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Morning Cardio [open]

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Emilia Kaneko
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 3:14 pm
The next few jutsu that Emi wanted to go ahead and learn were some that were really more on the basic side, but you never know when you’re going to be in a situation where you could use them for something. The three jutsu in question are the Body Flicker technique, Genjutsu Release, and then also Chakra Absorption. Genjutsu Release and Chakra Absorption are probably the more potent of the three with being able to release a genjutsu if you realize you have been caught, then also the ability to absorb chakra can just be really detrimental in certain spots. Emi (who has a thrill for speed) really only likes Body Flicker because it’s fast and sort of cool.
Emi had decided that she would start off with the Body Flicker technique. Based on her notes it required only one hand seal and allows her to move at a maximum sixty meters currently. The lanky genin had readied herself and made the ram sign. She had already picked her target destination out which was approximately 15 meters away from her and straight ahead in a tree. She would need to only focus her chakra for an instant and then felt her body move at essentially double the speed that she was used too. Her feet landed on the large limb that she had targeted and was grinning ear to ear. It may not be a technique she uses most often… but she really enjoys it and the speed made her rather happy. Which is probably a little odd. Emi would use the technique once more to move back to where she was originally standing and look back in her journal at the other jutsu.
”Now onto Genjutsu release. Looks like all I need to do is use the tiger seal. I’ll also need to find someone in here to place me under a genjutsu.” Emi took a look around the training grounds to see if she could spot someone that was working on genjutsu… which she did rather quickly. After introducing herself to the young girl(probably same age as Emi) she asked if she would help and she abliged. The two walked back towards where Emi was training and then started to work on Genjutsu release.
The other young lady would do a simple genjutsu technique that just changed the surrounding of Emi. This would be enough to know whether she was successful or not.  As the environment began to change Emi would form here hands into the tiger seal and slowly state, ”Genjutsu Release.” It didn’t work the first time so she would do it once more with a little more focus and it worked. She was happy that she could get it done. The other girl seemed impressed by how quickly she was able to do it. Even offering up some more advice to Emi to make things a little more easy for her.
”If you train a little bit more you could probably get this down without having to use the tiger seal which makes it a really handy technique. I’ll show you how.” Emi’s golden eyes stared at the girl and really appreciated her help and advice with this. It definitely piqued Emi’s interest and she obliged.
The two young genin spent another hour or so training to help Emi achieve this. They started off still doing the tiger seal so she could get more familiar with that but slowly moved away and just focused on her chakra and how it was forming inside her when she released the genjutsu’s. It took a couple hours in total for her to get it down pat but she was able to start releasing Genjutsu without having to use any seals.
”Thank you so much for your help. I wish there was something I could do for you.” Emi wanted to show her gratitude but the young blonde girl would have none of it. She quickly went back to her own area and left Emi to finish the rest of what she wanted.
”How shall I practice chakra absorption? Maybe I will make a shadow clone and then absorb my own chakra? I wonder if that actually works.” Emi decided the best thing to do would be to see that young girl would be kind enough to help her with this as well. It’s not like that last exercise was completely a waste of time for her.. she was already practicing genjutsu. I guess it just was a matter of whether or not she’d let Emi absorb her chakra or not.
”Hi again… I apologize for being so needy but I really wasn’t sure how I could train this jutsu without help.. I don’t think it would work if I made a shadow clone.” The young blonde genin was as nice as she could be still and obliged Emi for a bit.
Emi began to try and focus on the chakra in her right hand to make a blue like surrounding that allowed her to essentially suck the chakra away from her opponents. Nothing seemed to currently be working and the other girl was growing a bit impatient. She must have been hoping that this technique would go as smoothly as the Genjutsu release. She started to make little noises and let Emi know she was growing tired.
”This must not be the technique for you,” she stated to Emi… which sent Emi into a minor fit. It annoyed her and she walked straight over to her and put her hand on her shoulder and noticed a blue like chakra emitting from her hand. Emi could feel the power she was taking from the girl. It wasn’t a whole lot but she could definitely feel it.
”You’re welcome. Sometimes we just need to use different triggers,” the girl said smiling.  Seemed to be all a ploy to annoy Emi and get her angry to try and seriously use the jutsu on the girl and it actually worked. ”I’m a little embarrassed at my outburst now. I’m really sorry but thank you for helping me again!” Emi let her eyes wander down and to the left which showed the disappointment in herself and her attitude.
”No worries! Enjoy your training” she said and she was off just like that.

