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Kaibuku Uchiha
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The Toad of Rage Empty The Toad of Rage

Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:03 am
Summing Friends:

The sun had set a few hours ago as Kai walked through the village of Suna. Entering the building and climbing the stairs Kai felt the extreme strain in his muscles, he had spent the day training in taijutsu, currently his weakest ninja art. No matter what he tried he did not seem to be able to build muscle nor get the hang of the maneuvers that were so critical to taijutsu, his body just did not respond in a way that allows him to freely manipulate it, the only thing he was thankful for was that his hand speed was not awful. Pushing open his apartment door Kai limped over to his bed, his leg and arm muscles felt like they were stretched to the point of breaking, and that there were tiny needles stuck into them at several different points. As he dropped to the bed Kai felt like his muscles would finally give in and snap, but all that came to him was sleep.

The night passed and a new day started, Kai, awoke to some banging on his apartment door. The first thing that hit him was the aching still in his muscled, the stabbing sensation now replaced with a sensation that his muscles were tight and were not long enough to accompany the other body parts they wrapped around and also enveloped by. The mystery knuckles rasped against the door again as Kai pushed himself up off of his bed, still in his clothes from the previous day, and walked over to the door. Kai opened the door and was met by a familiar face from the administrative building. "Uchiha Kaibuku, I have a mission scroll for you" The man extended the scroll towards Kai, "You have been assigned a mission to increase your arsenal, we are assigning genin with space/time aptitude to find and sign a summon contract" Kai nodded and took the scroll from the man "Where do I start?" Kai asked. The man smiled at him and turned and walked away, as he walked off down the hall he waved his hand "Now that is up to you". Kai sighed and shut the door "That's maddeningly unhelpful like it's that easy".

Kai stripped off his clothes and showered, preparing for the exhausting day he now had ahead of him, he had no idea where to even start. Walking from the bathroom into the main room of the apartment Kai then dressed for the day, since he was going on a mission, and one with unknown entities at that he dressed for combat. Kai out on a black, deep v-necked t-shirt over the top of his lightweight bodysuit, then black trousers over his bottom half, and his sash with his village logo on around his waist. Kai attached his weapon pouch to his hip and loaded it with his tools. Next, he pulled his dreaded locks together and tied them into a bunch so they would not be too difficult in the wind outside. Lastly, Kai filled a large water canteen and slung it around his shoulder, and headed out the door.

Kai wandered through the village thinking about where he could go to meet some ninja animals, clearly, he would have to leave the village. Kai made his way down to the gates and flashed his i.d. badge to the gate guard and was let out, he then began to wander towards the border of the village and out into the wider country beyond. Kai walked for a few hours before exhaustion caught up with him. He found a collection of rocks to sit in, offering some small respite from the desert sun. Kai unscrewed the cap on his water canteen and began to take deep sips from the water source. Suddenly a strange smell caught his nose, he could not place what it smelt like, he replaced the cap on the top of his water canteen and pushed his weary body from the ground. He follows the scent, the more he traveled in the direction the stronger it got. After a few seconds, he also began to hear noises that were unnatural to the state of the desert. Metal clashed together, and impacts could be heard. Kai dropped down into a small canyon as the noises and the smell intensified. Kai rounded a large boulder to see a battlescape, there were large gouges out of some rocks and thinner slits that looked like a blade had made the marks, the source of the smell became apparent as some sort of dark cloud floated off into the distance. now that Kai was close he could feel a stinging sensation in his eyes, this made him believe that the cloud could be poison.

A 1ft tall orange and green toad stood in the middle of the area, two swords crossed on his back, he was surrounded by 3 snakes, they slithered in sections around him cutting off any avenue for escape. Kai stepped forward forming the tiger handseal. Kai's right hand acted as if it was gripping a handle and then his left hand drew a line from the right hand and away from it. Fire started to form from his right hand and followed the path his left hand took until a three-inch thick, two-meter-long whip of pure fire was manifested. Kai's right hand shook violently and the length of the whip flowed upward and then all the way down to the floor and gashed against the earth below him, sparks flew from the molten whip as he flailed it around "HA, HA, HA" he yelled out trying to scare off the snakes. However, they were having none of it and just hissed at him. Kai stepped forward and brought his hand around the top of his hand, angling the whip to slash at the closest snake. As he rounded on the toad he saw that it had its arms folded in front of him and his eyes closed, this perplexed Kai but he pressed on with his attack. The whip rang out and slashed at the nearest snake, gauging a slash mark across its back, where the whip touches it left burn scars. The snake recoiled and slithered away, Kai turned and flicked his wrist to reset the whip and then snapped his wrist out towards the next nearest snake, once again slashing across its back. That was enough of an attack as the injured snake slithered off followed by the third uninjured snake, they disappeared down unseen holes and into the ground below.

