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Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
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A fork in the road (hunter) Empty A fork in the road (hunter)

Thu May 05, 2022 10:32 pm
Mission details:

It was with the dream firmly planted in his mind, That Asahi Yagami set out from the village.  The dream still fresh in his mind, he had cleared his calendar earlier that day to the dismay of Kazuko.  While he wasn't certain on his direction, he was confident that this was what he must do.  The dream had stirred something within him, something that he knew he was capable of dealing with...though he was still unsure exactly what it was.  His mind had become so boggled down with the moving's and inner workings of the city, he'd forgotten his true abilities and mission in life.  His time devoted to prayer, to meditation, and understanding of the world beyond that of the physical was now on a backburner.  Something that had to be rectified.  It wasn't that the Zukumiki weren't a threat....but they were men.  Men that Yasahiro and the militia should be able to deal with.  The warnings of the spectral visitors had shaken him....that was something the standing militia could not deal with.  Something they had no way to fight, but he did.  There was still many things he must find out, but there was always a starting point, and Asahi believed he had found it.

What seemed like so long ago, himself and Kato had moved in on some graverobbers.  Nothing that was unheard of.  The bodies of shinobi he had been told held a particular morbid curiosity and fascination for most of the world.  Abilities to piece out and steal their abilities was commonplace or so he was told.  Though, it wasn't the powers within the bodies those grave robbers had sought, or at least that wasn't the impression he was given.  Instead, they had simply been after any corpse, and the items on their person had left evidence that they were using them for something more.  The cautionary tales, the warnings of the ghosts, and the relics within the ruins that seemed to vanish....all of these things spoke to a darker and more intense force beneath the Land of Rice.  On the mission board he had noticed a single job, a job that no one had picked up, and one that he did not remember placing.  Though it had been at the bequest of the Komekage...he doubted Yasahiro would have placed it without communicating with him.  The rough location of the Grave robbing leader had been al felt a bit to ominous, or perhaps a bit to obvious to ignore.  Perhaps the ghosts had placed it there, or maybe it was chance, either way Asahi felt this was his duty to undertake.  

He hadn't paid much attention to where he was going, until he was already there.  Infront of him rested the Temple to Lost Travelers that bordered upon Moon Country.  The temple itself was a large multi building thing, with large brick structures and red roofs ending in arches.  A pond resting in front where many koi seam.  Behind the temple, was the entrance to the deadly mountains that separated Rice and Moon, the reason the temple had been established.  To pray for those souls that dared cross.  Behind him was the open Road, long fields outside of the Rice Paddies, and making up the majority of rural Rice Country.  

Asahi would pat Princess Ivy Bluemoon as he slides form her saddle to stand next to her.  The Bashosen rested on his back, his blade on his hip.  Head band displayed on his forehead tying back his blonde hair in a back knot to keep it out of his face.  Ivy Bluemoon wore a jounin flak jacket that had been fitted for her, the many pockets containing the majority of his ninja tools, on her right side hung his hunters short bow with a small quiver of 5 arrows.  Asahi himself wore his ronin robes a pale pink with Sakura blossoms decorating the trim.  His pockets containing the military ration pills, and some of the sakura candies he'd received from another place.  

They stood around 15 meters from the pond, with the building another 15 meters beyond that.  It was eerily quiet, not a soul in oddity to be sure.  The last time he'd been here the place had been bustling with monks and travelers alike.  All the more reason to believe something was off.  Standing a meter away from his horse, he made a simple motion with his left hand, and removed his kiseru from an inner pocket.  Lighting it, the bowl would ignite the fine tobacco, sending out a fragrant aroma.  The smoke would continue to twirl with the light breeze, an almost lavendar like hint to it.  Violence was never his first resort, but it was always one to be ready for, and if he was going to fight, might as well have a smoke first.  

