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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Yasahiro Yagami
Chimitsu Tanka
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 21, 2013 3:43 am
[Just a couple notices. Chi, Yozora is a girl. And Shinji, your character knows about Sam and that Xyxer was following her for a bit from Rin. Other than that, welcome back Sam!]

So, the girl in front of them was called Sameonna Hoshigaki. Yozora knew she had heard the name before, but it was vague. The girl was supposed to be some sort of hero or something, right? It was strange, especially since she was maybe just a year or two older than Yozora herself. Sameonna would ask Shinji to let her into the village, let her be a ninjutsu teacher and his ANBU. It was actually a lot, at least in blue haired Shinkou's point of view. But Tenkage would accept her and if she proved herself reliable and trustworthy, he would maybe even give her the mask. Apparently the amount of power one wielded had some leverage. But it wasn't over yet. Yozora would cross her arms, standing beside Shinji, and wait to see how this ends.
Chimitsu Tanka
Chimitsu Tanka
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 21, 2013 11:30 am

Chii looked and then turned to see if anyone else was watching, she was becoming bored… Although she would of liked to stay and watch a while longer, she felt like there was something she had to do now… With the turn of a heel, Chii had her back to all of the people and walked off wondering why that girl came here… Who was the man and the other girl… So many questions that she didn‘t really care for. Her eyes closed as she held up her hand… A small puddle of water formed under her palm onto the ground. She had gotten better, but still nothing big.

Chii smiled as she walked off, skipping away from the people who were talking.


Sorry~ I have to make an exit ^_^’ I’m not going to have much time keeping up with everyone, I’m going to be a work for most of the day~

Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:13 pm
Shinji nodded in response to Sameonna and then spoke up, so that she could hear: "Very well, I will go grab the background checks and a new headband for you. Then you should be set as a new shinobi of Tengakure. Also, sorry for the inconvenience of waiting, but it is a much needed one as of late. I hope you will understand. In the mean time feel free to talk with either of my associate's here if you have any questions about the village. I will be back in a flash." With that Shinji turned on the dime and strode back into the village to gather the needed materials. Although while turning and walking back to the village he remained vigilant with his use of the minds eye of the kagura-he did not think there would be an attack, but it always paid to be on guard. Along with the information being processed by the minds eye of the kagura Shinji's mind drifted to Sameonna. She was indeed powerful-there was no denying that. Maybe she would be a good one to take the post of Tenkage when he stepped down? Of course trust would have to be built and that was always a hard thing with shinobi. Regardless Shinji walked to the nearest anbu station to get all the needed materials. Anbu operative Cat had been listening to the conversation at the gates and at the mentioning of a background check left to start doing a few checks here and there. So, hopefully she would be all ready with a report by the time Shinji got there. After all Shinji did not like to keep people waiting-it was rude.

{Sorry for the meh post. Also, I am not exiting from this topic as I will be back, so please do not skip my post.}
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:25 pm
Xyxer had been listening to what was happening but he quickly lost interest when he heard something heart warming. A yapping that was growing louder.. a familiar yapping. Turning his head around, he noticed a small puppy bounding towards him, its tongue flapping about in the wind carelessly. A warm sense of happiness flooded his body to see that it was unharmed and doing fine. Kneeling down, the puppy leaped towards him and Xyxer responded by wrapping his arms around the lovable ball of fluff. Rubbing it's head gently as it's tongue decided to try and find out what Xyxers cheeks and forehead tasted like, he couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. Ruffling the cheeks of the little puppy, he was rather uncaring of what was happening now. However, naturally, he would be keeping an eye on Sameonna because of his knowledge about her.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:35 pm
Yozora observed as Shinji said he'd go get a background check on Sameonna and grab her a Tengakure headband, and then he waltzed off. He was a lot faster than back when they fought. No chance she would win against him now, though even back then he was probably holding back. After following him until he was gone, Yozora noticed the blond girl she saw before. She was walking away from the scene. Well, she was a strange one, but the Genin would just forget her and look back the her current company. A puppy out of nowhere appeared and jumped into the transformed kid's arms licking all over his face. She smiled at the sight.
Sameonna Hoshigaki
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:53 pm
Sameonna looked at the two, after nodding to Shinji as he finished speaking, showing him a sign of acceptance and understanding. Sameonna was always formal and militarized in situations like this, never daring to step out of line. That was a sign of disrespect. Disrespect was a violation of the very code of honor which Sameonna is bound to. Her eyes drifted upon the two remaining shinobi, noticing the third, a little girl, now trailing off from behind the gate. Sameonna immediately snapped at the sight of Xyxer's face. But.. It wasn't Xyxer.. I mean - it was, but it wasn't. Something was way off. She wasn't sure what it was, but she had heard that he passed away a while ago. This had activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, though she never truly used it due to fear of it corrupting the very fibers of her being. Such legendary power was not such to trifle with.

