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You take my breath away [P] Empty You take my breath away [P]

Sun Jan 10, 2016 7:15 pm
With Samehada back inside some bandaging and Haru placed upon a bed, most things were well. Xyxer had decided to fuck with him some more by wrapping some bandaging around his eye that had Mangekyo Sharingan. Of course, he had not touched the eye since he did not care too much for the betrayal. The test was what he wanted, and he was somewhat startled by the outcome. In all honesty, he did not expect to be hit by any of his moves, yet he had landed a fair share. A worrying thing for himself, but a good sign for Haru. His apartment was plain, not too many luxuries despite his position. The mentality of old Kirigakure was brought into Xyxer's life as he believed luxury made a man grow comfortable, a quality that defeated the greatest of conquerors. It made men lazy, no longer wishing to hone their skill. Haru, situated upon the guest bed of his apartment, was still unconscious with Xyxer wandering to and from the room. He was watching both the man who may wish to kill him, and the girl he had taken from the chaos in the other's house. He wondered how badly the death of the grandparents had hit Haru, he knew it was for the best since the male was stronger now. For his village, and for Xyxer if the trust held through. Haru's sister, Aryll, meanwhile was being entertained by a rather dirty child with a few loose nails and few teeth. Inside one of the rooms, a sparring room, they casually punched at one another and chuckled, although it seemed forced by Monarch. I wonder why.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:06 pm
Haru's eyes slowly slid open as he looked around slowly. He was alive? How? Why was his vision so blurry? He tried to lift his arm and found that there was extreme pain. His body cried out in protest as he slowly moved his aching arm to his face, feeling something made of cloth over his eye. Cloth... Bandages. Had Xyxer taken his eye? Blinking slowly, he couldn't tell if his Sharingan was there or not. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a person he had no wish to see: Xyxer himself, his back turned, watching something through the doorway. 

Son of a bitch!

Haru struggled to sit up, to no avail, his body demanding he remain motionless. What had Xyxer done to him? He had nearly drowned before, but this was an insane level of exhaustion. Letting out a shaky breath, he heard the sound of blows being exchanged, followed by faint laughter from beyond Xyxer, and instantly recognized the owner of the voice. Were they hurting Aryll? Was he brainwashing her?

"A-Aryll!" He shouted without thinking, lifting himself up slightly and turning, his left arm hanging limply over his body as his right shakily held him up. With effort, he lunged from the bed at Xyxer clumsily, aiming a tackle at the man's waist "Traitor! Murderer!" He shouted madly as he tried to wrestle the Mizukage to the ground, not really planning ahead all that much. In his weakened, injured state, he'd likely serve no challenge for Xyxer
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:18 pm
Xyxer had hoped that the male had developed some sort of short term dementia due to the water, but alas that was not to be. The bed creaked behind him, with Haru shouting for the girl. She turned her head inquisitively towards the door, and then towards the Mizukage. He simply smiled, speaking to sooth her, "Silly brothers, huh?" With that, he ducked back into the room and closed the door, turning just in time to see the male lunging towards his midsection. Bracing himself since he knew from his movements that he was fatigued, he remained still and allowed the male to throw his weight into his body, pausing for a few seconds before he slung his hands around the male's shoulders and lifted him up into a standing position.

"You shouldn't try to fight in front of Aryll, Haru. That's just plain inconsiderate. Violence can shape such a volatile mind, you know." His lips curled up into a grin slowly, patting him on the shoulder if he wasn't headbutted. "You passed the final test, Haru. You were able to land a hit on me, I can now consider you a proficient attacker, and worthy of being a captain of my ANBU."
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:42 pm
As Xyxer turned in the doorway, speaking to Aryll, Haru felt it odd to hear a friendly tone on the man's voice. That was unlike the Xyxer he knew. He was likely trying to manipulate her. As the man turned, he caught a glimpse of her, staring at him, confused. Then, the door shut, and his view was cut off. Haru felt the rage bubbling inside him as Xyxer spoke, calling him inconsiderate for fighting in front of his sister, who was also a shinobi. Clearly playing with him, Xyxer countered the grab with a... A hug? He felt a pat on his shoulder and instinctively reached his left hand towards the Mizukage's throat, gripping as tightly as he could, which wasn't all that tight, his face twisted in anger. 

