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Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
Stat Page : Red Demon Flame of the Sand
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:58 pm
Hinoishi follows quick behind Yusuke watching as he prepares to drink alcohol for not the first time. Hinoishi was not excited but didn't't want to loose to Yusuke. Hinoishi thought about what yusuke said as he had just brushed it off earlier. Hinoishi quickly began to blush as he barkeep at the stand was filling up pints. Hinoishi looked at sumitro and looked away quickly in embarrassment. Hinoishi's face was red and anyone who could see it would notice. Hinoishi tried to put on a normal look but it looked anything but. Hinoishi quickly spoke up." me sir,...c...could I get 3 pints please". As the bartender rallied up three pints Hinoishi took time to look at Sumiko. He got lost in her grey eyes that seemed to be pits of thought her black hair that went down her back silky and beautiful, noticing that Sumiko was shorter than most around her but not abnormally so. Hino stared at her only for a moment as it would be weird to just stare at someone especially since Hinoishi knew sumitro was the type to get mad at that. Hinoishi looked at the pints that the tender had corralled infant of Hinoishi. Hino looked at the man, then back at the pints, then at sumitro, then at Yusuke, then at himself. Hinoishi closed his eyes put his hands in fists then quickly flat out as his hair began to raise and chakra around him began to pool out around him in the color red. The chakra swirled around Hinoishi violently as his hair began to shine a brighter more vibrant and bold red, it was taller upstanding swell. Hinoishi opened his eyes and they were bright red , the sharingan was not active but his eyes were bright and bold red. Hinoishi looked at sumitro then back at one of the points and chugged it down quickly, Hinoishi then grabbed the second pint and chugged it down at the same speed. Hinoishi was downing the ints at an incredible speed. Hinoishi then downed the third pint and slammed it down where they were placed infant of him, not enough force to break anything. Hinoishi spoke up in a voice of pain."keep them coming" . it sounded as though Hinoishi had downed the beverage down the wrong pipe and was quietly choking. Hinoishi turned away from sumitro towards Yusuke and said, "do you really think I would have a shot with Sumiko ~cough~?". Hinoishi turned back at the bartender who spoke out in a cheerful voice."You got it!" and instantly produced three more pints of which Hinoishi chugged two and left one and starred as it would be his enemy to conquer.

Stat Page : Demon Princess of the Sand
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Fri Apr 22, 2022 2:16 am

Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 44126765bab8fc76dcce81bb396fb7f4

~ Sumiko rolled her eyes at Yusuke's revelation that he was just trying to get a reaction out of her. He sure had perfected the art of getting under her skin. The kunoichi quickly caught up with the boys just in time to hear Yusuke say that the Three of them wanted to participate. Sumiko looked up at the man and then back at Yusuke for a moment before gritting her teeth; half expecting to get kicked out due to Yusuke's impulsiveness. To say that would be an embarrassing moment, to say the least. . . Sunagakure shinobi alcoholics?! Sumiko's face was blank as she expected to get yelled at but he consented? Did Sumiko hear him correctly this game was made for everyone? Sumiko glared at Yusuke before sighing a taking a seat next to Hinoishi who sat next to Yusuke.~

(Thought) "Yusuke. . . I will make you pay big time for this you, you. . . KNUCKLEHEAD!"

~Sumiko thought to herself while peering into the depths of the pink liquid. She knew that this game put her at a massive disadvantage given her tiny stature but she had to do something considering her competitive personality. The girl turned her head to face the boys and noticed that Yusuke had already begun to throw one back which made her frown but then her eyes switched to Hinoishi who had glanced at her and quickly looked away. She raised a brow at this action but didn't think much of it since she had yet to touch her own. She grabbed the handle of the mug with a worried expression as she brought her shaky hand to her lips and closed her eyes. Only a small bit had entered her mouth and while the starting flavor was nice. ..  the sharp zing of alcohol caused her body to shudder and warmth filled her throat.~

(Thought) "What if. . ."

~ Sumiko placed to mug on her lips in order to appear to be drinking, her grey eyes wide before just throwing an entire mug back without stopping. The girl took a few deep breaths and noticed that her kimono had been slightly moistened with a few droplets from the mug before she took a deep breath and looked at the bartender.~

" Two more please. . ."

