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Rin Togakawa
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A pole light lesson Empty A pole light lesson

Wed Dec 21, 2022 2:31 am
Rin strode through the snow clogged streets, the harsh biting wind of winter wrapping around her as night began to fall, the various street lamps of this village began to illuminate the streets all on their own, it was an interesting construction and one that Rin would likely have paid more attention too if she wasn't lost in some strange town with no real idea how she had gotten here, at least for now her own skill with manipulation of space time had proven ineffective at escaping the town and did little more than create some minor ripples within the fabric of the world as a whole. She was just glad that she had been clothed in attire warm enough for such a heavy winter climate. Her thick, wool coat was looking a little weathered with all her experiences throughout the day having already worn on it a little and her brilliant pink and blue wool infinity scarf had started to fray in places, but all in all she still looked presentable.

Rin's boots made a noticeable crunch as she strode through the snow that clogged the streets; in theory she could use her chakra to keep her suspended above the snow, keeping her footsteps silent, but even if she knew how such an action was taxing for her in her current condition, she had the chakra reserves certainly but the pain that her... infection caused her was more than enough to dissuade her from using her chakra on something so frivolous without any real need or truely even desire to do so.

Which is no doubt why the children ahead of her heard her coming at all, as she rounded the corner of the street she was striding down she was privy to the panicked scrambling of a number of children scattering as if escaping a grownup, it brought back flickers of fond memories of her own childhood, before life had become nothing but pain and disappointment after disappointment, memories of playing with the other street urchins, of being a queen amongst the thieving urchins of the streets, and of enjoying herself; but that was a long time ago and her memories of that time had faded into inequity.

What first brought Rin out of her internal musings was the sight of two urchins still left standing along the side of the road, one with their back to her, a child with long brown hair stood squirming as if unable to move, whilst the other child, a boy from what little Rin could see of his frame stood facing towards her, squirming in a similar manner. At first Rin thought she might have accidentally stumbled upon a young couple kissing under the light of the street lamps, she almost turned and took a different route, giving the two young lovebirds some space, but something about how the girl moved wasn't quite right.
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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Tue Dec 27, 2022 4:08 am

Remika found herself in an unfamiliar place, as her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, she took note of the strangely decorated place – was it really that time of year? A soft sigh as she moved along the snow covered streets, the soft crunches that came from each step felt like drills ringing through her head; the brightness of the morning was something she hadn’t got use too, with the fact she appeared, without her trusted umbrella, or any servants to accompany her.

Humans were strange creatures, celebrating a fat man with a red suit was something she couldn’t ever understand, in her thousands of years of life; she hadn’t ever actually came across this ‘jolly’ man, nor had she ever received a singular present from him… Perhaps this was because her parents early absence in her life, along with the majority of her clan… She wasn’t sure, but she had a feeling that the existence of said person, was simply the want of small children, and parents wanting to please them.

A soft smirk would creep along her face as she watched the streets bustle with parents rushing to stores, going in, and coming out of various different types of shops, always leaving with at least one bag, full of goods to be wrapped in colorful paper, only to be ripped open on the morning of something known as ‘Christmas’, where children would reap the spoils of the gifts, grateful, or not.

Remika found herself entering a shop, purchasing a sleek red dress, and a cloak of the same color, the white fur surrounding the hood and outline of the cloak was seemingly unneeded, but because of the similarities to said fat man, it seemed to increase the price; which the Kage would pay without a fuss. She had been alive long enough to know that these types of things were about appearance, and status. Having the most expensive, or best quality type; simply meant that she was above the rest… And she was, in both rank, and status of life. For someone who has watched the rise and fall of nations, the death of entire clans, nearly including her own… She felt herself better, she knew that she was, rather. Yet; something about this woman was… Soft, at least when it came to saving face; behind closed doors, the only warmth that one would feel from Remika Kyuketsuki, would be if she ripped out their throat, and let the blood flow down their bodies before they finally succumbed to their death.

Her brothers, they knew her love; her warmth… They were the only ones who would ever know the truly softer side of the pure blood. Remika made sure that they knew it, even when she needed to be hard headed about a situation or making a decision about something along those lines. She ran the newly formed village alongside the three of them; yet, she was the face… Ever so gratefully for the opportunity to prove herself, she had a feeling it had to do with the fact that her father had built nations that were successful thousands of years after his death… Though, she wasn’t sure she could ever live up to that standard.

Remika would become lost in her thoughts as she traversed the streets of the strange winter filled village she found herself in, losing track of time as she barely noticed the setting sun; she had found a inn, where she rented off a room, changed her clothing, now sporting the curve tucking dress, with white stockings that went just above her knees, tugging tightly against her thighs as the caff high black boots that came along with the entire outfit seemed…rather fitting for her, as she took a glance at the mirror before heading back outside; wrapping the cloak around her neck, the long flowing material running the length of her body, then some; as the woman was barely five feet three inches tall – the material ran nearly another six inches on the ground when she walked.

Something about the cloak made her feel… Fancy, in a sense; it as amusing to her that clothes custom to her size were very few and far apart, yet she figured she would keep this cloak just the way it was. The chill winter air had frosted the windows of the inn as she walked out; taking note that her inability to feel the coldness due to her own precondition, she would have to play it safe, similar to others around her; as much as she could care for at least.




The night was bland, the lack of humans was rather apparent during the evening, the moonlight was her only friend as she made her way through the village, trying to determine how exactly she got here, and who had summoned her…

Yet, she found no answers – at least she felt nearly at peace… There was no overwhelming sense of doom; which to her was a good sign for the time being at least. It wasn’t until she made her way across a few streets, when she found two figures illuminated by a street lamp, the sound of their heart beats made her smile; she had finally found others… But the secondary heartbeat, it had increased, a sense of panic in it; Remika would quicken her speed to close in to see exactly what was taking place, at first the positioning of them; made her question what she was walking towards… Perhaps first time lover’s jitters? Her eyes scanning the situation, if this was the case – Remika would continue down a different path, but as she watched for several moments, she noticed that the movements of the female – the one closest to the pole didn’t seem… Right.

