they knew the value of the stuff but this wood was still far more valuable. Musu closed his eyes and waited for the teleportation to happen.

With this now being the third time that Musu was teleported his stomach still rumbled. It twisted inside of him as he coughed and felt a little bit of that acidic bile creep up towards his mouth. Still it wasn’t as bad as the last two times he was teleported like this so Musu knew that he was getting the hang of it.

Musu was ready this time for the winter's day. He knew that wherever the task was being held in was going to bring out a lot of snow. Where they started today was no different but it wasn’t exactly the same. It appeared that he had been transported into the wild snow white forests still probably close to the hollykages hidden holiday village. While it was still cold Musu was prepared. Warm socks accompanied with leather boots that removed the cold were with long pants and the Uzumaki’s signature tattered down grey cloak. When Musu opened his eyes he could see that he was not alone.

“Hey Raleth! Over here my guy!” Musu would wave and recognize the older man even from this long distance. The other two ninja that were with him Musu had never seen before but alas he knew that they had to be more “good ninja”. Musu was glad that this time for this potentially dangerous task the jounin had a man that was powerful beside him.

If the group would wander towards where Musu was teleported to they would find that sleigh tracks were centered by a few sets of prints lining it. This must be the cargo that was stolen and if the group agreed they would pursue in the direction that it was heading towards. If at any moment the group were to come into danger Musu was still ready to launch his ace technique to stop anything bad from happening to them.

Asahi Igarashi
Asahi Igarashi
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:12 am
Out of nothing popped a shinobi. Standing near Asahi was, based on the shinobi headband tied around the boy's waist as a belt, a ninja of Kirigakure. He wore lose fitting pants, combat style boots and a hoodie zipped up to protect him from the elements. In his hand was an extra winter jacket. Asahi stared at it, perhaps a little too long. Would that I was smart enough to bring winter gear, he cursed himself. He shivered as Kiri boy approached and began to speak. When the stranger offered the jacket to him he jumped at the chance.

"You're a life saver," Asahi thanked him with a bow and took the jacket. He quickly put it on and zipped it up tight. He felt better already. "Are you sure you're warm enough as you are, though? If you get too cold let me know and I'll return this to you, it is yours after all. I owe you one." With the jacket now on he relaxed his arms and ceased jumping up and down. "Nice to meet you Travin, I'm Asahi. That's right, the Hollykage wants us to get the Senju Wood back. Stolen by elves somewhere in this forest," he pointed at the heavily wooded area that lay before them. "Looks dangerous, we'll need others I'm sure."

With a flash of light another shinobi appeared. The man was large and muscular. He introduced himself immediately with a loud thundering voice. Raleth was his name, and he was the boisterous and exuberant sort. He seemed friendly enough, but the sheer size of him cautioned Asahi from getting on his bad side. The Genin already had a coat from Travin but he accepted the offer of food readily. He hadn't eaten yet and they would need all the energy they could get to hunt down the elves.

Asahi gave his name to Raleth. "Pleasure to meet you." The man's claim of being a Taijutsu master interested Asahi. The Genin favored Taijutsu himself, but he was far from claiming to be a master at it. Yet still, he hoped one day he could, and it would be a good chance to see someone really skilled in that art up close. "My Taijutsu is my strength," he told everyone in response to Raleth asking to assess the group. "Though I am no master." He swallowed down the fruit and tea he was given and felt awake and refreshed. "The food is delicious, my thanks. This will help us catch those elves."

Finally, the last of the party arrived. The man had flowing red hair and was dressed warmly with long pants and a grey cloak. Everybody is more prepared than I am, Asahi thought. He endeavored to buy a set of warmer clothes when he returned to Sunagakure. Who knows what else this Hollykage will have for me. Asahi noticed that Musu was looking at a series of tracks that lead into the forest. He strolled over to stand by the man. He introduced himself quickly to Musu and then waited for the rest of the party to get acquainted with each other.