TWC(for this post) - 1030 | WC - 125 Claiming for Body Flicker | WC - 125 Claiming for Genjutsu Release and Mastery | WC - 250 Claiming for Chakra Absorption | TWC(For the thread) - 6096

Last edited by Emi Ren on Wed Oct 06, 2021 5:20 pm; edited 2 times in total
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Mon Sep 27, 2021 4:41 pm
”Another good jutsu to learn would be this sealing technique. I’m really glad I was able to jot all of these down in the journal while the Hogokage was performing them. This has been such a life saver.” Emi fervently looked over her notes on the technique to ensure she had everything she needed to get it down pat. The hand seals that are required for this jutsu are Dog, Snake, Ram, and Ox. ”After the seals I just need to place my hand down on a flat surface and then a permanent array will appear and the design is unique to the user… that’s kind of cool.”
The only real item that Emi had with her was her journal – so she thought she’d try her hand at storing that and then withdrawing it from the seal. She began with her regular process of practicing the actual hand seals, the only difference is she added in the extra motion of her placing her hand on the ground. It was about the flattest surface she was going to get, so it worked. It didn’t take her long to memorize the pattern of the hand seals and to be able to perform them effortlessly.
”Alright, let’s see how well this goes.” The young genin was feeling quite confident in this technique and as she performed the hand seals, she could feel herself manipulating her chakra appropriately. Emi softly bent down and placed her hand on the ground in the most elegant manner you might have ever seen. Unfortunately it didn’t work and nothing appeared after she placed her hand on the ground. ”Let’s try this again.”
Emi quickly went through the hand seals and once again elegantly placed her palm on the ground and awaited to see the circular seal show itself. It failed once more and then she had an idea, not knowing if it would work at all. Once more she performed the hand seals, still making sure to place her hand on the ground in an elegant manner(for whatever reason). The difference this time was that she was imagining a lotus design showing itself from the circular seal… and it worked. Her journal that was just three feet or so away from the seal was stored and Emi watched the seal  disappear as she broke her chakra from it.
”That was really really cool. Now the only thing to do is to bring that journal back… I need it for more training." Emi couldn’t help but giggle at her statement. It wasn’t that it was meant to be funny, it just seemed to make her laugh for no apparent reason. That happened a lot with her – Emi being a rather cheerful person by nature or someone who enjoys laughing, she often noticed that she would laugh at the most ridiculous things. To note – it does get her into trouble sometimes as she will laugh at things that are most certainly not okay to laugh at.
Emi once more went back to forming hand seals and placed her hand on the ground in hopes of withdrawing her journal from the storage seal. She could see the circle form and the lotus array showing through… a moment later her journal would appear from a cloud of smoke. The young, confident, golden eyed genin made sure to grab it before breaking the technique.

”That’s really going to become a handy technique. It’s so difficult to believe all of the jutsu that I have learned at this training session with the Hogokage here.” Emi’s eyes were fixated on the hogokage as it looked like he continued to look around. It was surprising that he was still here though it’s a testament to him and who he is as a person. 

