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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Wed Apr 06, 2022 2:05 pm

Yusuke found himself in a strange place surrounded by nice flowers and the sounds of happy people. Are those sakura trees? He watched the pink flowers falling around him as he gained his bearings. It seemed he found a fairground. It seemed to be open and he was not above a bit of merriment. He noticed that a jolly looking man blocked the entrance to the fairgrounds. As he looked so pleasant Yusuke had no reason to fear approaching him. Hey there friend! I was hoping to get into the fairgrounds. Is there a fee? Yusuke reached for his wallet but the man shook his head.

All you need to get in is to make some cool origami my boy! The man gestured to neatly stacked paper next to him and a small wooden table with pink placemats at four different seats. Oh really? That’s a sweet deal! Yusuke went to grab a piece of paper and sat down. He was fairly decent at origami though not his best medium. He started slowly and carefully creasing the paper to make a pink frog complete with a crown. 

The man spoke while Yusuke worked. We take all the Origami and place it on the gates to invite more people in. The more the merrier! The jolly man let out a hearty laugh, as Yusuke voiced some affirmative sounds. He wasn’t really listening; he was focused on the task. 

Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 2:50 pm
Hinoishi had come to the fairgrounds to see what all the fuss was about. Hinoishi understood immediately why people enjoyed the fairgrounds so much. HInoishi has never really gone to the fairgrounds to take in the sites as he spends most of his time training or being home. Hinoishi walks to the entrance and see's Yusuke trying his best to make something with neat origami. Hinoishi walks up to the man and asks,"Hello sir, what exactly is happening here, my I enter, is there a fee?". As Hinoishi went to grab his wallet the man at the door gave a grandiose chuckle almost like Santa or a big uncle, he spoke, " Ho ho ho, there is no money required, you just need to make something with the origami paper right next to me,". He gestures to the stack of paper, "And present the origami to me so that I can display it to attract more people, Your friends here has already started". Hinoishi and the man look at Yusuke at the same time watching as he focuses intently on transforming the paper into something display-worthy. Hinoishi has made origami in the past like tiny crows whenever he was bored at home or at the academy. Hinoishi resides to attempt at making crows. "Well then, can I have six sheets of black paper and one foot of string please?", Hinoishi had already crafted a plan in his head. "Sure, comin right up". The man grabs six sheets of black paper and cuts some string that was in a spool beside him. "Thank you." Hinoishi bows and turns around. Hino walks over to a nearby tree out of the sight of the nice man and breaks off a branch that looks like a small dead tree with a trunk and 3 branches going in different directions intersecting each other. Hinoishi walks over next to Yusuke and begins to fold the origami into a crow. he pulls out a kunai and uses it to make sharp folds.

Stat Page : Demon Princess of the Sand
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Thu Apr 07, 2022 6:44 pm

Eastertide team building [sunanin] F6c0e28633634b2b5398fb8fce1b006b

Eastertide team building [sunanin] RJxfJ3y

~ Much about the budding kunoichi was unknown to those around her but her preference for silence, solace, and reclusiveness quickly became words that could be attributed to Sumiko. While she was okay with this, her parents were aware of the potential harm that their daughter's hyperfocus could entail thus the kunoichi was one among the masses attending the Spring Festival. Dressed in her usual traditional attire and her ninja pouches stripped from her due to the non-violent nature of the event; Sumiko had to admit that she felt a bit naked and defenseless. Her hourglass headband was worn proudly upon her forehead as she maneuvered her way through the group of people looking to enter the grounds and with a few moments of standing on her tiptoes and sneaking past those in front of her. It didn't take long for the girl to make it towards where the big hold-up was and found none other than Yusuke Sarutobi and Hinoishi Uchiha. She was far enough from the boys to not be seen without preemptive searching and at first, Sumiko wondered if she would bump into these guys all the time but upon closer introspection, she realized that it was much better to have those who knew of her and from the same village opposed to being the only one here. The girl made her way up just as the man mentioned that fair wasn't ryo but origami.~

(thought) " Is this a joke? Origami is the fare? Well more money for food I suppose."