Kai ungripped his right hand and the whip of fire fizzled away, leaving no trace it was ever there. He turned to the toad who still sat motionlessly on the spot. Kai stood in front of him and bent down "Are you okay little guy?" he said with a smile on his face and a gentle tone. The toad's left eye opened and Kai saw several emotions; courage, wisdom, and, most importantly rage. "I BEEN WAITING FOR DAYS YOU LITTLE SHIT" A squeaky, high pitched voice came from the toad's mouth as he unfolded his arms and with little effort sprung up to Kai eye line, his right forelimb swiped across Kai's face, impacting on his cheek and knocking him spiraling away. Kai lost consciousness instantly and landed three meters away from the toad. Kai was led on his back his eyes closed as the toad landed on his chest "Aw shite, maybe I hit him a little too hard". The toad splayed out his forelimbs and began to slap Kai on both his cheeks, trying to rouse him back to consciousness, after a few seconds the toad became impatient again "GET UP YOU WUSS, I AIN'T GIVIN' YA THE KISS OF LIFE" The toad struck Kai in a certain point on his chest and his vision swam back to him, he shot up to a seated position. The toad on his chest effortlessly stuck to his body and swam up to his torso onto his shoulder, his arms yet again crossed.

Kai's body now had a new pain added to the aches his muscles felt all over, his brought his hand up to his cheek and rubbed it gently, his eyes shifting to the side to see a toad staring in his face "Uhh hello?" he said confused. The toad sighed and closed his eyes again "I don't like to be kept waiting kid, next time when we have a meeting make sure you are on time". Kai opened his mouth to speak but could not find the words, he was utterly confused as well as likely had a concussion. "Maybe I should explain, I've been waiting for you for three days and you're late, I don't do well with people who are late, so when you finally turned up I lost my temper a bit." Kai pushed himself to his feet "How can you of been waiting for me for three days I was only given the mission this morning" he continued to rub his cheek, a bruise now started to form. "You might have been given the mission this morning but you were meant to become a sage of mount Myoboku since the beginning of time, the old man's vision has started to become unreliable, we knew you would find us around this time, but we could not be sure when, so I've been waiting for three days, and kid, I don't like to be kept waiting" The toad open an eye again and Kai could see the pure rage in it. "I know that might be a bit much for you, but the old geezers of Myoboku could explain it better to you"

The toad leaped from his shoulder and landed in front of him, he snapped his forelimbs together and a puff of smoke appeared between the two. "I'm Fukuwari and this is the scroll guardian Gamajiro. Sign your name kid, and start down the path to becoming a sage" The toad now identified as Fukawari opened both his eyes "Or I'll kick the ever-living shit out of you and find the next candidate" Kai nodded, after all, he was sent on a mission to find an animal race to summon and here was one, he did not quite understand all the talk about sages and so on but he did not have the brain capacity to think about any of that right now. "The contract must be signed in blood," Fukuwari said as his hand moved towards one of the swords on his back. Kai saw the intention in his eyes and raised both his hands to protest, his mouth opened to speak but only got out a syllable before the toad had crossed the distance between them and sliced his finger open, once again effortlessly landing on his shoulder "I've got no more patience for you" he said, his voice now taking on a deeper tone. Kai had a 1 cm cut across all four of his finger, on one hand, he could not believe the skill of the toad, and to think that he thought he needed help when he arrived. Kai walked forward as Gamajiro unraveled the scrolls that broke up his body, a long list of names could be seen, and a space at the end for Kai to enter his, he did so writing his whole name and then stamping his handprint at the bottom, the same format as he saw on the rest of the scroll. "Good, now kid doesn't be late tomorrow" Kai turned to ask him a question but all he saw was a puff of smoke, and then Kai was alone.

Kai dropped to the floor in disbelief as he recounted the conversation he just had, his head was swimming, he was definitely concussed. Kai rested for a few more minutes before making his way back to the village to hand in the mission and recover in his two room apartment.

WC: 2001
Claiming 4100 Ryo, +20 AP, +20 Chakra, 2000/2000 for Toads of Mount Myoboku contract
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

The Toad of Rage Empty Re: The Toad of Rage

Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:01 pm
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