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Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 11:18 am
Mako sat up and made the necessary hand sign closed his eyes and concentrated on his earth chakra again this time upon entering his chakra center and seeing the Bokuton brown chakra. It would appear to him he unlocked it however he would also have to master it and use it.  He breathed in and breathed out attempting to lift a rock with nothing but his chakra aligned to earth. He pushed the chakra out through his center down his arms and into his hands.  He opened his eyes and located a pebble, these pebbles were typical around any body of water mako knew.  He held out his right hand and focused lifting the pebble into his hand and grabbed it Then turning his hand over he focused his chakra down his arm and channeled it into the palm of his hand.  He then condensed it into a tight ball and condensed it into the center of the the pebble. Then focusing all of his new found ability onto it he crushed the pebble.  Then with the sedimentary remains in his hand he waited until the breeze died to show Cole his new found control.  "The Sarutobi are great chakra controllers and I personally  am best at going to the extreme so I can worry about minute abilities later." The breeze died and he lifted the dust cloud into the air  controlling it into any shapes and then forced it into the shape of a monkey. He blew the dust out of his hand. " What I will have to do once I can learn how to control more of it at a time is super heat the earth element and that will be ash."   Mako said.  He knew he was close


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Tue Aug 04, 2015 5:55 am; edited 1 time in total
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Sat Aug 01, 2015 1:59 pm
Cole watched as Mako tried again, but this time the earth didn't crack and he didn't almost catch on fire either. Instead he was able to pull a piece of stone to his hands with his chakra and condense it till it became dust. He would then open his hand to show cole and then blow it into the dust around them and creating it into a monkey shape before letting it fall back to the ground. Not bad cole thought to himself. He figured that Mako had great potential as a ninja. Now all that he had to do is figure out how to use it in his jutsu, but he was close to getting it under his control now able to use his earth chakra with out messing up.

“ok Mako lets see what you can do. You think you can throw some kunai at me, so that I can see if I can get my Ice dome jutsu up fast enough. After that we will spar one more time and see if you have learned anything” cole would tell Mako while he stood up and walked about ten meters from Mako. He would turn around and look at Mako. Cole would be prepared to use his Ice dome jutsu to block the Kunai that Mako would hopefully throw.

Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:28 am
Sitting up Mako put his hand on the back of his head and laughed he put a cigarette in his mouth and struck the match taking a big drag. 

"Well I have a plan to make you finish the jutsu.  Ice melts right? Well Fire stream will force you to keep a constructed dome of ice. Constantly reinforcing it making it strong enough to keep you from getting toasted the only way to learn is while it's happening...."  He left hanging while he jumped back and planted his feet. He looked Cole in the eyes the deep emerald of his eyes told Cole he meant business forming the hand sign he paused for a second to give the kid time to start on his dome.  He inhaled and launched the fire stream creating a flame thrower type effect  directly at him hopefully he got the dome up in time....
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Sun Aug 02, 2015 10:05 am
Cole watched as Mako got up. He would listen to what mako would say. "Well I have a plan to make you finish the jutsu. Ice melts right? Well Fire stream will force you to keep a constructed dome of ice. Constantly reinforcing it making it strong enough to keep you from getting toasted the only way to learn is while it's happening...." he would tell cole as he jumped back a few meters from him. Cole figured he would try fire style, but he probably didn't know that the ice that cole makes is Resistance to fire style.

Cole would start to make hand signs at the time Mako started to make hand signs. They would launch their jutsu at they same time. Cole pushing his chakra into the ait surrounding himself in it. He would see the ice lift up from the ground and rise quickly this time. At the same time he saw a stream of fire shoot from makos mouth and fire at him quickly. The ice would rise up to block the fire and create a dome around cole around 3 meters in around him. The fire that hit it wouldn't even make they ice swell. Perfect cole thought to himself, as he waited for they fire to stop. After the fire did stop he would release the jutsu and the ice would slowly fall back down to the ground.

“i should have told you I guess fire style is weak against my ice. You need to be able to launch a much stronger fire style jutsu just to make hit sweat a little” cole would tell Mako as they ice start to fall to the ground. “don't stop yet lets keep this going come at me with everything you got” cole would add once the ice between him and mako was almost gone.

