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On the Road Again Empty On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:04 am

Traveling sucks. Traveling alone sucks even more. Luckily, that was not the case, as Komori Hozuki, the famous handsome bijuu sealing chuunin of Kumogakure, was accompanied by his sidekick Reizo. The now host of the two tailed beast Matatabi, Reizo. The two had just wrapped up a legendary battle together and the rain was still falling from the encounter. Rain brought about by the Hozuki in the midst of combat. It was a rather helpful technique as it would let Komori know if anyone attempted to jump them in the midst of their travels. Not that that would be an issue most likely, especially if they could have seen the pair in action. Although they had never quite been the best of friends in their Kumo Cult, he felt as though they had grown closer as a pair as the result of this battle. Especially after Komori put that thing inside Reizo’s body. No homo. That thing being a powerful beast that Reizo would get to have all the fun with. Damn the unbreakable law of dibs. It would probably take the two quite a while though, as Tornado was at least one country away from the Land of Lightning. Whatever. The two would most likely run alongside each other, as they were about even in speed. The chakra flow of Invictus had been broken as Komori’s chakra channel was linked to his speed piercing within his left ear lobe. The small thing was quite helpful. This put the two chuunin at the exact same speed entirely, so they would be neck and neck, dodging various pitfalls and rough rises in the damaged terrain. “So.” Eager to start a conversation, Komori hollered over the sound of the pouring rain and throughout weaving around any dangerous terrain. “Come here often?” It was merely a joke and just an icebreaker, but one of the strapping young lad’s favorites.


WC: 317
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
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On the Road Again Empty Re: On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:05 am
Reizo, who was now soaking wet thanks to Komori, caught up with his sidekick. See, Komori may’ve thought that Reizo was his sidekick now, but to any common observer it was very apparent that Reizo was the main character. He had the bijuu sealed inside him now, after all. Most of Reizo’s clothes were in tatters, but he didn’t mind it too much. It would be a reminder of the rough night him and Komori had spent together, chasing after this demon cat.

He started behind his friend, but slowly worked his way up next to him, running alongside Komori, shoulder to shoulder at 100 speed. Reizo heard Komori’s pathetic one-liner, but barely paid attention. He was walking around this new mental space that had been created when the 2-tailed cat had been sealed within him. It was a strange new chamber. Shallow water nipped at his toes and before him was a huge gate with a paper seal holding the two halves of the iron barrier together. The vertical bars were massive, but the inner contents were dark and shadowy- he couldn’t see anything inside. He took a peek and stuck his head through the bars, but still nothing. He could hear the soft sound of purring and a low grumble. It was the sound of the magnificent Matatabi, still unconscious after being sealed. With nothing more to do, Reizo tuned back into the real world and recalled Komori’s question after 30 seconds of complete silence between them.

”I can’t say I’ve ever been about these parts before, Komori,” Reizo would answer, hopping across a small stream. ”Is this your first time out of Lightning Country too?” Reizo would ask. He knew Komori’s question wasn’t actually intended to be anything other than a lame joke, but he was curious as to what the Hozuki had been up to since they met in the midst of training for the Chuunin Exams. Even though they hadn’t been around each other very long, Reizo could feel a strong bond of friendship between them, probably because of their shared near-death experience.

WC: 354
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On the Road Again Empty Re: On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:05 am
“Yeah, at least in memory,” Komori said, looking forward as he continued running. “My mom is… was from Konoha.” He smiled as he thought back to the memory of her. “Our dad,” our being a reference to his twin brother Komon, “Was a bit of a traveler before they settled down in the Land of Lightning.” Which is where the two were headed now. “What about you?” he said, eager to learn more about the past of his buddy. Komori did not know much about Reizo’s life or history or really anything besides the fact that he was a loser. “Have you always lived in Kumo or were you somewhere else beforehand?” The pair were just making idle conversation because traveling is so boring and lame and blah.

WC: 445
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
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On the Road Again Empty Re: On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:05 am
Reizo somberly looked over at Komori when he mentioned his mother. He recalled some backstory that Komon had mentioned at some point or another, but he couldn’t recall the specifics. He did remember that the mother was the Hyuuga while the father was a Hozuki, which explained how Komon and Komori possessed totally different kekkei genkai despite being biological twins. He was relieved that Komori wasn’t grieving over his mother when the topic was brought up; Reizo would’ve felt guilty had that been the case.

“Kumogakure is the only place I’ve ever called home. This is actually my first time outside of Lightning Country as well. My dad was part of the Kumogakure military forces too, but he went missing over 12 years ago. It was hard at first, but I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll never see him again. I probably wouldn’t even recognize him if I did see him now. I’ve got a younger brother, but he’s not into the whole shinobi life, and I think he’s better off that way. I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if I lost him to this dangerous work,” Reizo explained. The two were over halfway home now. The rain had long since stopped, and they were fast approaching a marsh. Reizo decided it would be best to get to higher ground. After pointing toward a line of trees in the distance, he veered toward them to safely and easily crossed the swamp.

