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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 3 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 3:53 pm
(I'm seeing several points where you strike him in one post Isumo 'I guess..' was running at you from a door from what I've seen you counter attempting to bifurcate your being with his katana which would most likely have superior length to your leg...of course he never stated how far he was from you which would cause a problem. And I'm a bit confused upon reading your post are you Jump kneeing him or is he already down there? lol)

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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 3 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:07 pm
(Very well. This should be fun. Though how would one see a Body flicker which in itself is almost Teleporting plus the fact of my position ten feet from yours would also cause problems in your attack.)

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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 3 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:21 pm
(Can you clear up my questions so I can properly do so?)
Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 3 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:24 pm
[Actually considering that I wasn't full out of chakra i could move but barely and if you kneed me in the face then i would fly backwards due to the amount of strength you used]

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Echo Uchiha
Echo Uchiha
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 3 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:28 pm
(Not stalling bro just need some things cleared up to see if the clone has been destroyed or not plus the fact that you somehow reacted to a body flicker with enough time to form hand seals and prepare to strike a target appearing ten feet from your position at an extremely fast pace.)
Toresu Kirai
Toresu Kirai
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[C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha - Page 3 Empty Re: [C-Rank Mission] Kidnapping a Genin; Isumo Uchiha

Sat Jun 09, 2012 4:30 pm
[I'm lost did my character die because this is all really screwed up]
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