TWC - 778

Asahi Stats:

Princess Ivy Bluemoon Stats:

Last edited by Asahi Yagami on Tue May 10, 2022 11:01 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Modified S ranks to reflect rules. IE removing 2 master slot from dragon to song birds)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
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A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Mon May 09, 2022 4:57 pm
The full moon shone upon the koi pod of the Temple to Lost Travelers, creating a serene scene that would in most times be seen as tranquil and peaceful, but on this night and at this temple…it made no sense for it to be as quiet as it was.  However, as all those that came before…the eyes of the unseen caught a glimpse of a traveler approaching on the back of a regal looking horse.  On the back of the majestic creature was the Village Leader of Tanbogakure, Asahi Yagami.  His reasons for being on this road were still unclear but as he dismounted from his horse and looked around, and for him the quiet air was unsettling, no breeze moved the blades of grass, no small bugs danced on the still water of the pond…it was quiet.

However, as if lady luck smiled upon the active leader of Tanbo, two servants…dressed in blackened ceremonial garb came out of two adjacent buildings and looked towards one another before looking in the direction of the late night visitor.  Walking up they would bow once at the entrance of the temple grounds and would talk in a calm and calculated tone.  ”Hello traveler, and welcome to our safe haven.  The lands of rice and the moon meet on this most sacred of areas and we must ask…what brings you here tonight, are you in need of rest?  Does your steed require food and drink?  We are here to serve those that approach, please do come in.”  The attendant would say with that same monotone voice that only added to the offputting atmosphere.

Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Mon May 09, 2022 5:18 pm
Sending out a smoke ring, Asahi’s attention was caught by two individuals.  The way they moved, in a sort of synchronization, it reminded him of a well fashioned clock.  The kind with little people that came forth to perform their task at the top of each hour.  He vaguely wondered what time it was, before giving his head a little shake.  That was not what was important right here, right now.  Still, neither appeared to be openly hostile, and jumping to violence had never been his style, even to a fault.  Clearing his throat slightly, his weight shifted subtly, wanting to be ready.  “She’ll be ok I’m sure.  Big breakfast and all that.”  He’d say, his eyes dancing between the two figures searching for any sign of humanity, or non-human like influence.  Whichever came first.  

“I would very much like to come in though.  I’ve heard some nasty rumors, some bad things out and about.  Wanting to see if I can do anything about it, just your friendly neighborhood ghost catcher don’t ya know.”  He’d smile his warmest smile at the two of them, before walking a few steps forward.  Princess Ivy Bluemoon uneasily keeping pace with him.  “Lead the way won’t you my darlings.”  He’d say with the same warm smile.  His pipe continued to smoke away, that same fragrant scent spreading through the area.  He made sure to remain around two meters behind the two, a respectable bit of social distancing as well as caution.  His passive chakra sensory was wide open, searching for anything that would be within 20m of himself.

If something or someone other than the two girls did come in contact with his range, the ninshu ability he still had trouble controlling would activate.  Showing a memory of Asahi dying in front of his dear friends Yamato and Hikari.  It would be interesting the memory he may gain from another creature.  

He’d follow them around the pond and presumably up to the main building, different from the side buildings that they’d each have come out of…he assumed…..

Things were….a bit spooky to say the least.  His free hand twitched every once in awhile, with any shifting shadow or sound m, his reflexes quick to grab the blade at his side, or perhaps the fan that shielded the majority of his back and nape of the neck.  As they neared the building he’d add a “so, do you both serve anyone?  Place looking a bit empty” to fill the silence and to try and gain some information. 

TWC - 1200

(Ninshu active if he comes in contact with anyone his chakra can sense other than the girls.  I listed my memory, just would need a line for theirs)
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Mon May 09, 2022 7:53 pm
The two attendants looked at Asahi and the steed for a moment as he turned down their offer to feed the horse, but he did examine them as he stated he would like to come in though and they bowed and nodded before giving a smile. ”Of course young master, it would be our honor to let you come in, now please follow us.” They would say as the moved in unison into the compound of the temple.

