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Taichi Uchiha
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:52 pm
The member of the squad not in the lab coat spoke of what he was going to be doing with the Titanium, he was going to be making a puppet stronger with the materials. That was something that Taichi had very little experience in, puppets. He had never seen an actual puppet user in battle, and it was something that he was hopefully going to be able to see in his life at least in one point. "That is very cool! I have never seen a puppet user in action, so I hope to see you tear someone down with it someday." 

The other member of the party told the rest that he had no use for it, at least not currently. This was understandable as it didn't take much time to mine the material, and at least one would already have it once the need showed itself. "That's understandable. I don't quite know what it is I am going to use it for for sure, I am likely going to craft it into a sword, but armor very well may just be the perfect use for it as well."

Taichi and the other two members of the squad were continuing to mine, working the walls far faster than anyone else, and that was mainly due to the fact that they were just stronger, and were able to use their chakra to enhance that already higher strength into a force that was far superior than they could even comprehend. He had expected many members of the mine to dislike ninjas altogether, and that was something that he was used to, being disliked. 

There weren't many people in the world that Taichi would consider being a friend, or even an acquaintance, except for maybe Kenshin in Suna, and Stein from Kazan. But these miners had a good reason to hate shinobi, as they did in fact just do the work on a contract basis and simply came in to take the money and ore, finish their job all by themselves in a fraction of the time and just walk away like nothing had ever happened. It was a hard reality that they had to face, but he would be lying to himself if he didn't feel a little bad for the men working in the mines. 

As the three were working the walls, he had heard the comments from a few of the miners, wishing harm upon them just because they were better at their jobs even though they didn't do it for a living like the miners had to. Before this would be enough to make him angry and lash out at the miners, possibly injuring or killing a few of them, but he just didn't have that in him at the moment. So he instead stopped mining for a few moments and he looked over to the miners that were spitting on the ground in their direction and he simply apologized. 

He looked over to the group of men to their side and began to speak, "I'm sorry that we have come into your territory just to make your lives a little harder. Your job of mining these walls day in and day out are far harder than the things we have to face, and for that, you men have my respect. Having to deal with the dust and dirt and not to mention the darkness, that's a hard life. Especially for what it is that you guys make. The resources that we get from this mine, is important for our jobs to try and help keep this village safe, and that is something that even if you and I cannot seem to like each other, maybe we can find common ground there." 

He then turned back to face the mine, knowing that he was getting to the point to where he had gathered almost enough ore for the day, he continued to strike the walls of the mine, being hopeful that even if he couldn't truly make their lives any better, that maybe they would accept his apology and hate them even  hopefully just a little bit less. 

WC: 692
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:25 pm
A puppet and weapon user. Both were good for short range combat the Terumi would think while continuing to cut apart the ore with his chakra scalpel. He would make sure his hands were still showing the blue light of the technique which has aided him in seeing the ore with the sketchy lights above.

With the quiet of the conversation came the echoes of people talking their trash, but it was all bravado. The truth was those people would do nothing even if they had all decided to work in the mine permanently. This was typical for people who likely lived inside the village or even just outside it, as the mine was close to the village he assumed the workers were locals. The citizens of Hoshi who loathe ninja even though without their presence this mine would be some bandits labor camp where these jerks would be working for their lives instead of a paycheck.

Taichi would seemingly attempt to sympathize with the citizens, Akabayashi had given up that task a long time ago, but the man could try all he wanted it was his energy. The Nova would continue his task hoping to finish before someone started a problem. 

The village of Hoshi's beliefs started long before it was a ninja village. Chakra was used by devils and ninja were those magic wielding demon summoners. At first the church disapproved of utilizing ninja to clear bandits from within, but the bandits who could use chakra like Akabayashi himself became a problem for the Queensmen and Queensguard. Finally, they relented and agreed with the royalty to allow ninja to clean up Haven. The beliefs that ninja are still evil is still around, but has settled in recent years. The introduction of a queen who was a ninja and a Queensguard who became a kage helped bring a tie to both sides, but even with the change there were still the bitter like these miners and even Akabayashi himself.

Removing his shades, the Terumi would store them in his lab coat pocket. His scarred face and damaged eye visible to those watching him work. 
WC: 355
TWC: 1368/1333
Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Tue Apr 27, 2021 9:53 pm
Tear someone down with it? The boy would think as Taichi said it. He had never reallyy thought about killing someone with it, but the design he had in mind and the titanium was certainly made for killing. I wonder if I should tell him, I'm relatively inexperienced. As he thought that one of the Akabayashi shadow clones would bump into him on accident while carrying the ore. Who the hell am I kidding, he already knows. Shades in the dark tunnel figured it out already. "I hope, I know what I'm doing when that time comes." Ryuzaki would say to Taichi while taking another swing.

The walls of the mines made it easy for sound to travel, but this was ridiculous.There were actually people here who hoped not only that the three temp workers which included Ryuzaki would die, but that they'd collapse the mine completely and kill everyone here. These people are nuts, I'm not even sure what we did to upset them. The choice between keep your head low or try to apoligize for taking the offer was tough, but it seemed Taichi had made up his mind and decided to speak to the people. His words were sympathetic and it seemed he was just trying to reach a place of understanding with them.

Akabayashi seemed to almost ignore the hateful words thrown at him and keep his head down. Now the Nara was in a hardplace does he keep his head down and work or back up Taichi. "We are sorry, hopefully we are out of your way shortly." He'd made up his, the boy wasn't much for conversation with many people staring at him, so he kept it short and hoped it sounded sincere. 

