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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] Empty Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:38 pm
He was now walking towards the training grounds, he needed to become stronger. The chunnin exams were Samaruo's new goal for now, and for that he need to become more attuned to the shinobi arts. The day was a bit sunny but not enough to irritate anyone, it was mixed with huge white clouds, preventing some of the sun's rays from beaming onto the village. Samaruo would soon find himself in front of the gates, he let himself inside to begin his training. However, before he begun his normal routine excersises, he paused for moment. He quickly realised that he grew tired of performing his mundane excersises, he wanted to see if he could encounter anyone that might have come here as well. It wasn't to early in the day to expect much. The chunnin exams would be far more exhilarating compared to what was to come, he had hoped so. Even though Samaruo had unlocked his sharingan to the third stage, he still had no actual combat experience with them. Sure he had used them against thugs and theives, but he had never used them against any shinobi that could hold his own. The time would pass as he would continue to daydream about the exam and his training, that he had not yet started. He would soon need to do something before he would waste the whole day just wondering. He would then notice that their were three logs that were placed in the ground, they were all lined up in a row. Samaruo then used his teleportation jutsu to appear infront of the logs, he would start the day by tossing a few towards the logs. He would start by taking a few steps back until he was 20 feet away, reaching into his weapon pouch he pulled 3 shuriken, he held all of them between his fingers. He then threw them all at once towards the desired targets, he would hit all three logs in one toss. Once he completed the task he would start over again, but each time increasing the distance by five feet. He would wait for someone one, or anything to relieve him of this dull task.
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Mon Sep 17, 2012 12:59 pm
Habee Walked into the training nice & slowly busy kicking stones on his way. He Felt Bored but decided to rather Train. He Secretly hoped he could find someone new to befriend & have a Friendly Fight and try out his new jutsu. As he entered the training Grounds he stopped & Looked Around.
On the one side he saw a Figure busy Training. Habee walked up to the Figure, "Hey how you Doing?" Habee said to him
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:47 pm
Samaruo would pause as he was being asked a question by a mysterious person. He was finally in the presence of another, his boredom was over. He stop his current activity with the Kunai and turn his body towards the person. He would look upon the person that appeared to be a shino I by the looks of it. " I'm well, what are you doing here". He would then wait from the response from the boy, waiting for the right moment, the right words to begin the combat that he so desperately craved for, it would only be a spar. For now he would just stand there looking at the shinobi, his eyes looked on to the person.

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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:20 am
"Well obviously I came here to train." Said Habee looking closely at this guy observing him from head to toe trying to pridict jus how good he probably is.
Just as he was going to continue the conversation he saw this other person coming over.
"Not at all, I am Habee, Habee Uchiha and you guyz are?" Habee said while looking at the both of them. "Weeeel it looks like we gonna have a nice time He He" Habee thought to himself with a grin on his face.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:30 pm
"Habee huh", Samaruo said as he looked at him. But before Samaruo could respond, he noticed that another mysterious individual had appeared. A full house it would seem Samaruo had said, he didn't think he would have this much company, but he didn't complain about it, he seemed to enjoy the new comers. He focused his attention back to Habee, "Indead we shall, could be a nice little stretch for us all". He would then see how the other individual would perform some stretches and pushups, the shinobi had not given his name, but he seemed to be getting ready. "No your not of any nuisance, but it would be I'll-mannered to join a conversation without stating your name though. So if you would please...". Then, Samaruo took a few steps back and relaxed himself, it would seem that he would be sparing against an Uchiha, and another shinobi. "Are you all ready for this spar, if not, you should head on towards training ground 6, there should be an instructor over there still". Samauro would finally be able to test out his eyes in combat, the results would decide if he would be ready for the chuunin exams, he need to make the ranks in the village.

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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Thu Sep 27, 2012 5:22 am
Habee was really amused by the way This guy was going on but anyways he just decided that hes being nice so Habee will be the same "Hourned to meet you too" said Habee after this guy did a bowed respectfully
When he thrusted a fist at the other guy Habee calmly stood back and watched them fight it off laughing at the way they gonna argue with fists and all that
"This will be a good show. I can see just how good these two are before i get down with them also" thought Habee to himself
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:52 pm
Samaruo sighed right before he would respond to this statement. "You would have received it, if you hadn't jumped in this conversation without introducing yourself, and yet here we are without out a clue as to which your name could be as well. Samaruo could have gone on all day, but didn't like to sound like a child, so he humbly announced his name towards him, as well as Habee if he would be listiening. "But if you must be lead I will do so, my name is..." once again, he was cut off by the shinobi(Sanji) as he would now be heading towards Samaruo with a large fist. Samaruo would then weave a few hand signs as he would then bring his right hand towards his lips and fire a fireball jutsu that was headed straight for the attacking ninja, Samaruo was 18 feet away from Sanji. Samaruo's left hand was in his weapons pouch, in case the other one known as Habee was to try anything. However, before Samaruo even fired the fireball towards Sanji, Samaruo's eyes had taken an odd form. His eyes began to change into a dark shade of red, with three tomoe around the pupil. His sharingan had activated, now surveying his surroundings.


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