With chakra sensory active he would sense a few other chakra signatures; wood, fire, and earth. The two attendants in front of him had water and wind chakra signatures and seemed at ease as they moved towards the building with the earth chakra signature. It was definitely odd, but even with the increased range of sensory there were still a few buildings out past the koi pond that could not be assessed. This definitely had the air of a trap, but was it? Could it be that this auspicious night really left the temple grounds without any or very little in the way of travelers? As the party moved off towards the left to the building they would begin to grow a bit nervous.


As they were nearing the door, Asahi asked if they served anyone and made an additional remark that the place looked incredibly empty, which earned a nervous chuckle from the pair of attendants as they looked at their guest. ”It is empty because of a coming storm that is moving from the Moon Country…do you not feel it traveler, we have been taking in people all night , but very few are traveling on these less than adequate trade routes…my sister here is my elder and I serve her, but we serve the “Master of the Temple” a bright and enigmatic figure who has cared for this place for quite some time.” She said as she spoke out of turn of her calm and calculating “sister”. The door opened and in the doorway was the frame of a large man that wore a mask, brazenly showing his earth chakra as he invited them all in with a singular wave of his hand while outstretching his right arm.

Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Mon May 09, 2022 10:36 pm
Asahi continued to smoke as they moved, still at the ready.  Call it calculating, call it a lifetime brought up by the samurai clans making his blood coarse with the same cold substance the land was named after…..or call it the herb in the pipe….it was hard telling, but he continued to follow the two.  Everything had the air of a trap, but in truth Asahi’s combat techniques and skill level where a little….left wanting for how to avoid and trap the trapper.  The only real thing he knew was to spring the trap, and then figure everything else out on the fly.  That was how he had done most things, and in a cruel world were deaths favored food was the young, he almost had made it to 30 some years….no small feat, and one he hoped to keep going.  

As he walked a brief flash crossed his mind, memories that where not his.  The ninshu some times gave him great and powerful insights, and at the worst of times he saw a memory of an excessive case of food poisoning, he was pleased in this case it was the former rather than the later.  The slain kitsune didn’t mean much to him, other than he’d heard from the oni they were not their friends but were Ally’s against a certain foe.  The slain oni however did transcribe to something a bit more useful.  He’d read of the evil spirit, something old and forgotten, yet it had never forgotten those that would have forgotten it.  He’d made his guess work and inquiries, hunches and leaps….but now it seemed he’d stumbled upon what had remained so elusive.  The grave robbers had been the first real physical, corporeal evidence.  Then the sacrifices in the cave, and now this.  Things where either coming to a head, or he was about to loose his.  Only one preferable outcome when he considered it.  

There was a certain amount of nervous energy coming from the two, which he didn’t care for.  He wasn’t quite certain if they were his enemies, or merely pawns being forced to bring in flies for a fat spider.  Spilling the blood of an innocent….it just wasn’t his style, so onward into the web.  

“I can’t say I do, I’m in the springtime of youth you know.  My knees don’t even twinge in the rain yet.”  He’d say cheerily, a little muffled from the pipe being between his lips.  As they neared the door, it would open, and the imagery of a fat spider skittered across his mind once again…..not a welcome thing.  

“Is he the master of the temple?”  Asahi would say, breathing a large mouthful of smoke forward.  He’d saved it up a little for dramatic effect as the large man gave a large swinging gesture.  His right hand moved to the back of his neck, seemingly scratching his head, his knuckles grazed the handle of the Bashosen.  His progress had stopped, allowing for that same distance of 2 meters now from the door as the two girls made, and presumably past the large man.  Two little girls he’d been confident with, now three individuals, it was a touch more distressing.  Still, he wasn’t ready to. Escalate the situation just yet. 

He’d not waited for a true response before going into another line.  “I don’t know about any storms on the horizon, they can quickly change especially when their are mountains to contend with.  I do believe though, I’d very much like to talk to the master of this place.  Perhaps we can assist each-other, come to an understanding and a….adequate trade of resources.  I’m a lover of the kami, of the temples, and more importantly…..”. He’d pause, adding a little conspiracy to the moment.  “The old ways….and one’s.”  It was a gamble.  The two grave robbers had been killed without knowing who they were fighting.  The man in the cave had already sacrificed his followers prior to Asahi’s arrival, of which had been happenstance.  