WC - 620 | TWC - 6716 |Claiming 375 for Basic Sealing Technique

Last edited by Emi Ren on Wed Oct 06, 2021 5:23 pm; edited 2 times in total
Emilia Kaneko
Emilia Kaneko
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Tue Sep 28, 2021 3:46 pm
One of the more unique skills that the Hogokage put on display was with a fuuinjutsu that essentially would allow you to breath under water or underground… also in the case of poison in the air or a toxin that you wouldn’t want to breathe in. Emi wasn’t exactly sure on the science behind it… but apparently the seal would cover your trachea, pull de-oxygenated molecules out while providing oxygenated molecules to support the breathing process. This is one technique where imagining the actual process could be tough… especially since Emi didn’t even know what a molecule looked like.
”I suppose this time I will need to go more off of feel… and not necessarily imagining exactly what is happening. Extremely tricky… which might be the case with a lot of sealing jutsu.” The young began to study the hand seals for this sealing jutsu. Emi was also trying to work out how she would know it’s working… her common sense didn’t kick in that she would just be able to tell so she figured she would jump in the water that was close by and see if could breathe. ”There’s probably going to be some folks laughing at me for this… I’m sure” Emi tried to her hardest to ignore those last thoughts… but they just wouldn’t leave her mind. This young, passionate, and full of life genin would have to suffer through some embarrassment most likely… was she ready?
After spending was seemed like all day on these hand seals (not even close), Emi thought she might be ready to try and perform this jutsu. The young lady flashed her hands in front of her and went straight into the hand seals; Hare, Ox, Dragon, and Rat. After Emi completed the hand seals she headed straight towards the water that was in front of her. If you weren’t caught up completely in what you were doing… you would be able to hear a splash sound coming from afar.
”Should I…….” Emi thought she was thinking in her head but apparently she decided to try and talk while under water… clearly that didn’t work and she clearly couldn’t breathe under water. She failed miserably at this technique and really could only laugh at her own ignorance. She pulled herself up on the ground and just laid there giggling. Her black hair was completely soaked.. as was the clothes she was wearing. This was probably the most thoughtless she’s been all day… just chalk it up to fatigue and tiredness from training so much.
”Alright Emi, stand up and get back to work. Might as well hit the restart button on this one… At least you gave everyone a good laugh.” Her words echoed through the training grounds which likely helped the others think about how weird she was. At this point though, she really could have cared less and just wanted to get through this technique. She spent a little more time going through the hand seals and actually trying to see if it would work. She never felt anything different and knew that hadn’t been successful at all in even getting the seal started.
”Maybe instead of thinking of molecules and all this scientific stuff… just imagine it’s all a different chakra or something and that’s what is covering your throat. I at least know what that is.”
Emi closed her to show her focusing up, she then quickly went through the hand seals for the technique and imagined her chakra covering her trachea. She could feel the seal starting to form around, Emi would then imagine the tiny molecules being bits of de-oxygenated chakra as well as oxygenated chakra.  She gave it one more go and jumped in the water… in a much less obvious manner than last time. This technique doesn’t allow you to breath normally so she sat there and felt her body breathing. It was different as she wasn’t letting air out of her mouth… but out of the seal that was inside covering her trachea. Emi released the jutsu and swam to shore in utter shock, it was the most awkward but awesome feeling may have experienced up to this point.
She moved herself into the sun to help dry off much quicker since she didn’t bring a towel to the training session at all. ”Imagine being able to swim under water for an extended period of time and seeing all the different life forms that live there.. it’s simply wonderful.”
Emi was so mesmerized by this that she just sat in thought for the next little while… not a care in the world.

WC - 760 | TWC - 7476 | Claiming 250 for Breath Seal

Last edited by Emi Ren on Wed Oct 06, 2021 5:24 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Wed Sep 29, 2021 12:21 pm
As he made his way a little further away from everyone to practice all the jutsu that he had seen the hogokage perform. He was eager to get started but he couldn’t just start throwing out jutsu right beside everyone, because the last thing he needed was to have people get hurt because he couldn’t control his newly acquired jutsu. So now that he was about fifteen meters from everyone else it’s was time to get to work. He thought it would be best if he start with the lower ranked jutsu first and then move his way up slowly.

The first jutsu he decided he would work on the body flicker technique, a move that would allow him to increase his speed to the point where is seems like One may vanish in a cloud of smoke or disappear in a blur as they gain speed. He couldn’t think of a better way to start off training with such a useful jutsu such as this one. He looked around and decided on the best spot to land at once he activated the jutsu and was able to see a tree branch big enough to support him , which was about 5 meters away from where he was standing at. 

