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Industrious Times [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Industrious Times [IO, NK]

Sat Feb 18, 2023 8:17 pm

As Isaribi headed off, Baliquis was more than happy to follow after her. After all she didn’t know her way to this flower park that Isa mentioned even if the map had show her- she meant she didnt know how to get there by heart or even the way to the tram station, so she walked along side Isa as they made their way towards the first part of their destination.

As they to to the station housing the strange metallic device, she got on and looked around at how gloriously shitty it was, and she looked at the seats: long past new, but not quite threadbare. They were worn but not ripped, and the remaining outlines of stains were ‘cleaned up.’ Baliquis couldn’t help but find herself grossed out, so she looked around to see fastened loops of cloth along metal beams within the tram. She moved to one near Isaribi and paused to wrap one of her sleeve around her hand before grabbing onto it so that the sleeve protected he rhand from -wherever this had been.

As they got on, Isa pulled up the loose sleeve on her left bicep and just above the mangled stump that was what remained of her arm were a variety of tattoos. Had she had those the entire time, and Baliquis just hadn’t noticed them? Or where they one of the things that she didn’t witness before when they first met? She wanted ot know where she got them, how she got them, what led to them- everything about them. Did it hurt to get them? What did it feel like when the needle pierced her skin? Did it feel exhilarating, or was it tense?

“Well, I’m golad you’re having fun, at least.” Isa said before grabbing a hanging strap as well with her good hand, “For me? The day’s only just started. Food’ll be fine. I put it in the fridge, remember?” Isa said, and Bali smiled politely,

“I remember, but I…do not know how to cook, so learning if it will keep or not is new information to me.” Baliquis admitted, “You have such interesting tattoos. Can you tell me about them to pass the time?” She asked but then mentioned, “Unless, of course you have questions for me.”

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Industrious Times [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Industrious Times [IO, NK]

Mon Feb 27, 2023 7:28 pm

As Baliquis politely waited in the silence, she internally and anxiously wondered if she had done too much. Had that been too forward of a question? Bali didn’t think so, but she was now used to her own bluntness and abruptness. Even the slight frown from Isaribi put seemed to validate this, and then the younger woman gave her a sheepish look. However, the woman looked around the area before speaking,

“Alright, look.” Then pulled up her sleeve again and used her index finger to point out a snarling wolf’s jaws, “Them’s the Jaws. You know the ones, right? Lets people know who I stand with.” Next, she pointed at a character that stood out against the fur of the wolf’s mane that seemed to mean something, but Isaribi advised of that, “Number four. Tells ’em where I’m from, you know? Where my folks are from and all that.” She paused, then added to that notion, “Where I was born is important. Not really sure I know how to explain why, but it matters.” Then she went and pointed out a very well-made phoenix that seemed to be rising from the wolf’s fur towards Isaribi’s shoulder, “Uh, personal flair, that one. Had it done in-house.” Isaribi moved over to the upper half of a horrifically long, tall, faceless figure as she turned her mutilated bicep over. “This one, though, the long, faceless guy? That’s the Gaunt.” Isaribi pulled her sleeve back down as the vehicle they stood in slowed down. Maybe Baliqui’s Equilibrium was off. “Uh, guess it kinda tells people what I do. What I specialize in.”

“Thank you for sharing that with me.” Bali said, “I’m afraid I don’t have any tattoos myself quite yet; did they hurt? Or were they something to dull the pain? Something to transform what remains to something easier to manage or stomach?” Baliquis asked, then hesitated a flicker for a moment.

That was rude- wasn’t it? It most certainly could be construed as rude or disrespectful. Let’s try again; She thought to herself, but for a moment, “I do not mean to come off as rude or condescending… I was merely asking a question, which is my natural tone…” Hopefully, that helped smooth things over.

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Industrious Times [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Industrious Times [IO, NK]

Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:35 pm

Baliquis noticed outside the windows that things had definitely moved from one area to another, and the scenery outside the windows made that more than evident. They went from a more lively type of shopping area via the tram down to a much more industrial-like area. There seemed to be fewer homes and more warehouses and factories, but what ‘homes’ remained seemed to be apartment complexes and companies.

