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Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:16 pm
Makussu gave a slightly curt nod at the fact that Youka was likely to come soon. It was very true, so if they wanted to spar they would have to do it quickly. Listening to Kasai's statement of non-violence, he flinched a bit. Oh damn, all offensive galore. "Well Kasai, I'm all for non-violence especially after Youka's Stunt, but Im not to sure amount how I'll be able to hold up my end. I'll try to though. Alright then, Navi let's go!" He yelled out. "Okay then, but you better be giving me seed for this!," she responded simply as she went forward at a speed of 15 to poke Kasai at a speed of 15. Ok, maybe he was being lazy, but this was a match he was trying to keep non-conflict. If Kasai dodged which he likely would, he would...well he didn't really need hand seals often so he would just kind of stand there waiting.

(290/300 Makussu, 100/100 Navi)

(also claiming the stats so far cause why not, not exiting)

+5 stats

+finishing spiralling wind ball

+55 towards rasengan (55/4k)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 8:47 pm
Kasai chuckled.
"Do not worry about harming me, friend. I simply meant that I do not intend to set you ablaze during this," he said, slowly raising his hands to his chest, and lowering his head. 
Upon the bird flying at him, Kasai leapt gently out of the way, having much higher speed than the bird.
"Very bold, feather," he said, landing his jump to the side. 
His hands immediately went to form the ram, the snake, and then the tiger. 
As the chakra surged through him, two perfect copies appeared to the right of him.
"My move, I believe," they all said at once, and launched into a run.
The two clones being mere clones, and not actually able to physically interact with anything, else they passed right through, would simply serve as a distraction. 
The two clones split up, one circling to the left, as the real Kasai and the other clone began to circle right, gaining speed as they ran. If uninterrupted, they would all begin to close in at once, the real Kasai a step behind the other clone, and charge Makussu.
(240 ap - 5 clone jutsu = 235 ap)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:18 pm
Ah Kasai, the things he didn't know. As he formed his hand signs, Navi activated her Chakra Senses, extending her range of divination to chakra up to 15m. That was more than enough distance for her to define the two as the started on a run, her following at her maximum speed to at least get a quick read on them before they were out of her range. "Hey! Hey listen, listen! It's not the one on the right and the one in the front isn't him either!" Ok, perhaps Navi's usefulness was beginning to show now, as Makussu now had an idea of what he could do. Activating his Shikigami no Mai, his legs would disappear from under him and elegant wings would worm on his back, which did a little swoosh for fashion sending scattering a bit as the six papers he had been focusing on turned into shrunken and flew towards the real Kasai at a speed of 30 and a sharpness of your average shuriken, thankfully clued in to the real one thanks to Navi. They would all travel in different directions, so Kasai would have projectiles coming at him from the front left and right. "Kasai, you know you'll need to do better than that to come at me. I believe you can, use your fire if you have to." Makussu understood the severe disadvantage his friend was putting himself in and felt like a cheater. This was supposed to be a spar, not a one-sided beatdown!

(Makussu at 230/300 in total for shikigami no mai and 3 paper shuriken and Navi at 90/100 for chakra senses
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:28 pm
Kasai chuckled as the bird told Makussu which was the real one. Something very useful indeed, Kasai noted to himself. 
Seeing that Makussu was turning himself into paper once more, Kasai knew this would be a serious spar. Immediately, Kasai believed he knew what was coming next, and began to form the seals needed for the substitution jutsu. He knew it annoyed Tatsuya extremely, but it was such a useful technique, and was never acknowledged for its potential. 
He then saw Makussu launch the shuriken, and smiled beneath his mask. They were not moving fast enough to hit him, but he would allow them to hit the log.
Activating the jutsu upon the moment of impact, the shuriken would slam into a log that Kasai had switched places with. Meanwhile, Kasai himself would appear in a poof right behind Makussu, still mid air, aiming a kick at his back with a speed of 35, but not the strongest. 
However, he knew his friend was much faster than himself, and was already busy forming the hand seals to use subtitution jutsu again if needed.
"Oh, I know, friend. Do not expect me to play this easy," he would say, starting the sentence just before the shuriken hit him, and finishing it as he was aiming the kick. 
(235 - 5 subtitution = 230 ap)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
Survived 2021
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Thu Nov 13, 2014 10:51 pm
Makussu was rather sure of his victory with the shuriken, so when they suddenly smacked into his god he was pretty surprised. It was only the increased reaction time he had while in his angelic state that save him. Hearing the poof behind him he did the strange version of a legless squat, his wings flaring upwards at a speed of 76 to clip Kasai and knock him forwards. If he managed to knock him down he would form a pair of shuriken which this time he would actually throw, although it would only be a measly 32 speed the sharpness gained would make it 16 higher than a regular shuriken. Then he would well, just stand there again waiting if he was sucessful. Meanwhile on the other side of the field navi would begin her way over, chakra senses still active.

