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Maikeru mission thread Empty Maikeru mission thread

Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:30 am
Rank D

Mission: supply run

word count required: 400

entering the kage's office to claim his mission the kage handed him a file. the file contained details on a group of construction workers who left some supplies behind by accident. looking at the kage and nodding in approval. exiting the kages office and the building heading to the cart he checked it. the wood, nails and saws and hammers was there then he check the horse that was in front of the cart. maikeru checked the the horse's flanks and calfs to make sure the horse was had been properly taken care of and to his eyes this horse was in great health.climbing on the cart's seat grabbing the reins in his hands and clicking his tounge he started his mission. heading out of the city gate he headed down the road towards the building sight. he went across a bridge the horse didin't like the bridge what so ever but he made the horse go forward across the bridge. then he turned down a narrow path that led to a small stream he rested the horses there and let them drink there fill of water and he drank some as well. he then continued on with his mission heading down the path he came to a fork in the road he looked at the file and it said go left at the fork in the road and its just a couple more miles down the road on the left. so he turned left and he was watch the sky it was a beautiful lavinder color. he heard hamers being pounding in nails and saws cutting wood. he looked and spotted the construction crew off to his left he turned onto the path and stopped the cart. he waved to the man in charge and he walked over showing the supplys in the cart the man said "thank you so much" signing the paper work and Maikeru turned the cart around so the supplies could be unloded and then he was back on the road. he turned right at the fork and continued to the stream letting the horses drink again. then he crossed the bridge once again and he entered the village again and entered the building that held the kages office e he entered the office and handed the kage the paper work. the kage said i will review this and you will be rewarded when i am done.


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Maikeru mission thread Empty Re: Maikeru mission thread

Tue Dec 04, 2012 11:26 pm
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