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Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Thu Aug 05, 2021 8:51 pm
Bomb in the Bath House

When Dana had received the mission slip, she'd let out a big gasp and had clasped her face in shock. Bathhouses were wondrous places where people like her who didn't have access to a shower or a bath could visit in order to keep themselves clean. It was practically part of Dana's daily routine at this point to visit a bathhouse, and the one that was being threatened with bombs was one she had visited several times prior. It was hard for Dana to recall specific bathhouses - they all blended together after using them so long - so the fact that she could remember this one in great detail spoke to its quality. It provided clients with large, private rooms to bathe and was cheap enough that someone like Dana could readily afford it.

Still skipping, but slightly faster than usual, Dana made her way across the village of Kirigakure to the bathhouse. The striking Senju drew many odd glances from the civilians of the village, though it was mainly for her state of dress. The young woman, like always, was wearing a ripped poncho-like cloak and some calf-length shorts underneath. At her speed, it took her no time to arrive just outside the bathhouse. Once near the entrance, Dana stopped and leaned back against the gate just outside. According to the slip, she'd be doing this mission with a partner. It hadn't specified who, so she looked forward to finding out the mystery of who her partner could be.

WC: 257
Niko Kazan
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Fri Aug 06, 2021 6:23 pm
Niko was having a horrible day. He had wanted to relax and take the day off. He had been going out nonstop 24/7 in order to do missions and while that was all good and all he had managed to finally balance his finances with his new revenue. Then came how he finally finished his highest grade puppet. Sen'un but that was stressing in another way. When he had arrived at the bathhouse earlier in the day all was fine and calm he was finally taking his well-needed rest when suddenly everyone was rushed out of the bathhouse under threat of a bombing. Niko was quite frankly pissed and after taking a quick stop at his house to grab his shinobi attire and supplies before grabbing the mission slip and rushing back over to the bathhouse. His face was clearly irritated and his hair would be a mess but he would arrive at the entry of the bathhouse just before Dana. Seeing her just as he arrived he would try to wipe the frustration from his face and approach her. Though he would fail in doing so he would still begin to speak.

"Well, I can only assume you are here for the same reason I am, right Dana?" After Talking Nico would emphasize the bathhouse situation by nodding at the warning tape placed around the entry of the building. He would then wait for her to respond before continuing.

"We must stop these bombs for my res- I mean the village. This is simply horrible." From what Niko had read from the mission slip on his way here this entire event was suspected to have been caused by a rival business. But Niko would deal with them later. For now, he and his friend Dana had to find and defuse these bombs one way or another.
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:43 pm
"Niko!" Dana's face lit up when she spotted the familiar lean frame of Niko approach her. It had been absolutely ages since she had seen him so it was nice to finally bump into him again. She'd gotten a lot stronger than the last time they'd met and she looked forward to showing off in the coming mission they'd both presumably be going on. She'd even been trained by the Senju he had been so scared of last time they'd spoken! She hoped he wouldn't mind. When he got closer she spotted that he looked a bit miffed, though it thankfully didn't seem to be directed at Dana specifically. She'd hate if that was the case; imagining a friend growing to dislike her was not a pleasant experience! He looked to be in a bit of a sorry state, like he'd been forced to rush to the mission. Perhaps it was related to why he seemed so frustrated?

"That I am!" She said cheerily when he asked if she was here for the same reason she was. She looked past him towards the bathhouse she'd visited several times before with an implacable expression; it was upsetting to see a place she'd enjoyed visiting in the past end up looking like this. Hopefully, through their efforts, the duo would have this place back up and running again in no time at all! She nodded with a serious expression at Niko's comment about this whole ordeal being horrible, not commenting on his slip up. If he wanted to have a nice relaxing day then Dana really wasn't one to judge.

Now that introductions were done, Dana stretched and looked back up at the building, spotting an open window on the top floor. If Dana's memory was correct, that would be where the main office was. She would nod towards Niko and then point towards the open window at the top. The mission had said they would have to be discreet, so Dana was going to try and enter silently. "Ready?" She asked Niko in a somewhat hushed whisper. If he responded affirmatively, Dana would use the Surface Walking Technique to slowly make her way up to the window, and enter.

WC: 380
TWC: 637
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Sat Aug 07, 2021 3:29 pm
Seeing the girl light up when faced with him did lighten his mood albeit slightly. Niko wanted to make the perpetrators of this incident pay. If need be he would make them pay in blood for making him work on his vacation. So when the girl gave the affirmative that she was also on the same mission he knew that he would be able to do it. Listening to her ask the golden question he would respond.

