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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Sat Nov 12, 2022 3:38 pm
The plot thickened. From the perspective of the timeline, Senkou was enhanced but still faster than the female Shinobi who had also utilised a mode of enhancement. She started her charge as soon as Senkou pivoted but it didn’t prevent him from dispatching the chain before continuing to progress. However, the change in circumstances created a unique opportunity for the blue-eyed criminal. Aided by his 360-degree vision, he was able to observe all the events transpiring behind him and naturally, as any criminal does, he found a gap that he could exploit.

The male charged from roughly a similar location as the female – he moved at 70 speed compared to the females 185. In the time it took for the Hyuuga to progress 8 meters during which period he destroyed the chain in his path – the duo would have travelled 7.4 and 2.8 meters respectively. This series of events maintained a roughly 40-meter gap between the Hyuuga and the duo but it had to be noted that with the chain destroyed the relative threat of that technique was also passively eliminated.

With the chain eliminated and at a comfortable position now 10 meters from his original location, the Hyuuga would come to a sudden halt, turning at full speed to face his pursuers. Having moved 10 meters in total prior to coming to a stop, the female would have travelled 9.25 meters with the male advancing a mere 3.5 meters. This meant that the distance to the female was roughly 41 meters, with roughly 46 meters between the criminal and the male.

Stationary, armed with his crystal singing Katana, the Hyuuga observed the advance. He waited a period equivalent to 30 meters of progress before acting. In the period that it took for the female to advance the 30 meters in question, her comrade would have only progressed around 11 meters, still relatively far from the filthy criminal. In prime range and 1 meter outside her stop point – she was about to feel the wrath of the self-proclaimed god.

Instantly, the total concentration breathing faded – instead replaced by the likes of the Hyuuga Valor. He whistled specific hand seal equivalents for a period equivalent to 4 hand seals. Empowered and stronger than before, Senkou channelled and concentrated his chakra into his Katana, he drew it back at full speed before thrusting it forward violently. In that instance, a concentrated blast was created, shaped like a cone it spanned a width and height of 40 meters, instantly isolating a large proportion of the arena on its advance. To the naked eye, it looked as if it were a softly blurred space, but the technique would advance to annihilate everything in its path.

If it struck the female, it would immediately place her enhancer on cooldown before imparting the techniques damage onto her. Likewise, the male would experience a similar fate if he failed to take evasive action as he was also within the radius of the attack at the time of the move. The blast would advance a maximum distance of 50 meters which was effective all the available distance between the Hyuugas position and the walls of the arena. Therefore, it was very likely that, unless tamed, this technique would swiftly end one of the two fights.

+ 25 = Heavenly body, 10 from the last post, 10 from the current, 5 from initial as I forgot to track.
+ 22 = Refund from second four sky palm.
-20 =
-50 = [+80 Speed/Strength]
-20 =
-30 = [20 Power / 10 Speed]
-100 = [250 Power / 240 Speed]
- 5 = Byakugan
= 655 AP Remaining
CDs: [4 post CD]

Current Stats:
Vigor: 45
Chakra: 5
Speed: 230 (+50 Pure Blood)
Strength: 180
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:02 am
And the plot would thicken even further. With 4 C’s, obviously.

After a period of short running, the Hyuuga rapscallion would come to a screeching halt. Slight dust would plume upwards from this abrupt stop in motion against the somewhat loose soil, but it was noteworthy that no real action besides this had been made from that same man…quite yet at least. But still, with the way the criminal had just taken a standing position, looking towards the two in chase as if making calculated observations. Activating the telepathy seal, Hiroki would relay a message to Meika ”Be wary. He’s probably preparing for something.”