~ It wouldn't be until Hinoishi asked for the paper that Sumiko stepped up and would nod to the boys before looking to the vendor and taking a time to think before asking for materials. She certainly held artistic talent but more so in words and painting but origami was a bit alien to her apart from one type.~

"I would like 3 pieces of brown paper, I would like to make a scorpion."

Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Ryo : 21390

Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Thu Apr 14, 2022 7:58 pm
Yusuke was happy to see his fellow genin arrive at the fair he could have found some fun on his own certainly, but the more the merrier.  Hino-chi, and the academy's princess! My luck day huh? He finished his pink frog and the intricate lotus just as the other two were getting started on their creations. 

You both wanted to check out the festivities? took both of you for the more serious type... He trailed off with a finger to his chin as he handed a delicately made origami creation to the man at the gate. Well done lad! We'll display this one front and center! Here is your ticket. Have a great time! Yusuke smiled at the man, but instead of going in he walked back over to the pair and watched over their shoulders as they folded.  

What are you guys making? Do you wanna hang out at the fair together? Yusuke sounded a little excited. He couldn't help it it had been a while since he had time to hang out with people his own age and do something fun. Their were no officers or older genin impressing the rules of the shinobi world. Just three youths and a plethora of activities. You two got here at about same time Yusuke's eyes get narrow as he realizes he might have been intruding. Were you on a date or something? Yusuke smirks as he waits for their reactions to his honest yet awkward inquiry.

After a few moments there would be a loud shout from the behind the origami decorated gates. 


Yusuke eyes went wide Finish up quick lets go join in! The boy would hurry off to the cart shortly after practically dragging the other two along.

Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
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Ryo : 44500

Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Mon Apr 18, 2022 3:39 pm
Hinoishi was deep inn thought on his creation with each fold is image of a storm of crows was coming ever so close. Hinoishi used his Kunai to fold each crease so the Crow came out as exact as possible. Hino had finished three of the crows and on each of them pocked tiny holes after blowing them up to give them volume. With a blow Hinoishi had finished his last crow. ponce again using his Kunai to poke holes in the crow. Hinoishi grabbed the string and cut it into three pieces of varying lengths. He did knots on them at carrying lengths swell. Hinoishi then slid on the crows onto the knots through the holes that were poked so it would go through the,. Hinoishi tied the ends of th string on the tree brach and when help up it seemed as though there was a tornado of crows going around a center point. Hinoishi would respond to yusuke as he walked up to the jolly man with his magnificent creation, "I would love to go along yusuke, Sumiko would you like to join us?". Hinoishi placed the origami crows infant of the jolly man in his hands and smiled as the old man commended his work, "This is a great job young lad, I'll be sure to display it so many can see it". Hinoishi walked after Yusuke and would race right next to him as they ran after the kart to embrace on the next challenge with his fellow genin.

Stat Page : Demon Princess of the Sand
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 17570

Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Wed Apr 20, 2022 6:17 am

Eastertide team building [sunanin] 19aa1863a84e7d0377105de6fc83515d

~ To say that Yusuke's consistent need to call her "Princess" annoyed Sumiko was an understatement but at the same time, it gave the loyal kunoichi a sense of validation and a bit of an ego boost. It was the uncertainty between this title being a mere joke due to her being a girl or that those around her also felt how strong she seemed to be connected to the Village Hidden in the Sand. Sumiko rested in that last thought and it saved Yusuke from the retort that she would typically give him. She instead focused on her masterpiece which seemed to be going quite well as her careful yet nimble fingers danced over the colored paper while making various folds. The sound of Yusuke's voice rambling on about his being surprised with her and Hinoishi's appearance caused the girl to roll her eyes and shake her head while she made her final touches. At last, the desert scorpion was completed. . . it wasn't perfect as she wanted it to be but she felt it was good enough to give on for display. A small smirk came over her as she realized that her creation was almost indicative of their personalities. Yusuke with the lotus. . . he seemed to focus on the smallest things that were irrelevant in most cases but seemed to allow him to intricacies of the world around him. Hinoishi with the crow hinted at the wide perspective and vigilance that could only be attributed to those of such a clan as the Uchiha. Finally, there was Sumiko with the scorpion, territorial and ferocious, yet tactical. . . Sumiko passed her creation to the man shortly after Hinoishi before looking to Yusuke.~

" Surprised? Well, there is a lot that you don't know about me. . . I like it that way."