"Ready? I was ready an hour ago. Let's get this over with." Niko would follow the girl's eyes as they looked towards a window on the second floor. Watching as she walked up the wall and taking note that he needed to learn that technique from her, he would perform the most forbidden move in the shinobi world. This of course being jumping. His jump would be aimed at the same window making sure not to hit Dana as she walked up the wall. Landing inside he would observe the room he would then find one of the bombs he was looking for. This bomb was located under the desk in the room. Pulling the chair aside he would wait for the Senju to get in when she arrived he would say.

"How do you wanna go about this. From what I see we have three options. One we try and diffuse it though I have no knowledge in the field. We can try and shield the building from the blast though that could be harder it is definitely possible. Then three we can try and rush the bomb out of the building and minimalize the damage. Choose your poison." Niko's preferred method was to rush the bomb out of the building seeing as he was quite the speedy individual though he could do the other options. He would rather the Senju picked. Seeing if she had learned anything new since their last meeting. Maybe even some more earth techniques.

(TWC 638)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:55 pm
Dana chuckled as she saw the speedy form of Niko jump through the air and go sailing through the window above her. He had indeed committed the forbidden manoeuver of the world but he had looked quite funny doing it so Dana wasn't going to judge him too harshly. Next time he did that around her, though, she'd give him another Senju to be scared of in Kirigakure! No one would get into bad habbits on Dana's watch! Just kidding... Or was she? It was hard to tell with Dana sometimes; she was a very odd person to work out. Nonetheless, the small Senju girl sped up from her slow walk to a medium-paced jog whilst she went up the side of the building. The lean boy had moved so fast that Dana was only halfway up at this point, and her slow speed would mean that Niko would be all alone in the office for approximately 10 seconds too long! That wouldn't do!

She did a weird 90-degree pivot once she reached the window frame while remaining completely ramrod straight, and she was thankfully short enough that she didn't hit her head on the top of the window frame. She nodded towards Niko who appeared to have pulled out the chair in the office to better access the paper bomb that he'd found. She hopped off the window sill and crouched down to get a better look at it while Niko outlined all the options they could take to safely remove the bomb. She studied the Fuuinjutsu markings along the surface of the bomb and shook her head; it was far too complicated for her to try and defuse the easy way. Hopefully in the future when she chose to study more Fuuinjutsu she'd be able to unravel something like this.

"Hmmm," She hummed, considering her options. She didn't really have many options for protecting the interior of the bathhouse through an explosion, but she did have one way to get the explosive paper to a place where it wouldn't destroy anything. It was incredibly risky and not a safe way to do it at all but, as has been established, Dana possessed absolutely zero self-preservation instincts. "I know what to do." She said firmly, and then she picked up the bomb with her left hand. Picking it up hadn't set it off but Dana didn't know what would happen once it was taken outside, "Wish me luck!"

With those words, Dana jumped out of the window, tucking the bomb into her sleeves as she did so. While falling back towards the ground, she did several handseals and activated the Hiding Like A Mole technique, so that when she hit the ground she would sink right through it at tremendous speeds. Once in the ground Dana swam about 10-meters downward, took out the paper bomb, and swam back to the surface. It was just in time, too.

As soon as Dana exited the ground, the sound of a muffled explosion would echo around the empty street and the asphalt road would develop a bit of a crack. She dusted her hands, first bomb safely disposed of! Now it was time to try and find the others. The Senju walked back up to the open window and smile at Niko, provided he was still there in the office. "Let's go find the other bombs!"

WC: 567
TWC: 1204
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:19 pm
Niko was impressed she had figured out hiding like a mole since their last meeting. This had been his original plan for how to deal with the bombs on the first floor as the technique had been shown to him by his semi pal Daiko who spent most of his free time berating the genin. Though Niko was quite confused when Dana grabbed a potentially volatile bomb and proceeded to run past him and leap from the second floor. The girl was quite insane and Niko would respond with. 

"For the love of all that is holy is every Senju practically insane. That reminds me I wish to have a conversation with you regarding my bloodline when you have the chance." Niko would say. He had learned some interesting things regarding his supposed bloodline. If they were true he would be able to not only add another weapon to his arsenal but also create another arsenal. Though now was the time for his mission and he knew the location of the next bomb. 

