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Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Sun Apr 16, 2023 9:32 pm
'So the blonde-haired one is an Uchiha too, eh? And there is an entire sect of the clan here as well... Interesting.'

Kaito kept his arms crossed across his chest, smiling blissfully as he did so. He had been without a family of his own for so long now, and the opportunity to come face-to-face with an entire sector of his long-lost clan enticed him to no end. Perhaps this would be a place he could settle down someday after he retired and pass on his knowledge to the next generation of the Uchiha. He too remembered back to only a few weeks prior, when he had met yet another Uchiha in the Hidden Sand Village, the two of them had spoken for a short while, and it was through that conversation that Kaito had attained knowledge of a power that was beyond that of the infamous Mangekyou Sharingan. This power was something Kaito had been forewarned would come at a significant cost, and one that should not be taken lightly.

He would adhere to the warning of his senior clansmen, of course, but he couldn't help but wonder if the people here could help enlighten him more on what this forbidden power truly entailed.

When the man who had introduced himself as Sarutobi, Satoshi offered to guide the group of Hidden Sand ninja, Kaito looked over to his seniors. He would be the first to speak up, showing to them that he had what it took to live up to his newly attained rank of Jounin.

"Looking at some of the surrounding towns would be nice," Kaito started, stroking his beard. "You two had mentioned that bandits occasionally like to make trouble? Personally, I would like to take a look at some of the previous battlefields. We used to have a lot of similar occurrences in the Land of Wind with smaller settlements outside of Sunagakure. Our village's forces were more often than not set out to fend off these attacks, but that has quieted down quite a bit over the past year. Perhaps we would be able to share some of our knowledge on how to prevent them and to share with you our knack of defensive skills and capabilities." Kaito paused for a moment before holding up his hands defensively. "Not to say that you lot aren't doing a fine job of it already, by any means, just that our collective knowledge in these matters could be of great use to all of us." The young Uchiha would chuckle lightly as he rubbed the nape of his neck with his left hand, hoping that the two locals would not take any offense to his offer.

WC = 448
Total WC = 1,135
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Tue Apr 25, 2023 12:44 pm
Funny enough, the calm one Satoshi seemed to be quelling the concerns of the one who was slightly on edge. Noya was his name. And he was rightfully concerned about the presence of the foreigners on his soil. Guren would look from Satoshi to Noya, and offer the latter a nod and a determined gaze. He'd return his focus onto Satoshi who seemed to be pondering Guren's comment about cultivating the Land of Sky's growth. Sure at face value the comment seemed rather...invasive. However Satoshi's description of the land's sufficiency and weaknesses seemed to offer more than enough justification for Guren, Kaito, and Seb's arrival in this land. When Satoshi finished his breakdown, Noya would interject as the native man scratched his head. He further defined the dynamics in the Land of Sky, stating the lack of issues due to strict rulings on those who looked to compromise the land's stability. And so Guren would in turn direct his attention to Kaito, who seemed to understand the situation in the same way that he himself did. The Chinoike was pleased with the level of analysis and maturity that Kaito seemed to display, which was a testament to the boy's growth as a shinobi and as a man. And so Guren did not need to clarify himself any more than what Kaito had done. However, he did take a moment to drive home the point.

"My comrade sees it the same as I do. To us, it seems like you have an unofficial...official system. All we're proposing is establishing some type of actual organization here to make sure that your authority is recognized. There's threats beyond the local level, beyond the drama of what a bandit may bring. Is that something you all are prepared for? We come in peace, so rest assured. However, imagine if we didn't. The three of us in my entourage are each high level shinobi. And where we come from, there are more of us which we could have readied at a moment's notice. That is the type of threat that I think a proper organization and structure would be able to defend from. And when all of your people unite themselves and set aside their small differences, then those criminals seeking refuge may actually rehabilitate themselves and join your forces. As Kaito said, you're doing well but growth and looking towards the future is always important."

With that, Guren would remain silent and stuff his hands into his pockets as he calmly awaited Satoshi to guide the group and for Noya to survey the rear. "But yes, we'd like to see the infrastructure of your country and whatever else its people pride itself on."