Then there would be an interlude before said thing would actually occur. About an 11 meter gap would be further closed by the Shimadan, with his Kamigawa comrade making it slightly further than himself. During this period of time, a few things would occur. Firstly, the clones would vanish. Going poof in a normal puff of smoke. It was felt upon this occurring, the nature chakra stacks in which they had been gathering had now transferred over to himself. Second, without any handseals needed for it, he’d activate the Sharingan Copycat Technique. A useful one, but as it would seem, if it were to be of any effect, this would come from mimicking the raven haired vixen; seeing as the one they were up against favored fighting with a blade rather than casting. And lastly, a series of handseals would be made. Their effect, not all that apparent, but a slight aura would raise about an inch from the Kumogakuren’s skin. Should there be any attack, young Roki would be ready to soak up at least some damage from it.

That’s when the destination would be made, and upon that previous 11 meters finally being fulfilled, immediately the red eye would take a glance over at the Hyuuga. The red orb would take note of the right bicep starting to flex. His elbow tilting back and up just a tad. Low and behold, what was said would come to pass. Telepathy seal still active, Hiroki would mention through it ”Brace yourself. It might be wise to use the seal I placed on you.” Now that what was needed to be said had been, as long as the kunoichi would follow through with that plan, there wasn’t a need to worry about what would come next for the blast would simply be sucked into the Spellbinding Seal, so long as she actually did activate it.

WC: 418
TWC: 1743

Techs Used & Stuff:
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:01 pm
And once again, an alter of the timeline would cause a change in a wild chain or events.

Since the hunter came to a complete halt after his 10 meter progress from his original spot, Meka's advance would go more differently than it would have if the hunter woyke have continued to dash to the other end of the Arena.

By the time the hunter halted at his new destination, and turned around to face the two other shinobi, Meika would have already performed the hand seals for the amplifier, but did not continue to withdraw her water paper or to activate her ninjutsu to follow her activated amplifier. Now with the hunter facing them, with a more offensive energy radiating from his being, Meika changed her approach with a more defensive set back.

So while still being about 41 meters from the hunter, Both of Meka's hands formed different signs, and erased all essence of any desire to continue with what had been planned. Instead of activating her water paper and rain sharks, she performed bringer of darkness with her left hand, as the hunter observed her advance towards him, and 3 seals with her right hand. Relaying to Hiroki of her plans of her genjutsu with the use of the telepathy seal in which he had placed upon her from before, just as the hand seals for it was performed.

All in doing so, these seals would be performed in specific time frames. The bringer of darkness would be performed at the very moment that Meika reached the 30 meter point of her advance, in coordinate with the hunter's new enhancement known as the Hyuuga Valor, and her debuff at the very moment that Hiroki voiced his warning through the telepathy seal. Getting a handy heads up before the hunter even finished executing his attack with his sword.

If all goes as planned, the hunter will be blinded by the bringer of darkness before his attempt to perform his attack, and whether or not the lost of his sight discouraged him, Meika would defend herself with a basic debuff that expanded from herself at jutsu speed to weaken his potentially upcoming attack before activating the seal to settle the rest.

Yes, the raven-haired vixen will still experience a tremendous defeat as the hunter's attack collided with her small form. Which indeed trumped her enhancer to cooldown and almost brought her to her knees. But Meika refused to collapse, not just yet. Instead, her form wobbled just a bit as her ronin robes were in tatters. Her breath highly elevated.

Battle Notes:

Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 7:20 pm

Last edited by Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa on Thu Nov 17, 2022 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Tad edit for correct health. Had it swapped)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:31 pm
The events transpired as expected except for the genjutsu cast by the female. Naturally, it didn’t change Senkous plan of attack, blind or otherwise he knew the coverage of his technique and therefore was confident that if he executed it successfully that the threat in his immediate vicinity would be halted in some capacity.

The pressure created from the death thrust would first strike the female, destroying any armour on her person before placing her enhancer on a cooldown. The very same blast would later come to strike the male, albeit at a much lower intensity thanks to the damage reduction technique utilised by the male.