Perhaps he could get to a better idea of what was going on with a little polite conversation, and maybe broker a deal.  

TWC - 1889
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Tue May 10, 2022 1:14 pm
It was just seconds of course, the fall of a leaf was only faster in this moment, the wind keeping it aloft as it soon landed in the koi pond. Asahi spoke to the attendants telling them he did not quite know what they spoke of as he was the prime example of youth after all. The attendants would of course chuckle for a few seconds as the pipe muffled some of his noise. When the large male opened the door and ushered them inside Asahi was able to ask with a calmness that alerted the two attendants and they shook their heads no before the younger one spoke more. ”No this man is an attendant like us, he serves the master as well…he is known to us as Elder Brother…he was abandoned at a young age and showed exemplary growth. She said as Asahi continued to ask, saying he understood the storms and then explained a small little quip as to be inferring about something…else so the attendants looked at each other before the younger one spoke once more. The Temple Master is in another building and attending to a guest of importance. Elder Brother here will take care of you though just tell him anything you require and he will see to it. This building has four bedrooms and access to two bathrooms, including an underground spring. We will be letting the Temple Master know of your arrival.” She said before one of the attendants walked outside, and the soft spoken younger one just patted the big man on his stomach before taking her leave.

Once they were gone the big man motioned towards a fireplace where there was at least a pair of comfortable chairs. ”Please sit, I will put some tea on for us, it has been a long while since I have had the honor of a guest…the others must be busy tonight…” He said as he moved towards small kitchen off towards the right side of the living area. [color=green]”I know you like to smoke, but it affects my breathing…if you do not mind at least cracking a window open.

If Asahi wanted he could continue smoking of course, but for the moment he was being left alone with the big man who had swirling earth chakra around him like a brewing storm…it only seemed to strengthen if Asahi was to enter the building. ”My sisters heard you speak of making a deal…they will likely speak to the Temple Master about it shortly and be here again shortly in due time.” He would say as the sound of water being poured into a kettle before the crunch of tea leaves filled the empty air. The large man was in fact preparing a tea of sorts.

TWC: 1,169
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Tue May 10, 2022 4:01 pm
Listening to the girls Asahi merely nodded taking in what they said.  He’d been here once before, however on that occasion Yasahiro and himself hadn’t explored the temple.  Rather they’d prayed at the main area before having a simple lunch at the koi pond.  Due to this, he was unable to fact check anything that was going on within his mind.  He’d not looked closely at the individual monks either, so to know if any of the trio had been there on his last visit was an impossibility.  Cursing himself, he swore he’d begin paying more attention….if there was a next time that was.  The entire situation still smelled of a trap.  Still, just as he’d thought earlier he wasn’t sure what else to do but go along.  Jumping to violence could be monumental should his hunches be wrong.  His ninshu helped in the fact he was ninety nine percent certain he was on the right track.  Though, we’re these individuals in on it, or merely pawns was still up for grabs.  

Observing the odd gesture in which the girls left, he’d watch them move on from this place.  He followed behind the large man as he made his way into the room.  “A terrible thing.  I once had a man tell me the benefits of regular smoking, keeps the lungs open up don’t ya know…..strange to open a window if a coming storm though.”  His implacable smile never left his face, keeping tone cheery.  Before he entered he’d turn back, seemingly whispering to Princess Ivy Bluemoon.  Though she looked nervously, she did not move backwards or into the building.  Instead standing just a meter from the doorway.  

As he entered the room, he exhaled a large bout of smoke from his nostrils, in a way that seemed more absent minded than outright rude.  The smell of the smoke filling the room, as Asahi replaced the kiseru into his robe for the moment.  The feeling of a storm was certainly here, though for now it felt as though it came from the man.  His hand that formerly held the Kiseru reaches behind his neck, pulling out the Bashosen from his back.  Under the guise of making it simpler to sit, after all, sitting with a big fan on your back seemed uncomfortable.  