WC = 449. TWC = 2109
Satoshi Sarutobi
Satoshi Sarutobi
Stat Page : Monkey King
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 500

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Thu Apr 27, 2023 6:49 pm
Satoshi would listen in as Noya confirmed his very own suspicions regarding the strength and size of the Uchiha clan. It seemed that it was mostly comprised of those too young to fight, or those that were too old to still be required to do so. Perhaps these outsiders were more correct than the Sarutobi originally thought. He figured that they would always manage, but with low clan numbers and a growing criminal population it was hard to look at the fact that they might someday be overwhelmed. Probably not now, or even in the near future... but the possibility was there.

Noya would drive home the fact that Satoshi was taking responsibility for these folks should anything happen. The young man would nod, accepting of this. He knew that these folks were an unknown element, but something about them put his mind at ease. Perhaps this could be the dawn of something great, only requiring a small leap of faith to be taken to allow such to occur. "Understood." He would offer to his Uchiha comrade.

Satoshi would of course listen to the words of the pair of Sunagakure ninja, the offer of knowledge an assistance in curbing some of these raids and bandit attacks in a pre-emptive manner. Such a thing was likely for the benefit of all, as currently the actions of the clans feels like it is mostly reactionary. The ability to deter or eliminate these attacks on the smaller villages and towns entirely would go a long way for the common man, and also ease the burden on those that need to raise arms in defense of them. "If you believe that these strategies and defenses will help ease the burden on the civilians here, I'm all for it. If we can stop battles before they even start, it would go a long way to ensuring a more long term peace and stability for folks around here."

The one that seems like the leader, Guren, would speak up to further clarify their intentions. Satoshi would of course listen, as the man made some very good points. The future was uncertain, and Satoshi's grandfather made it clear that there were many great threats out there, hence why the training was enforced so strictly. They needed to be ready for whatever the world decided to throw at them, but upon feeling the strength of these foreigners first hand, the young Sarutobi wasn't sure that he would have been able to best them had they come seeking conflict. Are those from the mainland truly so frighteningly strong? Or is this band an outlier? "Your assessment is of course correct. We do try our best to provide peace, stability and order here. We have our ways of doing things, but would the clans truly unite as one? We all hold sway, but none of us truly rule this land. Because of this, none of the clans have dominion over one another. I've studied the history books, and I know that when one clan is ruled over by another, it can lead to some very horrible things..." Satoshi was of course referring to the olden days of Konohagakure, where the Uchiha clan was nearly wiped out completely due to such a thing. These folks might not immediately recognize the exact moment he spoke of, but there were likely countless examples throughout the worlds history of such things. "How does one rule over another, or allow themselves to be ruled as such? Does it not allow for the breeding of hostilities and animosity?" The questions poured out and offered to Guren, the man who once held the title of one such ruler of a village. 

Satoshi would lead, taking them right through the path he took so that he could retrieve his basket of snacks. "One such thing this land prides itself on is its bounty." He would say proudly, offering a mango or banana to the Sunagakure envoys or Noya if he was interested. He would gladly share with the group. Sato also decided to bite into a mango himself, enjoying the taste and of course silently proving to the others that it was safe to consume. It wasn't long before they found themselves on the outskirts of a town, the very same one that the Sarutobi had intended to go to earlier when he was ready to get a bit more of a hardy meal. The young man would gladly converse with the group, should they have anything specific in mind. 

Right as they were about to make it out of the wooded area and into the clearing towards the town a few brigands would step out from behind trees, weapons in hand and a pleased look on their faces. "Look what we got 'ere boys. 'andful a folk with plenty o' scratch to donate to our cause! You folk want to contribute to our fund?" The man would ask, striking his own open hand softly with his club. Satoshi honestly a bit surprised that they went unnoticed. Must have next to no chakra...

