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Stat Page : The Silverfang
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty New beginnings [Ayato]

Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:56 pm
The aged Silver Fang traveled through the Haven country, his final destination within his vision at long last. Ishikawa's posture was not great, to begin with, but he was more bent forward than usual as he traveled through the country towards the gate of Hoshigakure no Sato. The huge hiking waterproof backpack weighing him down even further,m the year of traveling started to weigh on him at this point. The supplies that occupied said backpack would probably not be needed anymore, there were a bedroll and cooking supplies that worked on an open fire. "Maybe they won't let me in, an old man like me," Ishi said to himself with a chuckle as he traveled the final road to the village, his hands held together behind his back.

The heat was on the more humid side of its average for the country as summer had begun. Ishikawa had finally reached the gates of his destination. He stood 40m away from the gate and decided he would take a rest here instead of engaging in what presumably would be a taxing ordeal in the coming days and weeks. He had never been a shinobi before, he had been a farmer, a husband, a father, a samurai, a bandit, all of those experiences had helped mold him into the 237-year-old man that stood before the gates. However, this next chapter would be a new one for him.

Ishi removed the backpack and lay it down on the floor, he then lay down in front of it resting his back on the pack and dipped his straw hat over his face, and began to hum. The waterskin full of ale rested in his hand and he occasionally took a long pull from it as he rested in the warm heat, tracking in his last moments of freedom at least for the next little while.

WC: 312

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Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Sun Jul 04, 2021 7:45 pm
Toneri Hyuuga rode through the desert wasteland on his horse - a swift chestnut steed. Hair that looked more white than gold hung past the shoulders—the cloak of black silk dancing in the wind like a living thing behind him.

"Finally," He let out as the bronze gates of Hoshigakure appeared in the distance. He was sore, tired, hungry and most of all dismayed. Patrols outside the walls tended to do that to a man. The blonde Hyuuga initially hoped for a group of bandits to slay and make his name, but now all he was dreaming of a long hot bath, a juicy steak, and a soft bed.

After reaching the stables and completing his report, Toneri removed his gauntlets to shield his hands from damage and tucked them into his belt. He gently patted the horse’s head with his free hand while he fed her an apple he had stored in the saddlebag with the other. He had worn her out quite severely during the past few hours, so rewarding her was only appropriate. Toneri patted the horse a final time when the gaunt figure- who Toneri took as an uninvited guest- appeared before him.

“You lost grandfather?” Asked the Kage’s brother, clad in his ornate grey armor. He placed one bare hand on the pommel of his sword. It was in the likeness of a golden lion’s head, with ruby eyes that shone like two red stars. 

wc: 239
Stat Page : The Silverfang
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Sat Jul 10, 2021 3:42 pm
Ishi stirred at the sound of the approaching clapping of horseshoes. He opened one eye and took in the approaching figure, the man looked extremely regal, especially when compared to the dirty, traveled Ishikawa. The Silver Fang rose to his feet and dusted himself off, he moved his straw hat to the back of his neck and allowed it to hang on the string meant to keep it in place. Ishi placed his hands behind his back and classed them together, he leant slightly forward as he walked up to the new arrival. Ishi was looking for an entrance into the village and this man had the standing of someone that might be able to allow that, or at least point him in the correct direction.

As Ishi approached the man he was detected and the golden-haired man reacted appropriately to an unknown man at the gates of his village, his arm moved to his sword. Simultaneously at this act of potential aggression, the stitches holding Ishi's back skin together started to unsew themselves and the black threads prepared to shoot out if needed. This posturing was of course only cautionary and warranted from the man in front of him. Ishi eyes closed and a wide smile attempted to stretch across his marked and aged face. "Hello there young man, I am exactly where I intend to be. However, I am not expected nor invited. I perhaps thought I might try to get some youth back in these old bones and become a ninja of this village. Who would one see about that?" Ishi said in a dry and aged voice.

WC: 271
TWC: 583
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Fri Jul 16, 2021 7:19 pm
“That would be me, Toneri Hyuuga of Hoshigakure, The Kage’s very own brother.” Said the man who always had the desire to be a hero. And the way to becoming such a hero involved either being a shinobi or a knight. As he grew, training at arms as a traditional knight, and later by the shinobi system, the separate culture of his parents, Taena, a noblewoman from Haven, and Hibari Hyuuga of Konoha mixed into a strange, unique cocktail.