With that done he would heft his pickaxe and crash it into rock in search of the ore he required. The clones would sort the ore from the rubble for him. Whatever the technique was it seemed quite useful just to have another set of hands. When the Nara looked at the Terumi who removed his glasses he glanced the pick off the ore only chipping it. Does he know I thought of him as shades in the dark tunnel? Whistling noise, whistling noise, nothing to hear inside my head. Wearing sunglasses in a mine is cool, I'd do it if I could. 
WC: 392
TWC: 1367/1333
Sayaka Uchiha
Sayaka Uchiha
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Ryo : 500

On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Wed Apr 28, 2021 1:01 am
The miners seemed to be growing more and more restless with the ninja sitting there doing their jobs, but they were just simmering with anger, especially because it did not seem like the ninja were going to engage with them, it seemed like these ninja were a bit more sensible than the ninja they had seen before them. Eventually the white haired one decided that he was going to try and clear the air with the miners, and started explaining that they did not mean any offense, and thanked them for getting the materials for the village. This seemed to calm down the miners quite a bit, and then the youngest one also apologized, and the miners felt like they could not be that harsh on someone young and people that seemed to at least accept that they worked hard. 

The miners did not really know what to do now, as they did not really care about insulting or chastising the ninja anymore, but they still had to keep working with them. Their normal prejudices would not go away so fast, so they just sort of made a couple of "Hmm" sounds and turned back with their work, being quiet or talking amongst themselves, sort of just ignoring the ninja at this point, as there was nothing to really talk about with the ninja, and they just wanted to complete their jobs and go home at this point, as it was a bit strange sitting there with a type of stagnant atmosphere, as they still did not like ninjas as a whole.

The miners would simply be quiet and give single answers such as yes, no, or I don't know to anything that the ninjas said from then on, but at least it was a bit more calm of an atmosphere and there was less tension in the air.
WC: 309
Taichi Uchiha
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Wed Apr 28, 2021 10:01 am
After Taichi had made his speech to the miners, they all seemed to calm down at least a little bit. He understood how it felt to be put down and treated like you were nothing, hell that was the majority of his life. So he could most certainly sympathize with them, even if he couldn't understand the simple fact that they did not have the abilities that the three shinobi did. When the youngest one of the three apologized to them, the puppet user, the miners seemed to disband and stop their cursing at the three shinobi, while the eldest of the three just simply continued to work. 

Taichi was sure that the elder had his reasons for not wanting to deal with the miners, "maybe he had a previous run-in with miners that didn't go so well" he figured. He realized that the three had actually obtained all of the ore that they were required to get before their part of the job was done. Taichi was the first to stop swinging his pick axes and have them fade away as they were just made up of his own chakra. When his pickaxe faded away. He walked up to the miners and he thanked them one last time before he turned away and faced the two shinobi that he was originally working with. He looked to the youngest one and he told him that he was excited to see the great things that he was going to do with puppetry one day. He then turned to the eldest and said that he would hope one day that he would be able to learn that technique from him, not telling him that he had been watching him use that move and studying it. The amount of chakra control for that technique would have to be immense, but that was fortunately one of his specialties, so he was sure that he could learn it with no issue.

When he was done he left the mine, obtaining his pay and a chunk of the high grade steel ore that he would be able to use on some armor that he was in need of purchasing. As he left the mines, he decided that it was about time he returned to the village, but this time, he was going to be going to the training grounds instead of the tavern. It was time he finally got back on the horse and stopped feeling sorry for himself, he felt like seeing the miners be so down on themselves. The worst part about it, was he was likely far worse than any of those miners, drinking his days away like there was no tomorrow. But now he was going to try and see what good he could still wring out of his muddled and sad life.

TWC: 2478

+2478 towards V7 Foo Dog Heads (completed)
+416 towards V7 Wood Dragon (416/3750)
+8000 Ryo 
+1 Titanium

Last edited by Taichi Uchiha on Thu Apr 29, 2021 10:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:57 pm
The situation was diffused by the two speaking to the miners. Akabayashi knew the situation would have diffused itself had they ignored them as well, but at least now there was "quiet" and he could focus on obtaining this ore. With enough ore Taichi was the first to leave and go recieve his pay, Akabayashi finished second and stayed until Ryizaki was finished. 

Walking out of the mines the Terumi would retrieve his award for his time and efforts. Though, the miners in the tunnel likely doubted there was any effort at all in what went on down there.
WC: 99
TWC: 1467
Claims: 40AP, 8,000 ryo, 1 titanium l, 750 ryo from rank reward
28AP from max stats. 680 WC toward a transplant reflip putting me at 2,000/2,000, 787 WC toward Ninjutsu Amplifier A-rank bringing the total to 1887/2500
More claims to follow if senju flip is successful, 2 is the number for success.
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
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Ryo : 92350

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Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:58 pm
2 for success
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Thu Apr 29, 2021 1:58 pm
The member 'Akabayashi Terumi' has done the following action : Roll Dice/Flip Coin

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Ryuzaki Nara
Ryuzaki Nara
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Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:11 pm
With the miners calmed and the work still getting done, it was much easier for Ryuzaki to focus. The lack of people insulting him and the fear of being attacked by a mob had subsided and he was able to move much faster.

As Taichi left he offered some parting words to both of them. But it seemed Akabayashi had droned out in the silence and kept chopping rocks, it seemed accidental that he didn't respond. Ryuzaki however would address him. "Hopefully, I can put on a performance you can enjoy." He would wave to Taichi as he left and finish working with the clones before retrievind his own promised reward.
WC: 111
TWC: 1478
Claims: 40Ap, 8000 ryo, 1 titanium, 250 rank reward
14 stats, 690 wc to complete Hiding with Camoflouge B rank, 778 WC toward Chakra Suppression 778/2000
Ichigo Sato
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On the hunt for something stronger - Page 2 Empty Re: On the hunt for something stronger

Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:17 pm
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