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Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:55 pm
Jason hit the tree with a crash and picked himself up slowly. "ok, that's it. i've had enough of that raiton crap." jason stated with a tiny bit of fury in his voice. Jason jumped up in the air and made several chakra chains with the length of 20 meters and 2 inches wide shoot out towards koaru. if the chains would hit, then koaru would be greatly damaged and trapped. should koaru find a way to get out, then Jason would take out his sword from his scabbard after landing to the ground and rush towards koaru and swing the hold at his face. should that hit then koaru would be stunned for a 1-2 combo with the same punch. should Jason miss then Jason would be left wide open for an attack.
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sat Feb 15, 2014 5:14 pm
Koaru grinned when his punch landed. It seemed Koaru had succeeded in stirring Jason's emotions. His opponent flung himself in the air to unload another combination of attacks. Koaru watched Jason's movements with angst. When several chains flew towards Koaru from the air, he performed 3 backflips to evade the attack. Because of his long hair, each flip sent his long dreads in a scattering mess. The back flips temporarily blocked Jason from Koaru's line of sight with each flip, and as a result, Koaru had barely any time to Jason's follow up attack. Jason, with a speed of 45, was already in arm's length by the time Koaru was done dodging. Jason's sword, already drawn from its scabbard on Jason's backside, was pointed dangerously at Koaru. The shinobi panicked, he did not have enough time to draw his ninjato forward to block the blade. Instead, Koaru craned his neck as far as he could. A thin slice appeared on Koaru's left cheek, and a stream of blood tricked down his chin.

Koaru stumbled backward to attempt to regain his bearings. However, Jason was apparently not done with his onslaught of attacks. Jason pressed onward, connecting a 1-2 elbow-fist combination with Koaru's face. Koaru groaned as he flew backwards. His body, still in the air, flew over the nearby lake. He skidded against the water; Koaru was using his chakra to create a walkable surface out of the water. Koaru was laying face up against the water. He pulled his right arm and left leg inward toward himself, attempting to get to his feet. Koaru was in a daze. "Where did this strength come from?" Koaru muttered to himself as his Moringan locked on the opposing ninja.

Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:07 am
Jason jumped up in the air and swung his left feet down to do an axe-kick towards koaru. if the foot would connect, then koaru would sink to the lake. if Jason missed and koaru would stand up, then Jason would do a spin kick with his right leg aimed at koaru's face, should the attack hit, then Jason would follow up with two punches at koaru's chest and stomach and finally end the combo with a punch to his face. should the spin kick fail to connect then Jason would be open for an attack.
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:29 am
Koaru saw Jason make a motion to jump toward Koaru. He could see the nerves in Jason's legs, meaning he knew Jason was planning on jumping as soon as he thought about it. Koaru immediately made hand seals and spread his hands now streaming lighting chakra. Jason was now in the air descending on Koaru with an axe kick. Koaru was still belly up on the water and would counter attack in that position. Koaru clapped his hands together as he yelled, "Raiton: Screeching Lightning Wave Collision!" A burst of lightning spread from the hands Koaru had just clapped together. The combined assault headed straight for Jason who was in mid air and in mid attack.  It would be hard, nearly impossible to dodge in his situation. The attack would explode on contact, flinging Jason backwards and leaving him stunned on the ground. This would, at least give Koaru some time to rest and muster his chakra for the remainder of the fight. After performing the jutsu Koaru stood on his feet, with his backside wet from lying on the lake surface. He slowly exhaled, confident with the execution of his latest mastered technique.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:15 pm
Jason hit the lightning jutsu with full force and landed on the ground with his back and lied there, completely unable to move. Jason couldn't do anything but lay there as his arms and legs twitched. "well, this is great. now what?" Jason thought as his arms and legs were twitching, pumped with electricity. Jason hoped that Koaru would at least let him rest fully before the fight could continue.
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:45 pm
Koaru let out a sigh of relief. He had pacified the rampaging Uzumaki, for a little while anyway. Koaru had taken a beating from Jason and he was sure Jason was in need of a break as well. Neither he or Jason were especially tolerant to pain, they were still unused to full on combat. But it was good for them to start somewhere. Koaru got up and proceeded over to where Jason had fallen. Still quite tired from his bout, he sat next to Jason, with satisfaction on his face. They were both quite strong. Koaru never knew Jason would use water clones. Though, he should not have been surprised. He did know that Jason had a natural affinity for water. Koaru placed his hand over jason's chest. His whole body was twitching as a result from Koaru's previous attack. Koaru attempted to relieve the electricity passing through Jason's body by withdrawing his chakra. When he was done, Koaru offered his hand to Jason so he could sit up. This was Koaru's chance to get closer to Jason, and understand his nindo, his ninja way.