She would narrow her eyes, focusing carefully, the female was far too close to the pole, almost as if her face was touching it, she hadn’t been touching the male that was in her company, but rather the pole. A soft sigh, she noticed the increased beats from the male’s heart, there was some type of trouble unfolding in front of her; and apparently these humans were unequipped to fix whatever trouble they got themselves into.

Remika would make her way towards the pair, before finally noticing a third heart beat; her eyes scanning the area as she closed in, looking for a third body – unsure where they were. It wasn’t until she was around 10 feet from the pair that the males voice would call out, asking for help; he didn’t seem to be speaking to her, as his back was turned to the Kyuketsuki Royalty… Yet Remika continued her path to them, finally taking note of the other human in the not so far off distance also watching the events unfold.

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Rin Togakawa
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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Tue Dec 27, 2022 7:12 am
Rin watched as the girl squirmed awkwardly, her feet took her forwards almost absentmindedly as she tried to work out what exactly was happening here, a few moments later the angle had shifted enough that she could see the pair a little better. Each of them stood illuminated under the bright lamplight, with a light dusting of snow falling down upon them, and each of them had, somehow, managed to get their entire tongues stuck to the pole. Rin had to suppress a whistle of surprise as she saw that, the pair of them really had managed to win the idiot award. Taking a few more steps forwards, the snow crunching under foot as she strode towards the pair, one of them called out. Rin assumed it was a plea for help but to be honest it just sounded like garbled giberish to her. 
Just as Rin took a few steps forward, planning on standing next to the pair, so she could lean down and examine exactly what had happened to the pair, her senses flared up, the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end and she felt that faint buzz of one of her mirror images voices echo in her head. Codex, one of the two mirror images she had following along a few buildings behind her keeping watch let her know a moment before a figure stepped into her own view. What she saw was a beautiful woman wreathed in a beautiful Red dress, white fur trailing around the edges as if to frame her beautiful pale complexion. Rin's eyes couldn't help but trace over the woman taking in her figure, the way the dress seemed to cling to her frame almost as if it had been tailored just for her. The woman screamed wealth, and not the kind of new money that had to flaunt their wealth with gaudy displays and piles of riches, no this woman radiated her superiority.

Rin looked up at the woman, meeting the woman's gaze with a faint blush. There was something about her cold stare that was so intimidating, and yet it felt... Not quite lonely, more withdrawn and reserved, it spoke of someone who bore the weight of responsibility on there shoulders and who had long since given up their own enjoyment for that of their obligations. Rin had to shake her head for a moment as she looked away, almost entranced by the woman's gaze as she had been... It even took her a moment to realise that she could easily have fallen prey to a genjutsu making eye contact like that, but realise she did and chastising herself she forced her chakra into a cycling pattern to clear out any foreign chakra. She did't find any of course but the mere act of pushing that much chakra through her channels made the corruption within her veins pulse, greedily feeding upon the energy within her veins as it continued to pulse outwards, digging into her flesh and scouring away more and more of her spirit. 

Rin couldn't help but tisk to herself in irritation, ever since the ragdoll had cursed her with this seed of corruption implanted deep within her spirit she had been forced to be incredibly cautious about her use of chakra, for over two years she had managed to survive on only the barest hints and scraps of chakra, she had fought using only her wiles and skill, and had survived albeit barely. But ever since coming here she had been forced time and time again to continue using more and more chakra, to cast techniques that the corruption could feed upon with great abandon and each time she could feel the infection getting worse. It wasn't just the pain, although that got worse each time as well, no the corruption itself was spreading, when she had first been infected it was barely more than a tiny infinitesimal speck of the Demon of stitches corrupt chakra, hidden deep within her spiritual body; so small in fact that she hadn't noticed it until it had had the chance to feed. For a moment the escape from sunagakure flashed through her mind, the blood, the fear, the uncertainty and the immense pain; the aching absence of her dominant arm and the pulsing empty void of pain that sat within her eye socket. If she had simply looked in a mirror, or even a reflection she might have been able to recognise the infection sprouting out from the horrid hole in her skull, but she couldn't bring herself to look at what had been done to her.

For months she had avoided even the slightest glance at her reflection, even as her spirit and body began to weaken, even as jolts of pain seemed to spasm through her body in the middle of combat. Her team had fallen apart shortly after her return and days later the bandit lord alliance tore itself apart, they had all been expecting the ragdoll to accept them and instead he had sent back their best and brightest torn to shreds and crippled beyond belief. With their support gone Rin had thrown herself into contract after contract, trying to reclaim the respect and fear that she had once been given as a matter of course, but it was obvious to all that the events of that day had left more than just physical scars. By the time Rin finaly brought herself to look in a mirror she was a mess, thin and malnourished, her hair matted and covered in dried blood, she had washed herself in rivers from time to time, but never thoroughly and never with enough attention to fully clean such things; but that was not the worst part, what the worst part had been was when Rin looked at her face, the horrid gash that was her empty eye socket was bad enough, but there deep within sat a thick black cord pulsating with sickly corruption, a seed that had grown enough to bury not just into her physical body but into her spiritual body as well.

She had sought doctor after doctor, specialist after specialist, but those that would even look at her all told her the same thing, that the damage was done and her spirit itself was filled with the corruption. They gave her powders and poultices, drugs of all sorts to help suppress and slow the corruption, but nothing could stop it and even removing any physical evidence of the corruption did little to slow its advance.

