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Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Bomb in the Bath House

Thu Aug 17, 2023 5:41 pm
Bomb in the bath House

Okisho stood within the adminstration building, the room he resided in was reserved for the current selection of shinobi tasked for this mission. The stone rectangular table in front of him, displayed the layout of the bath house. With it, were a few radio ear pieces, dossiers on the wanted group, few extra trinkets and tools, and scheduling information which included the current shift rotations and those working. It was multi layered, with many others working as well to ensure this operation went smoothly. Okisho and the others were but a piece of the puzzle, the other shinobi in the room scattered around, worked tirelessly to do their part. There was no room for error. And to top it off the mission was time sensitive. This may as well be the most difficult mission he has taken yet.

As for attire, Okisho is a minimalist, nothing too flashy and void of any logos. He is seen wearing a simple all light grey shirt, and a pair of dark navy-blue slacks which stop at the top of his ankles. A single ninja pouch concealed underneath his black shirt. The pouch his attached to his black leather belt, fastened on the back right side of his waist. His shoes are standard issued shinobi editions, revealing his toes and back ankles. His shinobi headband is tied tight against his forehead, but not so much to cause any discomfort.

Okisho did a quick equipment check to make sure he had everything he needed. There were a few extra weapons and tools on the table in case he was short, but, everything was all there. He’s be lying if he said his nevers werent getting the best of him. But he had to do this, it was part of his trials towards completing his goals. The goals that he and Tenshi set out to accomplish after their training session in the facility. He took a deep breath and exhaled before looking down at the table once more, going over all the documents.

To sum up Okisho’s part, the team was tasked in defussing explosive tags, set to go off. All while not causing a scene to invoke any kind of mass panic. The team dealing with the bomber/bombers, were currently negotiating with them. Trying to stall as much as they can, another were gathering the said items listed in the terrorist’s demands. The list of  mini cells operating in this network could go on. Yet, despite the worry, Okisho and the rest of the genin were only required to focus on their task. Everything by the books, flawless execution on all fronts.

There were so many variables, one could wonder how could the higher up assemble a task force and the support team to deal with this threat in such short notice? This was on of the reasons he showed the upmost respect for those high up in the chain of command.

He looks over to the left, eyeing thr group responsible for handling the talks between the village and the terrorist group. Them seemed…, confident.
TWC/ 511
Stat Page : Fuse Fun
Mission Record : Fuses's Track Record
Familiar : Companion: Shiyuko
Remove Taijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Hidden Clan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 31500

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:15 pm
Fushon tried to unclench her fists as she made her way down the main street. Several people who recognized her, and some of the signs that came with her mood, gave her space to pass while saying their hellos. Her mother had once again been agreeing to missions on her behalf to make sure she was busy helping the village rather than being free. She knew it was only a matter of time before her mother figured out her trick with Yuko to leave the house without anyone noticing. It had lasted her several months and after all the good work she had done before then, she had been able to enjoy her freedom for some time.

Sadly, her mother had gotten tired of her always spending time with her new companion and scaring the other animals which the family kept in the back. She admitted to herself that her mother had asked her to pick up missions on her own and to possibly go back to training with other ninjas as she had in the past. It had seemed like fun, but there had been so few who actually wanted to keep up with her speed and her efforts. Now that her mother had taken away that option, she either had to get back into the action or possibly be kicked out of being a ninja. Since civilians rarely had companions or familiars, she did not want to lose Yuko and figured she could focus some of her time on the mission.

By the time she reached administration building, the anger within her had dissipated. She gave a bored sigh and pushed open the door and made her way inside. Walking barefoot with her silver hair flowing down her back, she was dressed rather naturally. A pair of fitted shorts with a light shirt was all she cared to wear so that she could move freely and handle fights with both her fists and feet in each motion. While she was still rather new to learning techniques, she knew that she could handle herself and was already a few steps ahead of her friends from her academy days. Either way, people in the building still recognized her from as a daughter of one of the primary Inuzuka families who handled familiars and companions in town.

She politely made her way past several people who tried to strike up a conversation and approached the mission desk. She asked the woman behind the desk, "I am here for some mission related to the bathhouse?" The woman looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow slowly and then pointed a thumb over at what appeared to be a group of shinobi checking over their equipment. While at first glance, they appeared focused, a few seemed tense. One individual was dressed far more lightly than the squad nearby and had just finished checking his gear on the table nearby. "What was this mission exactly for again?" she asked the woman. Fushon was handed a rolled up note and told that it was for her eyes only and to hand it back once she was done. She opened it and read over the short list of details to keep in mind.

