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Zeo Kamigawa
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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Mon Apr 05, 2021 3:16 pm
Clone Zeo looked as the sudden roots collected around them, trapping them in. He didn't hesitate to sneer in frustration as he stood there, feeling the roots sap his chakra and confine his movements. At that point, clone Zeo knew he wasn't going to be able to cut his way out as how he saw Stein block the shurikens thrown at him. Despite being a clone, he mimicked and reacted just as Zeo did with his frustrated look and his glare to the enemy.

For the moment, the clone paused, keeping in place to wait if needed. All he could do was observe...

(Super strategy combat music)

... and act as a perfect distraction.

Meanwhile, inside the mist was when the real Zeo took action. Luckily the cage didn't obscure the area of the mist as Zeo took action, using the remaining water and forming his hand signs out of sight from the Sharigan stealing freak. Complete with his preparations, the ankle-high water collected around him.

While out of sight from the two he had trapped, he was not completely hidden from the eye-sight of the mist. His unusual vision was able to see Stein's aura without fail.

In that very moment-- the Clone Zeo soon became transparent and became a splash of water upon the ground. While he failed, he was not the focus.

"Suiton... Water Dragon BULLET!!" he called, the 'starry eyes' glaring with determination as it locked on to Stein where he 'hid'.

From out of the edge of the mist, the head of a large, watery, serpent dragon appeared made out of water. Despite a chakra-constructed beast of water, it was realistically acting like a hungry beast as it rose up. With deadly intent, the water dragon lunged forward into the air! Free from the mist, it shot right for stein, turning in mid-air to fly and strike Stein from where he was upon the roots.

While the mist lingered just a bit, reaching the end of its duration--- the dragon was the more pressing problem now as its watery maw threatened to smash and crush into Stein with lethal force.

WC: 354

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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Tue Apr 06, 2021 7:41 pm
Everything was going according to plan, at least until the man formed a cage around them that 
“Damn,” Gonk thought as his fist hit the wooden planks. “It’s this close to breaking, if I use a jutsu to enhance my strength it should break. But for some odd reason most of my taijutsu techniques seem to make my physical attacks weaker, which is very strange. But anyways, I think the best approach might not be to just punch it.” Right as Gonk finished his thoughts, he heard a splash behind him and saw a puddle of water where his ally’s clone had once been. Spurred into action by this, Gonk quickly formed the dog seal. Instantly, where he was once standing there was now a small mouse, only 4 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 2 inches tall. With his new size, Gonk the mouse was easily able to slip through the 6 inch gap in between the wooden bars of the cage. As soon as he scampered out, Gonk looked around for his opponent and what he found was a water dragon presumably made by his partner, shooting up at the missing ninja, who was still on his root. Seizing the opportunity this presented, Gonk channeled chakra to his four mouse feet, then started running up the root towards the enemy. If he made it within three meters of the man, he would undo the transformation, make three hand seals, then set out an invisible cone of chakra directed at the man. This jutsu would travel at a speed of 40, and if it hit the man, it would restrain him with a power of 40. If he was successfully restrained, Gonk would close the distance between them and punch the missing ninja in the chest, the sheer force of the blow making a clean hole in his body. However if Gonk was unable to restrain Stein, he would figure out another way to defeat the man.
jutsu/ap used:
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Shikami Shinkou
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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Wed Apr 07, 2021 12:32 pm
Stein felt it was about time, as with the timing of events ,let us clearify a bit. By the time the clone was dispelled and the Dragon sent, a Little mouse was making its way up the root. However this was the moment Stein was waiting for. And he would launch himself backwards off the root into a flip down to the ground, but that would not be where he landed. For that moment a rush of power surged across him, as his sage mode activated. Stein felt the Nature Chakra he naturally collected begin to dwindle, as he fueled his technique to even greater heights of power. A Huge Wood statue was suddenly Stepping up out of the ground and towards the mist, Which would help in its dissipation. This Wooden Statue stood thirty meters tall, and Stein would land upon the head of the mighty beast, which had a dragon wrapped around its body. and its head rested upon the shoulder of the Statue. The Stitched man had changed a bit. His Eyes had changed a little, reflecting his sage, with markings forming down his face almost like a sad stitched man. But Laughter at this time would erupt from the crazed doctor. He used his Display of power again, only to buy himself some time as he shouted to the boys.

