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Pink Explodies (Mission) Empty Pink Explodies (Mission)

Wed Apr 20, 2022 11:18 am

Continuing on from the past mission, Maneku has grown in strength somewhat. Now that he doesn't have to be a full-time porter, Maneku is in greater spirits. To others though, Maneku has just grown more odd, as a black yukata is now on his body. In comparison to the future enemy, Maneku might have a better time of hiding his own chakra now. Being friendly despite his now more-hidden self, Maneku passes out "SAKURA WARRIOR" nametags to his companions, nametags that had been snagged from the nasty tree. After the tree having been shot and torn up by his companions, Maneku had to get his hands dirty with some green liquid. To this moment, Maneku is unsure if the green liquid was some sort of unholy excretion of the tree. Anyway, after seeming excited and leading the way, Maneku had used his info from the tree to find the next objective. Like a printed out computer paper, the tree guardian was just one of many, and thus the final boss has been tracked down. 

Now, how will the big boss be fought by this group? An A-rank sensor ninja is out of Maneku's depth for the moment. The best solution Maneku comes up with is to nuke the portion of the village where the man hides. All illusions and lies to the senses get dispelled by death, usually. Motioning to his neck, Maneku brings up his idea to his companions, but he doesn't push it. The teammates might not be as ready to sacrifice the pure for the greater good, like Maneku would. If it was Maneku's choice, his summon would melt down'd be so pretty. Instead, Maneku just leaves his group for a bit, and then summons his oni Necky away from them. After asking the oni to sense the true villain, Maneku desummons his oni, and then birdcalls to his comrades as Maneku runs away. Pointing to the villain's general location, Maneku's sure his teammates can figure out the rest. If the villain had to boost his sensory to become better-invisible, he'll be weaker in other areas and Maneku's allies will have their offenses unavoidable.

AP for summon and summon jutsu if need be, will do mission exit claims after everyone's done

WC: 909

Maneku's Thoughts:
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Pink Explodies (Mission) Empty Re: Pink Explodies (Mission)

Wed Apr 20, 2022 1:34 pm
Once they were back in the village they met back up to talk about their missions up to this point, wanting to get this done and over with as soon as possible.Yamato was given a dog tag with a title on it and he looked at the piece of metal inquisitively and he thought back to the puppet guardian and he let out a soft sigh.  “There was another way we could have ended that last encounter, I think, something that would have given us an edge…but while we were on our way back to the village…I came across some interesting little notes written on the map the bard gave us.  It seems as though we have a common enemy…Last name of Dynamo…if that rings a bell to anyone, please let me know…otherwise consider it new news and let us move on from it.”  He would say before laying the map out.  There were a few drawings of the uniforms they were given at the beginning of this little venture here in this space.  Maku stepped away and Yamato did not say a word as this was a place he would have to just work together with them to figure out the issues at hand.

He would of course let anyone else that wanted to chime in get their words in, but he was lost in thought himself at the current time and he wanted to get this up and over with.  That was when a tea kettle was brought back to the table the men were around and as Yamato paid the fee and prepared the cups to fix the men a drink, but in doing so he spilled a few drops on the map and was about to curse his damned clumsy hands when he looked at the map…there was a trail…He looked it over as he whistled to the others for a moment.  He took a few more drops from his cup and flung them on the map and soon discovered a trail that led back to a starting point…the man that helped them all with clothing when they all arrived.  “Damn it all…it was the ticket guy the entire time!”  That was when he received a bird call from their compatriot that stepped outside and now he understood what it was all leading too and when they were told where to find the man they were looking for.  Yamato grabbed the map and traced the area and where they needed to go.  Finally they could get to the bottom of this entire thing.  “Well then it looks like we can beat this guy up, find out his final plans and turn him over and we can get back to enjoying our time here in this dimension.”  He said as the group would be ready to move out.

Once they arrived at the area where the ticket peddler Yamato was ready to move in, but the course of their plans would lead them to surround the exits and have one approach the front and get this guy to fess up before they could do the justice they needed to do.  So Yamato took care of the back and waited till everyone was in position and the evidence was laid out in verbal form.  The Hoshi ninja watched as everything started and whether or not the accuser did the job himself or left it to them to finish it was over quickly and Yamato was happy to have it over with, but as with all damned things to do with villains…their words when defeated wherever hardly their last. 

They were told of a final plan, or rather they were informed of something more grandiose and they knew that their damn jobs were not over yet and Yamato just wanted to yell out.  First he came here to train, then found out there were these asshats that stole tickets from others…he cracked down on those people and now he was left with this load of bullshit.  There was hardly a damn season that passed now where he could just enjoy his time and train peacefully.  He sighed with some anger in his voice and he looked to the rest of the group.  “Once more we have to go and clean up a fucking mess that hardly has anything to do with us, but if we leave it this place will fall and probably have some sort of damned repercussions with our own worlds or wherever you all are from.  So let’s get to it.”  He would say as he would be ready to move on further with all of this.