~ Sumiko's grey eyes shifted at the boy and her arms folded across her chest and shortly afterward unfolded to grab her ticket from the vendor. with that being said, Sumiko was fully expecting to part a go their separate ways but was surprised that they both seemed to want her to join them. It always came to a bit of shock to her considering how she intentionally isolated herself from her peers and made every effort to distance herself from them. Her eyes shifted between the two boys a few times as she thought of a response but found that Yusuke's typical tomfoolery had quickly soiled her mood. Her? dating? and an Uchiha???? Clearly, the Sarutobi loved hearing himself talk and there would be no buffer from the verbal lashing he would receive from her.~

" It seems your spatial awareness is just as awful as It was in the Academy. . . You two were here before I had even arrived. Dating is for people with too much time on their hands."

~ The kunoichi spoke clearly and plainly but it would seem as if her words bounced off of the Sarutobi per usual as he still expected them to follow him inside and for a moment she didn't move until she noticed that the boy was heading for the drinking contest. . . despite all three of them being underaged. Sumiko's eyes widened as she realized the two boys were quickly falling in line and as Suna shinobi. ..  if word of their behavior was exposed to the Kazekage, the kunoichi feared the dishonor that could come if they got caught for whatever reason. Despite her apparent civil duty to maintain the honor and integrity of the Hidden Sand Village. . . part of her was excited and curious about what it would be like. Each second she stayed idle, the boys got further from her and her curiosity quickly made her follow suit; I mean of course it would be unbecoming of her to participate but it wouldn't hurt to at least watch right???~

" Hey, wait for me!"

Eastertide team building [sunanin] Ca098e6ccbbc4c982a8b9def9deaffb0

~WC: 641~

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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:42 am
It was true that Yusuke didn’t know much about either of his companions, but he would like to. From the little time they’d spent together they seemed to be compatible somehow. He was surprised that Hinoishi completely ignored his jab. Is this guy a robot? The thought crossed Yusuke’s mind but he let it glide away. Yusuke was getting used to Sumiko’s sharp retorts to his prodding. He really hadn’t noticed that Hinoishi had arrived much earlier than her. He was focused on his art. Haha, just trying to get a rise out of you~ He smoothly laughed away any tension. Sumiko was quite funny in her own way.  He was happy that both genin didn’t seem to have their pant’s buckled on too tight to have a little fun. A little friendly competition would be a great way to get to know them both a bit better.  

We’ll play sir us 3! Yusuke said as they approached the cart. The man running the stand looked at the group of kids, each quite obviously kids, but shrugged his shoulders. This game is open to everyone! He prepared three of the exact same drink, a pink beverage with a foamy top layer and a bubbly layer for the rest, and slid them down the table in front of where each genin sat. For you three we’ll just see who can drink three the fastest alright? On your mark… get set….Bottoms up~ The man said with a smile not waiting for them to respond.  

Yusuke had a plan to fake his intake of the beverage but with them all sitting in a row like this it would be obvious if he used ninjutsu or dumped the drink on the ground. Additionally the way the bartender quickly started the competition added to the frantic atmosphere. Three was not a lot and it looked like they would need to finish one drink to be given the next. The man started pouring the next round as Yusuke grabbed the cup and dumped it down his gullet. No time! Gotta go fast! He drank the sweet looking drink and found the after taste quite bitter. There was obviously some kind of sakura flavor in the drink, but it wasn’t enough to disguise what it was. Ugghh.. Next please. Yusuke finished his drink and was given another. He wasn’t sure how the others would do, but he was certainly trying to win the straight and narrow way.


Roll a d6 by adding a dice roll to your post underneath where you press send Highest roller wins. I’ll announce the winner in my next post, and move on to the last mission. I plan on posting twice more and you all should be able to get away with two or three if you’d like. We need to finish before the end of the day tomorrow. 
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Wed Apr 20, 2022 10:42 am
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Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:47 pm
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Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:13 pm

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