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Kaibuku Uchiha
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Pulling of the Weeds Empty Pulling of the Weeds

Wed Mar 24, 2021 11:47 am
Pulling Weeds:

The day had barely begun as Kaibuku exited the shower in his newly acquired two-room flat, he moved over to the bed where he had already prepared his clothes for the day. Since arriving in Suna the day before he had been given living quarters, this apartment was two rooms, one a bathroom, with a sink, toilet, radiator, and shower within it. The second room was an all-purpose room, one wall had kitchen utensils and appliances on it, a sink, microwave, and oven/hob sat on the countertops. Underneath there were several draws and cupboards to store whatever he liked, although he had not bought anything he needed yet. On the opposite wall, there was a single bed with a bedside table and on another wall, there was a wardrobe. Kai donned his clothes comprising of a long pair of black trousers and a deep v-necked black t-shirt, underneath which he had shinobi mail. 

Kai made his way out of the apartment and down the hallway to the stairs, he was on the fourth floor and made his way down to the ground floor and out of the building. The buildings here were very different from that of his home village, they were round and made out of more earthy material. The first thing to hit Kai as he exited the building was a strong wind, it whipped up around the village, and down the sections in between the buildings, there was very little in the way of outside signage and accessories to the buildings due to this wind. Kai was used to a sunnier climate and his clothing represented that, he decided he would stop by a clothing store on the way to his morning briefing to pick up a windbreaker, his dreads although well tied together blew in the wind in their twists.

Kai arrived at the gates he arrived at yesterday and then made his way to the administrative building where he was going to take on his first mission in this foreign village. He had been told how to get to the building but only from the gate, making the journey almost twice as long. Kai arrived at the building after getting lost several times, wrapped in his new florescent green windbreaker. Kai entered the building and reported to the woman manning the front desk "Hello there" Kai said in his usual tone and bowed slightly "I'm here to report for my first mission, my name is Kaibuku Uchiha". The woman looked up from her desk and smiled widely "Yes I have the scroll here" she said as she pushed the scroll over the desk. Kai bowed again as he took the scroll and walked out of the office. Kai opened the scroll and read the details of the mission "Pulling weeds" he said in a serious tone. Kai knew this mission was below his skill level but he was new here and building reputation was as important as building skill. 

Kai spent the next few hours going from house to house in the outer parts of the village, he greeted each homeowner and asked them to direct him to where the weeds were, and then completed the task. Kai was surprised that this village had gardens of such well-grown vegetation giving its climate, unfortunately, that meant there were many weeds to be pulled. Kai gave his all to the task, making sure each garden was completely weeded before he moved on to the next one, both wanting to be happy with his accomplishment as well as gaining a reputation as a completionist. Kai then returned to his home.

WC: 603

Claiming 1100 Ryo, +5 Ap, +6 Vigor, 500/500 words for Fire Lash. 93 for 500/500 for Fire Piercing Darts D - previous wordcount.
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Pulling of the Weeds Empty Re: Pulling of the Weeds

Wed Mar 24, 2021 1:35 pm
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