“Yes yes, we’ll they are free to take their time of course.  Hospitality is a dying art we don’t practice near enough.”  He’d never let the man leave his sight.  Should the kitchen be in another room, his eyes would dance and follow the earth chakra he could so eloquently feel.   He’d give the Bashosen a twitch sending the remnants of the smoke towards where the man was, with an absent minded tick.  One to was test the man and watch his breathing, and another was merely to not loose dominance of the situation.  Or maybe, being petty was a better word.  He’d soon see a chair in which he’d sit, still focused on where the larger man was, Bashosen in his right hand.  Now seated he’d take the fan and across his body so that it obscured the majority of his Frame, his right hand on the handle, left behind the feathers, and his head resting slightly to the left seeming to rest upon the long feathers, taking up a seemingly relaxed posture.  “I hope it’s not your tea making that has caused such a lapse in guests.”  He’d say a light chuckle sending the tease across.  “So what’s your master like, I’m sure people are always …dying to meet him.  Or is it a her?”  He’d say with a question.  His choice of words careful.

TWC - 2498
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Yamato

Mission Record : Yamato's Record
Living Clones : Kanzaki
Legendary Equipment : Jōki no Yoroi
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 0

A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Tue May 10, 2022 6:44 pm
The attendant laughed as he heard Asahi speak about the benefits of smoking and nodded as he continued on his way to the kitchen as mentioned previously. There was nothing missed as the Elder Brother was moving with no wasted movements, almost too stiff if one was to study hard enough. The man almost stopped making the tea as the mention of the storm coming was given. ”Yes…the storm, hopefully it does not upset the pond or the soil too much…my garden cannot handle heavy rain.” the Elder Brother said as the two clouds of smoke were blown into the kitchen rather expertly and one was batted away as the man came back into the view, while the second one went…unnoticed. However a clue could be seen as to the identity of this Elder Brother as he did not inhale the smoke, and it seemed to not hang on him at all.

Asahi joked about the tea and the Elder Brother shook his head as he began to pour two glasses of the rather fragrant smelling tea. ”My tea making skills often earn the favor of the Temple Master HERSELF.” He said with emphasis on the fact that the temple master was a female. This was the second clue as the last time Asahi was here…there was no such thing as a “Temple Master”...there was an employer and his employees, and they all looked like more rough and tumble members of society as the travelers were never ordinary…every person was different. This Elder Brother did not know however about Asahi’s experience and he simply took a seat and drank the cup of tea he made. Leaning back in the chair and relaxing, he did not flinch at the taste nor appear worried about the heat of the tea water. Instead he just drank the cup in one single setting and looked at his guest before sighing with an almost rehearsed satisfaction. ”That fan looks dangerous, did you make it for any specific purpose…or is the village you come from a wartime village?” The Elder Brother said as his eyes almost seemed to come alive for but a single moment.

TWC: 1,538
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Vagabond (B-Rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Takeshiyama
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 0

A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Tue May 10, 2022 10:24 pm
Watching the man take his place he listened with interest.  Merely nodding at the mention of coming rain and gardens.  “I do just a bit of gardening myself, just to diversify my skills you know.  But a poetry too when the muse lends me voice.  One can never be too diversified.”  Asahi’s blue eyes watched the smoke, as it failed to interact with the man.  He smoked this specific pipe for many reasons.  There were different advantages to it, on top of offering a rather larger bowl for….well smoking.  It tended to release much more smoke than a regular kiseru, something that had never failed to annoy Yasahiro who only occasionally partook.  This time however, it led to some interesting observations.  He’d been practicing his smoke rings and tricks since he was young enough to be scolded for doing so, and now….things were starting to get a touch fishy.  

