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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Yasahiro Yagami
Chimitsu Tanka
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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Sameonna Hoshigaki
Sameonna Hoshigaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 12:48 am
I accept the death of Sameonna. You attacked me with legitimate reasoning and thereas, your attacks probably would have landed due to their range, attacking speed, movement speed and the fact that you unexpectedly attacked to begin with. Your a good fighter, and a great debater. But I didn't come here looking to fight, I came here looking to join you. Lol.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:24 am
It was all over in a flash. The girl's legs would be slashed across and her torso would be removed. She would fall from where she sat into three pieces. It was an unfortunate, but necessary evil. Shinji took no pleasure in it, but it was done. He did not even have to fire Makaze, so the blade's chakra receded and it left him standing over the dead body of Sameonna Hoshigaki with a blade that smoked a bit as Shinji hung it back on his waist. With his left eye still covered by the Tengakure headband all one would see was one lone red eye piercing the landscape. He looked back at his two companions to see their responses with a grimace and a wrinkled forehead that would only partially be seen.

He frankly was morbidly pleased with himself. Last time missing ninja came to Tengakure they caused destruction, but this time the roles had been shifted. He had wrought destruction upon a missing ninja. It was at this point that he deactivated his cloak and spoke to his companions in a uncharacteristically grave voice: "The Leaf village blacklisted her as a missing ninja....I am sorry Xyxer...It had to be done...Last time missing ninja got into the was...well you know....Will you two help me move the body?"It was an unfortunate job and Shinji hoped that Xyxer would not be too angered nor did he hope that Yozora was too scarred. It would have probably happened in a flash for both Yozora and Xyxer. One moment Sameonna was there the next she was gone with Shinji standing behind her by two meters. After speaking Shinji would walk up to the bisected body-his blades had done their worst, but some stuff was still salvageable. He would slowly pick the body for anything useful. It was a grim job, but it had to be done-the items could not go to waste.

{Taking Sameonna's items and ryo (6575).}
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 2:38 am
Xyxer did not see much, but he continued to feel the bad omen in his bones.. and then it all happened. The person who had wished to talk to had now been cut down much like a pig in a slaughter factory. Not even any sign of an attack had been given by Shinji.. he had outright killed the girl without double checking any evidence he had.. He had not even asked her about her past.. Xyxer was once again incapable of feeling any love or doing many acts of kindness, but he would perform one act of kindness..

Xyxer lifted his knee up as if he was about to start walking towards Shinji, after all of the talking, but as that was happening the body of Xyxer was teleported instantly in front of Shinji, the knee having been only a few CM away from the Tenkage as the teleportation had happened. If that hit was to connect, Xyxer would then directly slam his elbow into the temple of the Tenkage;not enough force behind it to break the skull or give permanent brain damage, but it would disorientate and knock over the Tenkage if it was to land. He felt extremely sour, and he knew what he was doing was technically an offense in the eyes of the village, but he could not control his natural feelings of remorse.. Sameonna had probably been one of the best shinobi ever produced by Kirigakure, and this man had cut her down without a second thought.. it was unfair. Retribution was needed to be had.. but it would not be had this day. Crouching down in front of the dazed Shinji, the left hand of Xyxer would loosely grip onto the man's robings on his torso and pull him a bit off from the ground as he let his other fist travel straight inwards, curled into a ball of course. If all happened as expected, the fist of Xyxer clunked straight into the nose of Shinji, breaking the man's nose and most likely causing a lot of bleeding.