WC: 604
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On the Road Again Empty Re: On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:06 am
Komori was taken slightly aback. He had never heard of Reizo having a missing parent. He felt rather guilty; maybe it was better to have a deceased parent and the closure that comes with it, in the stead of having no sense of closure whatsoever. The Hozuki gave a similar reaction upon hearing that Reizo had a brother, whom he had never mentioned before. Like ever. Almost like he had forgotten that he had existed or something. And a mild sense of envy. Komori would always have to worry about his biological twin Komon, who was not near as attractive, and his safety. The two had both chosen to enroll in the academy in the same time in pursuit of the way of the shinobi. Like Reizo had mentioned, since they had gone over a mile away from their original starting point, the rain would have definitely stopped and most likely fizzled out altogether. Trees. This would probably be the last true glimpse of nature that they would experience for a while. With Kumogakure within reach in a short while, the two would then be subjected to the rot fields of the Village Hidden in the Clouds. It may not have been the most beautiful village, but it was home. While he may not be able to speak for Reizo, Komori was exceptionally excited to finally return home. The two would have managed to make it to the land of lightning by now. Activating his telepathy seal, he would call out to Senshi, Komon, and whoever else was linked. “Reizo and I are en route. We should be home before no time.”


WC: 717
Reizo Shōyu
Reizo Shōyu
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On the Road Again Empty Re: On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:06 am
It wouldn’t be long til the pair traversed the forest and was in the mucky deadened woods of the outskirts of Lightning Country. Only a few more minutes passed and they had entered the rot forest just outside the Village of Kumogakure. Oddly, there didn’t seem to be any “civilians” running around trying to ward off intruders. Perhaps they just knew that Reizo and Komori were from the village and thus the pair didn’t demand their immediate attention. Just then, Reizo felt a burning sensation in his right arm. Thinking back to his medical classes, he considered the symptom to be a potential sign of a heart attack, or maybe even a stroke, until a booming familiar voice echoed in his head.

WHERE AM I? WHAT IS THIS PRISON?! the voice boomed, giving Reizo a mild migraine. His progress notably slowed as they approached the village, and he clutched his head with his right hand, wincing at the deafening roar of the Niibi. So you’ve finally awoken then, Reizo responded, entering his mental space yet again. It wasn’t so dark this time, as the bright blue flames of Matatabi lit up the otherwise dimly lit chamber from behind the iron bars. You were being a troublesome creature to the village, so we took the opportunity to dispose of you by sealing you inside me. This will be your new home. I know it’s not ideal, but I’m sure we’ll come to terms eventually. Since we’ll be living together for… well I guess forever, it’d be nice if we could at least get along. I’m Reizo Shoyu, what should I call you? Reizo said within his mental space. He figured there was no way the beast could be happy, and he didn’t expect it to respond positively right away, but there was no harm in trying. HA, AS IF I YOU ARE WORTHY OF KNOWING MY REAL NAME. GET LOST, it bellowed and sneered, turning its gaze away from Reizo and back to its shadowy den. It was about what Reizo expected, although he questioned its wording. It would be very hard to get lost when they were literally attached to one another now. Okay then. I’ll just call you Cat, Reizo said, returning his attention to his travel with Komori. The voice had stopped, so he picked his speed back up right as they arrived by the village gates. He had been so preoccupied with the bijuu, he hadn’t even heard Komori announce their arrival via telepathy.

”Think anyone will be here to greet us?” Reizo asked, slowing to a walk. ”Man even though it hasn’t been that long, I really miss my mom’s dumplings. You’re more than welcome to join me for a late afternoon meal if you want,” Reizo offered Komori. He felt like he owed the boy for giving him the opportunity to not only defeat a tailed beast, but to seal it too. Regardless of the answer, Reizo would make his way toward the village, where he planned to rendezvous with his mother at her dumpling cart.

WC: 1146

------- EXIT --------
Claim: 1000/1000 words (@100 speed) for insta-travel to Lightning Country

Last edited by Reizo Shōyu <3 on Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:08 am; edited 2 times in total
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Ryo : 23750

On the Road Again Empty Re: On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:07 am
Sadly, Reizo did not suffer from a heart attack. If he had, Komori could have just sealed the two tails inside of himself, but noooo, he had to be selfless. Reizo was just clutching his head and stuff as the pair was running. “Uh, dude, are you okay?” Komori would inquire. I guess he was kind of worried or whatever. His comrade did not seem to respond, so Komori slowed his momentum to match, so that the two chuunin would still be together. “Come on, Reizo, you’re worrying me.” Not that it really mattered, because it seemed as though Reizo did not bother to hear him. It was not long that, even at their current pace, the two would continue through the mortifying landscape of the Land of Lightning. They would eventually slow to a mere walk, or in the eyes of Komori, the same exact pace as a snail would take. He then responded to the question which Reizo had presented, “I’m not sure. I don’t really see a guard. They must be understaffed, what with all of the rapid expansion into the major villages. Now that we’re back, we’ll have to make sure the village is protected.” It had been so long since he had been in Kumogakure, as he was posted outside of Sunagakure for weeks, only to not amount to anything because their supposed war had died out pretty quickly. Then he would be slightly taken aback, not necessarily out of fear or whatever but just in regards to being caught off guard. “Sure,” Komori said, not used to being asked out by another guy. Besides, if anything, Komori would be the pitcher here and Reizo the catcher. He would then accompany Reizo to the dumpling cart in search of a good meal to celebrate his return home.


WC: 1019


Requesting insta travel to Kumo w/ Reizo
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On the Road Again Empty Re: On the Road Again

Sat Jun 03, 2017 3:39 am
Approved yo
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