'What the hell did you agree me to mom?!' she thought furiously to herself. She knew her mother had always told her that she had a short fuse, but sending her into a building that was one huge explosion waiting to happen was something completely different!

She handed the note back with a defeated sigh and steeled herself for the mission. She turned towards the individuals and figured she would try to interact with the one by himself. She stopped a few feet away and awkwardly started, "hey there, I am Fushon. not sure we know each other, since my family gets around. I was sent to help with the....mission?" She finished as a question to Okisho.

WC = 655
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:07 pm
Himari's Stats:

While You Read:

"Excuse me!—Pardon!—Sorry!" A feminine voice cries, bobbing and weaving past the working shinobi dashing about the department hallway. As she carefully maneuvers past one of the employees with a tower of paperwork in both hands, she stops just short of the front of the desk sprawled with equipment on the table before she quickly notes the odd outfit design being worn by someone. The second afterward, a neuron fires an electrical signal when she stands beside them and waves to them with gusto.

It was uncharacteristic of the girl to be late for any mission reporting, especially one so time-sensitive with the stakes of many innocent lives on the line. One would think that after the first time she'd participated in such a crucial mission, it'd give plenty of other business competitors an idea that the Konoha Police Force weren't to be trifled with. But, sometimes on an occasion, there are those brave (or dumb) enough to think themselves above the law and attempt to, once again, commit acts of unlawful imprisonment and reckless endangerment to self-contain their disputes unnoticed.

Today wasn't going to be those days. And the girl will make sure it stays that way for a long while. At least, by doing her part of the assignment to its end.

"Okisho! Long time no see, friend!" She beams, striding on the opposing side of him from the other kunoichi.

The girl in question resembles a kunoichi a lissome physique followed by short, black hair down to her nape with left-side parted fringes, a pair of featureless white eyes, a soft facial expression accompanied by a fair complexion with a small mole at the bottom corner of her left eye. She's also clad in a long open-sleeved, lavender-colored qipao with purple and white accents, fishnet undergarments, mesh legwear, a thin violet choker, shorts, and black open-foot sandals with her other ninja tools holstered at her left-rear hip. An engraving of her Hyuuga clan symbol displays itself on the back of her qipao's torso. Her village forehead protector wraps around her hips facing forward.

The kunoichi wipes the sweat from her brow away before she stands upright with her arms akimbo. "I wasn't expecting to find you here for today's mission, but it's nice to see you again, anyway. Oh, and sorry if I just suddenly came rushing here. I received a missive not too long ago that my assistance was needed again for another delicate mission. Details were all there and everything, so I'm up to speed on things." She takes a look at the wares displayed on the table and her eyes scan for a moment and she makes another comment. "Are we expecting a third? Is Tenshi coming along with us today? It'd be great if we all could do this mission together as a team! I don't think we've had the chance to since… Onabi-sensei's meeting? Sparring? Team introductie? Anyway, you get where I'm coming from. Oh! And I've been training lots since we last met, too, and I'm also finally learning medical ninjutsu, and I'm thinking of getting a tu—" She stops herself halfway to realize the immediate situation isn't exactly appropriate for idle-chatter. That, and the occasional stares she receives which she now just notices. She rubs her nape and averts her gaze.

"Um, sorry, I got off track. There's just a lot I want to tell you about since then." She bends forward to unblock her visage to the other who stands parallel to them. Then, another neuron fires an electrical signal to another. The unbeknownst kunoichi's likely their third in question. "Oh!" She pauses before she properly bends into a bow, with the palms of her hands just above the knees, facing the other woman. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to make it sound like I was excluding you or anything. I just got a, uh, it didn't register in my head on time and I got a little excited to meet my teammate, too, so… I'm sorry." Nearly late and already putting her worst foot forward. At best, the woman pays it no mind and forgives them. But then again, at worst, she can only hope to salvage and make up for it for the rest of the mission today.

Slowly rising up and performing a light bow, she continues with a sheepish smile. "Hyūga Himari, I hope we'll get along well today!"