After that deed was done, Xyxer stood, walking over to Sameonna with no stumble in his steps nor any true sign that he was affected by the death. It had all happened so quickly that her eyes were opened.. that was pretty fast. He'd have to note that down for their next spar. Kneeling down beside her, Xyxers unbloodied hand traveled down the master's face, closing the eyes as a sign of respect. There was not much he could do for her now, and people must become stronger if they were to live, so what was done may as well be profited from. Searching through her belongings, Xyxer removed the ANBU gauntlets, the necklace and took the Serpentarius Auracrite. Looking down at Shinji once more, he felt a bit of distaste in his mouth and he did hate the man, but he knew that he was only trying to protect his own village. A bit of an admirable feat.. but it was a terrible act none the lest, and that was coming from a guy that murdered children.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:21 am
As Yozora was opening her lips to respond to Sameonna's words, she was suddenly cut short as a windy blast blew into her face and the scene changed. The girl sitting on a rock in front of them was cut to pieces and Shinji appeared behind her. He had covered his normal eye only Sharingan blowing devilish red, his dagger engulfed in black flames which slowly receded. It was a drastic change, the girl they were just talking with had been killed in a flash, without any chance to defend or even explain herself. Before Yozora even formed a question of why she was killed, Shinji explained it for her with a grave voice. "The Leaf village blacklisted her as a missing ninja....I am sorry Xyxer...It had to be done...Last time missing ninja got into the was...well you know....Will you two help me move the body?" In a blitz Xyxer appeared in front of Shinji, putting his kneel in Tenkage's stomach, then landing one more hit knocking the man on the ground and bleeding his nose with one more. This was all fairly confusing, but there seemed to be logic behind it. Well, not logic - feeling, Xyxer was like a brother to Sameonna. Maybe the feeling was mutual. Yozora was prepared to grab Shigure's blade, if it came to that, not that it would help her much if any of the two came after her. But she soon realized it would not be needed as Xyxer was not going seriously on Shinji, he was just letting the feelings out. The ANBU would then walk up to Sameonna's corpse, close her still open eyes and take a couple of things. Yozora made a few steps towards the scene. "How can I help?" She was not used to this and the whole situation felt very unpleasant, but she'd try to do something useful if her aid was needed.

[Got Shinji's permission to assume Xyxer's hits landed.
Sam, sorry it ended like that. You've been out of the game for a while and I'm sure it would have been completely different had your character been properly updated. Shinji is now and forever a jerk, if that makes you feel any better. Hope you stick around and make another character.]
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:04 am
The words had just come off Shinji's lips when Xyxer seemed to step forward, but then in an instant he appeared in front of Shinji. Not really expecting this in the least he felt as the knee came to his stomach and knocked the wind clear out of him. He then felt as a fist impacted his temple. This disoriented him greatly and sent him to the ground. Though Shinji could feel that Xyxer was not putting his all behind these hits, so he allowed them to keep coming. He owned the man this much. His teacher had just been cut down after all. Thus, Shinji was not at all surprised when Xyxer lifted him and promptly punched him causing his nose to break and send a fairly large stream of blood down his face. At this point Shinji was dropped to the ground. Sitting there for a moment he collected his thoughts and breath as Xyxer did what he wanted with the body-Shinji could not exactly see it from the ground due to the rock that Sameonna had been sitting on.

By the time Xyxer had removed the items he wanted and closed Sameonna's eyes Shinji was back on his feet once again. He still had the singular red eye open watching all that happened. It was at this time that he walked towards the corpse once again, but did not immediately move to take the body. Instead he spoke up in his lazy tone once again in response to Yozora, but was also talking to Xyxer: "For now we will have to move the body. It is disrespectful to leave a dead body lying out here in the elements. Yozora if you would please help me get this body back to the kage building it would be much appreciated....Xyxer...I am sorry." With that Shinji slowly bent down and started collecting the various items off of Sameonna that Xyxer had left-waste not want not was a good motto to use here. He would take anything valuable off the body while he waited for a response from Xyxer or Yozora. Though he would not rip part the body looking for items. Instead he would respectfully as possible for one searching the dead find each item and pocket it. Though he did keep an eye on Xyxer through use of his mind's eye of the kagura as Shinji did not really like getting kicked around like that. Blood would still flow slowly from his nose and his ribs and temple would ache ever so slightly with a throbbing pain.

{Taking the rest of Sam's items that Xyxer did not take and her ryo (6575)}
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:02 am
Xyxer was once again feeling.. weird. His neck felt cold and wet and his eyes felt as if they were obscured.. It was a feeling he had only had once before.. The day he had unlocked his mangekyo sharingan.. he was crying. His knees felt too to hold the pressure of his shins, and so he just dropped onto the ground, kneeling as he stared at nothing in particular. It was only now that the events were truly beginning to sink in.. and it was only now that he truly begun to understand that he would never see his master again. A purple mist had not engulfed her body.. she was not going to be reborn. Falling forwards, he allowed his hands to cushion the impact of his head on the ground as now he truly began to cry. He wanted to kill both Yozora and Shinji.. he wanted to level the entire village that had been responsible for killing one of his shinobi.