It was very clear that these men were new to the area, as this town was well within the protection of the allied clans. "I seek no quarrel with you fine gentlemen. I'm curious. Why is it that you insist on trying to shake us down?" The bandit scratches his head, a bit taken back by how casually the young man is acting. "You seem of capable mind and strong body. Why not work the fields, or the forge? Banditry isn't the way. Plus, I heard that this area is filled with snake people that actively hunt down bandits and criminals. I wouldn't want to be on their bad side!" He would say, taking another bite out of his mango and allowing the bandits and the other members of this party to chime in should they so choose. 

twc: 2806

(Total thread WC between all members so far: 7063)
Kensei Onomori
Kensei Onomori
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Warden

Genjutsu Bukijutsu Remove Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 129000

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Tue May 16, 2023 6:06 pm
So it was decided that they would take a walk through the lush lands to get a feel for it and continue their talk. Although skeptical of the trio, Noya was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to them on the condition that they actually held up their end of the bargain. Taking up point, he would walk in silence with his sharingan still active as he scanned their surroundings. He was curious about the upbringing of the younger Uchiha in the group, though he did not seem as battle hardened as Noya. He had fought for years for as long as he could remember to protect these lands. Up until the point where he made battle his main and only priority. Many of the other Uchiha's in the land had families of their own while still being fighters, but Noya did not focus on any of that. His only task was the protection of his homeland. Anything after that would fall into place but for now fighting was his only love. He kept tabs on the conversation at hand, his ears never removed from those in front of him although his eyes and head remained on a swivel. It wasn't until the brigands stepped from their hiding spot that his body went from being relaxed to tensed. He already knew where this would go and in fact he wanted something to happen. There were far too many bandits and brigands that tried to strong arm the people of this land and he quite honestly had enough of their antics. While Satoshi tried to talk them out of an inevitable death, Noya had pushed past the other two and with his left index finger point to two of them in particular.

"You. You. Drop dead."

The words would leave his lips melodically as his eyes began to slowly swirl, of course with his back toward the group they would not see it but soon after the two would begin to choke as if they had lost their ability to breathe. Such a cunning tactic of his and it was good reason that many knew him to be sadistic without saying a word. He would watch as they scratched and clawed at their throats while their leader commanded them to stop playing. Crossing his arms and tapping his left index finger on his right bicep he would smile amusingly as he shrugged," The way I see it you have two options. Leave. Or shall you share the same fate as these two? Choose quickly before I tire of your ugly faces," now whatever they would choose would be up to them but soon they would all fall under the same fate regardless.

453 WC
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Tue May 16, 2023 11:39 pm
The walk from where the group of Sunagakure ninja had made contact with the natives of these lands to the first small settlement didn't take too long at all.

Kaito was impressed with the land; absolutely taken aback by the beauty that it held. He would take one of the mangos that Satoshi had offered and nodded at the man before taking a bite out of it. The sweet juices engulfed the Uchiha's tastebuds, and he couldn't help but be jealous that Sunagakure couldn't get their hands on any this fresh. But a few minutes more passed as the envoy continued their stroll unto the next town when a group of bandits crossed their path. Kaito wanted to show off his power, but Satoshi stepped in first.

With silent affirmation, Kaito took a back seat for a moment.

'Let's see how these gentlemen handle themselves.' He thought to himself.

Satoshi, still eating away at his mango, first tried to defuse the situation with words and de-escalation. This may have worked, but the other Uchiha named Noya seemed to have other plans. He stepped out in front of Satoshi, and through the use of some sort of Jutsu he was able to seemingly choke two of the men. Kaito smirked a bit. He had a disliking for those who prayed upon others without cause, and that was exactly what these measly bandits had been doing for some time. Kaito wanted to take out all of the goons through force, and while he was somewhat of a politician now within Sunagakure's ranks, he still had that bit of roughness associated with him.