~Sumiko asked before looking over at the boys who seemed to be whispering about something.~

"What are you two bobbleheads whispering about? Your impending loss?"

~ WC: 395 ~
Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Fri Apr 22, 2022 11:29 am
D-does Hinoishi have a crush on her seriously? Did he not get it before? He’s a slow one I suppose… Yusuke had written it off as Hinoishi being oblivious or purposefully aloof before, but now it seemed that he was just a bit slow on uptake. Yusuke would notice the reddening of Hinoishi’s cheeks and the longing stare. Is this love? Yusuke smirked as he threw back the second drink. It also seemed like the princess was enjoying herself despite the fact that she seemed opposed to drinking. She had requested two more drinks. See princess? That wasn’t so bad was it? It’s important to have fun sometimes. He nodded to himself before he finished his second drink slamming it on the table. 

He listened to Hinoishi whispering, and wasn’t sure what to say. He questioned why the Uchiha would come to him for an opinion, but he quickly realized. Hinoishi recognized his god given charisma and skill with dealings of romance! Yusuke brought a finger to his chin and gave it his full attention.

Sure Sumiko was cute and Hinoshi wasn’t a bad looking guy, but He didn’t really know what either of them were about. Plenty of boys at the academy had a crush on her, but not one had dared approach her. She gave off a cold aura that seemed to keep people away. She also seemed happy with that. Yusuke was under the impression that Sumiko probably liked him because she was always so snappy with him. His mother always said “if a girl yells at you or picks on you then she likes you.” He followed that advice religiously and made sure that he got the ladies into that pattern with him. He would have made a move on her already, but alas, Yusuke was under the pressure to marry a powerful kunoichi or a high ranking noble. Not to mention creating lots of heirs. Though this was all far into the future, he took the duty seriously and guarded his heart and those of others from the harsh reality of being a future clan head. He would have to reject all serious romance until a bit later into his career when he had made a name for himself and could pick the correct partner. Aside from that he seemed to be meeting Sumiko a lot in his professional life. Never wanted to mix family and business. He thought even though the idea of a ninja clan was diametrically opposed to that statement. 

His thoughts were getting away from him, but only a short pause had passed between when Hinoshi asked and Yusuke turned to him. Sure, why not?~ You’re a strapping guy~ Yusuke wouldn’t get in the way. He would even encourage his fellow genin, but he didn’t know how to go about trying to date someone especially as a shinobi. Yusuke took a deep swig of his third drink, while Sumiko quickly sussed out their whispering. He did a spit take. He spewed his beverage over the counter. This prompted a glare from the bartender who quickly whipped it up. The way the man glared at him it was clear that he would not be getting another one. Aww guess I’m not going to win… Once Yusuke had decidedly lost he would wait for the other two to finish and congratulate the winner. 

Yusuke wanted to see what the festival still had to offer. Perhaps something art related since they all seemed to be alright at it. Yusuke looked around and saw another interesting event. perhaps one that would be easier to talk about themselves. Hey you guys wanna try wood carving next? Yusuke pointed to a collection of people sitting around looking at blocks of cherry wood. There was even the man from the entrance sitting at a table that said wood carving competition. 

Yusuke would try to whisper to Hinioshi as he stood up. Maybe you can get to know her better over there… He said with a serious tone. Yusuke would try to play matchmaker over there if he could. He started strolling over to the wood carving area once again whisking the other two with him.


Since no one rolled besides me yall can work out who wins 
Stat Page : Demon Princess of the Sand
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Mon Apr 25, 2022 5:39 pm

~ Sumiko's eyebrow raised the random spitting reaction from Yusuke normally she would investigate this but considering his personality she didn't think anything of it. . . besides she had the challenge to win. Much to her surprise, Sumiko was throwing them back with ease and didn't seem to miss a beat. One after the other, the kunoichi devoured the alcohol with only having one person to fight. As the mugs multiplied the girl's face reddened and her body language went from graceful to sloppy. The teen huffed before pushing her black hair behind her ears and placing her hands on her cheeks before squishing them together.~

" H-Hey. . . Tenshu-sama, why is everything so.... soft and wAAAAvey?"

