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Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 4 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:45 am
Mako stared in amazement as Cole whipped the shurikens away and charged directly at him,  spinning around to kick him in the chest.   Mako had barely enough time to cross his arms across his chest and accept the impact of the kick.  The kick still hurt but he held it together as he went flying up into the air.  He noticed the water whip flying directly at his leg.  Thinking about what he would do the kid wrapped the whip around his leg. He used his chakra infused tanto to slice the whip in half and renderered the water around his leg use less as it dipped to the ground, he did backflip in the air as he came down the the ground.  Landing with both feet.  He slipped both tantos away and whipped his hand up to stop the attack, since he assumed Cole would continue the assault. He stood there breathing heavily with his arm across his chest holding his shoulder hes body slouched forward.  On the fringe of passing out from sparring with him twice and additionally training Earth chakra, and a new jutsu.

If the boy stopped attacking, he would walk over to him and say, "That was an awesome fight kid.  You truly are the hottest genin in Konoha,"{Quoting Kouse} { Since mako is 18 with a fully grown beard. And Cole is a really tall 13 year old} "So why don't we go get something to eat and you can tell me about your new team." He looked down and realized he had scorched nearly all of his clothes, "After i go to my place and change. On Second thought why don't i just meet you there"  Then Mako walked over to collect all of the kunai scattered about the field, slyly getting the Kunai Cole used for training him.


Last edited by Mako Sarutobi on Thu Aug 06, 2015 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 4 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:09 am
Cole's whip had connected, but Mako was able to cut into with his tanto. Cole had to admit that he didn't count on that happening. He watch as Mako landed on the ground after a few back flips. Mako would be leaned over almost to the point of passing out. When he held a hand up to signal that he was done. To day had been pretty taxing on him cole figured after two spars plus a jutsu and a new element. Cole was more then willing to stop were they were. He would walk over to Mako and ask if he wanted to go get some food. Mako would agree but wanted to go home first and change. Cole thought that would be a good idea seeing how he was half naked now after their training. Having his shirt burnt off, and all it would be a good idea. Mako offered to meat him at the ichiraku's ramen shop, and cole accepted.

Cole would watch as Mako turned and went back to his house to change and cole would walk with him till they got back into town. They would separate a few blocks from ichiraku's. Cole would continue down the road when Mako turned off to go change. He would stop outside of ichiraku's and lean against the wall. He would think about another jutsu that he was wanting to learn, and in his mind he would practice it. It wasn't that hard of a jutsu and he figured that he could learn it in the ten or fifteen minutes he had to wait on Mako.

The body flicker jutsu he thought as he pulled his book out of his backpack and opened it to page 22 were it talked about the body flicker jutsu. It would tell him that the body flicker jutsu is a D rank jutsu. It allows the user to increase their speed by using chakra, and go into detail about how to push their body harder using their chakra.

After reading the page in the book about the body flicker jutsu. Cole would stand back up from wall and jump on to the roof of the building across the street. Figuring that he didn't want to hit anyone at the speed he would be going. Because if he did it would probably really hurt a normal villager. He quickly made they hand signs and focused his chakra into his legs and started to run he figured that he would run to they last building on the corner. It would take him about a second to get their at a speed of 140. stopping at the corner and turning around and looking. He thought that this jutsu would be very useful in combat and out of it. He would then make they hand signs and use the body flicker jutsu again but this time he would aim to get back on the street from the roof of the buildings. He managed to pull it off at the speed of 140, but almost ran right into ichiraku's building before he could get stopped.

He figured that he had the hang of it by now, and would lean back up on the corner putting his backpack at his feet. Waiting on Mako to arrive.

(WC-548 TWC-4764
3,000 to ice dome jutsu complete
1,000 to body flicker jutsu complete)
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 4 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Thu Aug 06, 2015 5:20 pm
Mako had decided that Cole was an excellent training partner, having mastered his own release he was the best partner i couldve had.  Mako walked up to his apartment slowly and still limping he had been pushing himself hard recently, but now he knew how to tap into his earth element putting him one step closer to mastering his own Ash Release.  He went into his room and grabbed his shirt and slipped it on.  He then turned around making his way toward the ramen shop.  He started focusing his chakra into his tanto. He needed to get flying swallow mastered soon as well, knowing it was just an advanced form of the infusion it would be simple enough.  He figured he was making some breakthroughs everytime he infused with his weapons.   He would continue doing so.  He held a kunai in his hand as he walked focusing chakra through it.  He made it to the ramen shop and held the infused kunai in his hand.  Attempting to push the chakra through the kunai and extend it.    He saw Cole waiting and the smell of the ramen made his stomach churn a bit.  He was starving.   He sat down at the booth and tried to hold the chakra in the kunai as he let go. 