As Noya continued his assault on the two bandits, the bandit's leader grimaced for a moment before reaching for the sword located at his hip. Kaito noticed this, and while he had no doubt that Satoshi and Noya could handle themselves, the younger Uchiha too wanted some action and to showcase his abilities. Without hesitation, he activated his Mangekyou Sharingan, and as he did so he dropped the mango out of his hand. Immediately, with the use of his left Mangekyou Sharingan's ability of Kamui, he teleported himself directly behind the bandit leader. Kaito withdrew a kunai from his pouch and pressed it against the man's throat, keeping him locked between it and Kaito's body. It was at that moment the mango Kaito had dropped hit the ground, making a small thumping noise as it did so, and all the while his Mangekyou Sharingan was active and on full display for everyone to see if they paid it any attention.

"I wouldn't try it, lowlife," Kaito warned, his tone dark and serious. "Unless, of course, you have a death wish..."

WC = 450
Total WC = 1,585

- 25 AP - Mangekyō Sharingan
- 100 AP - Kamui: Left Eye (+ 2 Blindness Counters / New Total = 18)
Remaining AP = 1,875 AP / 2,000 AP
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : The Big Blood
Living Clones : Zidane
Remove Iryōjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 25000

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Thu May 18, 2023 10:09 am
Satoshi's questions were genuine and well thought out. Clearly it had been a topic that was not new to him, as he seemed to have already considered some of the concerns that may stem from unity. And to his credit, they were valid. If this nation had been one that was divided amongst clans but simultaneously worked peacefully, then it would make sense for there to be hostility in the case where one of the governing clans assumed leadership over all others. Although he himself hadn't seen this type of conflict or struggle first hand, he was well aware of clan based conflict from his past. Because of this he would not allow himself to help installing anything that would produce turmoil in this seemingly peaceful land. 

As the group walked, Guren would stand just behind Satoshi and listen to his line of thought. The Chinoike would smile in reflection. This Satoshi fellow was sharp. And when a brief pause came after the local man's line of question, Guren would step in to reconcile his concerns.

"Satoshi, you bring up valid points. I can imagine the tension and frustration that might come to light in the case of a native clan gaining authority over the land. However, I could see two alternatives. Either elect a neutral party as the governing figure, or create a council of sorts. But still, in the case of a council of natives...there could be ulterior motives and favoritism towards one's own clan. You would know the people better than I, yet I am just speculating."

With that, the group would continue onward as they arrived upon a series of mango and banana trees. Satoshi, would offer the Third a mango, to which Guren would graciously accept. With it in his left hand, he'd raise it towards his mouth and take a modest bite. It was wonderful. Like an explosion of flavor that Sunagakure's fruit could not compare against. Guren would offer a smile and a nod to Satoshi, "Delicious."

Yet this sweet moment did not last long enough to be savored, as the quartet had ended up coming across a group of bandits. They seemed poorly equipped and gave off no noticeable chakra signatures. Guren, still eating his mango alongside Satoshi, was visually unbothered. This group of vagrants didn't seem much more than a group of unorganized grunts, fiending for any potential target they could find. And Satoshi, munching his mango, would seem to speak to the bandits quite calmly. In a way, Satoshi reminded Guren of he himself. The way he diplomatically spoke, yet was strikingly persuasive. Guren approved of this approach, and if Satoshi hadn't mentioned the concerns about one clan ruling over the land, would have thought that Satoshi was an exemplary candidate.

However it didn't seem as if Noya wanted to take the negotiation route. Instead, he threatened them upfront and Guren could detect the Uchiha's chakra profile flaring up, as two of the bandits in the entourage began to choke.

"Oh? Genjutsu..." Guren thought to himself. He had been a disciple of the specialty for many years, and resultantly had a good understanding of its effects and when someone was under its influence.  Silently, he approved of the illusory prowess from Noya. He seemed to be the bad cop, as Satoshi was the good cop. Their dynamic worked well, and truthfully the two of them could have been fine representatives of their clans in the case of a council. But that wasn't for the Third to decide. Shiftily though, his eyes maneuvered over to Kaito. His former disciple seemed to take notice of one of the bandits maintaining their aggression, even beginning to reach for his blade. The Chinoike was pleased with Kaito's refined perception, but was curious as to what or if he would react.