She would lay the bottle down next to her, gently placing it to lean against the stone in which she sat at the moment. Looking up at the two after finally gaining the capability to release her stare of Xyxer, she looked at Yozora, smiling at her. "So.. If you wouldn't mind my asking, what is your name, kunoichi?" Looking back at Xyxer, she put her head down, her heart beating a tad more rapidly this time. "I believe we've already met.." She'd breathe silently. "Xyxer." Something was going on.. What it was, Sameonna wasn't sure. But one thing was for certain, and that was that, Sameonna is no idiot - especially when it comes to noticing things. This was much too great of something to possibly ignore.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 1:27 am
Shinji arrived at an active anbu stronghold in a short amount of time. The stronghold looked like any other house, but the inside was a hub of activity for the Tengakure anbu. Shinji gained access after going through a screening and reciting the password correctly. Upon entering he was quickly briefed on the situation. Thus, far Sameonna seemed ok-her record was good and things were falling into place. Even if something did turn up it was probably easily explainable. Though they were still waiting on the background report from the Leaf village Shinji was confident that it would come back stellar. After all he took pride in Tengakure's intelligence. However only time would tell. Luckily anbu operative Cat had the foresight to send a hawk well in advance of Shinji's arrival. Hopefully a response would arrive soon. Regardless he knew he could not go back out there without it. Thus, he took time to gather a new dossier for Sameonnas file in Tengakure and a new headband all that remained was for the hawk to return. Hopefully Xyxer and Yozora were not being too rude to Tengakure's newest guest. Manners were always important in a shinobi's life.

{Just saying that no one really knows about Xyxer's death. The death of an anbu operative is not something that is broadcast around the world....Unless you are referring to another death he had...}
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:35 am
Hearing his name being called as he pet his puppy, he turned his head a little more to the person whom was speaking. As it turned out, Sameonna may have in fact remembered whom he was. That was always good, knowing you was making a lasting impression on the world, even if it was only one person at the moment. Of course, that would all change with the events that were to come and many would know his name, but that was not what was happening now and is rather irrelevant.

Standing up, his puppy collected in his arms he'd turn around to his old Sensei of sorts, a rather sly smile taking rest on his lips as he noticed Sameonna speaking of him. He'd take a rather low bow to the girl, speaking with a slight tease in his words, "Sameonna Hoshigaki.. I'm glad you can remember my name, after all, we've shook hands." And that by far, was still Xyxer's greatest achievement to this day.
Sameonna Hoshigaki
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 5:26 am
{Sameonna was also an ANBU alongside Xyxer. She would definitely hear of his death. XD. And Xyxer, nice accomplishment lmfao}
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:36 am
Hardly anything was going on. Yozora just stood there, shooting her eyes to the man with a puppy next to her and back to Sameonna. At one time, she noticed something change. The girl in front of her put down the bottle and spoke to her, smiling. "So.. If you wouldn't mind my asking, what is your name, kunoichi?" Yozora would notice the girl's eye. It was like nothing she had seen before, seemed like a sharingan, but not any regular sharingan. Unfortunately all she knew was there were ultimate versions of sharingan, but nothing more and her Meigan could not shed any light on it either. "I'm called Yozora Shinkou." She would reply trying to be polite, but avoiding addressing the girl. Then Sameonna would shift her attention to the man next to Yozora. And she would address him, calling him by his name - Xyxer. Yozora's eyes narrowed, she was right after all, though it was no surprising she did not recognize him - she had never seen his face after all. The man in front of her was responsible for ruining her other day and injuring her. Somebody else might say also responsible for ruining her Chuunin Exams, but she knew that wasn't the case. She held back at the exams and he teammates did not do very well, to be honest. That was what made them lose. Still with her arms crossed, she'd say while looking at Xyxer, her tone full of irony. "So... that's what you look like under that helmet, o great 'Abysswalker'?"
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