He envisioned the day a wicked shinobi would appear outside the village gates, threatening to put the village to the sword. And Toneri would be there, clad in his grey armor and swiftly put an end to him. A roar of sound would go up. The foot soldiers and townsfolk would cheer as he rode past, cheering for their sweet Hyuuga prince, for Ayato's brother, with the embodiment of ideals racing beside him. However, Toneri realized with a dull ache; this would not be the day either.

“You want to be a Shinobi? Can you still get it up, grandfather?” Toneri jested, and laughter was followed by the men of the garrison, eight strong. Gray cloaks snapped in the wind as they fell in with Toneri. Five meters in front of him, the traveler was no monster that needed to be stopped, but apparently, a Ronin looking to be taken into Hoshi’s service. If there were more, he would like to find out, though, after all, he did not Byakugan to be altered to the sound of stitches when no medics were attending to anyone within the area.

“Who are we to throw water in that fire. I’m off to breakfast, why don’t you join me? I have been eager to taste the pancakes since that brunch house opened at the square.” Toneri ran a hand through a golden mane of hair, the sun highlighting his green-white eyes. 

“He doesn’t remind me of any bandit I’ve seen in the bingo book. But take another look to be sure.” The golden Hyuuga observed to the Captain of the Gate. A bearded, grizzled veteran shaped like a bull that went by the name of Harold Greymane. Ayato had drilled to Toneri to know all the shinobi in Hoshi’s bingo book by memory,  and the traveler was not in there. 

"Everything appears to be in order.” The Northman said after examining the pages of the book as if he were reading a fantasy novel. Harold had been blessed with a thunderous voice and an imposing figure, a massive husk of a man. His men pushed open the great oaken door twenty feet tall and banded with bronze on Harold's command.

"Fill in all your information here, starting with your name, “ A gauntleted hand gave empty form to fill upon a wooden tablet to Ishikawa. The rest of the information required was the village of origin, the purpose of the visit, and any active bounties.

“You'll receive a temporary identification badge. Have it visible at all times, and don't cause trouble. It might take some time before you settle in. In the meantime, there is plenty of other work to be done in Hoshi if you have the courage for it. "

Stat Page : The Silverfang
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Sat Jul 17, 2021 3:53 pm
The silver-haired fang smiled at the mention of the Kage "Good, family is important," Ishi placed in between the replies of the knightly figure in front of him. Ishi allowed part of his mind to wander as his firstborn son appeared in his thoughts, he was here, after all, to live out that man's dream from 200 years ago. "Yes, pancakes sound good. I've been on the road for a long time, the meals were not exactly top-notch" He replied to the blonde Hyuuga. 

Ishikawa took the clipboard and form from the man and started to fill it out. 

Name: Ishikawa
Gender: Male
Age: 2??
Country of Origin: Iron
Bounties: -
Purpose of Visit: Entry to the Ninja Academy

Ishi handed the clipboard back to the man. "So do you have a spot in mind? I'm going to get all the sugar" Ishi said again almost to no one as the stitches on his back sew them back together, it appeared that this village was welcoming to the right type of people, although slightly suspicious. Ishikawa did not suspect to be treated any differently, if this was a man approaching a samurai town back in his country of birth they would be arrested as a matter of principle and then they would work out whether they would be worthy of entry.

WC: 220
TWC: 793
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Mon Jul 26, 2021 12:05 am
"As a matter of fact, I do. I'm interested in that sugar myself." Assuming that Ishikawa followed, the duo would proceed to make their way through the bronze gate and onto the cobbled streets. Hoshi was a labyrinth of wynds, crisscrossing alleys, narrow crookback streets, and markets. The city, built in stone, had all its streets cobbled, making them wet and slippery on a damp day. Most bridges are made of stone, although they found wooden bridges on their path. 

The village smelled flowery, with a setting out of a fairytale where fields of blue, red, and golden roses stretched as far as the human eye could see. Everyone wanted to have a taste of summer before it entirely fled. Evident from how the City Square was bursting with people.

There were bright colors everywhere, and the summer wines smelled so good that one could get drunk just by breathing the air. Savor that air too much, however, and that someone would end up bedridden for a week.

Their stop was a brunch house. The boy at the door immediately recognized the Chuunin’ss grey armor and golden hair, and the restaurant manager came hurrying all pleasantries. “The finest table for Lord Toneri.”  The woman in her thirties proclaimed.

“You know, being the second living son of my noble family, I am lord only in name,” Said Toneri to Ishikawa as they waited for their table. “ I am called that out of courtesy or because people assume I like the sound of it. And they would be correct in that assumption as I do.”