"Jason. Why do you fight? Why do you want to get stronger? What is your purpose?" Koaru asked curiously. Koaru rustled his dread with his hand and dusted himself off. He also looked for his shirt and jacket, which he had removed earlier, before they had started fighting. Koaru wore his mesh t shirt. Koaru proceeded to put one arm through his hoodie which bore the Garinado crest on its back. He was still looking at Jason, awaiting his answer. Some ninja were just bloodthirsty killers. Their only passion in life is to murder and cause grief to others. While others simply served the Hokage mindlessly, with no personal goals or aspirations. But, not Jason, Koaru could tell. He was curious about how Jason would answer.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:01 pm
"i fight to protect those who are unable to do anything but watch. i fight to protect those who are weak. to get rid of killers who kill for no reason but to laugh at their fallen victims." Jason stated with a serious look on his face while he got up and sat down next to koaru. "my father got killed in front of me. and he couldn't do anything to defend himself. he was murdered by a drunk shinobi. that's why i hate alcohol and people who drink. because it reminds me of my horrible past." Jason said while looking at koaru. " i also want to protect my mother from harm. we live alone now. her and i... before, we were a happy family. but now, i have to protect my mother with my own two hands..." said Jason with an added sigh at the end. "that's how i was raised. then i heard of the academy where you could become a shinobi and defend the village and those you care about. so that's why i became a shinobi." said Jason. Jason pushed his glasses up as he sighed, remembering his horrible past.
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:52 pm
Koaru seemed to respect Jason's answer. It was a noble cause, indeed. Koaru finished wearing his jacket completely as he nodded in agreement, confirming his understanding of Jason's situation. Koaru thought about how tough it must have been to have lost someone he loved at the whim of another. Especially a drunken whim. Koaru himself had still never experienced such a pain. He had lived a very sheltered life. Koaru lived in nobility all his life due to his lineage in the Garinado clan. Even his grandparents were alive and well; they were the ones who taught him everything about his clan customs. But, Koaru thought it would be best not to tell Jason that part of his past. He did not want to step on any toes by coming off as someone who could not understand the pain of loss. Instead, he placed one hand on Jason's shoulder. He said, "I have certain people I want to protect too. So, I'll help you get stronger so you can reach your goal. We can get stronger together." Koaru smiled at Jason warmly.
Jason Fredriksson
Jason Fredriksson
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:02 pm
Jason smiled back at koaru. "i'm glad you understand me." Jason clapped koaru's right shoulder with his right hand. "so, want to continue our spar?" asked Jason with vigor in his voice. "i'm not through yet." said Jason as he clenched his fists and prepared himself for round 2. he hoped that this round would fare better than the first one.
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Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk - Page 2 Empty Re: Jason vs koaru round 2. p, nk

Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:24 pm
Koaru accepted and got on his feet. Koaru raised his fists at Jason. He had rested long enough. It was time to back his words up and train with Jason at full strength to get stronger. Koaru waited for Jason to get up also, before he would begin his new attack. Once Jason was ready, Koaru would lunge at him deliver three kicks consecutively with the same foot, all while balancing on his other foot. The first kick was to Jason's left leg, the second kick would hit Jason square in the stomach, and the third kick would hit Jason's chin. It was an easily blocked series of attacks, but Koaru did this to create an opening for another attack. After his kicks, Koaru would follow up with a back handed fist to Jason's chest. This attack would have more power behind it and if it hit, would send Jason backwards. The attack was was possible to dodge, or even block, considering that Jason and he were of equal strength. Should all of these taijutsu attacks work, Koaru would deliver an heavy elbow attack from above to hit Jason while he was pushed backwards from the back handed fist. The elbow would be enough  to destroy the ground below them, cracking the surface of the earth.
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