(WC-310 TWC-3444)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Mon Aug 03, 2015 3:16 am
He stood in amazement watching Cole's jutsu. Ice....hmmm wonder how ash will add up.  He sat knowing he still had much training to do. This was it he had studied earth. He learned how to make the hand signs for his soon to be new New jutsu once he mastered this earth element. He would first have to complete the task Cole had given him, and he was determined to finish it today.  He knew he had a great deal to do but it was going to happen.his clan made him naturally gifted he was going to bring out the natural gifts.   

He sat concentrating on his chakra center where the brown chakra was he could see the brown chakra.  Instead of going to deeply into that point his decision was to just tap into it and locate the shuriken buried in the earth in an unknown location.  He concentrated in the soft earth beneath him he could feel it's emanating reacting to his chakra. He focused a pulse into it causing rocks to move around him. The pulse went out about 5 meters. He tried it again this time pulsing out to about 20 meters. Mako focused more chakra and pushed even harder the pulse showing him the location of everything in the ground for about 200 meters. Mostly just tree roots, some subterranean dwelling animals and a couple of odds and ends that got buried.  Most importantly though he seemed to have located the kunai. It was about 150 meters to his 9 o clock.

Now came the hard part he would try to move the Earth  and using the ground he would try to move the kunai back to him.  He knew this would be the best way to truly test whether he was ready to start using the Earth style he knew how he wanted to test the ice he knew a jutsu from way back that one of his senses had shown him.  Mako knew he would use Earth Release: Partial Earth Cane. And he would smash that dome all to pieces.  Ninjutsu wasn't his strong suit. He preferred weapons and what better than to make a Bo staff out of solid rock. Cole was probably sitting across from him scratching his head in curiosity. "Wasn't he supposed to throw a kunai at me" Cole was likely asking himself.

He sent another pulse with his chakra this one was designed to rise the ground and bring the kunai somewhat closer similar to how a wave is designed.  The pulse went out and can back lifting the are around the kunai and dragging it back toward him about 15 meters.  He did the same thing several times and the kunai was now in range.  He stood formed a hand sign and dug into his newfound earth chakra and activated the Earth Release Partial Earth Cane jutsu which caused a spike to come out of the ground about the size of a broom handle. It shot the Junaid straight out toward him. And landed about 30 meters away.  He did the same thing this time he    made the cane extend all the way to him with the kunai still stuck in it.  He reched out with his left hand and grabbed the kunai bad then snapped the rock cane apart.  He did the jutsu again with the cane forming directly in front of him this time it was molded much better but still not perfect.  He continued it. Trying over and over again. He had spires of earth rising out of the ground all around him.

He finally closed his eyes and formed the hand sign one last time focusing every bit of focus he could muster.  He cast the jutsu and a perfect stone Bo staff sprung up from the ground into his hand it snapped itself off. He smiled knowing he had just succeeded and said  "Your move my friend"  and waited for Cole to create the Ice Dome.

666 words
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Mon Aug 03, 2015 10:46 am
Cole watched as Mako focused. He let his guard down thinking that mako was getting prepaid for they attack or something. Cole would wait for mako to get done before he would begin. It would be a few minutes before mako started to make a few hand signs and a stone pole rose up from the ground with the kunai that cole had thrown on the end of it, so he found it cole thought to himself. Mako would then make a few more of the stone poles, and cole figured that he was figuring out this jutsu of his, and waited for him to get done with it.

After the last pole rose up almost perfectly carved from stone cole would say. “well this is differently then what I thought we was going to do, but if you want to go at it this way see if you can break my dome” he would tell Mako as he made a few hand signs. A dome of Ice would rise up from the ground around cole. He would wait and see what Mako was able to do with this new stone staff of his. Cole was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to break through the dome.

Ice dome jutsu- 30 AP)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Tue Aug 04, 2015 6:55 am
Mako smiled Cole had given him not only a very intense training session on this random day but what he had hoped the friendship of one of the most powerful genin the Leaf.  Something to strive for.  Ice huh? He thought it was a killer jutsu it simply appeared to have no weakness. Even the mokuton style of the new Hokage would be hard pressed against this ice.  This was gonna be fun.
MAko smiled holding the cane out to his side his hair blowing in the breeze he was currently without a shirt or a headband, but he had found new reinvigoration he had a little ways to go to finish earth element and Earth cane.  and if he hadn't mastered it fully he knew that the pole in his right hand would shatter upon impact.  The chakra felt good and the pole seemed right however he had his doubts about it.  He wanted to be the greatest Sarutobi he wanted to master his clans Ash Release, summon his ancestors Monkey King, and be a true ninja.  He did not imagine Cole as a roadblock however, more like a pathway to help in the completion of his jutsu, and ultimately all of his goals.  He looked forward to the day their teams met and fought together on the same battlefield so that he could see this ice dome against enemies.