A waiter approached. “Caramel syrup and sugar powder pancakes,” Ayato’s brother politely told him. “And two bowls of blueberries. Ah, and black tea to make my digestion easier, some bacon too. Burn it until it turns black as my grandpa’s heart over there. “ The waiter bowed, waited to take Ishikawa’s order, and when he did, moved on.

After confirming that the table was up to their satisfaction, the manager returned and expressed their confidence in Ayato and his Nova Corps outfighting the Outlaw Knight known as Axwell Florent, who attacked the villages on the Northern border. That was closer than Toneri would have liked.

“I wouldn’t say that. If my sweet brother has any sense, he knows my place is with him when he marches.” Toneri told him as the waiter brought his plate. He spread syrup over the pancake with the end of his butter knife.  The girl was watching him with her blue eyes.

“What do you mean? Are you going to be the one to stop Florent?”

“I’m going to be the one to kill Florent,” Toneri said louder than he intended. The restaurant manager gave a happy gasp that then turned into a nervous smile. She excused herself and left them to enjoy their breakfast.

“So old boy” Toneri's mouth was full of blueberries and pancakes. “What's your story?” He asked the grizzled veteran sitting across from him.

Stat Page : The Silverfang
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Sat Jul 31, 2021 3:25 pm
A wide smile crept across Ishi's wrinkled face. As the man led him through the village he followed, his hands locked together behind his back, his old spine slightly bent forward. The Silver Fang took in the sights of the village as they made their way through the cobbled streets. As the pair waited at the door of the establishment Toneri explained to Ishikawa why he was treated so well, Ishi raised his eyebrow at the sentiment from the man. Ishi was unsure whether he was insecure about the title and so felt the need to justify it or if he was proud of his heritage and therefore wanted to emphasize his position. 

As the pair sat at the table and the golden Hyuuga made his order Ishi perused over the menu, everything stood out to him and was appealing but he eventually ordered half of the menu "Also if you have any local beers, or ale I would like a pint of each". Ishikawa ignored the quip about his black heart, he wondered if the man knew how accurate that statement was or if he was just bantering, which seemed to be his default setting. Ishi was unsure whether that was just his way of dealing with people or if it came from a more deep-seated feeling of needing to feel superior coming from his heritage. However, it did not matter much to Ishi as in the samurai culture superiority was the default position. 

Ishikawa tucked into the first plate of surgery death in front of him and took a sip of whatever drink was delivered to him. What was his story? That was a big question, Ishikawa decided he would only give him the cliff notes of the latest lifetimes worth. Ishikawa told him of his involvement with the mercenary group The Straw hats and how they operated and what they stood for. He then moved on to tell him about his years of wandering throughout the land and working as a jack of all trades, living as much as he could off the land. Ishikawa left out the parts about him being betrayed and the fact that he was still reeling from the loss of his third family. "What about you? Aspirations of being king?" Ishikawa said in a light tone diverting the conversation from himself. 

TWC: 1182
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:12 am
The man had an interesting story and a fighting background. That did not come as a surprise to the Toneri of clan Hyuuga. Even at his old age, Ishikawa had the warrior’s look, but no headband was visible on his person. Nor did he make mention of a village he had represented as a “Straw Hat.” Tournaments always caused Ronin and free-riders looking for a place to crash and perhaps a town to serve to appear like wildfire.

“King, huh?” Toneri said, smiling, yet his eyes did not follow. The Golden Hyuuga reached for his cold ale. “Last time someone tried that, it caused a war that split the country in half until my brother’s Nova cut that man to pieces. ” He hissed through perfect white teeth as the aftertaste of ale burned his throat. Kingship would be a poison that Toneri would sooner not taste. No matter how much the hat of Kage would suit him over his brother. 

“Two years after Haegon’s death and some fools still made pilgrimages to the Redrock Valley to plant flowers on the spot where he died. You’d almost think he was some hero, the one who put his home to the sword. Haegon Hoshimura was a traitor and a usurper and got what he fucking deserved.”

The rebels spearheaded the coup by a combination of politics and prejudice against Yasaki and his successor Ayato. They turned instead to Haegon, a Master of Hoshigakure, to take the chair for himself. He was way stronger than Yasaki, a weak and scholarly older man who liked to write.  Almost inhumanly beautiful, Haegon looked every inch the warrior, and many thought that he looked like "half-god among mortal men.” Toneri understood what they meant. He had gazed upon those deep purple eyes and silvery-white hair worn like a mane.

