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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:21 pm
The stance Cole took during Mako's initial assault appeared to be lightning fast. Even when getting the jump on his opponent he still couldn't get any advantage.  However this wasn't surprising Mako was no rookie just a little underdeveloped as it stood.  

Mako moved in a direct line toward Cole his feet pumping below him mustering every ounce of speed he could.  He twirled the tanto in his right hand blade facing normally now. When he reached a distance of about three paces from Cole, he dove forward aiming a straight on attack at Cole's face. {same as a kunai Spd 14 STR 14} 

However, this attack was a bluff meant for misdirection. The instant his right foot hit the ground after the dive he shifted back on his heel extending his left leg out to his side while taking a crouching action. The right hand tanto no longer near Cole's face. Mako used the momentum to spin a wide arc around the left side of Cole's body, hopefully out of attack range. Until he came to an abrupt halt behind Cole's left side left arm extended, resting on his bent left leg his right leg extended heel flat on the ground with the backhanded tanto aiming directly for Cole's kidney. 

Wc 200
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:38 pm
Cole watched as Mako charged directly at him. A direct attack cole thought to himself. He figured that something so simple would by easy to stop, but then Mako changed as the blade that was aiming for coles face changed directions as it seamed to move away from his face. A distraction he thought as he saw Mako real attack which was aimed at coles kidney with his other hand. It was a good move and if cole wasn't faster then Mako it would have been a deadly, but as they attack hit a cloud of smoke puffed up and the attack actually hit a log. It was the same log that cole used the last time he spared in the training grounds. He kept it pretty close by to his river just for moments like this when a simple substitution jutsu would be more useful.

Cole would in fact be hiding in the bush across the creak. Watching as Mako's attack hit he knew that Mako wasn't half bad from watching his movements. Mako had some experience with those weapons. Cole would make a hand sign, and from the creak two clones of himself (half coles stats) would rise up from they water. Cole wanted to see how he handles fighting multiple opponents. The two clones would charge at Mako separating as they got off of the water one going to the right and they other to the left. They would do a circle in order to try and hit Mako from both sides. Cole knew that his clones wasn't strong enough to do any real damage to Mako. The worse they could do is bust his lip if they got lucky.

The first clone to arrive would charge from the right aiming to hit Mako in the face at a of speed 15 and a strength of 7. If that attack would land they other clone would come from they left aiming with a low kick to the back of Mako knee, but if he Stopped the first clone the second would wait and see what Mako would do. Would he charge the other clone or would he stand his ground. Cole wanted to see how he reacted in combat, and this was one of they best way to see. If he was able to stop and kill the first clone would charge the second or would he look for cole himself.

Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Thu Jul 30, 2015 7:24 am
Mako quickly snapped the Tantos in his right hand back into a sheath on his right leg, turning toward the clone charging him on his right side. He reached with his right hand into his pouch located on his back, with his hand still in his pouch he rushed the clone charging him.  He darted left leg leading, with his left hand still clutching the backhanded tanto.  He flipped the tanto upright as the Cole clone came into hit him, he stopped and deftly swiped upward with it across the clones forearm in an attempt to block an and do enough damage to stop the attack.  His back was now turned on the Cole clone that was trying to hit him the tanto digging into the clones outstretched arm and with his free arm he loosed a shuriken {That is Sharpness of 37, Speed 54, IF 7} at the remaining clone on the other side.


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:56 am; edited 1 time in total
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Thu Jul 30, 2015 10:48 am
Cole watched from the safety of his bush, as Mako charged against he first clone he had put his tanto up, and was reaching in his bag for something. When they meat and the first clone went for the attack Mako pulled out his tanto again and blocked the clones attack. He then pulled a shuriken and flung it at the other water clone hitting it in the chest. The clone would disperse back into water. The other clone would also disperse back into water probably getting Mako a little wet from it being so close.

Cole would see they opportunity and using his speed of 60 he would try and get behind Mako while he was looking at the clone the just turned back to water. Cole would make a few handsigns as he closed the distance, and aim to place Mako in the water prison jutsu.

AP-305-12 from clones-20 water prison=273
water prison jutsu)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 12:46 am
Cole excited that he had just taken down 2 clones from this obviously superior combatant snapped away his blades and started running straight as quickly as he could seeing as Cole was nowhere to be seen and he could be waiting for Mako to let his guard down. He quickly formed a few hand signs and lifted up his Shuriken from the puddle of water it was sitting in and slipped it back into his weapon pouch.  He had his back to the creek when he formed his Jutsu anticipating an attack from behind when he grabbed the shuriken.  As it stood he was a sitting duck so he ran to a nearby tree and took cover.  He leaped with all his strength and grabbed a low hanging branch and spun into the tree. He crouched there lying in wait for Cole to give up his position.  Smoking the last bit of the cig in his mouth he flicked it into the creek.    Being that he assumed Cole had moved into the woods away from the creek he watched that position most closely.