This latest expense was just another step closer to her death, or whatever was destined to happen when the corruption finally consumed her whole, but this expense extracted a price higher than what she had expected, still standing there having only just glanced down from the woman Rin could feel a strand of corruption weaving its way into her lungs, a mind splitting pain shot through her as she doubled over in pain, coughing as a thick congealed mass of corrupted blood pooled in her lungs. She let out a hacking cough, blindly grasping through her pocket for a hanker chief as she brought up that mass of corruption, catching the mass in her hanker chief the mass seemed to almost pulse with corruption, the natural chakra in the air around her even starting to warp and twist around her for a moment before attacking the clump like an infection, the blood seeming to turn first to stone then to dust as it did so. 

Rin frowned in disgust and concern at this new development even as she tucked the hanker chief back away and looked up again. Looking up again the woman seemed to be closer, as if she had approached the children during Rin's brief moment of indisposition. Giving the woman a reluctant smile she offered an apology

"My sincerest apologies miss, it seems the cold does not agree with me" she said as she stepped forward, the lie obviously a polite excuse to give the woman a way to avoid the topic of what had just happened. "I was just about to offer these two young children assistance in their..." Rin paused trying to work out the best way to describe their situation, eventually she just settled on the most likely truth "predicament, children do seem to do the oddest things some times" she said, coming to stand next to the woman and bending down to examine the frost covered pole. The two children squirmed awkwardly, both trying to shift to look at them without moving enough to hurt themselves.

The two youths seemed to have managed to stick the entirety of their tongues onto the pole, the frost and temperature difference fusing their tongues to the metal. Turning back to the woman again Rin spoke "Hmm, Any ideas miss..." Rin paused realising she hadn't gotten the woman's name she simply left the implied question hanging as she waited for a reply
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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:40 am

Remika only became aware of the presence of two others, located somewhere nearby, when they had came within the bare minimum distance of her ability to locate their heart beats – they had already seen her; the creeping sensation of being targeted, fooled by a simple trick such as the events in front of her caused her to grimace; she could feel the claws extending from the tips of her fingers as she prepared herself for a battle should one take place – only to be greeted with the sound of coughing – a wet sloppy sound… Her eyes returning her gaze back to the people located in front of her before she relaxed herself enough to remain alter, but no longer appearing to be some terrifying creature of the night. The woman would keep her composure as she finally closed the distance, seeing the true events of what had happened, two human children, stuck by their tongues against a pole… A woman in the not far off distance who she could only assume found the same sight as herself; wetly coughing – sickness was something that humans experienced far more than someone like her… Pity in sense formed inside of Remika; yet she knew that nothing she could do would help this woman.

She had to focus on what she could help with; the two children stuck to a pole – yet as the sick woman come closer, after gawking and coughing; Remika could feel a residue in the air, something sicker and more disgusting then a simple sickness… Something far more corrupt was before her… Yet, there was something mixed with it; the corruption was there, anyone with the ability to sense could tell that with ease; a heavy sickening chakra – the weight of it could crush a normal person if they mistakenly left themselves open to it… But Remika wasn’t a ‘normal’ person – barely a person at all… No, she was evil incarnate as many who had hunted the pure blood Kyuketsuki had once called her…

Having only needed to sense it once, the small flame of pure chakra behind the corruption was still there, a glimmer of hope this woman before her had… Something about the possibility of it was… Amusing to say the least. Remika couldn’t recall where she had felt this chakra before, but it seemed… Vaguely familiar. Her thoughts being cut off short as the woman made her step towards Remika the two children, apologizing for her outburst fit of coughing; Remika would give her a soft smile, nodding her head ever so slightly; as her red eyes nearly glowed along with the street lamp; “The cold can be quite nasty.” She would reply, though she had a feeling that the cold itself wasn’t this woman’s problem, but that the sickly chakra that flowed throughout her body… But this wasn’t Remika’s place.

As the woman continued the conversation, the Kyuketsuki duchess would listen, intently as she analyzed the situation at hand; taking the chance to circle around the children, inspecting their current predicament. Pausing as the woman stated that children do the oddest things, which was in fact more true than Remika could come to realize in that moment – thinking back on her own childhood, and the length of which she was a child, or at least considered one within her clan – and her own strange adventures and troubles she had gotten herself into.

That they certainly do…” Remika would cut herself off, as she nearly continued about humans being the oddest of creatures; her identity would need to remain anonymous; at least for now.

Remika would glance towards the woman, a small smirk creeping along her face as she placed her hand onto the pole, taking a long dragged out breath as just under the palm of her hand began to glow a sickening dark red hue, heat radiating from it as it slowly began to heat the pole, ensuring that she didn’t expel to much chakra, or give out her own abilities and powers – let alone her strength; as she needed to keep in mind of the two others that stuck around nearby this sickly woman.

The pole would slowly begin to heat up, at a pace to ensure the children would be able to escape the claws of the frozen pole, and the chilly air, but not enough to cook their tongues. After a few moments off heating, the first of the two would be released, the boy backing away from the poll, his tongue still slightly hung out of his mouth; almost as if he had forgotten how to place it back into his mouth; the sloppy sound of words escaping his mouth as he tried to speak, thanking the woman for her help, “Do you perhaps have the ability to heal that for him?” Remika would question, her eyes glancing towards the woman once again, before returning to the pole and the girl readying herself for the sweet release from the pole.

Within seconds she would be released, her eyes beginning to tear up as she wrapped herself around Remika, whaling as she did; thanking her for the help, similarly to the boy, her tongue still stuck out; sloppily wagging around as she spoke – her tongue seemed to be in worse shape than the boys, dark hues of blue – frost bite. Rather unfortunate for the young woman to lose her tongue… Of course, she didn’t have too—and it was Christmas after all… Remika would take the hug as a chance to heal the girl, wrapping her arm around her, placing her right hand atop of her head as she once again focused her chakra, a lighter reddish hue glowing as Remika’s chakra made quick work of healing her.

Remika would release her once the healing process was complete; the girl stepping back; her eyes glimmering in the light of the moon and lamp, tears still streaming down her face as she thanked the pure blood once again – Remika would raise her hand, cutting her of – “Do not shed tears over something so minor. Save them.” The woman would state, before returning her gaze towards the boy and other woman; waiting to see if she was able to heal or not.