All of this had transpired with the Senkou still very much blind from the Bringer of Darkness technique. Despite being a criminal, he was a Hyuuga and by no means an idiot. There were a few observations that could be made. The first was that the young girl used a series of hand seals, chakra was moulding and as her hand seals had completed the Hyuuga lost his vision.

Despite loosing his sight, he still had a lot of his other senses but being a crazy maniac of a human being – despite identifying the risk of being unable to use his vision he refrained from attempting to release a potential genjutsu technique, instead opting to have the technique persist – keeping him blind in the process.

His dedication failed to waiver and as soon as the death trust struck both the girl and the male, imparting the damage in full it would go on cooldown as would the Hyuuga Valor enhancer. Armed with his Katana, he would listen out for any footsteps or anything to signify any movement. Stationary, he was ready for the next step.
655 –
-50 [0/3 CD]
-50 [0/2 CD] [Hyperfocus] [1/3 post CD]

Current Stats:
Vigor: 45
Chakra: 5
Speed: 150 (+50 Pure Blood)
Strength: 100
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Wed Nov 23, 2022 4:44 am
The blast sent in the direction of the two companions would unfortunately land, however, that was the reason in which why Hiroki had originally laid the shield upon himself. Always one to fear for the worst, the technique would luckily tank most of the blow, however, upon gazing over at the kunoichi battling ferociously like the kitty she was alongside him, couldn’t have the same thing said for themselves. Take a quick look at their opponent, it would be seen that the man didn’t step back; meaning that Meika’s genjutsu was successful with hitting him. Since this was knowledge that the shinobi knew, he’d seize the presented moment.

First, the teen would activate his sage mode, enhancing himself. All the while, still remaining in the same stance as before, unmoving. This was started after the blast would sweep through the landscape. In a matter of a few seconds after that, his hands would silently, yet swiftly make there way through some seals before landing upon dragon; stretching both outwards, a disc would form in between them. From the disc, a beam would fire off in Meika’s direction, but it wouldn’t be wide enough to also catch their enemy by surprise. But that was besides the point. Should she not move 5 meters in either direction from her position and remain in the area of the beam; even if it were for a millisecond, it would feel as if a light refreshing zephyr had hit her. This, in turn, would trickle down to the effect of a passive regeneration of health, as the skin molecules were being rapidly recreated. As soon as it would hit, Roki would move his hands apart from their formation, thus breaking the disc and ending the beam.

Telepathy seal active, the lad would travel only 3 meters while performing two different sets of handseals, one hand carrying on for a slightly longer period of time than the other. He’d communicate to her to try and assist in just stopping his movements for the time being while she’d heal back up slightly. Once the 3 meter line had been covered, now 32 meters away from Senkou, the Shimadan would look at an area directly in front of himself, 12 meters from the criminal. A dome would stretch outwards and had the blind man not been able to make it out before it would reach it’s maximum range, he'd be subjected to its effects. The primary use revolving around the heavily amplified flow of gravity mixed with it’s sheer, crushing weight. The other handseals performed had created 6 spears made of lightning from his mouth, posing 3 in each hand. Had his other technique been a success in it’s hit, or had the Kamigawa managed to hold him down, 2 of these spears would be hurled straight towards him. Their course steady and unwaiver, much like Hiroki’s next stride to attempt to close another 15 meters between himself and this other dude.

WC: 494
TWC: 2137
Techs Used:
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Fri Nov 25, 2022 7:21 pm
The Kamigawa woman grimaced to herself, as she calculated her current position. Being 11 meters from the hunter, and after experiencing the loss from his attack. But. . She still must push on. Her hand seals formed quickly, almost in sync at the same time that Hiroki began to  perform his beam, before her hand slammed onto the ground.

2 walls of Rashomon would rise just four meters from behind the hunter in question, from within Meika's perspective, one right behind the other, and shortly following after would be the formation for the 5 rain sharks that would rain down onto the hunter, forming in the air 6 meters from Meika but slightly 2 meters to the left of her standing position.  