Will do claims once the others exit.
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

Pink Explodies (Mission) Empty Re: Pink Explodies (Mission)

Wed Apr 20, 2022 9:10 pm
Asahi eyed the interesting man.  His plans of mass destruction of an area for one man spoke of someone with a troubled childhood.  To destroy the world to save it oftentimes seemed counterproductive to himself.  Especially as a first reaction.  Alas, not everyone had the crystal clear world views that Asahi prided himself on.  “Yes well…..”. He would start gently as the men discussed what was to be done.  “Let’s maybe try a conversation first, and then we can see how it goes.”  His voice was calm and non-confrontational so as to not upset any of his companions.  This was not a well known group, and he didn’t need anymore problems to deal with.  

The next man to present a plan and a revelation was  Shinrei, and his idea on the matter was much more up Asahi’s level.  The prior excursion had involved an inhuman thing, something that was unlikely to simply perform as they asked.  Plus they’d been attacked first, so in his kind the actions had been justified.  Here now however, they faced a man.  Better to talk and have a plan than rush in and run into ruin.  “I’d agree…..if you guys can cover around, I’m perfectly capable of walking up to have a simple discussion.  

Several things occurred, they reviewed the map and the other strange details that it held, but in the end the results where the same.  The four men found themselves at the appointed place.  Shinrei and Mineku moved out to cover the area, and Asahi moved forward.  The fourth was free to do as he pleases wether that he to back up from afar or provide support up close.  As for Asahi, he couldn’t say he was nervous, surely things would work out well and simple, when ever has simple verbal discourse deteriorated into a detrimental dilemma.  

“Hello….”  He’d say as he was confronted with a set of 4 individuals.  Each identical, each resembling the ticket counter man.  It occurred to Asahi that perhaps this was some form of technique, perhaps there weren’t so many and instead just a single one.  Not that this information was of particular use at the moment, as the end result would be the same.  “Ummm I heard that you are up to some, rather nasty things… do you think you could……maybe stop…….and just be a nice guy?”  His words were pleasant as possible though the grin on the faces was starting to creep him out a little, his hand ever so slightly twitching towards a stick he’d picked up.  

What came next was a quick movement from each of the individuals.  His own stick drawn quickly, he blocked a flurry of pink needles that each man had shot out.  “Wait wait wait!”  He’d shout, causing each one to hesitate.  “Thank you…”. He’d say, raising his hand and tying up his hair.  With that comedic interlude compete, the four men once again attacked.  The montage of blows, dodges and battle quips was quick and furious.  In total the contest merry lasted about 3 minutes, with each of the ticket counter people disappearing in a puff of smoke.  

Smiling, he thought the others might be upset, but then….4 more appeared.  “O come on.”  He’d say as the fresh set arrived.  Whistling slightly, he would open his minds eye, searching for a way to dodge.  Though, that wasn’t what caught his eyes.  There was no doubt that the four in front of him had spiritual signatures, yet they were far cry shadows compared to the one coming from within.  It occurred to him then, that this was a technique and they were all being fooled.  

A breeze seemed to kick up, and with it every aspect of Asahi’s existence seemed to leave the world.  The dustless cover erased him, and made the next portion of his venture much easier.  Leaving the clones to his companions who he hoped would cover him, he ventured quietly into the area.  Tracking the larger energy signature, he’d quickly come upon it.  What he found left him slightly dumbfounded…..a child… maybe a teenager in a Sakura set of samurai armor.  He had his eyes closed as he was clearly concentrating on maintains such a mass of soldiers.  

With his stealth, he made his way behind the boy, and using his stick, he thwacked him hard on the back of the neck.  Perhaps a little to rough as his head snapped back he saw his eyes roll into unconsciousness.  Tying up up, and dragging him with a rope to the front he noted that all the false ticket folks had vanished.  Finding his companions he’d let them deal with the lad, though he would voice against any thing going so far as to kill him.  Seemed such a waste for someone who was clearly talented, if a bit misguided. 