~ The kunoichi chuckled to herself as she looked over at the shopkeeper and removed one hand and squinted one eye to pretend to squish his head before smiling and resting her chin in her hands before nodding her head for her 7th drink before looking over at Yusuke who asked what they wanted to do next. The girl raised a brow and shrugged. All she knew is that she fell an odd sense of calming and as long at the place didn't burn down she'd be down to anything.~

" Oi! Not before I win!"

~ WC: 208 ~
Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
Stat Page : Red Demon Flame of the Sand
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Wed May 04, 2022 8:44 pm
Hinoishi felt super powered after pounding so many drinks, he was 5 drinks in and it suddenly all hit him. Hinoishi doubled backwards. everything began to move around weirdly like an illusion. Hinoishi thought he was under a Genjutsu and couldn't take it. Hinoishi fell backwards and hit his head. he woke up when he hit his head and listened to Yusuke. He felt confident but needed to prove himself. Hinoishi got up and acknowledged Sumiko as the winner of the competition. Hinoishi then ran towards the wood carving station. Hino saw the judges looking almost exactly like the man at the entrance he thought it slightly weird but payed it no mind as he immediately picked up a brush that was on the table next to his cherry wood that he would be working on. Hinoishi draws out what he carves so he can get an understanding. Hino finishes drawing and from each angle the image seems to change. Hinoishi grabs the ribbon cutter tool from the table and begins carving the bark off of the cherry wood. Hinoishi leaves the black brush images and suddenly carves into them going deep in those spots and no where else. Hinoishi is deep in thought not focusing on anything else but the wood infront of him. Hinoishi's wood begins to take shape as the mound of wood strips around him gets larger and larger. The shape of a tree begins to take shape before any of the crows do. Hinoishi feels his arms burning but pays them no mind, Hinoishi looks around him and realizes he can't see over the large mound of wood around him. Hinoishi contemplates knocking it down but doesn't know what's on the other side
He continues carving. By this time the shape of three crows are apparent, one sitting on the tree and the others flying. Hinoishi grabs the smaller ribbon carving tool and begins etching out the details on the tree. Each leaf takes so much concentration the air feels dead, Hinoishi wouldn’t know that because he is so lost in his own creation. Hinoishi finally moves on from a completely detailed tree and begins detailing the crows. Hinoishi continues his work hoping his two comrades are doing the same.

Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Thu May 05, 2022 8:36 pm
Yusuke stopped in his tracks when he heard Sumiko declare she was going to win. Alright Princess let's see it! Yusuke stood behind the two waiting to watch the conclusion of the competition. I can't believe such a tiny girl won a drinking competition...Well I would have got her if I wasn't disqualified... Yusuke made himself feel better for not being able to win, but how Hinoishi lost? He would never know. Congrats on the win, Princess didn't think you had it in you! Let's be careful walking over there alright? Yusuke was low-key proud of the girl, but also low-key worried. Sumiko seemed a little wobbly. I'll make sure she's safe sir! He whispered giving a wink and a sault to the shopkeeper. Once Sumiko had finished he would attempt to guide her to the Wood carving competition offering her a hand. He would have let Hinoishi shoot his shot here, but he had already ran off to the competition. This guy... Yusuke would make sure Sumiko got to their destination.

Once they arrived, Yusuke would enter him and Sumiko. It seemed like Hinoishi had already handled his entrance. Yusuke thought about what he would carve over the next 4 hours. hmmmm, oh I know! Yusuke then turned to Sumiko. Hey are you sure you're good for this? Maybe you wanna go work with Hinoishi or at least stay in our sights got that? Oh and this time I won't lose~ Yusuke smirked before going over to his table not really waiting for Sumiko's response, but keeping an eye out for her. 

He wasn't too sure about giving her sharp objects, but ehh she's a trained Kunoichi right should be fine right? He shrugged before he began to carve. He would be making a totem of Monkeys. They would represent the classic saying see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil. With the Monkeys covering the respective parts as they descended. He thought four hours would be just enough time.

He began carving slowly but methodically by the end of the four hours it would come out just as well crafted as any wood shaper could have done.

All that was left was for the carvings to be judged...     