Almost in time sync to when her technique for the rain sharks was performed, Hiroki's beam would cast upon her position and almost instantaneously give the Lass a sensation of relief regarding to the attack she had to endure. Even if only lasting for a moment, it was still be enough as long as nothing was to prevent it.

The five sharks, 4 meters long and 2 meters wide, quickly formed an arch around the hunter from the front and towards the left of Meika, which would end up arching toward's the hunter's right.  This arch was to cover his front and come around to his right of where the wall of Rashomon would have risen to it's max height. Her hand lingered onto the last handseal just long enough for the sharks to obtain this correct position as they advanced towards the hunter. Leaving the hunter's left side open all due for Hiroki's attack.

And during the time after she had slammed her hand onto the ground fo finish performing her rain shark, and the time that the beam granted her the benefit of it's restoration, Meika would jump back and seem to withdraw about 5 meters. Wondering to herself if the hunter had indeed had failed to realize her genjutsu trick. Would he really be able to realize that shd had performed both techniques at once? Or would he come to believe that she would rather cast a genjutsu instead of defending herself by other means against the attack?

Battle Notes:

Last edited by Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa on Fri Nov 25, 2022 7:24 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Stupid font sizing and corrected AP)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Sun Nov 27, 2022 10:25 am
While the male shinobi intelligently performed his hand seals in silence, the speed at which the Kunoichi formed hers created very audible prompts for the Hyuuga to work off. The Hyuuga not only had a sharp sense of vision thanks to his dojutsu but he also had a keen sense of hearing and touch. It wasn’t uncommon for a mass murderer to be in-tune with their senses, so it came as no surprise that the instant he heard her hands coming together that he began pumping chakra through his circulatory system with the intent of adequately applying the Genjutsu release technique to restore his vision.

In a flash, the darkness faded, his eyes were still facing in the direction of his foe and as there was no indication of the Genjutsu being broken there would be no clue to the opposition as to the mental state of the criminal.

The Byakugan with its wide reach captured the likes of the boy performing a technique that was in the form of a beam directed at his comrade. At first, the Hyuuga was somewhat confused – “Was he attacking his own comrade?” he thought to himself as his 360-degree vision wandered in the confines of his mind, his eyes still fixed as they were prior to the Genjutsu release.

Before long, the female slammed her hand onto the ground and two large 25 meters wide, 5 meters thick, 50-meter-high walls began ascending from the ground 4 meters to the Hyuugas rear.

On the other side of the arena, the abundance of nature energy coursing through the boys circulatory system caught Senkous eye. The technique cast by the lad appeared to be a channel of some sort - so while the beam was crossing the gap to the Kunoichi, the boy remained stationary and an easy target.

Everything in scope, it was once again time to act. In the blink of an eye, a deadly look crossed the Hyuugas facial expression. His hand twitched as his body awakened the warrior spirit within him. Once again enhanced to a staggering degree, he sprung to action. With only 11 meters between Senkou and the female, this was a prime opportunity for him to take her out.

Reaching into his weapon pouch he withdrew a Kunai rigged with an explosive tag, he launched the Kunai with pin-point precision at the male’s centre of mass. It would travel at a speed of 140 up to 100 meters in distance.

Lowering his centre of gravity at top speed, he cared little for the walls erected behind him, instead, he dashed forward – his movement akin to a bull running down its prey. He progressed at a staggering 200 speed; his blade primed with 110 power throughout the course of his dash – if the female continued on forming her five sharks then the excess in power possessed by the Bull powered blade would be able to effortlessly dispatch each shark with minimal effort.

It had to be noted that the female intended to delay the full activation of the Rain Shark technique until such time that she was blessed with her comrades’ healing ability. The problem here was that the beam had to travel from around 30 meters at a speed of 135 which would be significantly slower than the hunting Hyuuga. Additionally, by maintaining the beam the boy made himself a sitting duck – a Kunai heading towards his centre of mass rigged with an explosive tag.