Sure enough though, Kaito seemed to activate his own technique. The Uchiha teleported himself immediately behind the ringleader of the group and pressed a kunai against the throat of bandit. Simultaneously, the mango he had previously been munching on made a subtle thud onto the ground, which was a testament to the Uchiha's swift actions. Guren himself remained with his right hand in his pocket, as his left continued to feed him his own mango. The Chinoike felt no need to exert any of his own chakra against this group of lowlifes, as Kaito referred to them, but did decide to offer a proposition.

"And just like that, you've been bested. If you had any sense, you'd recognize these two men as superiors. The fact that my fellow Mango Muncher and I haven't acted clearly shows we hadn't felt threatened. Our comrades have you lot more than handled. But..." Guren would pause momentarily as a thought occurred to him. "You could have a chance at surviving, and thriving. In your shoes, I'd look to retire my life as a bandit and instead swear my allegiance to those superior. Serve them, and in exchange that agreement could be...fruitful." He concluded his sales pitch with a timely bite to his mango, which had now been finished. Tossing it over his shoulder, he'd tuck his left hand into his pocket and bear a stoic expression.

His words were short, but to the point. And should give Kaito, Satoshi, and Noya a lot to consider. He himself had started to picture what type of leadership the lands could benefit from, and with the concerns over the clan leadership, the idea of a neutral party as the head honcho became more and more viable to him.

WC = 927. TWC = 3036
Satoshi Sarutobi
Satoshi Sarutobi
Stat Page : Monkey King
Bukijutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 500

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Thu May 18, 2023 7:20 pm
The young man would hear the word spoken by Guren, the man truly seeming to hold the wisdom of an elder in the body of a far younger man. Satoshi could understand how such a man could be looked to in order to lead, and his former title of Kazekage was no doubt well earned. "Both option do indeed have their merits. Looks like I will have something to meditate and contemplate on. Perhaps a meeting of the clans would be in order to determine their stances as well. It would be unwise to not include them in any sort of discussion on the matter." 

When offered, both Guren and Kaito would accept his offer of fruit, both having taken a mango. It was a good choice, as they were particularly tasty this time of year. Both seemed to truly enjoy it, and when Guren spoke up regarding how delicious it was Satoshi would nod, agreeing fully. 

The interruption from these simple ruffians didn't really bother Satoshi, and while he offered them the opportunity to simply surrender and give up the life of a miscreant, Noya would offer no such mercy or chances. While it wasn't the approach that Satoshi himself preferred to utilize, it was no doubt effective. Noya was a man of action, a true fighter and capable representative of his clan and its power. The two on the ground would no doubt pass out soon as they weren't getting any oxygen, and Noya made it very clear to the remaining bandits that they would be next if they didn't flee. The one in charge didn't seem to understand just how in over his head that he was and stubbornly reached for his weapon only for the one called Kaito to suddenly materialize behind him and place a blade to his throat to stop his actions. The speed of the Uchiha was truly impressive, and his eyes seemed to be some sort of advanced Sharingan. Satoshi had heard of something like that being possible, but never witnessed it first hand. It truly was something, though Satoshi couldn't help but be concerned for the young man, as despite its impressive power and capability it looked like it was quite painful as blood was easily seen trickling down his face from his eyes. Now was not the time to make mention of such a thing, though. So the Sarutobi would continue to eat his fruit, understanding fully that these two had things well under control. 

Guren would then speak up, hopefully making it clear to these men that they were out of their depth and no match for the group standing before them. 

"P-please don't kill us! It was a mistake! You are right, this band'try stuff ain't all its cracked up to be." The ringleader would mutter, a deep swallow making the kunai at his throat uncomfortably close to breaking skin. "Whatcha mean? Swear allegiance? To them?" The leader wasn't really sure how to respond, but his underling quickly dropped to his weapon and then fell to his knees. "I'll swear my allegiance to whomever, so long as I live this day!" It was unclear if the man was truly wise, or just a coward. Still, at least one was willing to change his ways. The leader, glancing down at his choking comrades would mutter, "Alright. Let me boys live and I promise I'll do as ya ask. I'll swear any oaths you want me to. Just please let em live." 