WC: 736
TWC: 736

Passively accumulating 2 Heavenly Body Stacks (2/10)

Last edited by Himari Hyuuga on Mon Aug 28, 2023 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added Stats spoiler to post + the funny song to read with post)
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:00 pm
Turning his gaze back to the table, his presence was instantly joined by a barefoot silver haired Kunochi. Okisho, taken aback by the sudden company, was shocked in more was in one. One, was the fact that this individual was standing right beside for however long, and the other was the fact she was running around barefoot. Perhaps he was so hyper focus on the support staff, he failed to take note of his "actual" surroundings. Nevertheless, Okisho nodded slowly after listening to the Kunochi, who was now known to be, Fushon. Before he spoke, he took one more glance at Fushon's toes, before returning to her eye level. He couldn't help but try to confirm for what seemed to be the tenth time, she really was right beside him.

"Hi, Fushon, Pleasure to have you here. My name is Okisho, and... I don't believe I have heard of you before. But besides that, we need all the help we can get in disabling these deadly bombs. To make matters worse, we have to do it without causing mass panic...", he stops abruptly due to the familiar voice coming from his opposite side. It didn't take him long to realize who it was, and rightfully so; infact. it was expected of him due to him being her teammate.

"Hi-Mari Hyuga, he said, stretching his pronunciation without notice. It had been sometime since the two met, after their last meeting with team 212's now missing Sensei. He was actualiy quite pleased to see her.

It seemed the missing Sensei Onabi was irrelevant, she still was the same upbeat person. He'd hope so too, because last he checked, she had a mind for strategy and forecasting. Something this team would desperately needed, aside from will genin. For now, he simply stood quite, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. At her current speed, there was no way he was going to cut her off full flow. So much information, so little time. Thankfully, he notice a break in between, with here humorously catching on to her own rambling.

"That's! Ok, Himari. But now's not the time, besides, we have, Fushon. ", he takes a quick side step away to allow full view of the silver haired barefooted child. with silence in the air for however long it lasted. "Also, Tenshi won't be joining us today on this mission. Probably couldn't get to him, he's too busy training at the Advanced Facilities, you know how he is.", he said with haste. He then decides to turn to the stone table,  grabbing a lone manila folder with the time sensitive document pertaining to the mission. it was recently placed on the stone table a few seconds ago by a passing officer. But already, at this time before he could turn back around to the group, Himari managed to introduce herself to Fushon. After turning around with the folder in both hands, he simply gazes towards Himari with a stoic visage, making sure that it was now Okisho's turn to speak. He widens his eyes towards her, only for an instant, before speaking. No longer was it the time to talk about their absentee Sensei, bombs were about to go off!

"Right then, Like I was telling, Fushon. This group threatening to blow up the Spa, placed bombs within it", he continues to run through the details of the mission to make sure everyone was on the same page. Speaking of, the folder was wide open with tons of up to date information. The folder was also free for anyone one to take, Okisho's grip on it was light to the touch. One piece that happened to catch his eye was the psych eval  of the criminal group. The words desperate, cut throat, and deadly all littered the page. This was good, because it gave Okisho a bit of insight and a prediction as to where the explosive paper bomb seals might be.

"My guess, the bombs are gonna be placed where they can do the most damage. Locker rooms, spa pools, the lobby area. We need to go in without drawing attention to ourselves and disarm them, discreetly. The higher ups can't stress that enough. If we, cause a major panic, that will pull attention towards the spa, which means the bombs will pull this mission into a direction we do it want it to go.", he takes a moment to let all the information set in. If they were going to execute this mission, flawlessly, they needed to be on the same page.
TWC/ 1268

Last edited by Okisho Uchiha on Fri Nov 17, 2023 5:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelled Fushon's name wrong lol)
Stat Page : Fuse Fun
Mission Record : Fuses's Track Record
Familiar : Companion: Shiyuko
Remove Taijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Hidden Clan
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 31500

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Mon Oct 16, 2023 11:40 am
Fushon smiled at Himari's energy and the matter-of-fact style that Okisho gave off. She had never been a part of an actual team of ninjas. This was primarily because her mother would always be sending her on missions to keep her busy or cover any expenses which she.... incurred. Either way, these two seemed pretty interesting. Fushon's first take on Himari was that she was a determined individual who was very extraverted when she was comfortable. Okisho, on the other hand, seemed to give off a calm demeanor, at least in regard to Himari. He redirected their attention back to the mission.