Post WC 1038 // Total WC 2175
Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Wed Dec 28, 2022 7:08 am
Rin, seeing the woman approach the pair of young ones who had managed to get themselves stuck in such a predicament strode forward to meet her, eying the woman sheepishly before giving her excuses, when the woman took the out that she had been given Rin gave her a slight smile and an almost imperceptible nod of appreciation, it had been a long time since rin had moved in the sorts of social circles where such subtleties and quiet communications were used, but some habits are happy to resurface months, years of even decades later as they are needed, and this woman was very clearly the type to move in such high class circles. Regardless Rin was grateful for the woman's tact in allowing her to avoid acknowledging the horrid weakness that had just overcome her.
Rin watched as the woman circled the children, pacing in a manner that reminded Rin more of a predator stalking its prey... no not quite stalking, more as if it was toying with prey when it had no real desire to eat, there was an energy there that, whilst not malicious, spoke of faint amusement and superiority, even as Rin continued talking.

Nodding almost imperceptibly in agreement with Rin the woman seemed to take her statement about children doing odd things to heart, Rin could see a flicker of wistfulness cross the woman's face as if staring back on days long gone, though that was quite odd; now that she was closer she could tell that under the fine clothes and wealth this woman couldn't possibly be any older than twenty five at the oldest, her young youthful appearance more than enough evidence of that. Rin once again found herself wondering for a moment if this was some form of trickery, certainly a number of experts had developed ways to disguise their age and briefly Rin even considered if she should cycle her chakra again to release any genjutsu that might be responsible for such things, then she remembered what had happened the last time she did that, no she couldn't afford to waste such energy on something like that right now, not without it posing some sort of immediate threat.

Rin watched the woman pacing cautiously before she saw the woman smirk, catching her eye she  reached out with her hand and... did something, Rin could feel a subtle twisting of the world, the natural chakra around the woman almost seeming to quiver for a moment before heat emanated from the aura around her. It was odd, perhaps it was a technique but Rin wasn't even sure if the woman was aware she was doing it, there was a certain feel those who had started to develop skill with natural chakra had, some radiated the energy they had stolen with the world, others simply seemed to move as if perfectly in tune with the natural world, more still had visible traits, albeit subtle ones, slight calcification of the skin, burgeoning hints of animalistic traits, odd markings that reflected an aspect of the natural world. Certainly some of those signs could be hidden easily enough and this woman could possibly have one of those signs that were easily hidden, but even then it was the way she exercised her chakra, it didn't seem like she was aware in any way that she was controlling the chakra of the natural world, and yet it obeyed... 

'oh, thats exactly it isn't it' Rin thought to herself as it all clicked into place, the woman wasn't exercising her chakra in harmony with the natural world, she wasn't even actively trying to control it, but her aura was so commanding, had such a sharp sense of authority that the natural world itself took her lead. The woman barely touched the pole with her chakra, a brief brush of flame and the natural chakra within the pole seemed to quiver, as if in resonance with the woman's spirit it changed and became warm, as if it had always meant to be warm and was just returning to its natural state.

Rin couldn't keep the surprised look off her face, she had no doubt the woman had no idea what she had just done, and yet to Rin a whole new world of posibilites had just opened up, if it were not for the corruption running through her veins, hindering her every move and stifling her growth, this insight could have made her a true powerhouse, indeed even as much as she hated the ragdoll she had witnessed something few had, and even fewer had lived to tell the tale afterwards. Whilst markedly different she could see the similarities, the potential within this woman to walk a similar path, twisting the world to her own whims and to her own nature through sheer force of personality. Rin shuddered a little at the memory of the accursed blight of the sands, but for the first time in a long long time, that shiver of pain, disgust and terror was tempered by something else... Respect. Not for the monster himself of course, but for the potential of this woman, for the potential he must once have possessed, and in this moment she even felt a small sliver of gratitude to the woman before her, perhaps she would never realise what she had, never realise the potential that represented, but Rin saw it and, with it, saw a path for her own future, tenuous though it may be.

Lost in thought Rin almost didn't notice when the boy leapt away from the pole, a faint scent of singed flesh filling the air, though thankfully the boy seemed relatively un-harmed... at least unharmed from the heat. 

The boy let out a sound of gratitude, though one that sounded like no language she had ever heard, it took her a moment to realise the boy's tongue, stuck to the pole for so long, had become semi-permanently elongated, hanging out of his mouth like some sort of bizarre monster. The sight was absurd and she would have laughed if not for the seriousness of the matter.

Rin opened her mouth to ask the woman if she knew any healing techniques when the woman, perhaps thinking along the same lines as her asked the same. 

“Do you perhaps have the ability to heal that for him?” the woman asked, glancing at the child's elongated flesh before returning her attention to the pole. Rin had to resist the urge to immediately turn her attention back to watching the woman work, any moment of detail could be incredibly valuable to her, but the woman was right, this child should receive medical care first. Pondering the situation for a moment she spoke, simultaneously transmitting her words to codex, one of the two mirror images of herself that was keeping watch from the rooftops. "Medical techniques have never really been my forte, but codex has some rudimentary knowledge on them, enough to give this little one some help i expect" she said, glancing in the direction the clone was, even as it jumped from the ledge of the rooftops, landing on the street and rushing forward towards them.

The mirror image was, almost a perfect copy of Rin, at least at the moment its form a simple simulacrum of it's creator, although as people are want to do it looked, quite literally like a reflection of her, the missing arm that she had hidden under her coat sat on the opposite side of the woman's body, the coat she wore fluttering in the wind enough to reveal it even as she landed upon the village cobbles. The missing eye Rin's long strip of hair covered was on the woman's right side rather than her left, the clone's own hair combed to the other side so as to obscure the missing eye from casual view, though once again the wind blew it's hair about leaving time for the injury to become visible even if for only a few heartbeats. Perhaps the one difference the clone had from its creator was its purity, unlike Rin who's missing eye occasionally weeped with corruption, a deep seed of black threads writhing within it's depths, the mirror image's wounds were mundane in nature.