"Let's go I know where the next bomb is. No questions" Niko would then urge Dana to follow him before rushing towards the men's section of the bathhouse at a speed of 90. Arriving in the room he would go to the corner and look at the bomb. He had a plan for this one using the ram seal and then making the seal of confrontation he would summon his oni puppet picking the bomb up and then placing it in his hand. he was not scared as he saw the Senju which was presumably still following him do the same thing he would send the puppet flying out the window sending him 4 meters from the window in case of emergency he was not going to be anywhere near as reckless as his fellow shinobi. He would then activate earth wall and have a wall rise up from the ground in front of his puppet. His puppet would ram the bomb into the wall before rushing 10 meters away. The wall nearly instantly blows up causing shockwaves. But the damage is minimized with only a few minor dirt blobs layering the street.

"I am impressed with your learning into earth. You're a fascinating one."
(TWC 1016)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Sat Aug 07, 2021 9:32 pm
"Ooh, how exciting." Dana smiled radiantly when he told her that he wanted to speak to her about his bloodline. Wait, did this mean Niko was a Senju as well? Was she going to get a student and be able to teach a new Senju loads of techniques, as Saya had done for her? That would be amazing! It was like she was paying forward the kind deed from Saya, and then maybe Niko would be able to teach another new Senju all the techniques that Dana had taught him! She inwardly preened at the image of a tree of Senju all training other Senju how to use Wood Release. It was glorious.

She followed Niko through the bathhouse, lagging quite far behind him due to the differences in their speed. She didn't get why he was in such a rush but she wouldn't question it; she was getting a good workout from all this running. She raised a brow as Niko did the much more sensible method of disposing of the bomb by utilizing a puppet to carry it out and explode it into a wall he'd created outside. She recognized the technique as the one he'd taught her however long ago in the training grounds, the Earth-Style Wall. She gave a small round of golf clap when the puppet managed to safely get away from the explosion in time.

"Why thank ye!" She said in response to Niko's comment about her being a fascinating one. She didn't really get what that meant but she assumed it was a compliment, "I haven't really learned much more Earth Style than that, and the only one I have is far too destructive to use here." She looked around and wondered if Saya would use the Tearing Earth Turning Palm in the middle of a building. Maybe not but, well, Saya was just as unpredictable as Dana was. "I've learned a lot of Wood Release techniques since we last met as well!" She'd then and pause to consider which Jutsu she could show Niko. Most of the stuff she'd been taught by Saya was just as destructive as the A-Rank technique she knew.

There was one, though. Dana's hands came together to form the Ram, Ox, Snake, and then the Dog handseals. Upon the last seal being completed, a sharp branch of wood grew straight out from her palm. Instead of launching it, Dana ripped it straight from her palm with her other hand. Remarkably, it didn't hurt at all, and her skin would end up looking completely unblemished like she hadn't just pulled a stick from it.

The branch was about a meter and a half long, so Dana would twirl it around dexterously before settling it down on the ground like it was a walking stick. "Cool right?"

WC: 473
TWC: 1677

Technique Used: Cutting
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Sun Aug 08, 2021 1:18 pm
Nico took note of Dana's dismissal if she had not really learned as much as Niko suspected she did Niko would be quite confused. The only work Nico had really put into the element was with his teacher and trusted adviser Daiko. Maybe he should introduce the two seeing as she was obviously more skilled than Nico maybe Daiko would take more of a liking to her and stop harra- I mean showing attention to Nico.

"If you wish to study more into the element of Earth I could introduce you to my teacher he may be able to help you if you would like." Nico wished to get the teacher off his back maybe he would irritate Dana some instead of Nico. Giving a mental salute to his fellow genin for any future sacrifices she may take Niko would think back onto the mission. Nico had no idea where to go from here there were supposedly three bombs in the building so far the duo had removed two but there was supposedly a third. Where would a competitor put a bomb to weaken the structure of the building Nico would think about it some more. Though would pay close attention when the Senju used a technique in the famed wood style of the clan.

"Perfect just perfect. This could be useful for my plans." Niko would mumble the last part to make it less discernable though if someone wanted to they could still probably hear what he had said. Niko's plans regarding a combination of his own bloodline and the Senju one were still in development but if he could combine the famed wood release with the healing properties of his flesh techniques. The result could be fantastic.