Fushon turned to Himari and gave a small bow of the head before saying, "it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Fushon, but some people know my nickname Fuse. I use both taijutsu and ninjutsu while being trained with both fire and lightning. I have trained to use all four of my limbs for shaping seals and I have a companion who is trained in space-time techniques to help support me. her name is Yuko and she might show up here and there during our mission if we need help. She is kind of..." She stopped for a moment to think about the right words, "unique in how she appears and disappears."

Fushon realized she had been rambling a bit and blushed softly. She had never really introduced herself formally before outside of the academy, so she just went off her usual routine at school. With a small shake of the head, she put her hands on her hips and looked to her two teammates. She spoke softly, matching Okisho, as she said, "so we are trying to take down these bombs people set up." She looked over the open folder, leaning in to get a better look. "This bathhouse is usually pretty busy on the weekends, since my family and I like to occasionally visit for 'bonding hours' as my father puts it."

She looked closer and saw the layout of the building and general pictures of the inside and outside of the structure. It looked like they had been taken recently, probably for marketing purposes. "Since it is a bathhouse, we may want to consider whether or not they are using waterproof bombs. If so, they would probably want to put them in locations that would either cause the most damage or the most harm. If not, then that limits where they could put them without the chance of them breaking. Either way, they will probably want to put them out of sight and possibly out of reach of people who may encounter them." She paused, realizing that she was rambling again.

She rubbed the back of her head softly and said, "sorry to say so much. Being an Inuzuka, I sort of have to know a lot about animals and situations they may encounter to help prevent problems. 'Think Critically before you cause something Critical to happen', as my uncle used to say." She chuckled awkwardly, hoping she was not coming across as strange. 'Calm down', Yuko said telepathically to her. Fushon was surprised by the sudden new voice appearing and tried to hide her irritation as she quickly replied in her mind, 'not a good time! And are you going to join us so I do not look even crazier than I feel?!' Yuko chuckled and said, 'too many people. I will wait until you all are on your way to where you are going.'

Fushon let out a soft sigh and calmed down before looking back to the other two. She hoped she did not seem too unusual to them.

WC = 610
TWC = 1265
Okisho Uchiha
Okisho Uchiha
Stat Page : Okisho's Stat page
Mission Record : Okisho's Mission page
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 233700

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Fri Nov 17, 2023 6:43 pm
Most of the trio chatted amongst themselves as they tried to come up with a game plan, OKisho agreed with most of the points verbally, and disagreed with the few. He liked Fushion's old adage. 'Think Critically before you cause something Critical to happen', he couldn't have agreed more. They needed to be smart in regards to handling this life or death situation. He perks up upon the their superior approaching. After speaking, Okisho, and the rest of the team, were made well aware that now was the time to move. His heart twice as hard for a moment, the adrenaline kicking in gave him full awareness. "Good Hunting, and best of luck!", he sets of with the hopes that the other two did their job. The plan that they came up with was about to be executed, but will the team perform?

Moment later, mere seconds, Okisho arrived to the scene. He was dressed in casual clothes, no hint of to him being a shinobi of the village. He enters the building casually, his marks on where to locate the bomb were well within his head. The team had to disable 9 tags, which meant he was given the priority over three of them. The rest of the team was left with other six. Also, due to them being genin, a backup team was on standby, ready to fill in if team 1 didn't succeed.

After entering the bathhouse, tipping off no one. He casually walks into the locker room, His eyes now red with three tomoe, scan the area, locating three tags. "There you are...", he mutter. But he didn't go to them as of yet, he roamed the locker room till he was the only one left. His window was short, which he took full advantage of. One by one, he defused the tags with the defusing tag slips he was given. He placed them on top of the once live tags, silencing them forever. He did this three times, while watching his back to see if anyone would enter. He got lucky, no one came. He sighs in relief.

Moments later, Okisho got he all clear sign from his headset. Whether or not his teammates did their job or the back up team, all the bombs were effectively disarmed. No casualties from both the civilians and the shinobi involved in this operation. It was a good feeling, completing a mission of this difficulty with no one getting hurt.