"Uh, yeah, it's not a big deal, really. Medicine can get real expensive, so most of the time they just give us a stick, you know? Like to bite down on. Or a towel, or whatever..." Isaribi answered as the machine stopped, and the two got off the tram. The air was… challenging to breathe in. It was stagnant and tinted with something that made the air a little more…dirty? It was hard to describe as they walked onto the tram platform, and Isaribi looked over to the other side of the street.

A group of people seemed to surround a singular person, and Bali blinked. It was hard to tell the difference if they were shinobi or not because those vermin seemed to excel in blending in with people outside of their low-tier caliber. What drew her attention, however, was Isaribi, who whispered quietly, “Oh shit.” What was that for? Well, Baliquis, in her amazon height, looked back over to see if there was a chance to see what Isaribi could.

In the center of the crowd was a man who clearly, had his shit rocked. He was the begrudging owner of a bleeding, beginning-to-bruise face along with swollen, beginning-to-darken eyelids and what may have been a busted lip among what seemed to be several dusty footprints and other signs of him being beaten up. Baliquis wasn’t interested in helping, and she genuinely hoped that Isaribi didn’t want them to go and help the peasant. Bali couldn’t think of another time when she had wanted so badly not to be involved or seen in something when she usually took care to take charge of the room. "C'mon." Isaribi said roughly before snatching Bali’s wrist and tugging the giant woman along behind her, "Let's get outta here."

What was going on? Did Isa know that person? Bali thought for a moment that it just couldn't be possible. That Isa was associated with someone being beaten up probably meant she may have known them at one point. Isaribi probably meant her unwillingness and forcibly pulling Bali away from the commotion and towards the remembered way to their destination to say she didn't want to be associated any longer. Or wasn’t? Or maybe that person deserved the beating? Either way, she could hear a whining, wailing sound that seemed far off but drawing closer to them with each passing moment. Perhaps that's also something Isa wanted to avoid, but as Isa pulled, Bali asked, “Do you- want me to carry you? We could get away faster… if that is what you are trying to achieve?”

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Industrious Times [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Industrious Times [IO, NK]

Wed Mar 29, 2023 12:06 pm

“No, I just…just need to go,” Isaribi said as they continued to rush forward and Baliquis felt as if things should have been different. Even when they stopped when Isaribi thought they were far enough forms whatever they were running from and they parted ways, Bali had wished things were different.

A quiet, heartfelt wish that she lured away and locked within its own fullness and its source. That was nothing more that could be done here- not in a way that was beneficial to Baliquis or her sister.

There were the underlying currents of tainted water which only poisoned in the guise of healing and rejuvenation. There were only the artificial promises of betterment in that poison. Empty promises purchased and given in I.O.U form of cooperation, commitment, steadfast resolve, and of reliability that looked and tastes like a warm tingling of empowerment when you placed your hope, trust, and faith in them- but the soured and bitter reality was the realization this sensation? Was merely the side-effect of a fever brought forth from a festering infection.

Hope was the poison of man. Hope had brought her here, that long-fettered liaison of times since past where nostalgia rested and purred happily upon remembrance and touch. Fresh-out-of-the-dryer, warm and soft so it was but deceptively sticky and constricting. Hope had kept her here, with every empty promise and empty commitment made to her where the other ends were never upheld or fulfilled but gave more and more lies in its place of payment in the form of “If you just wait”s and “if you were only patient”. When its venom finally put her so deep she had the clear-mindedness of moments-until-death mortality she saw it for what it was.

Deals with no intention of repayment. Bargains with no intent of maintaining end from those outside of her.

It was disheartening and only reminded her that there had been only a few she could wholeheartedly place her faith and trust in for they had not let these types of forlorn thoughts and feelings fester or added to their growth; instead, reduced it. In people like Isaribi.

This was a parting for now but as Isaribi went her day, Baliquis made sure not to speak. There would be no verbal confirmation of an end so things could remain open-ended. Should things lead to it, they would meet again and Baliquis would always consider Isaribi an equal and a friend; hopefully, things would remain the same should they meet again.

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Last edited by Baliquis on Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Industrious Times [IO, NK] - Page 3 Empty Re: Industrious Times [IO, NK]

Wed Mar 29, 2023 2:14 pm
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