He ordered a ramen with all the fixings and told Cole to order whatever he wanted.  Mako had no issues with paying,  however the reason he had no issue is because he was broke and was going to disappear after the talked and leave Cole with the check.  He liked Cole he really did but a ninja has to do what a ninja has to do.  He asked Cole about whether his ice was overly difficult to bring out and whether he had too much difficulty with it.  All in all the training session was a success.  After the two had had their fill Mako transformed a nearby branch into a Messenger pigeon.  As the pigeon came in he ulled the message off its legs and looked genuinely frightened.  He said "Sorry Cole have to go." and took off he didnt know how Cole would respond to being left with the bill.

369 wc  4617
4000/4000 Earth Element 500/500 Partial Earth Cane
Travin Uchiha
Travin Uchiha
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Missing-Nin (D-rank)
Stat Page : Travin Uchiha
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 28000

training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 4 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:36 pm
Cole stayed leaned up against the wall till he saw mako making his way to the ramen shop. Cole would give him a wave and walk in with him. It would seam as though mako was still training when they took their seat in the middle of the row of bar stools in front of the bar. Cole would tell Ichiraku that he would have the pork ramen with extra onions. It was his favorite and really he didn't have to tell him it was what he always got, but he didn't want mako to know that he eat here so much they remembered his order.

About half way through their meal cole would look over at mako and tell him. “you know you need to take a break from training here and their. Your body needs its rest between training sessions. If your work it non stop you wont get as much out of your training as you would if you was fresh” cole would tell mako before taking another bite of. Cole would tell mako that he would handle the bill. He knew that mako was still just a fresh genin and probably didn't have a hole lot of money, and cole remembered how that was.

After he had finished the meal he would say his goodbyes to mako and tell him that they should train again some time. He would then walk out of the ramen shop and head back to his house.

(WC-246 TWC-5010
claiming 25 stats, ice dome jutsu, body flicker jutsu)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 4 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:07 pm
Approved @ Cole <3
Makashi Nara
Makashi Nara
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training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 4 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:00 am
Mako sat and pondered still fidgeting with his blade infusing it with chakra.  After Cole said those words, he didnt have time to train fresh,  he knew he could accomplish more, and be better,  after Cole had left he knew he had more to do.  Mako launched the blade into the side of a tree nearby hoping the infusion had stuck.  It didnt,  but he didnt have much more to go though.  He wandered through town, who did that brat think he was.  One day he knew after he had mastered all of the abilities he had been practicing he would come back and challenge cole to a fight.  One in which instead of hopelessly fighting against hop, he would actually put up a fight.  Maybe after he became a chuunin on the next mission.  He would end up mastering Flying swallow, and summoning his families Monkey Sages, he would master sage mode or at least learn how to harvest nature chakra.  

He walked over to the tree and pulled out the tanto once again infusing it with chakra.  and tossing it in the air, he watched it dissipate,  he would continue trying all the way home.  Once he even noticed the chakra staying on it only for a moment.  He was tired however and with his belly full he walked up the steps to find his house welcoming and inviting.  A rematch would be in the future he knew this for certain.  He went in and rested.  WHo knew what the following days would bring but in Konoha he knew that may exciting battles awaited him.  He sat in his house and pulled a cigarette out he hadnt had one all day he put it in his mouth and lit it.  Smiled and lit his and infused his tanto for the last time with chakra and drifted off thinking of the battle he had endured and gauging his fighting prowess against Coles and the Earth element he had just learned how to tap into, he thought of all the ways he couldve have beaten the Ice user with.  He kept smoking for half the night throwing the tanto into the wall and retrieving it.  Infusing it again and throwing it.   It would be a long hard fight but he would surpass Cole if it was the last thing he did.

391 words total 5008 total
claiming 25 stats
earth element
Partial earth cane
960/3000 Flying Swallow (from previous training)
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi) - Page 4 Empty Re: training some new jutsu (p, Mako Sarotobi)

Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:15 am
Approved <3
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