Stat Page : Demon Princess of the Sand
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Fri May 13, 2022 5:49 am

Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Bc8b297b022975f0892d1d7afcb4d85d

~ It would seem that Sumiko's ambition and pride were that of a dual-edge sword. On one end, it was the agent that allowed her to beat both of her peers without any margin of scrutiny but only the other hand, her tiny stature in combination with the speed of consumption made her significantly drunker than her peers. As she completed the task and claimed her victory Sumiko realized that it became really hard to focus on any one particular person or thing as all of her energy seemed to be focused on keeping herself upright.  She heard Yusuke's praise and the slight surprise in his tone which made the girl smirk sheepishly before she rested her head in her arms to hopefully curve the swaying of the world around her. Her once sharp and proud voice had been reduced to an uncharacteristic soft whisper. ~

" Heh, I told you I'd win. . .Winner, winner. . . Beef Ramen Dinner. .. "

~ Sumiko chuckled to herself as she peered slightly over at him and then at Hinoishi who had already moved to the next station. It was in that moment that she remembered where she was and the will to keep going was restored. She had proved her skill once again and refused to allow this state of vulnerability to undermine it. . . She was an heir to a clan whose greatness established the Hidden Sand! This thought caused her to pause as she sat up while Yusuke promised the worried shopkeeper to look over her. All of the turmoil that she had faced with the title of "Princess" and feeling out of place had to have been her inner self pushing to discover her truth. When Yusuke offered her his hand, he would find that Sumiko seemed to be zoned out a bit with a soft smile on her face for a moment before looking over at him and down at his hand. ~

(Thought) " Who would have thought the Knucklehead of the Sand could display such manners??"

~ Her grey eyes shifted back up at Yusuke's before she'd nod and smiled at him before offering her tiny hand to him. Had she been wrong about him and allowed his reputation to sully her perspective of the Sarutobi? Provided that he'd securely grab her hand, Sumiko would slip out of the chair and as soon as her feet touched the ground the swaying returned once more and forced her to stumble a bit but she'd quickly readjust herself by slightly leaning against Yusuke's shoulder to stabilize herself. ~

" I am so sorry, Yusuke-kun . . . There's probably a reason for that legal limit, hm?"

Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 4e30bb5314641b70e6968ffb7d785301

~ Sumiko inserted a joke before nodding to him and removing her hand from his so that she'd gently hold his shoulder instead; she didn't want any rumors to start brewing. The pair eventually made their way to the wood carving event. Her grey eyes peered over at Hinoishi's developing masterpiece with a creative eye before Yusuke spoke to her again with his signature playful banter. She'd peer at him as he made his way over to an empty station. ~

(Thought) " Hmph, it's your fault I ended up like this, Knucklehead but he's right sharp tools, and how I feel won't mix. . "

~ She had no retort to his statement as it held significant weight before she found a seat between the pair and when the stand owner started to hand her materials; Sumiko would politely decline before releasing a soft hiccup. She'd then peer at Hinoishi's carving closely before leaning over to speak to him. ~

" Hm, crows? What is your inspiration behind that? In literature, the crow is a sign of omnipotence and omens."

Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 F7d7050de848e357d7101756c863f918