“Hopefully I can get this in one go , since it does seem easy enough to learn”, he said to himself. After forming the ram sign , he could feel himself increase in speed as his body move swiftly from the spot he was standing at to over on the tree branch in one swift movement. “Well damn that was freaking amazing, I will definitely be using that jutsu again soon.” He said out loud as he hoped down from the tree branch he was standing on. With the first of his jutsu done it was time to move on to the next one. This time he would be the earth wall jutsu, something that seem easy enough to perform. He had seen something similar to this jutsu when he was sparring with one of the jounin of the village, so he had an idea of how this would go. He quickly performed the  Ox -> Serpent/ -> Boar/ -> Monkey/ -> Dragon handsigns and watched as there was a thick wall formed in front of him. “ well there goes another jutsu, not to many left that I’ll be working on” , he said to himself as he figure which jutsu he would be learning next. Even though he didn’t know what he would learn next he did know that he shouldn’t push himself to hard without a break, cause the last thing he needed was to pass out from to much chakra loss,

Claiming:Mist servent 500 x .75= 125 , Body Flicker 500 x .75= 125 , Earth Wall 1000 x .75= 250, Mud spore 1500 x .75= 375, Shadow Clone 1500 x .75 = 375, 12+ virgor
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Wed Sep 29, 2021 7:19 pm
Approved for both
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Thu Sep 30, 2021 11:03 am
Youta woke up with no real plans for the day. He was hoping he would be able to relax a little. Maybe he would go to the library or to help his adoptive father at his forge. His house seemed to be especially quiet this morning and he was not sure why it would be that way. Usually by now his mother was up and doing a load of chores around their little house. She however was nowhere to be seen. This made Youta very very curious and he was not sure if he should worry. He thought maybe she went to help out a neighbor or picked up a shift helping at a shop. Because they never had a lot of money but they were comfortable especially with Youta helping out with his shinobi missions and helping his father be even more productive. His father worked for the local toolsmith and would help make farming tools and building supplies. This paid alright but it was not the best paying job. His mother would pick up shifts at a friend's shop if times were desperate and they needed more money. Youta decided to head to the market and see if his mother was there after he made himself some breakfast and packed a lunch. Youta would finish his eggs and sausage, finish getting dressed and head towards the market.

As he arrived at the market he found his mother and went over to talk to her. “Hey ma, decided to help your friend today?” He would walk over and get closer so they could talk. He got close enough that no one could really overhear them unless they were trying to. “You know if we were desperate or needed extra Ryu I could have picked up an extra mission or two. You did not need to go back to work if you did not want to.” She quickly responded with “Oh no it is nothing like that. I promise we are perfectly fine and there is no need to worry. My friend Suki was going to run a buy one get one free sale and asked me if I would come in and help her run her flower shop. You work hard enough as is. I promise this is just me helping out a dear friend.” This put Youta’s mind at ease a little. “Ok I was just worried when I woke up and saw that you had left. Do not push yourself too hard today. There is no need to overextend yourself.” To which Youta thought he heard his mother say under her breath “You are one to talk.” But he let it slide and continued to say “well is there anything I can help you with?” To which his mother actually laughed and said “Can you go get me the poppy?” Now Youta had no idea what she was talking about and starting holding up different flowers asking “this one?” All of which were wrong and eventually his mother just said “there seems to be a lot of commotion at the training grounds. Maybe you should head over there and see what is going on. Maybe there is a training session or your father might need some help. Or take the day off, somewhere else, not in my way. Love you dear.” To which she kind of just ushered him out the door.

Youta decided to go to the training grounds to see what in the world was going on. Usually group training sessions are not this popular. What could all the hype be about. He saw that there were a bunch of people including his teammate Zeref who was leaving and he tried to make it over to him but he was long gone by the time Youta made it to the other side of the training grounds to say something. He also saw Typhon who he had not spoken to in a while and started to walk towards him. Then he saw that Ayato the Hogokage was there at the training grounds. He was teaching and helping the shinobi that had shown up to the session today. That is why the place was so busy. Most people, especially shinobi, like the hogokage. So Youta skittishly walked up to Ayato and bowed respectfully and said “Hello sir, I didn’t realize that you would be out here teaching us today. I am sorry I am so late.” He felt legitimately bad about his tardiness. He was looking around to see what everyone was learning about. He would then look at the hogokage and wait to see if he would reply.


Typhon Sepsus
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Thu Sep 30, 2021 3:02 pm
The folks around were an odd cast of characters. It was a cool sight for the young Canopic as it made him feel more at ease. Why should he feel out of place just over a sickness when there were tons of others out there that could be considered "freaks" to some, and yet here they were all normal. It was a relaxing thought. Ty finished his lunch while watching the Kage instruct some of the others. He looked radiant in the early sunlight and his techniques were elegant. It was reassuring to know the wellbeing of the village was in his hands. 