Codex made its way forward, kneeling down to assess the child before channeling its chakra into the kid, a soft glow emanating from its palm as it rather clumsily applied healing chakra to the child. It took some time and it was rather obvious that codex was self taught, but the child's tongue slowly began to heal, retracting into his mouth and returning to normal. All the while Rin had turned her attention back to the woman, it had only been a few moments and the woman had returned to channeling her chakra into the pole, the natural chakra around her seeming to bow to her whims as if a subject bowing to its ruler. Taking an absent minded step forwards she even felt the nature chakra within her seeming to quiver, as if only her presence kept it from obeying the woman; even the corruption inside of her seemed to react slightly, though rather than quivering suppliantly the corruption seemed to twist and writhe within her, as if a predator tying to rise up and stake its claim.

Rin quickly took a step back, unwilling to allow the corruption to run wild within her. When the pole finaly heated enough to let the young girl loose Rin had to stifle a gasp, the poor girl's tongue was stained a horrid dark blue, a clear sign of frost bite. The poor girl would likely loose her tongue and as much as Rin's heart went out for the girl there was little she or codex could to to such a wound, perhaps if codex was more skilled it could help, but it had not yet reached that level of development, and there certainly wasn't anyone within the village proper who would be able to cure such an ailment.

Even as the girl leapt into the woman's arms, hugging her in gratitude Rin felt her heard sink, she would have to tell the girl, better that she heard it from someone now rather than be surprised by it, or worse ignore it until the slow necrosis of the flesh caused even more damage. Rin was just about to open her mouth when she felt something surprising from the woman, as the girl leant into the hug this strange woman gave her a pat on the head, as though giving a strangers pet an short sign of affection, but what was important wasn't the nature of the pat, but what came with it. The woman's chakra system seemed to shiver for a moment before running through her channels in a new way, a rush of healing chakra flowing out of her and into the girl.

Before her eyes the girl's tongue turned from deep blue to a healthy pink before retracting into the girls mouth, with nary a sign of the unfortunate state it had been in a moment before. The surprise was clear on Rin's face as she spoke... "if you could heal so effectively why ask me for help in the first place?" she asked, genuinely confused at the woman's actions

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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Thu Dec 29, 2022 4:58 am

Remika found herself being watched as she worked; the woman before gawking in her own right as the chakra flowed throughout here; she hadn’t expunged enough for the woman to feel the truth strength of what Remika had within her body; let along the minimum capabilities she gave forward, from heating the pole, to even healing the young girl. However, when it was revealed that she could in fact heal; and the question as to why she had asked if the woman could heal; a small smile would creep upon the woman’s lips as she eyed her carefully, now fully basked within the light of the lamp, as she had closed the distance enough for Remika to fully formulate an opinion of the womans appearance; she couldn’t help the pity she felt, as the appearance of a slightly malnourished woman stood before her… Closely inspecting the woman, Remika could note a few key features of the woman… Missing? The puffy winter coat wrapped around the woman, though only barely filled by her scrawny body, seemed to be missing an arm; the wind making it all but obvious as the empty sleeve swayed along with it.

Though, the woman before Remika could be considered rather beautiful; given enough time to heal herself properly and regain some amount of body fat and muscle once again – the current sheepish state of the woman was… Disheartening. Remika and her brothers had formed their village; a village that she was determined to save people like the woman before her, whatever had caused the arm to go missing – to the fact that it hadn’t appeared the woman before her had eaten properly in years, would never happened within the confines of her home. As Remika continued to scan the woman’s body, moving her eyes slowly up towards her face; she came to notice soft features, her jawline, cheeks set inwards; her eye sockets sunk slightly, perhaps a lack of proper rest could be considered the cause of such a state… But by the sickening chakra radiating from her; Remika could simply surmise that wasn’t the case… It had something to do with the corruption of that chakra.

It wasn’t until Remika completely began to stare at the womans face, with the wind blowing, the pieces of hair covering an eye socket would move, only ever so slightly, and within a blink of an eye, it could have been missed, but luckily, Remika had no need to actually blink. Her state of being was unique, and offered perks that allowed the pure blood Kyuketsuki to see, hear, smell… Far more than a normal human. But within those few moments, Remika would take note of the black shell; empty and without an eye housing within it. Internally frowning as she watched the woman; her eyes darting towards something called ‘Codex’, almost an entirely perfect copy of the woman standing before her, the smirk extending more from the Kages’ lips as she moved her eyes from the nearly perfect copy, back to the woman – knowing fully well a third heart beat was only within a short distance away.

Capabilities, my dear.” Remika would state, “To see how… Handy, you would be.” She pressed her lips tightly together, concealing a smaller smirk of joy from her comment, “I also wanted to see if you would present the ones who were hiding. I see one, but the other.” She motioned her right hand upwards, “Seems to still belong to the wind.” Remika’s voice, though soft in tone, was firm in suggestion. “Perhaps you’d like to introduce me to the other?” The pure blood would narrow her eyes, carefully watching the pair in front of her.

Remika would press her tongue to the roof of her mouth as she pondered for a moment, finding herself almost drenched with excitement. It had been a while since she had a moment of time where she had met someone as interesting as the woman before her, the chakra, the flame… Mixing and intertwining in a battle inside of her body… Oh what a taste it would be… Yet, eating company wasn’t something that Remika was fond of doing…. At least, without permission.