Satoshi wasn't fully aware of what it was that Guren was doing here, but as this matter resolved peacefully he didn't seem to mind. "I'm happy to hear it. I am glad that you have come to your senses and are willing to give up this awful life of crime." He would look down to the choking men, wondering if Noya was willing to accept such a thing. He had a tendency to be absolute in his punishment of criminals in Satoshi's experience, but perhaps the offer would be accepted. The young Sarutobi didn't know Kaito well enough to know his thoughts on the matter, but considering that Guren had offered such a thing it was likely that the foreign Uchiha would be accepting of such a thing. The two had seemed to be on the same page from what he could tell. 

wc: 725
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Sun May 28, 2023 1:44 pm
Kaito couldn't help but be taken aback by how political Guren had been with the bandits. The Uchiha had certainly acted with haste, and had gone as far as to tap into his greatest power that was the infamous Mangekyou Sharingan.With a sigh, the Uchiha withdrew the kunai from the bandit leader’s neck and deactivated his Mangekyou Sharingan. He couldnt let go of the feeling that he had perhaps been a bit too hasty.

Kaito repositioned himself to the right of the bandit he had attacked and placed a firm hand on the man’s shoulder. He jumped a bit, but Kaito gave a reassuring smile.

You did the right thing. Not only for yourself, but also for the men under your influence and guidance.” Kaito paused for a moment before continuing. “You have the makings of a fine leader, having placed the safety of your men before your own, but it is as my friends here say; banditry will only lead to your demise. It does not have a prosperous end, and it does not do any good for anybody.” The Uchiha then proceeded to walk over to the two men that Noya still held within his Genjutsu and placed his hands upon their shoulders as well. “Genjutsu Release!

The two men snapped out of the genjutsu within the blink of an eye. They both fell to their knees, coughing and choking to replenish the air that had been snuffed from their lungs. Kaito knelt down and patted them on the backs as to help them come to their senses before rising back up to his own feet and looking to the other Uchiha named Noya.

"Sorry I broke these two from out of your control, Sir, but they were sure to die quickly if we didn't act soon."

Turning to Satoshi and Guren, Kaito could see the concern that plagued Satoshi as the man looked at Kaito. Cocking his head to the side, the notion that this concern for him was from his activation of the Mangekyou Sharingan and the bleeding of his eyes that proceeded was the cause. Kaito wiped the blood from his face and bowed to Satoshi.

My sincerest apologies for not having cleaned myself up earlier, my friends.” Straightening back up, Kaito smiled sincerely. “I promise you this power of mine brings me no pain, not anymore at least.” Quite suddenly something tapped on Kaito’s shoulder. Keeping calm the Uchiha turned around and was greeted with the signt of the bandit leader, who seemed a bit squeamish.

Th-thank you for h-helping me and my friends. Ho-how can we repay you?

Promise me that you will help to protect those who cannot protect themselves. As people with power, it is our duty to ensure that everyone can live a good life.” Kaito looked the man up and down, and couldnt help but ask his next question. “Do you have access to Chakra?

Yes, myself and all of my men do, but we don’t know how to control it all that well.” The man looked defeated. “For the longest time I wanted to travel beyond this continent to one of the big villages so I could study Chakra and Ninjutsu, but never had the resources to do so. There used to be a ninja village here a very long time ago, but those are just rumors from what I understand.

Kaito could feel his eyes widen ever so slightly, but he did his best to hold in his surprise. Looking over to Satoshi and Noya, who were both very proficient in the ninja arts from what he had seen, he was quite amazed. But if what the bandit had told him was to be taken at face value, It was most likely so for many others in the country as well.

These two taught themselves all of what they know by themselves. Amazing.

Kaito walked over to where everyone else was standing, an excited yet professional smile upon his face.