He then leaves the area, making his way back to the admin building. He learns that the terrorist were captured, and that the mission went off without a hitch. Okisho, glad to be of service, left the admin office after collecting his earnings.
Exit, TWC: 1723 6,000 ryo, +30 Ap. 1313(reduced due to maxed stats) words for this, 26 words to complete this, and 384/1,125(reduced due to maxed stats) towards this

Last edited by Okisho Uchiha on Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:13 am; edited 1 time in total
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:16 pm
Himari listens to what Okisho and Fushon do with rapt attention, making note of the latter's brief introduction, her specialties—as interesting as they are considering the unique disciplines she's chosen to practice—and her companion onboard for the mission today. It's her first time personally meeting an Inazuka, less so cooperating with one of them on an assignment as sensitive as this. Also considering the array of specialties between herself and her companion, she looks forward to how things will go moving forward.

After Okisho gives the rundown of their objective and Fushon proffers to take on a methodical approach to the case, Himari nods at the former's remark. "I'll do my besto!" It certainly isn't her first rodeo working with a bomb-defuse situation, considering her last attempt was at a disadvantage because of her inability to properly utilize her Byakugan during the earlier period of her post-Genin graduation ceremony. But, armed with the experience of a similar incident prior and her Byakugan—at least mostly—at her beck and call, her confidence has since elevated at a better and greater chance of success.

Dispatching to the mission location in question, Himari's plan of approach follows the same she's tried prior during her previous instance: looking for an opening or otherwise easy access into the establishment and defusing the explosive tags strewn about the place with care. Even though there are no immediate threats that could potentially jeopardize the mission, she still keeps a keen eye on her surroundings as she makes her way through the building, using her Byakugan to detect any possible hostile aggressors that could be lurking in the shadows.

Upon successfully infiltrating the bathhouse, Himari takes the time to adjust her enhanced vision and memorizes the layout of her immediate area before making her move. Thanks to her Chakra Vision, it makes the task of disarming them all as easy as one breathes. The first tag she finds is located near the women's changing room, and after determining that it's safe to proceed without being detected, she enters and disables it with ease. She does so with a similar approach for the remaining two tags, seeing as how Okisho already busies himself with a set of three, she presumes, also, that she'll have her third of the share to deal with, unimpeded. Moving on to the second tag, she locates it in one of the many spa rooms nearby and disarms it just as quickly as she did the last one. With only one tag left to defuse, Himari makes her way to the men's locker room, where coincidentally she passes by Okisho on the way there. She'd greet him if she could, but now wasn't the time to be distracted by pleasantries.

"I'm almost done," She tells herself as she enters the men's locker room. She scans the area and finds the tag located behind a row of lockers near one of the corners of the room. She makes her way over to it and disarms it before leaving the area. With her part of the job done and dusted, Himari returns to the admin building and meets up with her teammates for their debriefing before they finally receive their subsequent rewards for a job well done.

WC: 535
TWC: 1,271/1,000

Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Fri Nov 17, 2023 8:24 pm
Requesting approval for the following claims:

Claiming the following mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +6,000 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +30 AP

Investing the remaining 1,271 TWC into the following *Jutsu:
► Training Healing Hands @ C-Rank [480/750] → (750/750) [1,001 TWC Left]
► Training Body Pathway Derangement Technique @ C-Rank (750/750) [251TWC Left]
► Training Bodily Restoration @ D-Rank → C-Rank (251/375) [0 TWC Left]
*25% Discount option via max stats
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Sat Nov 18, 2023 7:14 am
Himari Hyuuga wrote:Requesting approval for the following claims:

Claiming the following mission reward(s):
Total Ryo Earned: +6,000 Ryo
Total AP Earned: +30 AP

Investing the remaining 1,271 TWC into the following *Jutsu:
► Training Healing Hands @ C-Rank [480/750] → (750/750) [1,001 TWC Left]
► Training Body Pathway Derangement Technique @ C-Rank (750/750) [251TWC Left]
► Training Bodily Restoration @ D-Rank → C-Rank (251/375) [0 TWC Left]
*25% Discount option via max stats

Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Focus : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Bomb in the Bath House Empty Re: Bomb in the Bath House

Sat Nov 18, 2023 8:14 am
Okisho Uchiha wrote:
Exit, TWC: 1723 6,000 ryo, +30 Ap. 1313(reduced due to maxed stats) words for this, 26 words to complete this, and 384/1,125(reduced due to maxed stats) towards this

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