It was within the moment of thought that she realized, she had learned the name of the copy – but not of the original… Giving the woman a few moments to make a decision of if she would bring out the third heart beat; Remika would act after – lifting the hood to the cloak back up above her head; her eyes still on the woman in front of her. She would take a moment to exhale, realizing it had been quite some time since she had ‘breathed’, not wanting to begin causing suspicion, even if the coldness surrounding the group would cause small puffs of breath to be shown for the others; hers wouldn’t… However, she ensure that it hadn’t been a long dragged out breath, but rather a smaller, less telling, just enough to cause her chest to rise, but not enough to catch attention to herself as she did so.

Codex, is this one’s name. But what is… Your name.” Remika would question as the hood covered her heard, the soft white fur encasing the woman’s slender face; her eyes seem to glow brighter now, the reddish hue of them pierced into the woman in front of her, almost as if she was searching for something, and in truth she was; searching for a sense of her power; the length of which the corruption stopped, and the woman’s real chakra and power begin… But something blocked Remika from achieving this, and she was nearly sure it wasn’t the woman who stood before her. But rather the disgusting sense of the foreign chakra inside of her.

A slight sense of disappointment, and falsified sense of what power laid under the body, Remika could of course find out another way; but she wasn’t ready to display her own power, nor did she want to actually take a bite of the woman… At least not yet.

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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Thu Dec 29, 2022 7:18 am
As Rin asked the woman her question she saw the woman glide towards her, seeming almost to flow above the snow, though she felt no chakra being used, no technique to do so, it was simply the sheer grace the woman projected that left her movement so perfectly balanced as to be almost imperceptible as anything other than flight. When the woman came to stand before her, close enough for Rin to feel her breath on her face... at least close enough that she should have been able too feel the woman's breath. Rin froze up as she realised what had felt wrong about this woman all along, the entire time she had been standing here, despite the cold, despite the frost and the snow, she had not once seen the woman's breath on the air, the woman had been taking short breaths, but even when she spoke, not a single puff of mist had appeared. She let out a short gasp, catching herself a moment too late to stifle it, almost as if mocking her her breath pooled out into a mist as it came into contact with the frigid cold, and all Rin could do was try to keep her calm.

Who was this woman? what was this woman? Was she a puppet? no that didn't check out, even as Rin stretched her senses out she knew she would find no evidence of chakra threads anywhere, nor could she detect any other abnormal fluctuations in the ambient chakra that might indicate some sort of remote control or projection technique. Just to be sure she sent a quick mental command to codex to verify her own findings, whilst still a little odd at times the mirror image had shown to be exceptionally effective when it came to using sensory abilities. A moment later Codex had confirmed her results and she was left frantically searching her mind trying to work out just what this woman was, was this some sort of bizare technique? She had heard the occasional rumour of individuals with the skills to Raise the dead, could this be something like that? No again that didn't make sense, there was no evidence of any control techniques in the area and no one would be foolish enough to raise someone this powerful without having some way to maintain control over them. Rin's mind continued to spiral, digging for some sort of explanation even as the woman continued examining her.

Then the woman looked her in the eye, and her mind went blank, not the sort of blank that she would expect from a genjutsu, no it was far more subtle than that, it was like the woman was staring into her soul, her very gaze penetrating deep within her. Rin could feel a blush rising against her cheeks, it didn't inherently feel uncomfortable exactly but she couldn't help but squirm a little at the... intimacy of it, she opened her mouth to say something, though she had no idea what to say when suddenly the woman's eyes flicked to examining the ruined mass that had once been her other eye and her mouth snapped shut, pain radiating through her heart though she had no idea why that hurt so much.

Thankfully the woman's look only lasted a moment, her eyes flicking over to examine codex before returning their attention to Rin as she spoke, answering Rin's question with a smirk.

“Capabilities, my dear. To see how… Handy, you would be.” the woman said before pressing her lips together, her playful smirk returning to something more neutral as she continued. “I also wanted to see if you would present the ones who were hiding. I see one, but the other.” She said, motioning her right hand upwards even as she finished her thought “Seems to still belong to the wind.”
That sent Rin's mind back into damage control, whirling as she tried to figure out how the woman had known about her mirror images, neither she nor codex had detected any techniques being used by the woman that might have let her detect the presence of her two guardians. Rin's panicked train of thought was interupted however as the woman spoke once again. “Perhaps you’d like to introduce me to the other?” She said, the woman's eyes narrowing and a sense of danger immediately shot to the front of Rin's senses. This woman was not one to cross lightly and she would certainly not appreciate being denied in this.

Reluctantly Rin sent a mental command to Vis, the Mirror Image obediently leaping from the building it had been keeping watch on. At first glance the clone would look identical to Rin and Codex, however to a particularly discerning eye there were some very minor differences from the other pair. Though Vis looked weathered and worn just as it's creator the physical strength and durability of it's body was clear in its movements, sleek muscles rippled with power and unlike codex when it landed it had no need to drop into a roll to cushion its fall; it's body instead absorbing the impact with barely any effort as it landed on its feet and started striding towards them. It's spiritual presence was weak, almost non-existant and because of that it was so much harder to detect, but somehow this woman had sensed it, striding forwards curiously the clone let a smile briefely touch at the corners of its mouth. It sensed a fellow predator and though it would obey its creator it still was curious to meet it's fellow predator.

Even as Vis began to approach the woman spoke again, her face returning to a pleasant smile again now that she had gotten what she wanted. “Codex, is this one’s name. But what is… Your name.” the woman asked and Rin found herself wondering whether to give this woman her true name or an alias. Perhaps the smart thing to do would have been to use an alias, but... Really there was little point in that, Rin had not really been active enough in the world to earn any degree of renown or infamy so why bother giving an alias. "It's Rin... Rin Togakawa" she said, glancing down shyly, feeling slightly awkward giving her name for the first time in... well years, she hadn't had anyone show enough of an interest in her to learn it since before... Rin felt the corruption stir within her again, seemingly disturbed by the direction her thoughts had taken. Shaking her head slightly as she tried to draw her mind back to the present, Rin focussed back on the woman noticing for the briefest of moments the faintest hint of a glow fading around her eyes, but just as she was about to question it Vis arrived.