 At that point was when Cole had snuck up behind him to nail him with his prepped water prison Jutsu. He could even feel his substitution that he placed release to no avail. He must have seen his hiding place and snuck around.  Hell this guy was fast.  It appeared to Mako he would have to increase his speed to match him.  He was stuck in a prison of water and was entirely at Cole's whim. 

Gargling from the water he yelled "PHTATS A KICKATH JUTHU!!!! Buth I Think I Dithcovered what I Thneed to do. I Thneed tho Learn Earth."

WC 289
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 10:08 am
Coles plan had worked he caught Mako in the water prison jutsu. Then mako said that he figured out what he needed to learn he needed to learnthe earth element. Cole would give him a smile, and jump down from the tree still having the water prison jutsu intact. Once he hit the ground he would release the water prison jutsu letting Mako go free. “i don't know the earth element, but I can help you get they hang of it Mako” cole would tell him as he offered a hand to Mako to help get up. He wasn't for sure how they earth element worked, but he figured that it couldn't be much harder to learn then his wind element was. He would think about what he did to get the grip of his wind element. Thinking back on what yensung had told him. He had gotten it, and he knew what he would do.

“ok I think i got it first you need to look down inside of yourself. Find your chakra when you feel it. Your fire element that you already have should be red. That one is not the one your looking for you want to find the brown chakra that is your earth element. In order to find them you need to look inside you self, as you focus you chakra, and then find the brown colored one. Once you find the brown colored chakra try and pull it out” cole would tell him. He would then walk away from Mako and throw a kunai into the woods.

“i threw that kunai into the woods. Because when you find your earth chakra you need to push it out into the ground and cover the area around us. When you find the kunai you would have the earth based chakra under you control” cole would tell Mako while he walked over around 5 meters away form Mako and sit down in the middle of the field. “also Mako I will be working on this jutsu of my own why you do this. It will probably make it harder, but thats better.

Cole would start to focus his ice chakra into the air around him. He would start to turn it into ice slowly creating a dome out of it.

(WC-385 TWC-2031)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Fri Jul 31, 2015 9:41 pm
Laying on the ground soaking wet Mako thought about what Cole had just told him.  Look for another source of chakra.  A harder to find chakra. He had never actually concentrated on his chakra before and never realized his Fire chakra might be there and be concealing other forms of elemental chakra. He sat up and crossed his legs looking at whatever Cole was up to he decided to take the first amount of advice that Cole had given. He figuredthis guy may not know earth or fire but he did know how to activate his kekkai genkai and he thought that would be good enough for him. Mako knew Cole would be the person to get him started on the right foot.

He formed a hand sign in front of him with his right hand and first two fingers extended up and his left hand grasping over his right.  He concentrated and thought about his chakras at first all he felt was a rush of blue just very basic chakra he visualized himself and the flow of chakra through him.  And concentrated until he saw his chakra center in it was an alight symbol for fire this symbol was red he could see where there were two different spaces surrounding the red one he couldn't make out the color or the sign but he had found where these elements come from.  Now he would have to find a way to unlock it.  

He was in a place he had never been before aomen of pure focus and concentration one with his chakra.  He never would've imagined that this place existed.  Mako decided to mentally intrude on his chakra center and maybe agitate the area to activate his earthen  or "brown" chakra.  As he entered his chakra center in his concentration he  felt the red chakra engulfing his mind and  drawing into that chakra.  The chakra was unbelievably hot and very difficult to force his consciousness through.  As he delved deeper at the very bottom he could see that brown chakra he was supposed to find. He forced forward he reached out toward the brown chakra deep below and could feel the heat intensify to the point of burning him and just as his consciousness reached out the brown chakra there was a searing heat and the ground rattled and then there was blackness.

Cole saw what was occurring on the outside they Mako seemed unaware.  Mako seemed to be very focused but there were no changes.  A few seconds later Cole could see steam coming from Mako's body from where he had been drenched by the water prison, though Mako still seemed focused.  Moments later he was dry as the heat coming off of started to singe the edges of his shirt and the grass beneath him , the heat started rising and more of his shirt started burning off and his headband was staring to singe as well. When all of a sudden the heat turned to fire and burnt the entirety of his shirt off and cooked all of the cloth off of has headband and the grass was entirely burnt out to about five meters from him then flames erupted from him as the earth beneath him started shaking and rocks started rising and the ground began to crack and the ground started shaking.  Large cracks had formed and the ends ofthe legs of his pants and sandals had burnt off then suddenly it all stopped.  Mako sat in the same position for a moment then collapsed backwards entirely unconscious.

