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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:55 am
Habee looked at the way these two now know as Sandja and Samaruo. He just stood there and collpased on the floor ou of laughter. He saw how quickly Samaruo turned it into a fight and got down very quickly into business with that fire ball Jutsu and activating his Sharingan. Habee was also very impressed seeing how far he unlocked his Sharigan and he admired the power of Samaruo able to reach the 3rd Tomoe. He jumped back making sure that he never got caught in the Fire Ball he saw how Sanji quickly jumped back. But still ending up feeling the blaze and getting burnt. "Hey Samaruo take it easy will ya we not enemies or anything don't judge what Sanji was going to do maybe he wasn't gonna punch calm down." "Hey Sanji don't leave now Samaruo just got a. Bit over board." Habee trying to persue Sanji to stay. He then looked at Samaruo, "Wow you have really progressed with your Sharingan I'm impressed! I only have my first Tomoe still but don't count me out just yet I will one day be like you!"
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:00 pm
(I'll post after this guy replies, now Sanji, what made you feel left out lol. If anything I started with you, oh and that cold demeanor is part of Samaruo's character, once you get to know him he is as loyal as a hound dog lol. I don't even know any of you people IC, but ost up to you to go, just tell us if you are still leaving. Oh yeah, sorry for the hold up Habee.)
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:40 pm
(I'll post anyway, cause I don't want to keep anyone waiting. But come back lol, if you want to.)

Samaruo would see that the shinobi, that he still didn't know, managed to evade the blast with minor burns. He paused for a moment after hearing Habee's words, maybe he did go a little too far, Samaruo would acknowledge his error. He didn't mean to kill him, it's just that out in the real world, people don't give others heads up anymore, or second chances. "forgive me, I may have gone a little to far". He would see the shinobi getting up and attempting to leave, however, while watching this he managed to hear Habee laughing to himself, with the remark of his eyes becoming like his. Samaruo turned towards Habee, now standing 15 feet away from him. Samaruo didn't know that Habee was an Uchiha, this came to a bit of surprise, but it soon past.
" Your an Uchiha as well, if you want eyes like mine, then you do realize the certain pain that you must go through, it's not really worth it, unless the purpose suits you that much. Tell me, what is your purpose Habee". Samaruo would wait for Habee's answer, it would reveal to Samaruo if Habee was a true Uchiha, or something even more than the Uchiha. He would then grab a Kunai knife that he kept in his weapon pouch, he would spin it around his finger with the hole that was on top of the knife's hilt. Samaruo wanted to see if he had a purpose that would benefit something other than power. His eyes were still active.

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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:06 pm
Habee was relieved when he heard Samaruo apologise for his actions and at least that Samaruo knew he went a bit to far. "What is my Purpose huh?" Habee repeated Samaruo's words, "My Purpose to become a Very Good Strong Leaf Shinobi as well as a very good Uchiha and held their name high with pride.My Purpose is to stop all evil and destroy any Bad Guyz that threaten my Villiage or any Other." Habee said with determination as he activated his 1st Tomoe Sharingan." He then heard Sanji turning around and coming back ready for the Spar
Habee grew a Smrik on his face, "Well it looks likes we ready. And set for triple threat battle here He He at least Sanji came back but I hope Samaruo won't go again over board coz jus now I'm in danger also" Habee thought to himself
"Now are we gonna get this Party Started or what??" Said Habee as he got ready and firmed his stance
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:04 pm
And so it was set, the stage was ready, the actors were present, the scene would now begin. Samaruo would now look at the two as they all acknowledged their status, this spar would be an interesting one. Samaruo with his sharingan eyes, observed the two shinobi, he was about 15 feet apart from them now. Habee's words would be accepted by Samaruo for now, as long as he didn't show any signs that would show him to be drunk with power in the future, he was a good boy. Seeing that starting out with jutsu would be a bit harsh for a spar, he would put that on hold for now, and start out with a bit of hand to hand combat, or the basic forms. Samaruo would then quickly dash towards Habee and leap towards him with a kunai knife, attempting to slash at him with his right hand, but aimed at Habee's left arm to avoid any fatal wounds. While he would charge at Habee, his sharingan was trained on him. But while Samaruo would be charging at Habee, His mind had not forgotten about Sanji. He would be mindful of his presense, what actions Sanji would take would be completely up to him alone. Samaruo also choose to attack Habee first to test out Habee's eyes. His eyes were a lower form than Samaruo's, infact they were the basic form that any Uchiha would receive, when first activating their inner power.


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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:34 am
Habee now could sense that the fight was on. He was shocked when suddenly Samaruo attackeed Habee. He saw Samaruo running at him with a Kunai aiming at Habees left arm. Habee quickly turned on his Sharingan to at least be only a little weaker than Samaruo but now at least he stood the faintest of chances. He neva had time to think and jump back since Smaruo's advanced speed due to his Sharingan so Habee just pulled out his Sharingan Blade from his right hip and swung it to direction of the kunai in order to block and then pulled out his own kunai in his right hand ready to strike with it on samaruo's left side when this blade and samaruo's kunai with connect but was got with awe as he saw Sanji jumping in to go after Samaruo and wanting to grasp his legs. "Probably revenge for what happened earlier. This three man fight can really be surprising and unpredictable." thought Habee to himself and waited to see what happens will Samaruo dodge Sanjis hands and continue attacking Habee or what? Habee wondered what was going to happen and was very anxious to see it...
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 2 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:24 pm
The Kunai that Samaruo held in his right hand, would be blocked by Habee's sword it seems. However, before Samaruo would make contact with Habee's sword, he would notice that Sanji had joined in, it would seem that payback was long over due in Sanji's mind. He was headed towards Samaruo's legs, attempting to pin him down to the ground. He had decided to tackle his legs when Samaruo leaped in mid air. Samaruo saw that dodging the on coming shinobi would be near impossible, due to the fact that he was off the ground. But, Samaruo knew how to deal with this scenario, that was when he quickly turned his head towards Him, locking his eyes with Sanji's. In order to know where he was going Sanji had to look at Samaruo. That brief second, Samaruo would use his sharingan genjutsu technique in an attempt to paralyze the on coming shinobi. If that were to work he would helpless fall to the ground in a motionless state. Samaruo then returned his vision towards Habee as Samaruo's Kunai blade would be blocked by his sword. He would then see that the shinobi would attempt to slash at Samaruo's left side. So, he then added more strength to his right hand that held the blocked Kunai and managed to move to the right as he was now on the ground once more. By adding more strength to his arm he moved the sword a little it would provide enough room for him to swing his body to the right, moving his whole left side out of harms way. Once that was taken care of he pushed himself away from the shinobi, while letting go of his Kunai as well, he had now distance himself about 13 feet.

"well played", Samaruo would say quietly. He had to evade both of the two shinobi, but the next he would be placed in a situation like that again, he knew he wouldn't come out successful again. He wished that he could use jutsu, but that would be to extreme for just a spar. Samaruo rarely used taijutsu, as he was always accustomed to ninjutsu, as well as genjutsu. He would then focus on the two once more to stay on the alert, he drew yet another Kunai again. To add on to Samaru's current situation once more, due to the fact that his genjutsu that he used was a low form of it, Sanji would just about regain his movement, Samaruo wondered if he would be charged at again, that question would remain a mystery till the time comes.

(yeah, um Sanji, you can post in your post how you regained your movement, since this is a spar.)

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