TWC - 804 / 750



Missions rewards: 6k ryo + 4K for being Jounin = 10k

804 wc towards Earth Element - 804 / 3000 (using 25% discount max stats)
Stat Page : Kenchi Stat Page
Mission Record : Kenchi Mission Logs
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Clan Specialty : N/A
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 9000

Pink Explodies (Mission) Empty Re: Pink Explodies (Mission)

Thu Apr 21, 2022 1:33 am
With the previous project completed, the white-haired Samurai had to place confidence in his next steps. it had been a flash of processing air that happened. This was the strength of his rival, the Evening. it had been enough as he had no understanding however authority. within the mind of the depraved samurai it was a novel oral communication from his former master. Your mind is your best weapon. Yohei failed to authorize Senju to manage him, he had the power of the hozuki family in him. a novel strategy was passed on to his genealogy.The Baptist had a jutsu in his arm, Senju would be pleased with a nasty resurrection. Yohei had no need to fight however to square out from this dangerous branch aloof from him. He was abundant smarter than Evening. however within the picture, a splash happens and a pool of wet spreads on the floor. Shortly thereafter, the water came to Yohei, four feet three away once the dog hit Yohei. regardless of what happened he needed it well.

Yohei aforesaid his confession was calm as he understood he was larger than the number. seems like he had no selection however to submit the result. a touch crepuscle tried to hide him down together with his limbs but that was his biological genealogy, he was safe. however the question unbroken asking however long? The white-haired samurai admitted his mistake within the seventh kage. He definitely was suggesting as an expression of his true potential. Yohei was terribly targeted on the utilization of fast chakra. Their limbs tho' still within the water, begin the kin group of his.
Yohei had an in depth alarm to con his gage understanding of his ancestry. it had been quick move from him. The Hozuki family, happy with his ancestry are a few things he has perpetually loved. What a lot of might he raise for. Yohei was still lined with water, his arms and body tired from the dearth of marriage. He tried to cool down and targeted on what he was making an attempt to say. it had been excellent news even to listen about it.

Yohei unfettered a sigh as kage remembered him exploring the program. By shaking his skull, he jumped to the seventh kage.
There was no wealth at intervals feeling, or jewellery or cash. however the metal, the protection that it was, jam-packed with impressions and flaws, prizes the traditional disputation that its user remembered. A metal cat in its pocket.  and plenty of alternative peripherals. All the tools Yohei provides birth to will have throughout the day she wipes. It took a short while for them to use them again, in order that he would be guilty enough. They were to march inside once all of Hoshigakure' enemies had consulted with them. He glanced at Fuma Shuriken, in all probability needing to be sharpened. however whereas he did. Civilization doesn't change, times change. This life pursues you, wraps you up. changing anyone from you. they need spoken abusively within the way. 

The previous samurai saw and got up from his chair, facing to not hit the cat. "I'll ought to get you a reputation soon. He highlighted a nutritive wet cat bag from the plant and slammed it straight into the bowl on the additional aspect of the space. Associate in Nursing unknown animal touched behind him, flowing sort of a waz. "Stop inarticulate  though you've got no nutrition for you. With a twisted finger, she forced herself. antecedently completed, Yohei force her out and climbed into her kitchen. it had been aman's' twist of food. He took a clean pan and place it with a hammer. He snuck out of his room and pulled out a white tournament box. Usually, they borrowed to light-weight his cigarette. Yohei had been a smoker for years, however, once he was reinstated, in the star Corps, he gave birth and offered to resign. Shaking the wet up therefore he might respire it, he aroused the competition and lit it up, stroke the hob. A loud whoosh followed, and currently, there was a flame beneath the pan. He understood that this wasn't a manual technique of employing a gas cook; however, in a very world wherever ninjas borrowed hearth from the refrigerator, it appeared comparatively quiet.  He went straight to the fridge, place some butter on it, cut a chunk out of his room bowl, and discarded it in a hot pan. Butter begins to melt, producing a breeze sort of a bath.

WC: 757
TWC: 757

7500 extra for Anbu/Nova rank
14 AP
757 to Earth Release [757/2000]
Reward: 6,000 Ryō / 30 AP
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

Pink Explodies (Mission) Empty Re: Pink Explodies (Mission)

Thu Apr 21, 2022 11:53 am
Claims on my Exit

10k (Mission Reward + Jounin Bonus)
30 AP
780 added to Wood Human bringing it to (2491/3750)

Pink Explodies (Mission) Empty Re: Pink Explodies (Mission)

Thu Apr 21, 2022 4:28 pm

WC: 909
9 Vigor
WC Use: 2000/2000 toward
300/2000 toward A-rank
Reward: 6,000 Ryō / 30 AP
Isemori Uchiha
Isemori Uchiha
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Ise's Stat Page
Remove Bukijutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 232500

Pink Explodies (Mission) Empty Re: Pink Explodies (Mission)

Thu Apr 21, 2022 5:35 pm
approved for Mankeu, Asahi, Yamato, and Yohei.
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