He spun the staff above his head and got into a crouching stance holding it.  He could feel the pulses of the Earth around him.  Mako knew that this spar may not be a close one but it would be a good one.   He launched himself toward Cole and leaped above the dome spinning the staff above his head he dropped down on the dome striking as hard as he could.   As the rock cane hit the ice a spray of ice shot out spraying his face, he continued his chiseling attack, attacking the same spot over and over hoping to find a weakness, but to no avail.  He swung his last attack at the spot he had been attacking he struck with so much force the rock cane shattered in his hand.  He stepped back and laughed as he formed the sign for another.

376 WC TWC 3716
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:27 am
Cole watched as Mako ran to him jumping into the air and slamming his stone staff against his ice dome a few times. Before the stone staff broke into from the impact. It had managed to crack the dome a little but the dome just repaired it self as soon as the crack started to happen. It was probably faster then Mako could see what was going on. Once the stone staff broke mako jumped back using the dome as a spring bored he landed about 5 meters away from the dome. He threw the stone staff away and made the hand signs for another. As he was making hand signs cole also made a few hand sings. A whip made of water would start to materialize in his hand. Coiling on the ground below his right hand he would release the ice dome jutsu. Having seen that he had finished it, and mako couldn't get through it he figured that he would take him on in close quarter combat. After all that was cole's weakest area next to genjutsu.

A hole would appear in the ice dome between cole and Mako, and cole would use it jumping through at a speed of 40. he would run slightly to the right of Mako with the whip flailing in the air behind him. Once he got to the side of Mako if he hadn't moved by then he would sling the whip in an attempt to grab makos leg and trip him. He would then create a water clone with out using hand signs and send it into the forest around them to find a log that cole could use for the substitution jutsu. He wanted a back up plan encase he needed to get out of the fight and think he thought to himself. He didn't think he would need one, but it was better safe then sorry he figured.

(WC-320 TWC-3764)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Wed Aug 05, 2015 1:35 am
Mako was caught unaware as Cole jumped through the hole in the Ice dome.  He realized they were having a true fight now this could be a blast or he could end up laid out either way he was gonna finish the fight.  He tried to dodge to the opposite direction Cole was heading but realized he wouldn't be quick enough to dodge the whip so he finished the cane and infused it with chakra and brought the Rock staff up to block hopefully decreasing some of the damage.  He took the hit and the staff was shattered in his hands.   He dove back trying to put some distance between himself and Cole, however not too much distance knowing that cole was a ranged jutsu user.  He reached into his pack and pulled out a kunai  launching it at Cole throwing speed 65 and sharpness booster 77.  He assumed Cole was attempting something he saw the clone but couldnt figure out its purpose, he was somewhat surprised that Cole could summon water clones without hand signs.  He was ready for this fight but knew coles speed and ninjutsu were going to make him outmatched on every level.

He reached his hands to his side and grabbed both tantos filling them with chakra, and began getting prepared for Coles attack back.

WC 226
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Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 3 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:39 am
Cole dashed out of the ice dome jutsu charging at mako. Mako would try to dodge to they other side, but he wasn't fast enough. Although he was fast enough to put his stone cane in front of him so that the whip would grab it instead of his leg. This way he wouldn't take hardly any damage. He then retreated back a few meters throwing a kunai at cole at the same time. Cole would see the kunai and hit it with his water whip out of the air speed 60 reaction time 120. Mako would stop a few meters away and get ready for coles next attack.

After knocking the kunai out of the air with his water whip. Cole would turn and charge at mako with a speed of 80 stopping just in front of him and yelling Leaf Rising Wind, as he would try and land a high upper kick to Mako chest in order to push him into the air. Speed 40 strength 10 as to try and not kill Mako.

If this attack hit cole would use his whip to try and grab makos leg and sling him back down on the ground. If cole hit with this attack he would back off and see what Mako would do. If he got back up cole would continue their spar, but if it took him awhile cole would offer to call it a day and treat him to some ramen.

hay Mako we can do this either way but all you need is like 500 more words so we could do a post each going to get food and then an exit post their for it, or we can keep sparing for they other 500. your call im fine with either one)
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