If it is okay with you all, I would like nothing more than to stay here in your beautiful country for a while. I am quite impressed with what I’ve seen thus far with it, and it really is a majestic place, but I want to help your people as much as the two of you, Mr. Noya and Mr. Satoshi.” Kaito paused, trying to find the words he needed. “I want to teach the people of this land, and I want to help it prosper to the levels of Sunagakure and the other major villages back home…” Kaito bowed to the three men before him. “Please accept my offer of assistance…

WC (Post) = 774 WC
WC (Total) = 2,359 WC
Guren Chinoike
Guren Chinoike
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The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Sun May 28, 2023 10:42 pm
Guren listened attentively to the exchange between Satoshi, Kaito, and the bandits. He observed their reactions and contemplated the situation at hand. The bandits seemed to realize the error of their ways, particularly the leader who expressed his willingness to change and swore allegiance to their cause. Perhaps his own words to them instilled a bit of sense into them. But the Third saw an opportunity for redemption and growth, not only for these individuals but for the entire country.

As Kaito spoke to the bandit leader, Guren recognized the Uchiha's ability to connect with people and offer guidance. He appreciated Kaito's words of encouragement and the recognition of the bandit leader's potential as a leader. The Uchiha's growth had been tremendous from when he was first a genin, and Guren could easily notice it especially from this exchange. But regarding the bandits, the Chinoike also understood that sometimes people fell into desperate situations due to circumstances beyond their control, and it was important to provide them with an opportunity to make amends and improve their lives.

When Kaito broke the genjutsu on the two men, Guren observed the relief on their faces as they regained their breath. He respected Kaito's decision to intervene, as it was evident that immediate action was necessary to prevent them from any significantly adverse effects. Though...he himself at Kaito's age likely would have shown no remose. Guren's own shinobi career had likely been much darker than Kaito's, from his years as a missing ninja and a shinobi under Kenshin's reign. But even with Kaito's restraint, he still exhibited great power. And Guren couldn't help but acknowledge the concern in Satoshi's eyes upon seeing Kaito's display, likely in recognition that Kaito's use of the Mangekyou Sharingan had taken its toll on him. And so, Guren admired Kaito's resolve in assuring his friends that the power he possessed no longer caused him pain.

When the bandit leader expressed gratitude and asked how they could repay them, Guren saw an opportunity to redirect their energy towards a noble cause. He listened as the bandit shared his desire to learn chakra control and ninjutsu, highlighting the lack of resources and a rumored absence of a ninja village in the area. Guren's curiosity piqued, knowing that he and his companions possessed the knowledge and skills to help these individuals fulfill their aspirations. But with that resolution at hand, another topic presented itself. 

As Kaito expressed his desire to stay in the country and assist its people, Guren's respect for his comrade grew. He shared Kaito's sentiment, recognizing the beauty and potential of the land they stood upon. Lord Third had always believed in the power of knowledge and education to uplift a society, and he saw an opportunity to contribute to the development of this nation. This was a staple of career in leadership in Sunagakure, so it was encouraging to see that Kaito mirrored that mentality. 

Stepping forward, Guren addressed Satoshi, Noya, and Kaito with a calm yet determined expression on his face. "I stand with Kaito in his offer of assistance. This country holds great promise, and with our combined abilities, we can help its people thrive. Let us not only teach them the ways of chakra and ninjutsu but also instill in them the values of compassion, justice, and responsibility. Together, we can guide them towards a better future and nurture a new generation of leaders."

Guren nodded respectfully to Satoshi, Noya, and Kaito, awaiting their response. He hoped that they would embrace his proposal, recognizing the potential impact they could have on the lives of countless individuals and the future of the country they had come to appreciate.

WC = 613. TWC = 3649


25% Max Stat Discounts:
- Converting WC to AP for Strength of a Hundred Skill. 3649 /1000 = 36; 36*4 = 144 AP. Reserves = 216/600

Mission Claims:
- 20,000 Ryo
- 120 AP, Converting to Ryo; 120 * 50 = 6,250 Ryo
- Master Pay * 2 = 20,000 Ryo
- 46,250 Ryo Total Claimed

Milestone Claims:
- Who needs a Map?: Complete one Long Distance mission of any rank. Bonus: Travel Tokens
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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The New Crew [IO] - Page 2 Empty Re: The New Crew [IO]

Tue May 30, 2023 2:22 pm
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