Waiting around and watching wouldn't help with his own personal training though so it was time to get back to work. He would drop and do some push-ups to try and get a sweat going. It wouldn't take long for his muscles to start aching and so the young Canopic decided to focus on chakra control. It was still a weak point for him and it severely limited his ability to further his clan's abilities. If he couldn't figure out how to produce his mother's style any time soon then he would need to broaden his skillset. 

He would begin by burrowing down into the ground before springing back out again. It was a simple trick he knew, but it still took a lot out of him to perform. It would do well as a training exercise. Typhon would repeat the process a couple of times before he stopped to take another breather. His chakra reserves were not all that great and he was beginning to get quite tired. He thought about just calling it a day there but when he looked around there were so many people still working hard and giving it their all. He couldnt let them all just show him up. He was right back to trying to find a sparring partner.

He found a kid who looked to be much younger than himself. Maybe about 14 or 15, but he seemed confident enough. Ty and the boy would swap hands as both tried to mimic moves they saw the Hogokage showing off. The whole thing ended with the young boy tossing Typhon over his shoulder and onto the floor. The hard ground managed to knock the wind out of Ty and he sputtered for air for a second. In the end the two laughed about it and went separate ways.

Ty decided to just head home. His muscles were sore and his back kinda hurt so he didn't think he could handle much more training. It was a tough day, but seeing all the others made him feel more encouraged in his own efforts. Little by little he would get stronger.

(WC 459)
(TWC 1053)

Claiming + 10 chakra

1000×.75 = 250 words to learn Leaf rising wind

1000×.75 = 250 words to learn  Block (C)

1000×.75 = 250 words to learn Tsuri Goshi (C)

1000×.75 = 250 words to learn Jotun Grip (C)
Sebastian Loghain
Sebastian Loghain
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:34 pm
The wolf was making his way to the training grounds, the first time he had ever been there while unaccompanied by a handler. It was an unusual sensation, the feeling of both freedom and that of fear. While he might have been able to travel more freely, he knew that it didn't mean that he had no reason to be cautious. Focusing on control required vigilance, and was not a responsibility he would take lightly. 

The training ground had been far busier than he had expected, various shinobi all watching the same man perform all sorts of techniques. Though he had no real prior interaction with the man, the robes suggested that he may have been the Hogokage. Of course, without the hat adorning his head the wolf couldn't be certain yet. Still, he would wander over and watch the demonstration. There were a great many techniques on display, which suggested that the man teaching them had to have been quite talented to have mastered so many jutsu. The wolf did not have a great deal of formal shinobi training, instead making use of what he could pick up on his own, along with gaining relative mastery over his transformation and various other werewolf abilities. This was the first time he really had any instruction on how the techniques were to work, and the forms best to use. Honestly, he imagined that it was going to be far simpler to learn from this that it would have been to try and figure it out all on your own. 

After watching, the wolf noticed that several of the people in the audience were familiar faces. Zeref was here, as was his other teammate Youta. And it also looked as though Typhon was here as well, though the young man seemed to have been leaving. Loghain would just watch, taking it all in. 

wc: 311
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:09 pm
Youta Shinkou
Youta Shinkou
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Morning Cardio [open] - Page 2 Empty Re: Morning Cardio [open]

Fri Oct 01, 2021 12:33 pm
Youta would respectfully bow to Ayato and head off to start training. There were so many people in the training grounds compared to normal. He would start stretching when he would see his fellow teammate Sabastian come walking into the training grounds. He was looking to get next to someone he knew and maybe work on a few things but he was curious. He was wondering what Sabastian would be up to. They have grown closer while on missions and things.He would continue stretching and then walk over to Sabastian and say. “Can you believe the hogokage is actually out here training with us? One would think that he would very busy but it is super cool and reassuring that he is out here. So how are you doing? Taking life easy.” He was actually closer he felt like he had not seen them in a while. Then out the corner of his eyes he saw Zeref and just yelled “Hey Zeref, Zeref!” Waiting to see if he got his attention then would continue “Come over here look who it is Sabastian is over here too!”

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