What happened then was not as pretty. The Hoshimura branch of Haven, their die-hard supporters, knights and lords, and the old Queensguard gathered his forces and marched towards the Hoshigakure. In response, Ayato organized the nearby shinobi forces into a coherent force and confronted the rebels. The two parties met in an unnamed valley, and both armies were in balance. A famous and bloody battle occurred that the singers named the Valley for the thick red blood which painted the rocks.

“The Kage of Black and The King who bore a sword. That’s what the rebels who had marched beside Haegon called him. They could have called him Lemon Pie, for all I care. All of them had melted away like morning mists after their defeat. My brother pardoned many of them when he should have hanged them by all rights.” 

Toneri leaned in closer to the grizzled veteran, his voice quiet and steady. “And now we have whispers of a second rebellion. To that, I say when you pray for rain, you must learn to deal with the mud.”

WC: 483
Stat Page : The Silverfang
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 7700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Sat Aug 14, 2021 12:46 pm
As the golden Hyuuga spoke Ishikawa could tell there was a lot of emotion behind his words, clearly he had been close to whatever had occurred. The silvered fang would not press on the matter, the man's need to audibly vent on the situation was clear as he had not directly asked anything about the histories and had only made an off-hand comment to further the conversation. However, he would note the names and places mentioned and look upon the events further in the future, perhaps at some archives if the village had them. Knowing the past of a place you planned to join was important.

At the mention of lemon pie, the aged fox's smile widened. Without interrupting the man as he spoke Ishi turned away and grabbed a waitress and she passed by "Can we get some lemon pie over here, plenty of whipped cream". Toneri had finished speaking as he turned back, the smile still on his face and a light tone to his voice he spoke "Perhaps I have not come at the most opportune moment then".

Ishikawa parted a sausage on his plate into two halves and then dipped it into a fried egg's yolk before shoving it into his mouth. He chewed vigorously until it was sufficiently mashed up and then swallowed it, he then reached for the beer to his side and took a deep swig of the malty goodness. The aged fang faced turned serious and his voice deepened considerably "I can tell you one thing, I have lived under the rule of an iron-fisted Shogun, but the merciful rule of a Daimyo, I would choose merciful every time. The love of your people will always outshine the fear of your enemies."

Ishi's mustache moved upward in the corner as his tone changed again, this time a tinge of regret in his voice "That being said I have done many things under that Iron rule, I hope this place is more merciful". At that time the waitress came over with the lemon pie, a cream circle had been drawn around the edge of the pie. Ishi downed the rest of his beer and handed it back to the waitress "Another please young miss".

The silver fang's posture straightened slightly, realizing he had probably said more than he wanted to "So what's the age cap for the academy around here? Think I'd be able to just slide under it"

WC: 406
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

New beginnings [Ayato] Empty Re: New beginnings [Ayato]

Sat Aug 21, 2021 2:46 am
“Make them two if you would be so good.” Toneri was interested in trying the lemon pies himself now. As mentioned earlier, the word had brought a smile on the older man’s lips and an appetite for the pie.

The names and the locations did not draw a reaction from Ishikawa. Instead, he was more focused in submerged the sausage on the hold of a fried egg. Perhaps the man knew about it all too well. Then again, he might have been hearing about their first time in his life. If the latter were true, that would mean his time within the Haven border would be relatively short. At least Toneri also knew where not to look should they make a background check on him.

“But I must say I disagree. You have come at the most reasonable time. We require good men and women. Most shinobi academies do enroll students in their preteens. However, cases like yours might be uncommon but not surprising. The situation in Hoshi is unique, see.” Toneri would explain how the three founders established the shinobi system seven years ago, so many started their careers late. “Just not that late as you, sire.” Toneri japed. Before receiving proper shinobi training and fusing the two fighting styles, the Hyuuga had been a Knight for most of his life.

“Our breakfast is growing richer every second.” He noted as their pies arrived at the table a while later, along with their refills. “Ayato is a bit distrustful of Missing Nin due to recent events, and that Terumi Vulture he keeps around is even worse,” Toneri said as he scratched under his clean-shaven jaw. “I’ll tell you what; I’ll put a good word with my brother to sweeten the pot.” The sourness of the lemon explodes in his mouth. "But first, I'd love to try your sword-arm in the training yard and see how much you remember from your samurai years."

wc: 323
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