"You boys must realize, that you are Doomed, and this is your graveyard." While yes it may be a bit over kill, Stein needed to push these boys more, so far he has seen some classic strategy, but he would not say anything out of the box just yet. "I know you stayed in the mist and used a clone, how clever. And Mousey Shark, I can see you on the root I was on. Clever way to escape the Prison, I thought I almost had you" At this point Stein would roll his shoulders. "Shall We get on with this then?!" In case the Dragon of the water brat did not crash into the root and was being controlled further, the Wood Dragon on Stein's Human would raise up and take off from the body of the Wood Human. Meanwhile the wood human aimed a flat palm towards the root below aiming to crush the mouse below his gigantic coverage and power. Stein at this moment no longer was thinking as a proctor of these Genin as a way to pay for his misdeeds in Hoshigakure. These were two pests, Ants swarming a bee's Nest, looking for something sweet.

Stein's watchful gaze from thirty meters above the ground looked down towards the boys to see their reactions, cause if the water dragon had in fact crashed into the root, since Stein had jumped away long before the technique could come crashing into him. It was Likely if it followed him into his leap backwards which would take him five meters away from the root, To Crash into the raising Wood Human. Either way, The Wood Dragon launched off the wood human, Either to counter the Water Dragon, or towards the boy that was left in the mist. Entering the Mist and swooshing around to help clear the mist out faster. Searching for something where the boy could possibly be.

980 Ap
-50 Sage Mode
-70 Sage Art
-120 Wood Human/Dragon
740 Ap

5/6 Nature Counters
+1/-1 Jugo/Sage
-1 Sage Art
4 Nature counters

Wood Human/Dragon Stats
Power 250
Speed 250
Health 240
Zeo Kamigawa
Zeo Kamigawa
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 35400

Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Wed Apr 07, 2021 10:53 pm
The change in power was not unnoticed by Zeo as he attacked-- even in his position-- he could sense the sudden surge as this monster transformed into even greater power. The monster conjured a giant of wood, and used both it and the dragon that surrounded to lauch two attacks on each ot them. Despite the danger--- Zeo maintained control of his Water Dragon Bullet and had the dragon give chase to the enemy ninja, drawing closer. Because of the jutsu, Zeo continued to guide it as it turned and lunged to reach further atop.

This was met by the dangerous wood dragon that Stein had conjured. It did not hesitate to meet the Water dragon-- and yet it pressed on regardless. The two dragons clashes and fought, either wood to suck up the water or water to slice through the wood. Either way the two attacks met, causing a messy impact. The dragon gave a final death-cry roar as it impacted to the other dragon, and splashed, casting water in all directions and upward t o Stein, likely soaking him a bit harmlessly as the water splashed all around.

All that remained was the masses of water the water dragon was made of, gushing out in all directions like a waterfall. Harmless as the mist in t he distance began to vanish.

It seemed Stein had possibly cornered him.

(Come-back Music)

... Splash!!

The torrents of harmless water soon moved-- and with a splash emerged a person! Out from the mass of water that the dragon had been comprised off, appeared Zeo himself! The water was like a certain he merely passed through, jumping out of nowhere and now was in mid-air a few meters from Stein himself.

By then it was revealed--- as the last of the mist dissipated. Whether he attacked or not was pointless, cause Zeo was no longer there. ALl that was left in that patch of mist was a bit of water and the roots that Stein had set up. Zeo had not hidden in the mist, but used it as cover to properly set up his jutsu. While effective to hide, Stein clearly knew his true self remained in the mist. To stay in there was pointless, but Zeo used something else. The Water Dragon Bullet was not meant to launch a single attack against his foe--- but a means of crossing the distance without being noticed using "Hiding in Water" . In this case, he was never in the mist. He had hidden inside the very Water Dragon Bullet, he created from the water his partner made. From inside the very dragon, he also had more control of its actions as well.

