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Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Late Night Out - Page 2 Empty Re: Late Night Out

Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:00 pm
Azuki rose from the ground like a zombie. His chakra burst from his person shrouding him in a blackish red as turned towards Ren. A kick of dirt flying the cold gentle winds of the nigh. His body acted on it's own. "I challenge you Kurosawa. Fight me in the arena. I need to get stronger I must grasp the concepts before I can hone them." With a haphazard sigh he turned on his heels and walks off. "I won't remember tonight so send for me." He threw his hand up waving the man goodbye. Despite everything that happened this wasn't out of spite. It was pure honesty everything he had admitted. Hell even if him and Junko never met he would feel the same way. It simply is what is  he thought to himself. If he accepted then Azuki would be in for a rude awakening for the next day. However his body would remember the feel he got for battle. Even if his mind wouldn't remember it would be engraved into his spirit.

HIs steps fading away as he grabbed his headband from his pocket. Looking at the moon crest on it he felt a sense of power invigorating him. This is what he needed to get strong. Through battle there is never a better way. Stopping in his tracks his eyes quivered at the meaning of it all. Part of it was a lie in his time here he had grown close to others. He had laughed and felt cherished. Of course he seemed insane but he never claimed to have any sanity in the first place. He was nothing more than a murderer. Even though it was the influence of the curse and Jashin forcing his urges. Blood was still on his hands.. "Hmph I finally get to be selfish for once."  

Azuki's mad laughter filled the sky with hysterical joy. Oh what is was to be alive to be free. Maybe it would do him good to explore himself and the world around him. He had blinders on and she took them off. But it wasn't to focus on her of course not. Even she would tell him the same thing. She would want him to see what was there for his own right. But at least...he could admire her too in the view. Couldn't he?... With a sudden burst of speed he disappeared from the streets.

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