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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:31 pm
Isumo looked deeply into the eyes of this ninja "What do you want?" Isumo had taken his right hand and grasped tightly upon his katana on his back for he knew that this would be ending badly. He continued to observe the man before him knowing this wouldn't be an easy battle but he would have to be cautious.
Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 5:48 pm

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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:12 pm
"My question is can you kill me? Because if not I will simply stop you and turn you into the Anbu." Isumo heard the laugh finding it as nothing to worry about because his mentality was unable to be tampered with he starred at the ninja thinking if his reward for this could be used to help Konoha. He stepped back with his right foot turned sideways behind his forward left foot he smiled. "Whats wrong afraid to make the first move?"

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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:30 pm
Isumo stepped to the side and the bit his left thumb then crouched forming the tiger seal with his left hand slapping it to the ground summoning the 2 foot Lemur who was even stronger than Isumo himself. Isumo than jumped to the opposite side of the room waiting for the opponent to strike.

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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 6:41 pm
Isumo fell down to one knee then looked up at the opponent laughing. As a puff oof white smoke appeared around the Lemur then the Lemur appeared behind the opponent and preformed Leaf Whirlwind on the man.

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