With a single, confrontation sign of his hand, the blue-haired ninja had reached for his sword on his back and drew it as he descended down from the spray of water. As he drew his sword, the spray of water from the Water Dragon Bullet coalesced. It soon flew towards the blade as he funneled his chakra into it, causing it to glow and radiate now with water along its edge.

"HHHAAAAAAAAA!!" Zachary cried in determination as he came down with a spin, bearing his water-chakra-infused sword down upon Stein to slice into him with all the strength he had! Being so close to Stein now, regardless of enhancements-- even he couldn't easily dodge an attack after emerging from the water so close.

Stein would get a good look at Zeo's eyes as he struck-- able to see the flickers of black and starry-like specks in his corneas-- the signs of hidden power that still remained on the surface, ignorant to its wielder he had such power. Regardless, he had it and used it to see his enemy even when he was inside the mist.

WC: 632

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Last edited by Zeo Kamigawa on Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : grammar)
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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Fri Apr 09, 2021 3:57 pm
“Well shit,” Gonk the mouse thought as he watched the enemy jump off the root. Gonk was four meters away from the spot the missing ninja once stood and immediately halted. Gonk undid his transformation as the enemy performed his hand seals, then lept forwards as the giant golem was formed. Gonk had already started his jump when the missing ninja activated his weird aura again, so it was too late for Gonk to turn back.  Instead, he steeled himself and pushed away his fear. The last five meters of the root on which Gonk had previously stood was 30 meters above the ground, coincidentally the exact same height as the wood human. Meaning to attack the enemy, Gonk only had to jump in a straight line forwards. When Stein had jumped off the root, he traveled a total of one meter backwards before creating the wood golem, meaning there was 4.12 meters between him and Gonk. The golem had his hands at his sides at the moment Gonk left the root, roughly 15 meters away from his head. Meaning that to intercept Gonk he would have to move his hand 15 meters before Gonk could move 4.12. And even a beast as fast it was unable to perform such a feat. As Gonk traveled through the air he formed four hand seals, then pulled out his sword Kiribachi, making mist form around the blade. As soon as he was within three meters of the man, Gonk swung his sword in a horizontal arc, causing Stein to be trapped between the duo’s two blades. Gonk would land directly to the right of Stein, and would make his next action depending on the success of their attack.
jutsu/ap used:
Shikami Shinkou
Shikami Shinkou
Stat Page : Shikami
Mission Record : Road to A-rank
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 113000

Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Tue Apr 13, 2021 12:45 pm

The boys collided with each other. As Gonk had jumped . The boy Zeo had reformed himself. While Zeo was Indeed higher up in the air, he would be tilted backwards now, and the boy Gonk would have struck himself with the other boys legs since however Gonk was the one with actual momentum at that point, He would still be on his path, if slightly altered, the sword he swung would crash down into the head of the wood golem at Stein's Feet.

Stein Had seen enough at this point and immediately would disappaite his Sage mode and Said loudly to both boys. "Enough, It is time for some truth" Stein at that moment would hold forward a hand in which the bells would exude out of his palm, and his fingers would wrap around the strings and he flipped the hand around as the bells made a clinging sound. " Chuunin Exam Bell Test : Proctor Stein, At your service. I was charged with getting to know if you two had what it takes to be shinobi of a higher quality. And you both showed great Inginuity. A Mouse to escape the holes left in the prison, and becoming the Water Dragon. That was Inventive. I present you both your bells. Seems its just about time for me to report back with your boys, Success. Fearlessly attacking a Missing Ninja that showed he was of higher caliber and never relenting even in the face of a monsterous form or structure. I am sure your respective Kages would be glad to hear that." With that Stein would throw a Bell to each boy and made the dragon take its place on the golem as it sunk back into the ground.