(Makussu now at 200/300, Navi at 80/100
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Fri Nov 14, 2014 8:13 pm
Kasai, having already prepared the hand signs for another substitution jutsu, was ready to use it at any time. Seeing that Makussu was fast enough to process this, Kasai smiled. 
Oh, how fast the wind blows. 
Kasai immediately released the second substitution justsu the very moment that Makussu would have clipped him with his wings, having him strike the log again. 
This time, Kasai appeared in a poof on the exact opposite side of where he had been, only feet away from Makussu again. Not waiting to see if Makussu would turn to where Kasai had been but a second ago. 
Upon the impact of Makussu with the log, and Kasai appearing on the opposite side, Kasai would again aim a kick towards his chest, this time harder.
He knew he could not be faster than Makussu, but perhaps he could disorient him, effectively attacking from all sides at once with substitution.
(230 - 5 = 225)
(also, due to my stats increasing from other training, I'll post my current stats here, so we have a reference and timeline things
Health: 14
Chakra: 25
Stamina: 24
Speed: 37
Strength: 17 
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:47 pm
Well apparently Kasai had decided to become the ancient Yellow Flash by the way he had been teleporting around, along with suddenly getting stronger through some strange reasons. Whatever, he had to deal with the fact that instead of hitting Kasai he had smacked his god. What was up with people and making him attack his religion? Whatever, he had to deal with the kick flying towards his chest. Using his enhanced speed he would make it so the foot would instead just graze through his hair, which he would then grab and push away rather roughly towards Navi, who would poke Kasai in the back with her beak. Ah, thats what happens when you stick your foot in Makussu's hair.

(Makussu at 190/300, Navi at 70/100)
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:02 pm
Kasai once again began to prepare his third and final substitution even before he switched places the second time. He figured that he wouldn't be able to hit Makussu regardless, so he might as well do everything he can to disorient him. 
Forming the hand signs, Kasai saw the bird fly. He hoped it would not impact hard with the log that he was about to switch places with for the third time. 
Instead, Makussu's hand appeared to be the first thing to hit Kasai, thus triggering the last substitution he could make that fight. 
This time, as he felt himself poof away, Kasai did not appear right behind Makussu again for another attack, but rather a few meters away, preparing himself to fight at more of a distance.
He had not lost much energy with the substitutions, however, he could see that they were to no avail. Perhaps he would have to resort to his fire jutsu to attack his paper friend. 
"You are very fast, my friend. Far too much for me," Kasai said, after Makussu made contact with the log for the third time, and Kasai landed a ways away. He bowed slightly, showing respect, but he was fully ready to continue.
(225 - 5 final substitution = 220)
(and Makussu, I posted those stats as the ones I use for this spar so that I don't just get randomly stronger xp don't worry, I'm not editing those while this goes on)
Kikuko Hayashi
Kikuko Hayashi
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Sun Nov 16, 2014 8:02 pm
ha, Makussu TOTALLY never felt that power rise to be so significant. Just the wind. Yup, that was it, just his element blowing. Once again his god manifested in front of him and Navi smacked into it and fell to the ground twitching while muttering "Hey, hey listen...." overacted twitches coming from her body. Meh, she was probably being a crybaby seeing as she hadn't dispelled. "Thanks for the acknowledgement Kasai, I try to be fast. Better quick than dead. Let's see how you hold up to it." This would be the first time he tried THAT technique in combat and he wanted to see how it held up. Within his hand a paper spear would form, condensing in order to add the explosive bit to it if it were to hit his target. He would throw the spear, towards Kasai's lower regions and if he tried to get away he would simply manipulate the attack to hit at a speed and strength of 50, even though he needed to have Kasai within a range of 50m for that to happen. For himself....damn he really was getting lazy, he had yet to move for a while.

(Makussu at 140/300 and Navi at 70/100 (senses deactivated))
Takashi Chishiki
Takashi Chishiki
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His Poet, Confidante (Kasai) - Page 2 Empty Re: His Poet, Confidante (Kasai)

Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:58 pm
(oh my lawdy, I just realized just what this Navi was XD It's Link's little annoying buddy, isn't it?)
Kasai saw quickly that an attach was coming. As he heard Makussu's comment, he knew it would be deadly. He knew and hoped his friend was not intending to maim him, but he could tell that Makussu did indeed intend to push him to the limits of his abilities. 
Quickly, Kasai's hands snapped upwards, racing to form the hand signs for his strongest fire jutsu. 
He sped up more, watching the spear form. Kasai knew this was a powerful jutsu just from the way it looked. A simple paper spear, yet, he knew it was more. 
Kasai hoped dearly that his phoenix fire would be able to destroy the spear mid air, otherwise he would not be able to dodge it. 
Flying through the motions, ending in the tiger, Kasai then launched six fire balls, one right after the other, directly at the spear as it flew. Each only having a speed and power of 20, he hoped that all six combined would be able to destory the spear in mid air. If not, he would most likely be laying on the ground for quite a while. 
(220 - 20 = 200ap)
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