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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 4 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:33 pm
[OKay but how because in your post you kneed him in the face and wouldn't that cause me to fly across the room because the force you used]

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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 4 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:38 pm
[How because that would cause me to crash to the floor so if any thing it would hit my side or back]
Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 4 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:43 pm
(Very well there is still the point of the body flicker but I'll deal)

Echo from his position in the alleyway receives the memories of his clone and from his position he'd cross his fingers once more creating another Shadow clone which immediately upon it's creation dashes towards the opening to the alleyway it's hands blurring through the handsigns for his favorite Technique,Upon the clones emergence from the alleyway it's palms shoot outwards towards the position of the missing ninja His Technique revealed as the Wind release Great Breakthrough the clones Futon chakra causing several boxes and pieces of wood to fly towards Demethos with the force of the wind also impacting him if he does not find a way to dodge the action the force of the wind itself strong enough to send fully grown tree's flying,The boxes and other loose objects would also prove problematic adding another element the Shinobi would have to dodge. The real Echo forms the three hand signs for the Transformation Jutsu turning himself into a rather large slender box leaning against the wall of the Alleyway his keen mind forming a plan as his clone performs the Wind release technique.

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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 4 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:45 pm
[how the back part of my ribs would stop the kunai]

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Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 4 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:51 pm
[So wtf am i still alive because you make no sense.]
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