"Any Questions?" Now stein did note the eyes of the one boy, but that would be a more personal discussion he would have with him at a later date. for now it was getting late, he needed to not report back in to late, and the boys would need food and rest after such a heafty battle.
Zeo Kamigawa
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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Thu Apr 15, 2021 12:29 am
That was humiliating! Though the danger he felt himself in it happened too fast for him to really see-- as Stein simply evaded and Zeo came crashing down onto his own ally!? He tried to divert his movement but couldn't and their two blades clashed, Luckily the twos water powered blades did some good to keep from causing serious damage to the both of them.

However before Zeo could try and do another counter attack--one that would likely give one more attempt attack--- the monster said stop and revealed some truth that he was in fact a proctor. Zeo dropped his sword, dumbfounded rightt then and there. "What?" he asked blankly, feeling like he was played for fools by how this guy had acted. His surprise caused the flicker in his eyes to fade completely, once again not yet awakened to their full potential.

Zeo soon caught the bell easily as it was tossed to him and he heard t he fact he was a proctor to the exam, and his job was to test them. THIS was the bell test. "I knew it... something was wrong with this whole fishy situation. It WAS a setup." Zeo said bitterly, as he looked to the guy. "Are you certifiably insane or something? You're intent was clear to kill us."

He still remembered it. The chill he had from how he saw through the mist and 'saw' the man's sickly aura. Even as it faded, he saw the briefest glimpse of that strange, creepy aura. Proctor or not, Zeo was not to trust him. It wasn't violent, but it was unsettling. He didn't get why, but he just saw it and didn't know why. STein no doubt would suspect his power, but likely question if HE knew himself, with how it flickered in and out of his eyes like that.

Either way the danger was over and Stein started to leave. Zeo watched as the man left, leaving him puzzled to know what kind of events he would be forced to endure with the rest of the exam... He turned to the shark boy, and looked to him. "Um.... thank you. I'm sorry for how this went down, but glad itt wasn't half as dangerous as it felt like it was." he explained.


WC: 377

Last edited by Zeo Kamigawa on Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Thu Apr 15, 2021 8:39 pm
Gonk as he felt something collide with him from above, knocking his blade and himself off course. The boy’s weight pushed Gonk away from the wood golems head and instead onto its shoulder. Not a very safe place to be all things considered. So as soon as Gonk’s feet hit the wood of the golem, he leapt up into the air and landed on the head. But by then the missing ninja was already speaking. Gonk took a slight step back when he saw two bells seemingly emerge out of the man’s own skin.
“What the hell?” Gonk wondered as he examined the man. “Wait proctor? This was the second round of the chunin exams?” 
Gonk gave a slight smile as he received praise for escaping the prison. 
“Really, Lord Mizukage would be proud?” Gonk wondered as he heard Stein’s words. He then caught the bell thrown to him and examined it. Surprisingly it wasn’t covered in blood and guts like you’d expect from something pulled out of someone’s body. Gonk stepped off the shoulder of the wood human as it neared the ground, then walked over to his partner. 
“Hey, you did a good job,” Gonk said as he approached him. “Hiding in the water dragon was a really good idea. By the way, I don’t think I even caught your name. I’m Gonk Hoshigaki.” Gonk extended his hand. “And I don’t know about that. It sure as hell seemed like he was trying and almost succeeding to kill us. That giant wood man was no joke.” But despite his words Gonk didn’t really resent the man he was just fighting, he could respect power. Though it did seem like his cover story might not have been a lie. He had quite a powerful aura, and he was clearly a man who had undergone several transplants, as he not only had the sharingan, but also senju, and another bloodline that allowed him to passively absorb nature energy. Additionally even after the fight was over, he didn’t put on a village headband. So it was definitely a possibility that this man at least at one time was a missing ninja. 
“Well this has certainly been interesting, but I should get going. Maybe I’ll see you two again another time.” And with that, Gonk raised his hand in farewell, then started to make his way back to the inn, where he could get something to eat, then maybe go back to sleep.
Zeo Kamigawa
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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Fri Apr 16, 2021 6:42 pm
End: TWC: 3,554

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Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein! - Page 2 Empty Re: Chuunin Exams Pt 2: Zeo and Gonk vs Stein!

Sun Apr 18, 2021 1:14 am

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