~ WC: 605 ~

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Hinoishi Uchiha
Hinoishi Uchiha
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Sun May 22, 2022 1:23 pm
Hinoishi ,deep in thought notices Sumiko stumbling over to him. He looks over to Yusuke who begins carving on his piece. Hinoishi looks back at his sculpture, from the beginning it has turned out a lot better then he expected. Hinoishi left 3 masses of wood onto of each flying crow. Hinoishi then went on to detail them. he looked over to sumiko and smiled after her remark,"yes, your probably right". Hinoishi continues carving the tiny masses of wood widdling them down to human shaped figures. Hinoishi listened to Sumiko and carried on with his work, "ahhh, yes, the crows are a symbol in the uchiha bloodline, believed to be ever powerful, this is only due to our profound dojutsu, but do you know why we are granted this, I'll tell you since you'll probably forget about all of this. The reason we uchiha have this visual prowess and ocular dojutsu is usually chocked up to intense emotions usually by the loss of a loved one or something of the such,... but in all reality it is our ability to love so intensely, that when that love is taken away, the sharingan then lays it's seed, you see. For me I lost my family, well I didn't actually lose them but I was the cause of there pain, when I was born and my father realized my potential he trained me groomed me to become a shinobi worthy of the last name ,..Uchiha. Well that's when I first bread my sharingan,it was my sorrow for my brothers and sisters, then later on I grew hatred,,," Hinoishi begins cutting more jaggedly on the would and aggressively. "I then learned to turn my hate into love, for Suna and gave myself purpose, that's when I became a fulll fledged uchiha with the 3 tomoe sharingan, I have used my eyes countless times to help me in whatever I have needed them for. These crows for me represent my eyes, my pain, that I turned back into love” Hinoishi looked back at sumiko and smirked watching as she listened to him, he looked back at his work of art and noticed that he had made an incredible sculptureof a tree with 5 crows, 3 of the crows had people on them, those people were, Hinoishi ,Yusuke, and Sumiko. Hinoishi smiled and cleared the large pound of wood shavings. The jolly man came over judging everyone's sculptures, when he got to Hinoishi’s he stopped dead in his tracks and cowered under the beauty of the crows, “oh my days, i have never seen something so beautifully made before ,in such short time, you boy,... you have WON the competition!” Hinoishi had a big ear to ear smile as he felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him,” Nice job Yusuke. I'm glad we competed. I'm proud of what I've created today. But as far as energy standss, I'm beat, and it looks like Sumiko is too. Hinoishi listened intently to what Yusuke might say in return and would say, no matter what, “awesome, that’s great, i’ll be heading off though” Hinoishi begins to walk away, hoping not to do so alone but with his new found friends

-559 wc
sp= 20 
+20 vigor

Storage displacement -500 wc
Basic sealing technique -500 wc
Basic medical ninjutsu -500 wc
Cat eyes -250 wc
196  wc left
Bull Rush 196/1000 wc
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192/356 wc uramasa

Last edited by Hinoishi Uchiha on Mon May 23, 2022 12:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
Yusuke Sarutobi
Yusuke Sarutobi
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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Sun May 22, 2022 11:13 pm
Yusuke had laughed along with Sumiko to her small joke he didn't want to make a big deal about it, but perhaps he had misjudged her as well. She seemed to have at least one fun bone in her body.

His carving was done so he wandered over to watch the end of Hinoishi's work. His crows were quite good, and it seemed like he had a story about them and why they were important to him. Well if they mean so much to you I hope you it all. They're pretty good, but I think my monkeys are certainly cuter and less troubled~ He teases Hinoishi about the crows darker symbolism before he catches the judge eyeing his work. He smiled at it and it seemed to leave a good impression, but Hinoishi's had supposedly left an even greater one. Yusuke shrugged it off. Oh well, guess it's a good thing I didn't decide to become an artist after all... Yusuke did consider himself a bit of an artist, but he wasn't too crushed as these where not his mediums of choice. Had this been a painting or street art competition he would have been devastated. He clapped for Hinoishi when he was awarded his prize, and wiped his brow. It had been a lot of work and the sun was starting to set.  

Hinoishi commented that he was glad they competed, but it had left him pretty tired. He also commented on how Sumiko was also tired. It was only now in a slightly inebriated state and after feeling her weight bared against him that he realized how truly small she was. Though she had been resting for a few hours now it was likely that a bit of the alcohol was still left within her system. 

Yeah I'm pretty tired too let's get going alright princess? You still need a shoulder to lean on? He turned to Sumiko offering his arm since he noticed she withdrew her hand earlier. Suddenly Hinoishi gave his response seemingly not really paying them much attention, and started walking away. Did this guy forget that he was trying to make a move?... Ah he probably gave up because she's intoxicated right?...hehe not bad Hino-chan A sly grin spread across his face, but he still waited for Sumiko's response. If she stumbled at all Yusuke would simply insist even picking her up if she was going to be difficult. 

Regardless, the three would head towards the fairgrounds exit after a fun day of friendly competition. Yusuke certainly felt a bit closer to the pair now seeing their skills desires and hidden sides. I hope you guys don't give out on me... The setting sun moved into place as a shining background for the three genin.

TWC after mid thread claim:1642

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Eastertide team building [sunanin] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eastertide team building [sunanin]

Wed May 25, 2022 8:00 pm
I am gonna approve the jutsu claims, as for the event items...I will allow it this time, but next time try to finish on time
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