593 WC twc 2624
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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Ryo : 28000

training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:01 am
As cole was focusing on his own jutsu pushing his ice chakra into the air and forming an ice dome around him. He had not finished the dome thinking that it was taking to long to form the dome. He looked over to Mako and noticed that he was starting to dry off rapidly. Plus his cloths was starting to burn a little. This isn't good cole thought to himself as he noticed that Mako wasn't just focusing on his chakra he was pushing it out as well, and his fire chakra was starting to burn him. Cole started to release the ice dome jutsu before it was complete and as the ice started to come apart and fall back onto the earth. He could see that the earth started to quack a little bit. At first and then more as a small crack started to form in many directions out from Mako. It was at this point that cole thought that maybe he would go to far and push to much chakra out before cole stop him. Releasing that he couldn't wait on the ice dome to finish coming apart. Cole jumped over it and through the hole that was at they top. He would run over to Mako at a speed of 50 and catch him just before he falls back onto the earth. He would lay him down softly on the ground. Seeing that Mako's shirt had even burned off of him as well as the cloth that held his leaf ninja head band together.

Cole would use his water prison jutsu to create a small amount of water and then release it over Mako's head so that the water would fall on his face. He would hopefully wake him up with this. He figured that he used to much chakra, and that this was not what cole had in mind for him to do, but it was impressive. The best cole could see coming from this is that he had found his earth based chakra at least seeing how he created the cracks in they earth. Cole would look up and see that the sky was brightly lit up with the sun directly above them. He figured that it was probably around noon by now. He would move Mako to the tree were he would lean him against the tree in the shade.

Once he got Mako awake he would open his backpack that he carried with him every time he had to go train. He would pull out two sandwiches and two rice balls, as well as two bottles of water. He would hand Mako one of the sandwiches and tell him to eat it to help get his strength back, and then after he had eat the sandwich he would hand him the rice ball. He would also give him one of the bottles of water as well with the sandwich. While they eat cole wold tell Mako “that wasn't a bad try, but you went a little over bored man. I told you to focus on your chakra not push it out into the area” he would tell him with a smile, as to say that he wasn't mad or anything. He would then continue “now when you get to feeling a little bit better we will try again. Except this time try not to push your chakra out to the surface. Instead keep it inside of you and move you fire chakra out of the way so that you can get to you earth based chakra. Then try and find the kunai I threw earlier, and this time I pretty sure that you will get it this time” he would tell Mako while they finished their little meal.

Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 7:50 am
Mako sat up to see the food displayed before him. He wasn't hungry, just felt weak. Spiritually drained.  He did not.think that manipulation of elemental chakra would be so damned difficult.  He had burns on his chest and back they stung but didn't hurt thanks to Cole helping him.  He picked up the rice ball. He generally hated white rice, tended to hate any healthy food but as he bit into it the sensation of food in his mouth had driven his hunger wild. His stomach groaned like a giant toad. He stuffed the rice ball into his mouth chewing loudly and then took the.sandwiches and chomped away on those. And washed it down with the water hoping to force it into his stomach faster and make it go away.

Recovering some energy he laid back relatively awkward around Cole given his desrroyed clothing, this kid who was an absolute prodigy compared to him.  That's not to say he felt inferior, I mean let's be honest he probably thought girls still had cooties, but he was impressive the way he formed ice into a.weapon and a shield it was awesome.  

Mako then realized his overdoing it was holding up Cole's training.  "I'm sorry bud, whenever your finished go back to your ice dome I won't be a problem again maybe when we're both done we can test our new jutsus out. I wonder if a collaboration jutsu with exploding ash and ice would be nasty?" He said staring at the sky his arms under his head the breeze almost bringing him back to life.  He was ready to make ash, master it and start burning enemies down.

Wc 280
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 2 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:04 am
Cole watched as Mako scarfed down the food he had given him, and then lean back against the tree in a bit of an awkward kind of way. Mako would then tell cole "I'm sorry bud, whenever your finished go back to your ice dome I won't be a problem again maybe when we're both done we can test our new jutsus out. I wonder if a collaboration jutsu with exploding ash and ice would be nasty?"

cole would look at Mako “your not holding me back or anything man. Ive almost got the hang of this ice dome jutsu. If anything you gave me some ideas on what I can do next” he would tell Mako with a bit of a half smile. “an ash and ice collaboration jutsu would be pretty nasty if we could get it to work, but a collaboration jutsu on that level using two advanced forms of elemental chakra would be crazy hard to get down. I think it can be done though I just don't know what kind of a jutsu it would make” he would add in as he looked up at the sky trying to think of what kind of jutsu that would be. He would wait for Mako to get enough strength back to start his training again before starting his back.

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