“A woman, that’s progressive of a temple.  About time I say.”  He’d watch as the man placed the tea down in front of him.  Asahi having made no notion to take it.  He wasn’t sure if the man would outright poison him, but he also wasn’t too keen to take a drink of something when he was quite certain he was sitting in a trap.  He could recall none of this being relevant to his first trip, and his mind began to wonder a great many things.  Was he back in time, was this a facade that they believed, an elaborate lie and take over….none of it made a whole lot of sense truth be told.  Why lie about all this, when the temple was well traveled.  Anyone who had been here before would know the falsehoods from the false priesthoods.  Still, was there value in calling out such a lie at this juncture?  He wasn’t sure, but it might be time to at least poke the bear a little.  

He watched as the man untroubled by the steaming liquid drink deeply from it.  As he did Asahi reached out again with his chakra senses, focused and hard.  Feeling out for anything around him that could be reached.  Princess Ivy Bluemoon had not moved, and her orders were to neigh loudly at anyones approach.  She also had orders to charge or assist should a signal be given, but he was hoping things wouldn’t come to that.   He’d activate his ninshu as well, either in the man in front of him, or on anyone who was coming near the building.  The memory he shared was carefully chosen, his abilities in the technique becoming more fine tuned with practice. He’d show himself playing a game of Go against another spirit that had trapped himself and two genin in a house.  It wasn’t nearly as powerful as what he may be dealing with, but it had been strong.  The scene would end with him placing the final black stone winning the game and the spirit releasing them from the house.  

“O my, no.  This thing?  A ceremonial thing I got when I took office.  Whatever could one do with a fan?”  He’d say giving it a gentle wave.  Most of his body was still hidden behind it.  “I did hear it was blessed by an ancient kami though….though I suppose all kami are ancient aren’t they?  This one was supposedly very keen on this land, hated lion dogs I’ve heard.  An interesting thing I thought.”  His eyes watched the man.  He’d uncovered little in hard facts about the evil spirit but he knew a few things.  That it focused on this land, that cement release an old Tanbogakure technique had been used in its sealing, and the lion dog statues around the country had been used as presumed wards.  So, it was a start.  Keep the lie going of being on their side, and chide for information, it felt like an honest plan.  

“So….how long have you….served the mistress of the temple?  Also……and level with me here… dead?”  He’d ask outright.  He’d been able to see ghosts the majority of his life.  Spirits and other things most couldn’t, he’d been fooled before, but never one with such a powerful residual chakra.  And of earth…..he almost wondered if this guy was a zombie.  Preposterous……perhaps, perhaps not.  

TWC - 3209
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
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A fork in the road (hunter) Empty Re: A fork in the road (hunter)

Wed May 11, 2022 11:45 am
At the mention of gardening the Elder Brother perked up and he nodded with a happiness that betrayed his large and in charge attitude. However it was when he started to speak of the Temple Master did the Elder Brother catch on that something was afoot. The game was quickly coming to an end, but all would be better if this continued…IF the Temple Master knew about this, she would of course set up a much more elaborate situation, but for the moment this guest was in the care of the Elder Brother, his chakra began to dim.

When ninshu was activated once more and coupled with the chakra sensory, there would be the same two attendants that helped him earlier, their chakra signatures telling Asahi all that he needed to know. They were at the corners of the building, still outside and waiting, but what were they waiting on exactly?

When they talked about his fan and Asahi brushed it off as a simple tool the Elder Brother nodded. ”I see, I see…I am somewhat of a fan of tools you see, gardening was my thing, so sickles…plows, and other tools…stuff that can be a weapon if it needs to be…for self defense of course. Have you had to use the fan for such a purpose? Also blessed by a kami you say…that is a powerful story indeed…especially if it were true.” He asked as he still had a grin on his face, he poured himself another glass of tea. That was when Asahi asked if he could level with the Elder Brother and ask…if he was dead and the Elder Brother tried to look as if that really hurt him, but the two attendants now began to move up again towards the door as the Elder Brother popped his neck, various joints loosened in his body.

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