Senkou would cover the 11-meter distance before the beam even covered a third of its distance. The critical error in timings would result in Senkou arriving upon the unsuspecting female, his sword moving in a linear fashion, a thrust of sorts intended for her heart. The blade would strike her chest, and immediately pierce the ribcage before sliding through the female’s heart like a cleaver through butter. The instant Senkou felt the sweet sensation of the blade piercing the female vital organ, he would yank the sword down, effectively splitting her heart open while continuing to carve her body down the middle.

Going back to the Kunai, as soon as it entered the 3-meter range of the male, it would come to detonate, erupting the boys’ immediate surroundings into a hellfire of explosions. If by this point the boy continued to make his planned attacks, then the following would occur. The instant the boy cast the Singularity technique; the presence of a chakra density would alert the Hyuuga via his Byakugan. At that moment, he would extend his left hand out to grab the now lifeless corpse of the female before darting off towards the far side of the Rashomon technique that the female had erected. His path would be moving in a North-Eastern direction at full speed to create a bigger distance between himself and the young foe. Once behind the walls, he would be safe from the ensuing onslaught while still clearly seeing his opponent thanks his 360-degree vision.

As none of the techniques would be able to reach Senkou faster than he retreated, this approach was full proof.

555 –
- 5 Byakugan
-85 – 5 = 80 AP Genjutsu Release
-40 ? From Bringer of Darkness??
+10 – Heavenly Body Last Post
+10 – Heavenly Body This Post

Current Stats:
Vigor: 45
Chakra: 5
Speed: 200 (+50 Pure Blood)
Strength: 150 [1/3 CD] [1/2 CD] [Hyperfocus] [2/3 post CD]
Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Tue Nov 29, 2022 8:02 pm
Over the course of a few seconds, the original plan of attack wouldn’t be what would actually occur. Within the spur of the moment, as soon as the right hand of the rogue shinobi would twitch, Hiroki would be on high alert. Hoping that Meika would be able to at least fend off the incoming dash from the Hyuuga lad, the Seventh Sage of the Seventh Scale would do his own little trick in order to ward off the incoming kunai which had been launched by the opponent. Being able to slightly predict as to what was about to happen, while the guy had reached the same right hand down into a ninja pouch, letting loose the single throwing knife.

He'd wait for the exact moment that it would leave out of his hands, seemingly utilizing the fact that Roki’s own hands were preoccupied forming the beam. However, unbeneknowst to the fellow, the Chunin wouldn’t go down quite that easily. As the kunai left the palm of Senkou, the black and red haired teen would whistle several different notes; some seemingly a continuation, or an indicator that there was two different techniques being cast. At the last moment possible, an even larger, 2 meter in radius circular disc made of lightning chakra would appear 5 meters in front of the man who had casted it, as well as another one of the same size forming 3 meters behind him, slightly towards the right hand side. The one in front of it, amplified by the other technique which was cast through the whistling, would have enough power behind it to block and destroy the incoming projectile; rendering the weapon attack useless, and allowed for Hiroki to be able to still fire off the beam.

So long as Meika had managed to do something to stop the attacker in his tracks while he was within 5 meters of her, then he would also feel the effects of the beam, but in an opposite stand point. Whereas the kunoichi would still gain the regen, a damage over time effect would be applied to the enemy, as his own chakra would proceed to tear itself apart from the inside. The beam would still end when it would simply touch the both of them, giving the aforementioned effects. After it would end, young Roki, the Dragon Slayer, would dash forward to close some of the distance between himself and the other two on the battlefield.

WC: 410
TWC: 2547

Combat Stuff/Techs Used:
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Meika TsukiOni Kamigawa
Stat Page : Moon Demon
Mission Record : Mission Parchment
Familiar : Naraku
Genjutsu Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : S/T
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 49150

Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Three Will Enter...[C Rank Hunter/Kumo]

Thu Dec 01, 2022 3:48 pm
Requesting to use escape rope: Link of Escape rope
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