"Looks like that's our target," he nodded to Musu and his suggestion to pursue the tracks. "Seems our path is clear, then." Good eyes, he thought to himself about Musu, he's perceptive.

Musu and Raleth clearly had met before, and Asahi thought they were the more experienced of the group, with himself and Travin being newer to the business of shinobi. Best to stay by them, he thought to himself. When the group was ready, Asahi marched into the forest with the rest of them to follow the tracks, defeat the elves and return the Senju Wood to the Hollykage.


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Travin Uchiha
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Mon Dec 14, 2020 11:52 am
I’ll be fine,” Travin told the boy after giving him his extra jacket. Pulling back the collar of his hoodie showing the fur inline. The boy introduced himself as Asahi but almost as soon as the Asahi finished introducing himself another flash of light went off near them leaving a monster’s man full of muscles. Just looking at him Travin figured that he was an up-close and personal style of fighter. That alone made Travin feel better about the mission since he could use this new guy on the mission as a meat shield if needed. The man spoke in a deep voice and was energetic as well. Normally something that Travin could appreciate in the morning but since he still hadn’t gotten any sleep since he was on patrol all night. He simply gave the man a smile and nod in agreement as he took the green thermos from the man. Taking his hoodie off for a moment to slip it on before putting his hoodie back on. He would stand and eat some of the fruit and drink some tea as it had been several hours since he had anything to eat. “Thanks for the food” Travin would tell the man who still hadn’t introduced himself yet. 

He soon told them that his name was Raleth and that he was a taijutsu master just like Travin had thought he would be. Asahi who went next said he also studied taijutsu but he was nowhere near a master yet. “I’m a genjutsu specialist,” Travin told the group. He figured that for this mission he would follow the lead of Raleth as he seemed to be the higher-ranked shinobi in the group so far. Travin saw another flash of light not long after that thought crossed his mind leaving another guy Travin didn’t know standing a little ways off. He didn’t know if the others saw or not so he gave a slight nod of his head to signal the others. 

The new guy apparently knew Raleth though as he yelled for him by name to check something out. Travin would follow the other two over to see Tracks in the snow for the sleigh that the elves had stolen. “Good find,” Travin told the new guy. “I’m Travin Rentei” he would add seeing that all three of his companions were from Suna based on their headbands. Because of this, he figured that they knew each other at least somewhat anyway. Looking over to Raleth “What formation for following” Travin asked the big guy. “Personally I think we should put you in the middle and with the three of us on each side of you and in front staying within that 10 meters you mentioned earlier forming a triangle”  

Travin didn’t know any suna formations and he didn’t know if any of them knew Kiri formation, so he figured that this would save some time to keep from explaining since it was a pretty basic formation.

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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Tue Dec 15, 2020 10:10 pm
Raleth Sarutobi would beam at Asashi as he puts on the green coat, he would give the young genin a righteous gesture of marital acknowledgment: a thumbs up with a competitive smirk.

"I look forward to our future fight, Asashi"

A familiar presence would appear some meters away from the group, the chakra of a red-haired jounin would accompany a sudden flash of light behind Raleth. The humorous and kind voice of Musu Uzumaki would echo in the freezing night, the ash-haired Saurtobi would turn and toss his friend a thermos of black tea with a hint of honey and vanilla. He would gesture for the other two to follow, and the group summoned by the Hollykage would come together.

The tracks were obvious, the thieves getaway was quick and dirty. By the number of small foot prints accompanying the sleigh tracks, Raleth would guess that a small battalion of disgruntled elves had made way with the precious wood. He also notes a strange depression in the snow, that seems to preceded the start of the sleigh and elf tracks. 

Raleth looks to Travin, the kirigakure genin sporting the red coat.

"A marvelous idea! Asashi, keep to my right, Travin, my left. Stay in the trees, you two. Jump from branch to branch, and keep within 5 meters of me. I'll know if something approaches before you will, keep my hands in your sight, I'll gesture if I sense something. Musu, you and I will keep to the ground, and you will take point. We should all be well in the range of your chakra chains, Uzumaki, if something happens, use them to defend the genin. We'll keep a moderate pace, no need to rush into anything. Let's go."