"That technique is quite cool I must admit though we must find the last bomb from what I have discerned its location should be in the basement why don't we check there." Nico would say but instead of moving, he would instead allow Dana to make the first move and have the initiative in this removal.
(TWC 1361)
Dana Senju
Dana Senju
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Sun Aug 08, 2021 9:57 pm
"If he's as nice as ye I would very much like to meet your teacher!" She said cheerfully, always happy to meet new people. She noticed the boy had some sort of apprehension whilst he talked about his teacher, maybe they were the kind of mentor who only expected the best from their students? Dana hoped so since she really needed a kick in the behind when it came to training new stuff. A good mentor would do wonders for her worth ethic (or lack thereof), she felt. She chose not to comment on the boy's strange remark about her Wood Release technique being useful for his plans. It was a slightly strange thing to say but Dana was a very accepting person so she just hoped that he'd explain what he meant at a later date.

"Nice thinking," She smiled when he revealed that he'd managed to discern the location of the paper bomb, estimating it to be somewhere in the basement, "Let's go."

Dana soon managed to find the entrance to the basement and, assuming Niko was still following her, open up the door for both of them to head down into it. She crept down the stairs slowly, watching her step for any tripwires or additional paper bombs. Thankfully, the pair would make it down to the basement without any hiccups, and Dana began to search around for the paper bomb. It took a few minutes, but she eventually found it on the floor underneath a discarded towel from the bathhouse, "Found it!" she called out to her partner, assuming he hadn't already found it.

Now, how to safely dispose of it? The basement was underground so she could probably just use the same method she'd used last time - Hiding Like a Mole - but she wanted to be creative! Her mind went back to the training day with Saya and she slowly started to form a plan in her mind, "Stay back." She warned, activating the trademark ability of her clan. Niko would feel the air of the basement suddenly become a lot heavier, and then see Dana quickly form several hand seals. Several branches of reinforced wood sprouted from the ground and began to weave themselves into a tightly-knit dome above and around the paper bomb, though there'd be a small gap.

Dana, proving she didn't really think things through, would then use the walking stick she'd made earlier to jab the paper bomb through the gap she'd made in the dome. Quickly after, she then formed another hand seal and moved the branches so the gap in the dome was no longer there. Completely confident in the strength of her Jutsu, Dana made no attempt to move away from the site of the soon-to-be detonation. She didn't even flinch when a loud bang echoed around the basement, but the explosion wouldn't manage to make it past her roots. Finally now that all bombs had been defused, Dana did one more Jutsu and molded the roots so that melted into the ground to fill up the hole the bomb had managed to make. There was now an odd section of flooring in the middle of the basement where it was made from wood instead of stone, but it looked decent enough.

"There we go! Now, what was it ye wanted to talk to me about?"

WC: 565
TWC: 2242
Niko Kazan
Niko Kazan
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A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK] Empty Re: A bomb? In the bath house? [Niko, NK]

Wed Aug 11, 2021 11:59 am
Noticing the young Senju dash through the halls and make her way to the basement was quite the sight Niko would make the same pace as her following closely behind and when he saw the bomb on the final floor of the building if one looked they would have seen an uncharacteristic smirk which he would then wipe from his face. 

Watching the impressive display of skill that Dana outputted it and the showing of wood release it would further reinforce the decision that Niko was about to make. Though taking note of how she made the bomb go off he just sighed crazy Senju will always be crazy.

"Quite the impressive performance. That wood release of yours is quite proficient just the other day you could not even use earth and now here you are. Marvelous simply marvelous. Though the way you activate the bomb was.. not the smartest. You could have simply waited for it to go off or ask for some assistance from me I could have used a puppet and reduce the risk. Otherwise, it was well done." Niko would then clap and emphasize his amusement at the way she handled the final bomb. He would then turn his attention to finishing up the mission heading outside at a slow pace he would then inform the guards that all suspected explosives had been diffused. Though when the guards told him that the building would be closed for the remainder of the day just in case Niko nearly started crying. His perfect Vacation was utterly ruined by some vandal he would have his revenge. Just not today. Turning to Dana who he presumed was following him he would say. 

"In regards to what I was going to ask you since my day has been all but completely ruined why done we move this to the training area then I can answer your request." Niko would then start moving towards the training area.
Claiming the mission above completion and rewards as well as 32 additional ap and 675/675 remaining for the sen'un puppet the 77/77 remaining for an oni puppet and the remaining 932 words put into earth flow spears for 932/1000 Also claiming exit
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