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Saya Demona Kaguya
Saya Demona Kaguya
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Mon Nov 23, 2015 12:28 am
Saya arched an eyebrow as he spoke. What piqued her interest was his name, Chronos. For some reason his name made him even cuter. A wanderer outside the village protecting it would definitely be a fitting job for him due to his height and build, but Saya questioned how he could protect without killing? That is something she needed to learn! 
"I'm Saya Kaguya, I am originally from Kumogakure. I was born in Kirigakure but I was given to a family member here in Kumogakure. I am 18. I left when this village was attacked by the current kage. And I met up with my nephew and niece. That is my story." She said trying to fully explain herself. She may be a missing ninja but she is not one to kill, steal or kidnap! Well, she wouldn't do it herself, but if her niece or nephew needed her help, why not? 
"I also think you should know I find you quite attractive!" She added in as their drinks arrived.
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:41 am
"It seems that you've had a pretty interesting life, sadly I can't say that the portion of life I have lived through has been as interesting, also do you have any idea why the Raikage blew up your village? That seems strange, I've never met this Raikage so, I don't know if it was for war or? Sorry if I'm pressing about the issue, but I'm curious to learn about the man that leads our village." Chronos said looking with intense eyes.

They were immediately broken when he heard Saya say she found him attractive, "O-oh, um, this is the first time anything like that has been said to me. I honestly don't even know how to react, but it would be a lie if I said I didn't feel the same way towards you." Chronos said looking slightly away from Saya in an embarrassed manner.
Saya Demona Kaguya
Saya Demona Kaguya
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:09 am
She listened as he said he hadn't even met this Raikage, which means he was secretive most definitely. She smiled a very flirtatious smile at Chronos as he said he thought she was attractive as well. The booth they were sitting in was circular so she slid very easily around to where he was as she leaned against him and took his hand in hers! He was very warm! This time she took her other hand and touched his chin with her long thing fingers and motioned to turn his head towards her and moved her head close to his as she spoke to him.
"Want me to show you something?" She asked with a flirtatious giggle. A small sparkle in her eye as she stared at the cute attractive man before her.
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:34 am
Chronos was nervous when he noticed Saya getting closed to him, "Saya, wh-" Chronos was interrupted by Saya's gesture. Now that she had his hand he could feel the blood rush through him, he felt heat being emitted from his body which usually only happens to people when embarrassed, maybe he was embarrassed and just didn't know it. When Saya asked him if he wanted to see something Chronos' pure mind did not roam, as he knew not of sexual fallacies. The first thing Chronos thought Saya would show him was a ninja scroll or something ninja-related, but still the possibilities were endless.

"Yeah, what do you have?" Chronos said trying to stay calm, he had not been so close to another ninja unless it was in battle and really he was only really ever battling Kozan, Sync, or Ashur. "Hm, this is a peculiar situation." Chronos thought in his mind.
Saya Demona Kaguya
Saya Demona Kaguya
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 1:47 am
She could tell he was nervous, this made it even more fun considering she could tell she was the first female to ever get this close to him, well, not in battle anyways. She leaned forward and very gently kissed his lips! It may have been his first kiss and she knew it would catch him off guard, but hey, there's a first time for everything and this gentleman definitely deserved it, he was a fantastic guy and she was sure he was a hell of a ninja, but even those very distinct brave fighters who protect the village need some attention to! As she pulled away she stared up at him for a second hoping he was okay! 
"Well? Did you like it?" She asked a slight blush coming over her cheeks.
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:14 am
Chronos sat there as if he was paralyzed, had he just looked Medusa in the eyes? Had she turned him to stone? It was more of an infatuated trance that seemed impossible to break until he heard the voice of Saya. "What just happened." Chronos said in his mind trying to analyze what this meant, although it was only a kiss, it was Chronos' first kiss. Something he could never get back, but he was not sure he wanted to give it back, what else could be better than the situation he had received his first kiss than what had just happened. His mind felt as if it were working on overload, it knew not how to deal with romantic things such as this, but he knew he had to push out a response. 

"Yes, that caught me off guard and I guess I like surprises." Chronos said trying to sound smooth, but failing at it due to the lack of time he had to actually come up with a half decent response.
Saya Demona Kaguya
Saya Demona Kaguya
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:07 am
The waitress came and took their order and smile as she walked away. Saya interlocked her fingers with his. "You know, you deserve some affection, we all do sometimes. It feels good, right?" She asked before leaning up to kiss him one more time! She wondered if this one would catch him off guard, or if he would attempt to kiss her back this time. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable, she just really liked him/
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:13 am
Chronos realizing this is what was a normal thing to do as the waitress left, he seen Saya go in for another kiss right after asking him a question he didn't know the answer too. What would he do in this situation? Would he kiss her back or make her take the trip to his lips by herself? Chronos thought it wasn't manly if he picked the second option so he decided to go with the first one to ensure success on what seems to be a "date". As he leaned in he puckered his lips to where they were matching hers, not too much and not too little and soon their lips touched once more. The warmth and vibrance invigorated Chronos making him perk up a smile. "Yeah, it does fell good to show affection." Chronos said donning a smile.
Saya Demona Kaguya
Saya Demona Kaguya
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:26 pm
Since they were alone in the corner booth and technically there were only two other people in the restaurant, she decided it would be okay to be a little more affectionate she wrapped one of her thin yet muscular arms around him and then the other one as she leaned against him and stared up at him. He was rather taller than her! From they way he felt he was muscular under his clothes and she lightly let her fingers trail along his back over his shirt.
"You must do a lot of training to have so much muscle, maybe we can train together sometime? I mainly use my bones for weapons, I am a Kaguya." She said with a small chuckle.
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Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk) - Page 2 Empty Re: Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder (p/chronos/nk)

Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:41 pm
"Yeah that is true, I guess you can call it my life. I don't know when it started happening, but ever since I've been going to the training grounds everyday, with today as an exclusion. Chronos said booping Saya on the nose with his finger then giving her a smile. Chronos did not know why he had just done that because he had never seen it done before, but he just felt as though it was right. "We can train if you'd like, it's always fun with other people around."

Chronos began to yawn, not out of boredom, but from fatigue. This was his first time taking a break and it is all hitting him at once, how could handle such things? It seemed as though his body was being mushed by gravity, "Man, I can't wait for our food." Chronos said feeling as though he needed to eat.
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