As Asashi, Travin, Raleth, and Musu travel to the dark forest, a shiver runs up the immense, ash-haired Sarutobi's spine: something in the heart of those large and leafy trunks awaits the group summoned by the Hollykage.

The group travels for a time, Raleth brings both his hands up in closed fists: the gesture to halt all movement. He puts one finger up in front of his forehead, to tell all that he senses something. In the distance, sparking on the fringes of his senses, Raleth feels faint chakra embers. What it is, he can't tell, but he knows there is only two. He waits for a moment, to see if there is any change in this unknown chakra.

Noting no change, he gestures to the red-coated Travin and green-coated Asashi, that there are two faint signatures 5 meters in front of them. He snaps his fingers to Musu to have him turn around, he gestures they should move two meters forward. As they do, the two Genin would know that they should head forward to investigate the signatures.

If they stay in the tree line, they would spot a crude, half-made trap. A simple firework with an explosive seal would be half-hidden in the snow, with a trigger line extending across the sleigh tracks. Though the line is hidden, the alarm is not. Knowing this, the two genin would more than likely return to Musu and Raleth.

If they inform the Sarutobi of their findings, Raleth would call a meeting. 

"I believe the best course of action is tripping the alarm, and luring the elves into an ambush. We can't guess their number, or what they stole from the Hollykage. We can fortify our position here, and crush them. They'll expect a fight, but not the one we'll give them."

Raleth forms the Snake-Tiger-Horse-Monkey-Dragon handseals, and places his hands on the ground. Earth chakra builds up, sparks, and burns inside the immense Sarutobi with each completed handseal, he flows this formed chakra into the earth. As he places his hands down, the earth trembles. Three earthen walls, bearing the Sarutobi crest, rise from the snow-blasted soil, between the trunks and branches: moving in a way as not to disturb the surroundings. The barrier formed is semi-circular, and coveralls an overall area of 30 meters. The front of the barrier has two, 1 meter gaps that are 8 meters apart, the curved sides are both 15 meters wide, and has a power and health of 50. 

"We'll start by laying traps outside of the barrier," Raleth begins to draw a diagram in the snow, "we'll focus on funneling them through here." Raleth draw the three walls denoting the barrier, and two dots representing the makeshift alarm one meter in front of the Hollykage's squad. "Travin, you'll be invaluable in this situation. Make sure they walk through these walls scared, confused, or both. Separate them how you can, if you see squads make sure they wander away from each other. Musu, you'll be the one directly behind the barrier, I'm sure you know how to handle yourself in that situation, make sure your chains are ready." Raleth then marks areas in front of this alarm, denoting places that would be perfect for explosive or tripwire traps. "Asashi, you and I will stick to the trees, and bombard the elves with projectiles. As they wander forward, we'll fall back, and assist Musu with the stragglers. Any questions?"

Raleth looks to the other three, to gauge their input and suggestions. If any suggests an alternative, Raleth would hear them out. Together, the Hollykage's squad would devolope a plan to ambush the Disgruntled Elves.

Disgruntled Elf:

The Disgruntled elves dance and cheer, around the fire that burns with the wood from their old master. They hoot and holler, jump and turn, enjoying freedom, joy, and life. Drunk on egg nog, they push and they shove, lost in bliss and happiness. A sudden sound, like gunpowder igniting, causes the roaring party to pause. Each elf looks up, and sees two lights streaking toward the sky, and a sudden explosion of green, red, and gold. Anger boils over in each individual elf as they see the colors of the Hollykage, the trap they had cleverly set had done its job. With hardened expression and vicious looks, they gather their merry armaments: to deal with the would be intruders and ensure their freedom from the Hollykage.

The go to the area near the trap they set, unaware of what is going to meet them.

