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growing power(P/io) - Page 2 Empty Re: growing power(P/io)

Thu Apr 29, 2021 11:12 pm
"You know good and well that we are NOT getting a dog. Or a cat. Or a ferret. Or birds. Please don't make me list them all. It would be irresponsible for us to get a pet that you have to put focus and care into especially with you off and about all day doing missions or performances. We simply cannot afford the time of upkeep to give it the life it deserves. You'll have to settle for your wooden puppy faced jutsu." That didn't quite have the effect he'd been going for. It was a reflex for him to point out the rational reason why she couldn't have things that they couldn't actually reliably keep. This discussion had happened at least a hundred times over the years. She lost control of the second seal as she considered the reasons given in an attempt to offer an arguement to his reasoning. The Mokuton release chakra that flowed through her secondary chakra point released back into her body and the jutsu failed.

"Well... Whatever I still want one. And when I catch you I'm gonna make you let me have one so there! " She sure bounced back quickly. He could tell from the heave in her breath that she was starting to tire out. He'd need to work on stamina at some point. Sure she had enough chakra to control whatever she might need to at any given time, but when it came to taijutsu her skills were lacking. Thankfully it wasn't something she needed. It actually surpised him that she hadn't thought to increase her movement ability through skillful achievement with a human body. As she formed the seals again that became clear. It was taking the entirety of her focus to be able to split consciousness in a way that allowed the fight to happen. His movement was planned. Every few steps he was sent on a trajectory that would allow natural momentum to carry him to a destination. This gave her the opportunity to actually form seals. She couldn't effectively move him and form seals at the same time because of the nature of interlocking one's hands together.

"Even If you catch me that won't happen. " Front kick into a double spinning round. She was improving a little, but she was far too slow to connect. She needed to get her hand signs down to be able to freely control wood release. The only other option was to stop controling him, or stop his movement and then pummel him at a stand still, but while that would be easier they both knew that ruined the purpose of the pummeling. She needed to catch him while he was moving or she'd feel cheated.

"Well. Whatever. I'm gonna get it right here so watch out! I'm doing this one for the puppies!!" She did not, in fact do it. While her intention was to bypass the last two seals in a surprise attack, she'd only managed the task at partial efficiency. She'd removed every seal at t his point except the final snake seal. That wouldn't do. Even if she could cast the jutsu before he got out of the range of control that left her with one dilema. She would need to hold the snake seal in order to freely control her technique. The way her fingers intertwined here meant that controling Pinochio was a near impossibility. She needed the jutsu sealess or the victory would be hollow.

She shifted her fingers again. She needed the snake seal. Her movement was slowing. She could feel her muscles crying out for rest. Clearly she wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer. Something about the way the chakra shifted with this final seal was strange. Then it hit her. She couldn't remove the seal initially because she'd been looking at it by itself. She shifted her chakra naturally at this point, contorting the specific shapes to account for the other seals, but when trying to finish the task, she'd been trying to cast the technique with only the chakra shift for snake. That wasn't how this worked. She needed the shifts that represented all seven seals in order to actually make the jutsu happen. All she needed to do was compare the major formation of the first six seals to the final one, and figure out how they fit together and she'd be able to do it. It was a puzzle where the pieces were in front of her. Now things made sense.

"You're getting tired. Maybe we need to do the last bits of training later so you can rest? Your body isn't used to such intense taijutsu." She was already mulling the formation in her mind. Her chest heaved from exertion. Her muscles locked up, but she forced herself through it. IN the last moments she rushed directly towards him. They passed the entranceway marking the distance between the kitchen and the livingroom. She slid the pieces into place. Forming this new shape she felt the sensation The seven chakra formations locked into place one after another. She felt it pulsing in the secondary chakra point. And then the jutsu was active. Drawing her chakra she called out to the ground beneath her. She could bring forth the weapon of pinochio's demise finally. She allowed the power to release and..... Nothing happened. Well something happened. She'd lost focus on her body and slid into the couch, landing with a soft thud. She was still on cooldown....

(TWC 6379 claiming foo dog heads trained(2124 with 25% reduction) and double mastery by doing jutsu cost 2 more times for a total of 6372 exit, topic closed.
Ichigo Sato
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growing power(P/io) - Page 2 Empty Re: growing power(P/io)

Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:58 am
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