Pre-empting the question the woman would no doubt next ask she introduced Vis as well, a little more confident now that she wasn't, at least technically, talking about herself. "Ah and i suppose i should introduce you to Vis as well" Rin said, gesturing slightly to the Mirror image with her remaining hand

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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:39 am

Remika watched the woman silently, hearing the drop of a body, the thud that came along with it – wouldn’t even cause Remika to bat an eye. Instead she waited until the third would past by her to finally notice them, this one felt… Different from the other two; as if there was a slight chance of danger… Of course, not to Remika; as she was the definition of a true predator, regardless of what this trio thought of her. She would notice the smile creep along its’ lips as it passed by – however brief it had been there. This would cause a smirk from Remika, her eyes returning to the voice as the woman began to speak… Announcing herself as ‘Rin Togakawa.’ The third body, as Vis. Smart of the woman to announce before Remika had to ask, questions were not something that Remika enjoyed to play around with. The woman, and assumedly the commander of the copies.

Remika understood by the movements of the third copy, that it felt as if it was close to, or in a similar position of predatory behavior as herself, but it would be sadly mistaken. And as a sign of it; Remika would flash a quickened, almost toothy smile; only extruding her fangs enough that if the trio had truly been paying attention; they would have caught a glimpse of the extended teeth; her chakra beginning to flicker, extending slightly from her body, in the light of the lamp post, the sickening reddish hue emanating from her could be seen ever so slightly; as her intent was a display of power – just enough to strike fear, but not enough to cause any true harm; as her capabilities began to seep out, the heaviness of her chakra would push outwards towards them. (Display of Power – towards Rin with a power of 1000, and a power of 1200 towards her clones) Remika would take a single step towards them, the ground under her foot would begin to crack only ever so slightly of the sheer amount of pressure from her chakra as she stopped, not wanting to beg herself any closer – as she wasn’t entirely sure about the trio, nor their own abilities – and should they be as weakly as they appeared, she certainly didn’t want to lose her entertainment.

A pleasure to meet you, Rin Togakawa… As well as you Codex, Vis.” Remika would mouth carefully, ensuring that she repeated their names mentally a few times, these three were ones she wanted to remember… Humans came and left far too often for the Kyuketsuki, and she usually never bothered to attempt to remember them. As they generally held little significance to her.

My name… Is Remika Nagai.” She smiled softly towards them, using her own alias, knowing fully well they wouldn’t even begin to understand what the Kyuketsuki were, it was fair easier to just use the name she had adapted for this generation. She didn’t want to scare them off just yet…

As Remika let out a soft sigh, the sun would begin to peak up; the night had moved fairly quickly, and the group had notably stayed out far later than any of them had expected, however this was more than a perfect opportunity as she glanced towards the movement along the shops, lights beginning to turn on in the shops that sold breads, coffees and foods; opening for the morning rush of humans beginning to ready themselves for another day of rushed shopping. “Perhaps… You’d care to join me for some… Breakfast?” Remika would question, “A treat, on me – of course.” The grin across Remika’s lips would widen slightly, her eyes continuing to pierce towards the trio, watching how they would react as she finally released her chakra, returning to a ‘powered down’ state. She had displayed it long enough, even in the few moments it had took for the motions to happen, she was sure her point had been made across the board.

Post WC 663 // Total WC 3849
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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Fri Dec 30, 2022 7:37 am
As Vis walked past the woman, coming to stand next to Rin and Codex, she noticed the faint hint of a smile playing at the strange woman's lips, even as she mentally scolded Vis for it's posturing. Rin wasn't blind, nor was she a fool, each of these clones were reflections of her, but distorted reflections, each one taking on specialised aspects of herself and amplifying them to better suit their purpose, and though Vis was strong, it was no where near strong enough to rival this woman, a thought that was confirmed a moment later, Rin saw the woman's smile flicker for a moment, turning up into a grin that almost looked like a true predator, for a moment she even thought she caught a glimpse of fangs where her teeth should have been, but that was surely her imagination... at least thats what she would think until much later where, upon review, Codex would report the same thing. 

Regardless with that glimpse of the woman's smile Rin felt a pressure bearing down on her, emanating from the woman as she unveiled her spirit, the sheer pressure being put out by her mere presence enough to push her to her knees even as Codex and Vis dropped to the ground twitching from the force, barely able to stay conscious, she could see vis struggling, trying to exercise its own power in some small way and push itself up, but the effort was futile, like a kitten trying to fight a lion, vis's own aura flickered for a moment, barely visible around it before dispersing into nothing. Perhaps the worst though were the pair of children, the girl having just stepped back from hugging the woman in gratitude a moment ago, and the boy standing next to her had both gone bone white, each one passing out from the pressure as they collapsed in the snow. Rin could Feel her own chakra pulsing in her veins, the instinct to respond by unveiling her own aura hard to suppress, but to do so would give the corruption within another chance to progress and so, fighting against years of instinct she let the woman's aura wash over her, forcing her down even as she gritted her teeth trying to resist. 

Seemingly having captured her prey the woman took a step forward and Rin could see the snow that lined the city street, having slowly been pressed until it was almost as thick as ice crack under the pressure of her spirit... no not just the ice but the cobblestone beneath cracked and shattered under the spiritual weight it had failed to support. Again Rin could feel the energy of the natural world bending to this woman's will, the chakra all around her seeming to still as if even the world itself was afraid to take a breath in her presence, and with that step she felt death approaching, a true predator had found her, and at the very least she would not be dying on her knees. If she was to die she would do so raging against her fate even as she cursed the butcher of the sands for putting her here. With an audible shout of frustration she would unleash her own aura, pushing herself to her feet with a visible force of will, the chakra flaring up around her even as the corruption inside her writhed in pleasure as it began to feast upon the bounty of power it was suddenly being provided. A shimmer surrounding began to surround her, the air around her rippling with her own spiritual energy for a moment as the faint image of a silver white fox appeared behind her, one leg horribly scared, it's once brilliant silver fur barely covered the many lines of black pulsating corruption running along out from the horrid gash of a void that was it's Right eye. Though the fox let out a cry in unison with the girl, its own cry was mournful, the cry of a once proud beast who fights knowing it is about to die, though as if in response to that call the corruption that filled it seemed to throb with power. 