Roy Goka
Roy Goka
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Musu Uzumaki(RIP)
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Thu Dec 17, 2020 6:18 pm
Musu was delighted to see Raleth and per usual he brought snacks. The man definitely continued to be very useful in missions like these due to his ability, good will, and diligent preparedness. This all must cost the man a fortune in grocery bills every week. Regardless Musu enjoyed his company and was happy to see him here. Musu would casually catch the thermos from the older man and begin the drink whatever delicious cocktail he had concocted.

“You guys are in for a treat.” Musu would quietly say, ushering them to drink up while they can. These formalities with the four ninja would continue as the group gathered near the track marks. There was a genjutsu user and taijutsu user among them as well, both of them appearing to be younger ninja too. On top of that the group had Raleth who Musu knew was strong along with Musu, a fuuinjutsu user, that could assist where needed. It was a perfect combination of ninja to take down this treasonous lot.

“Greetings to you both, My name is Musu, and I became a jounin after serving several years in the sealing corps. May the three of you please hold out your hand.I would like to place a seal on all of you which I will remove when we complete our mission.” The Jounin would offer. Should the three of them agree to this Musu would weave a series of hand signs: Bird, Dog, Hare, Horse, Ram, Dragon in rapid succession and then put his hand over each other member's hand respectively. After a bit a seal would form on each user that would then disappear into their clothing or skin.

“Raleth and Asahi especially. When you two get into position let me know and I can use my ability to wrap them up.” Musu would continue.

In regards to Travin, Musu didn’t know much of anything when it came to genjutsu. He was really in the dark about it as a ninja so it was a real blind spot for him. Musu hoped that with a demonstration today Musu could understand a bit more about how it was used. If no member of the group had any objections they quartet would travel along the sleigh tracks and lead themselves to the scene of the paper bomb. It was during this travel that the themos of warm liquid and Musu’s boots came in handy as he felt like he could move rather comfortably through the snow.

With Raleth and the rest of the group arriving at the site of the bomb Musu was surprised to see Raleth decided to put an earthen wall around it. Musu was worried that maybe the culprits would hear the wall forming and it would tip them off prematurely. Regardless he did it and he actually wove the wall around the trees as though to make sure that none of them fell. What elegance in producing the wall Musu thought. Musu would then weave another series of hand signs: Rat, Dog, Rat in rapid succession and would place another seal, the elemental bomb seal, on the inside of this wall area. In a pinch Musu could activate this seal to cause a contained explosion. At this point Musu would wait for the others to respond and then they would work on their next move.

Musu would await his next orders from Raleth and he would follow through with whatever instruction he had.

[ 507/1012

elemental bomb seal - 20AP
Chakra Chain Tenketsu Seal - 120 AP / 1392 Remaining]
Asahi Igarashi
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Thu Dec 17, 2020 8:15 pm
"I look forward to a future fight as well," he gave Raleth a smile. Though it may be some time before I'm able to keep up with you, the Genin thought to himself, judging that the larger Sarutobi was out of his league.

Asahi held his hand out when Musu requested it. He explained that he would place a seal on them that would help them complete their mission. He wasn't sure what it was or what he would do, but he was not one to deny help, especially from a Jounin of Sunagakure. Musu weaved a series of hand signs and then put his hand over Asahi's palm. A seal formed on the Igarashi's hand and then faded away as if it was slipping inside of his skin. Neat, Asahi thought. Musu mentioned something about getting into position and then he would be able to wrap up their targets. Got it, he made a mental note to remember that detail if and when a fight started.

The group made a traveling formation on the suggestion of Travin, which Asahi gladly agreed to. He stayed in the trees and out of sight as he was bid. The Genin shadowed the movements of the larger Raleth and made sure to keep close to his side in case something were to happen. They traveled in silence for a while, following the tracks of the sleigh closely as they hunted their prey. Before long something came into sight that was not snow or a tree, though Asahi was not the first to see it. Raleth put his fist up in a signal that said: "halt!" Asahi stopped his momentum and waited patiently in a tree to see what it was about. Raleth gave a command to investigate, and they did so, learning that there was a trap awaiting them in the snow. They returned to the group and they all discussed their next course of action.