However, he did not want the people whom had been responsible for her death to carry her.. no, he would do that himself. He owed that much to her. Forcing himself to stand up, his knees still shaking, he began to wearily proceed towards the body of Sameonna in a zombie-like fashion. He died not too long ago.. and now so did his closest friend. Crouching down, he'd pick up the torso of Sameonna and conjure water from the ground below the other body parts; using that to lift the remnants up, he walked towards the Kage building but didn't utter a word.
Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:18 am
Yozora saw Xyxer cry. At first she did not believe her eyes, turning off Meigan to be sure. But there it was, white tears of Kirigakure falling on the ground next to Sameonna's body. If she was the hero Yozora heard she was, then she most likely deserved those tears. Yozora herself only met the girl for the first time today, and it seemed to be her last one too. Looking at Xyxer getting Sameonna's remains, Yozora realized he did not want their help to carry her. He would rather do it himself. Maybe it was for the better. Following him with her red eyes the girl thought back to everything that happened here today. She remembered the girl saying she wanted to become ANBU of the village and after a moment realized that was what Yozora wanted too. So, without too much of restraint she faced Shinji with it directly. "Say. Shinji... Do you think I could become ANBU, just like Xyxer? Serve under your command? I'm sick of all the weaklings at my rank and I don't want to wait for another Chuunin Exam."
As she said that she would follow Xyxer, hopefully Shinji would reply and follow suit.
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Fri Apr 26, 2013 3:31 am
No guilt clouded Shinji's mind as he got the rest of Sameonna's belongings. No matter what great deeds she may have done in her life one must also weigh the crimes that have been committed. In fact Shinji felt almost elated though his face would not show it. From his point of view he had just ended a danger to the shinobi community. Though upon hearing Xyxer cry Shinji's heart skipped a beat: this man was crying? Had the bond between him and Sameonna been that great? It was at this point that guilt slipped subtly into Shinji's mind. It was not guilt for Sameonna's death, no. It was guilt for putting Xyxer in such a state. How was Shinji to know that it would effect the man so much? Regardless Shinji finished retrieving anything useful before the water rose from beneath the dismembered body parts.

With a sigh Shinji stood up and now looked at Yozora who spoke up for the first time in a long while or at Shinji thought it was a long while-his perception of time was a bit wonky right then. Listening to Yozora Shinji was indeed amused the kid had guts that was for sure and she was very good in a battle as Shinji already knew. However, he did not really know that much about Yozora herself: maybe a interview was in order? That was probably a good idea. So, Shinji would start walking, so that he kept pace with Yozora and kept Xyxer in sight. After a little while of silence he would speak to Yozora in his once again sleepy voice: "I will consider it...I'll tell you what. Stop by my office at some point and we will discuss it, ok?" With those words Shinji kept walking and followed Xyxer back to the kage building.

{Exit, TWC: 3513, 17 stats x 50= +850 ryo}
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
Gilgamesh Uzumaki
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:29 am
Entering the kage buildings and walking directly to the office where he was murdered, he simply rested the butchered body on the new desk. With a final glance at the macabre scene, Xyxer turned and walked off. He knew what he had to do. It was a bit somber really, but it did not matter whom he had to cross in order to achieve it. After all, he was the Abysswalker, he could cross anything.. and so could his minions. Swag.

[>2013 WC]

+10 Stats
+20 JP

Naoki Gekou
Naoki Gekou
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A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY] - Page 6 Empty Re: A Master's Ambition Resurfaces [INV-ONLY]

Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:39 am
"I will consider it...I'll tell you what. Stop by my office at some point and we will discuss it, ok?" That actually sounded fairly promising, at least the final part. After hearing this Yozora nodded and followed Xyxer in silence. At the entrance to the main building she waved and went her own ways. She'll come here some other day.

[Exit, 16 CD posts with Tenkage]
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