Rin could feel the same sensation within herself, that horrid seed of corruption within her throbbed with power, ripe for the taking, all she had to do was give in and let it feed to its hearts content, without words it seemed to sing a siren's song to her, offering power and safety, that endless void of corruption radiating from her eye offered the power of the ragdoll, free for the taking... Only it wasn't free, even if that was what it claimed Rin would never trust something so vile, one moment of weakness would be all it would take. She could draw upon that corruption and maybe survive in body, but she knew instinctually she would be nothing but a puppet, a living doll for the corruption to feed upon, those threads of black corruption would be all that she was, nothing but a meat sack with no will of it's own.

Even as the corruption fed and writhed, even as it offered her power she refused, her aura receded and she seemed to hunch over under the pressure of the woman's aura again, barely standing she lent against the pole, her own fingers curling around the burning cold iron as she tried to stay on her feet. Hunched over she made eye contact with the woman and though she could not muster the energy to speak she glowered, a look of defiance that said even if she died she would do so on her feet, she would do so as herself, not as some mindless puppet or helpless prey.

Then the demon before them spoke, her voice echoing with the sheer power that she represented, though rather than hostility, rather than the hunger or arrogance of a predator ready to feast, what came out were the polite words of the woman they had been speaking to all this time "A pleasure to meet you, Rin Togakawa… As well as you Codex, Vis. My name… Is Remika Nagai" she said a soft smile gracing her lips in direct contrast to the vicious aura that still pressured the world around her. Then, as if by some miracle Rin saw the first rays of sunlight peak over the rooftops of the buildings, framing the woman in a halo of light. 

The woman let out a soft sigh, and spoke again, even as Rin could feel little but the blood throbbing in her head, the corruption pulsing in her veins as it continued to burrow deeper into her spirit and her flesh. She could feel that sharp pain in her chest again, the agony from earlier multiplied ten fold. Even as the woman spoke, saying something about breakfast, even as her aura retracted, softening and returning to the placid calm that had surrounded her before, even then, Rin's vision began to pull into a pinprick. Without the pressure of the woman's aura, the adrenaline of the situation, Rin collapsed, not just to her knee's but falling completely limp, her hand, now frozen to the pole as the children had once been, the only thing keeping her even half upright as she began coughing profusely, a congealed black corruption splattering the pristine white snow as she brought up more of it, her missing eye weeping the horrid black liquid even as blood began dripping from her other orifices.
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A pole light lesson Empty Re: A pole light lesson

Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:12 pm

It wasn’t until the interaction had been completely finished that she realized the damaged she had caused, between the trio and the children who she had thought left already –that she found herself in a rather... Interesting predicament. A soft sigh, Remika would move her hand towards Rin, only to pause as she realized what was happening to the woman – the corruption within her was being to spew out... Remi watched, but only for a few moments, the woman was extremely weakened by her actions, unable to defend herself against the black mass that thrived within her... Remika; letting out a soft sigh; would move her hands in the formation of several signs, quickly she would place her hands upon Rin; watching the reddish hue emanate across her – though Remika couldn’t be certain that it would do anything for the woman's larger issue at hand, she could certainly attempt to fix the monetary damage she had caused herself.

Remi stayed for several moments, focusing her control, her chakra rushing throughout Rin, battling against the damage she caused, as well as some of the damage that had been caused by the mass inside of her. As she figured, the attempt to attack the corruption was rather... Futile, which caused concern for Remika; as something that powerful even be inside of her, that meant... Whatever had given this to the weakened state in front of her, existed. And she wanted her hands on it. Something told her that the girl wouldn’t have all of the answers, but could certainly point her in the correct direction.

Within her thoughts, Remika found herself pondering the possibilities it could bring to her village, for her brothers... She had barely noticed that Rin’s hand had become stuck, being one of the only things keeping the woman upwards. She had already lost one arm... Remi certainly didn’t want to be the cause of losing her only other hand. A small exhale –with no true effects to the air, Remika would move her right hand from Rin, and to the pole she clutched to; beginning to do what she had done just minutes before for two unfortunately now knocked out children, and began to heat it. Remika’s chakra flowing through the pole as it began to heat, searing Rin’s hand only slightly, but quickly healed by the healing jutsu Remika had been still using on the woman. It had only been a moment, but the pain; if the woman was able to still feel pain, would be enough to cause a small shock to her system.

Remika would move, having finished her attempt to heal the woman, wrapping Rin’s arm around Remika’s neck, she would move towards the clones, who had been as affected to the display as Rin had, but not nearly as dangerously, “Come. Now. We will go and sit and wait for her to recover.” Remika stated blankly. She wasn’t about to let any of them leave, she wanted answers that this woman would provide.

And she felt an apology was needed, as her unforeseen consequences of her own actions. As she lurked forward with the woman that was surprisingly far smaller than herself. This made carrying Rin far easier than expected, however uncomfortable it made Remika to do so, as manual labour was not something that she was use to. As they finally reached one of the open shops, entering inside of it; Remika would seat Rin, sitting across from her, and assuming the clones had followed; them as well.

A waiter would come quickly up, with a questioning appearance towards the scene laid out in front of him; “Long night at the bar.” Remika would quickly state, grabbing the paper out of his hands, staring carefully at it. “Bring us... Three of everything.” She stated before shoving the paper back towards him, his eyes widen as the woman would return her gaze towards Rin and the others.

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