"Let's do it!"

With the plan in motion the party waited for the elves to fall into their plan. Blissfully unawares the elves danced and laughed until they saw their own trap go off. They turned angry and grabbed weapons to deal with the intruders. Little did they know they were unwittingly springing a trap and walking into their own demise. Asahi could hear them funneling through the earthen barrier that Raleth had set up, making them an easy mark for Musu to spring his trap. Everything appeared to be going to plan, and it was time for Asahi to do his part.

Asahi concentrated on his chakra within and willed it to burst through the limitations holding his body back. The energy released the Gate of Opening and he could fill a surge of power coursing through his veins, greatly increasing his speed and strength. He jumped from tree to tree as the elves moved into the trap below, unaware of his presence above. He pulled shuriken from his weapon's pouch and shot them into the targets below. It was hard to see exactly what was happening but he could hear some of the shriek out in agony as the projectiles hit their mark. Soon he was completely behind the elves and had them flanked while they were focused on the walls and the other members of the team. Now is the chance for that technique Musu set us up for!

"I've got them flanked!" he called out to Musu and the others. He had a wide open view through the trees of the elves' backsides. "Now's our chance!" He held his palm out that Musu had prepared with his seal for whatever was to come next.

Eight Inner Gates (Opening) - 40 AP


605 Asahi WC
1807 Asahi Total WC
5623 Thread Total WC
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!) Empty Re: Disgruntled Few: Return the Treasure (OPEN!)

Fri Dec 18, 2020 8:25 pm
Travin held his hand out like the rest of the team to let Moosiah place a seal on their hand. He figured that he would take Moosiah at his word for now that he would remove it after the mission, and he trusted that he meant it for both Raleth and Asahi, but he was from a different village altogether and while he would work and trust them for this mission when he got back to Kiri he would have his hand checked for any seals remaining by the Kiri corps. 

With the seals placed the squad took off with both Asahi and Travin in the trees and Moosiah and Raleth on the ground. After what felt like forever for the already tired Travin Raleth called for a halt finding something on the ground. Both Asahi and Travin dropped from their trees to investigate with the others. Finding a tripwire trap left across the tracks of the sleigh. Raleth took charge giving everyone their orders for the fight letting Travin know that he wanted the enemy to be as confused and scared as possible. To which Travin nodded in agreement knowing his part of the plan. 

Raleth carefully and rather quietly somehow pushed the walls of earth up from the ground with his ninjutsu. Travin took note of Raleth abilities as he watched knowing that the man had to be very skilled with his ninjutsu to pull off the feat in and of itself. Travin jumped up on top of one of the walls looking around noting that most of the trees were pine trees. Making Ram, Monkey, Hare, Ram, Monkey hand signs a forest of giant redwood trees would come into existence covering a 40-meter diameter centered on Travin standing on the walls. “The giant redwood trees are not real” Travin would tell his team as half the 40-meter area filled up with massive trees. He then turned and made two water clones “Ill send my two clones in as backup for our front line. They relatively weak so don’t expect much but they’re good for taking hits and using low-ranking water jutsu” he would add. Looking over at both Raleth and Asahi planning on sending a single clone with both of them. Once his clones were in a forward position hiding in the brush as Travin knew that both Raleth and Asahi were probably way faster than his water clone. 

Once the elves got close enough that the group was able to hear them Asahi took off into trees. Travin’s clone would watch and see where Asahi landed and attacked first. Popping out of its hiding spot and throwing kunai at the two closest targets to Asahi. The other would wait for Raleth to make his move as well and follow the same plan of watching the front lines back through the use of thrown weapons and if needed ninjutsu. While Travin would stand on his wall able to see clearly through the genjutsu of trees. He waiting for the boss elf to show up. When the elf leader popped out Travin would use his Ephemeral genjutsu to catch him if Raleth or Asahi wasn’t close enough to take him out.

(WC-533 TWC-1460)
-40-False surrounding
-40-Water Clone
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