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Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:53 pm
Habee was at least Happy that Sanji came in and interrupted he and Samruo's Kunai-Sword clash coz maybe Habee would not win that small battle. Hee watched in awe how Samaruo used a Sharingan Genjutsu it was the first time Habee had seen the Sharingan Genjutsu being used he was very impressed. "Samaruo has very quick thinking" Thought Habee he just after that jumped back and watched them go at each other Sanji busy attacking Samaruo. Habee sneakily made 3 Shadow clones and got ready for suprised attack. "This is a very good trick although it will use up a lot of chakra but it will get them with a clever surpirse" Thought Habee with a grin on his face as the 3 shadow clones split up and cautiously made their way hiding behind trees till they were all in place each on surround one side of them Habee South of them, 1 clone to the North and the other two to south and west respectively. Now they cornered in a 4 way wind attack. The one North of them will have to use slightly less of the jutsu as not to affect Habee also. They All three did the Hand signs, "Wind Release Gale Palm!" and with that blasting from each corner a huge chunk of air all at Samaruo and Sanji and 4 Way Gale Palm cornering of Samaruo and Sanji. Habee hoping this Jutsu will hit.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Wed Oct 03, 2012 6:25 pm
(I got permission to autohit Sanji since he quit)

Once again the shinobi that he still did not know had came at him. It would seem that he still didn't learn his lesson from last time. The slightest glimps into an Uchiha's sharingan could trap you instantly. However, the shinobi seemed to tilt his head downwards to the ground as he ran towards Samaruo. Samaruo would to head towards him with his sharingan trained on him. The sharingan could do more than just cast simple genjutsu. "Is that all you know know how to do shinobi". Samaruo would then see the quickly drawn Kunai knife that was thrown at him, it was deflected with his Kunai knife effortlessly. The shinobi them seemed to duck low as he would spin around and knock Samaruo off his feet. But due to his Sharingan, he had foreseen this attack, even the second kick that was aimed for his back. So he would then spin around to on his right leg to evade the low kick, after that was taken care of he would duck as well to dodge the kick that was aimed at his back. That was when Samaruo would finish him, though Sanji would stay away from looking in his eyes, his eyes were open nonetheless, looking toward the ground. Samaruo would look upwards towards Sanji's face to catch a glimps of his eyes, Samaruo had used his eyes to knock him out instead, before he could escape. Samaruo would then return to standing up straight, as the shinobi would then collapse to the ground helplessly.

As that was taken care of, he would soon find himself surrounded by Habee's shadow clones. The clever shinobi must have taken the advantage of his situation when he was cut off. He would hear all four shinobi yell as the unknown wind style would close in on the two shinobi. He then tryed to to evade the hurling winds as he headed northeast, he would make the hand signs for the teleportation jutsu, since he had thrown the Kunai towards the one clone that didn't attack. However, due to the unsuspected attack he was buffeted by the winds, now being hurled By the winds and then landed towards the ground, he was now 25 feet away from Habee. "Clever little ninja", he would say as he would lift himself up the ground. But since he managed to slightly evade the attack, the wind would still be headed towards Habee, with the Kunai aswell.

(Correct me if I'm wrong Habee, but when you said that all three clones preformed the hand signs, they all attacked but you. I'm not sure if you attacked aswell so I post as I read it. Plz tell me if I'm wrong)


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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:16 pm
I as I recall, you told me to auto hit you kid from the pm you sent me since you quit. And I told you you could tell me when I godmodded lol, you should have stated that back that. So yes do run along now to your shit peas and rice. Because yes you would have hit me, and my post would have been different. So next time think before you open your mouth.
Lol I hope this was a joke

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Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Wed Oct 03, 2012 8:00 pm
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, now here's mine, anyone who fuss about a rp is a joke.
God I'm so sorry that I asked you to stay, Habee plz post so we can rp.
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:28 am
[lol... sorry Samaruo i meant that the three clones did it as well so it was all 4 of us that did it]
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:46 pm
Hey want to just end it right here, because I sorta was at horror nights and didn't get to post. We can start some place else if you like, I have plenty of free time now so you won't have to wait for replies lol.

P.S. Sanji and I made up so were cool now.
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi] - Page 3 Empty Re: Training Day [NoKill][OpenToLeafShinobi]

Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:19 pm
Lol ok cool I'm up with that we can start somewhere else. A new spar
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