"I'm inconsiderate?" He shouted in outrage, swinging his free hand towards Xyxer's head. "You murdered my family and kidnapped my sister! You tried to kill me!" He continued, swinging once more for Xyxer's face, trying desperately to summon up his old strength, to no avail. "You traitorous, thieving, filthy, murdering piece of shit!" He finished, striking at Xy again. "I'll tear you to pieces!" He screamed, a look of both determined anger, and fear in his eyes. Anger because of the atrocities this man had committed against him, and fear for what had been done to Aryll and what will be done if he couldn't save her.
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:48 pm
A light frown with dashings of contempt filled the features of Xyxer, simply pushing the hand away from his throat. The male started to shout faintly, throwing a few punches to compliment his style of talking. Moving his hands around to each of the punches in turn, he'd slap his wrists with the back of his own, twisting his hand towards the limb each time in order to push it away with his palm to ensure minimal damage to both parties before any of them connected. "My hands are clean, Haru. I did not murder your grandparents." He was technically right, the best kind of right, "If I did, why would I spare your sister and grant her a temporary place of residence? I also stole nothing from you, and I bathe regularly due to my nature. I'm starting to find these comments very offensive, Haru, and would appreciate it if you kept your voice down." He cared a lot for his sister, so he smiled a little to alleviate his frown, "We wouldn't want Aryll to get upset now, would we?"
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:22 pm
Haru felt his rage change to confused frustration as Xyxer spoke, reaching up and ripping the bandages from his face to see if the man was telling the truth. He... He blinked once, glancing over at his reflection in a mirror, to find that his left eye was indeed coal black, the color of his sharingan. He activated it for a moment to make sure it was truly his, and was satisfied to find that it still worked. He dared not open his other eye, as it was likely Xyxer did not yet know about that one.

Shaking his head in disbelief, he stepped shakily away from Xyxer, his arms at his sides.
"I... I don't understand." He muttered, his his breathing erratic as he attempted to process all of this information. "If you didn't kill them, who did?" He asked Xyxer accusingly, holding his hand out for emphasis. "And why did you attack me when you told me?" He added, the bomb of information starting to make him woozy again.

Blinking hard, he looked up. This had been yet another test. Hopefully it was truly the final test, but that remained to be seen. One more test, and he might consider retiring from his position as ANBU. He was tired of having those close to him pitted against him. "Why didn't you take the eye? Why did you bother taking in Aryll? I'm sick of being toyed with, Xyxer. I want to know everything." He said sternly, leaning forward slowly in the bed.
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 6:39 am
Haru was a beacon of hatred, and he needed an outpost to direct all of his anger.. now, usually, such anger inside of a person would make them a very volatile shinobi, but if he could refocus this anger.. give this male an outpost of someone he could hate. They could unite in hatred together, and Xyxer's vengeance could sail across the sea to drown fires. "I attacked you as I needed to see how you act under intense pressure.. the loss of a loved one.. is very traumatic." He paused for a few seconds before continuing, "I wished to see if you could still hold your own when under such anger. You did well, you hit me a few times more than I expected, but your anger ended up being the cause of you being overwhelmed."

Pausing once more, he walked towards the chair that was situated next to the bed of Haru, sounds of fighting outside of the room once more. Twisting the chair like a cool principal would do, he sat and leaned on the back of the chair with his torso. "You see, Haru. I have reason to suspect there were.. some unwelcome shinobi in our village, despite all of our precautions." His mind ran back, remembering the figures before he was untimely death, "Witnesses said there was a duo.. black hair and sunglasses.. as well as a male with greyish silver hair. I have reason to believe.. they're from Funkagakure." The village had came to being around the time they visited Tengakure, so of course, it was a logical conclusion. The next part was difficult for him to say, primarily because he felt nothing that he said, "I know how much your family means to you, Haru, and so I wished to remove her from the corpses. It's a bad thing to be around, really. She's probably permanently scarred because of the actions of those two disgusting shinobi. I'm surprised she's not erupted into tears, even around her Mizukage."
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:31 am
Haru’s frustration began to peak as Xyxer explained that he needed to see how Haru worked under pressure. Pressure was a situation where lives were on the line, no already lost, but he did not want another test in any way whatsoever, so he remained silent. He felt his anger quelled only slightly as Xyxer expressed satisfaction with the results, as it likely meant the man had finished “Preparing” Haru.

As Xyxer sat down like a cool principal would, he explained that there had been a pair of Shinobi who had infiltrated Kirigakure, somehow.
”Wait, if they infiltrated the village, why would they stop to attack my family? Both of them are retired ninja. And how did they got past the storm wall?” Haru asked, a little surprised. Very few could penetrate their village’s defenses alone.As Xyxer described the appearance of the Shinobi, as well as their home village, Haru felt a small amount of familiarity from reading through the ANBU records. ”Are they related to the two that attacked Tengakure?” He would ask, remembering the invasion of his village early on in his ninja career, as well as the reports of their “Infiltration”

Shifting back to the conversation of Aryll for a moment, Haru sighed.
”What was done with their bodies?” He asked, glancing over at the door. ”Will they be able to be given a proper burial?” He asked
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 9:57 am
The male had a lot of questions, and they would prove to be quite difficult to give a competent answer, at least with such a small frame of time. This was his chance to utilise Tengakure efficiently. In fact, Xyxer almost felt as if he should feel something, he had ordered the execution of this man's grandparents, and wove lies in front of his face, just so he could have the final laugh. A smile remained on his face, somewhat gentle yet showing concern; he'd got quite good with faking emotions by now. "We have reason to believe they suppressed their chakra and hid on a ship coming here. Most likely a merchant one." Confidence was the key when being deceitful, if a man didn't believe in his own lie, why would the other person? "It appears, to me, that they had scouted you out for some time. They are not men, Haru, they are monsters, and they need to be put down." He added for some flavour, continuing on about his own deeds, "They must have thought you'd be there, and since you weren't.. they left a message. As to why they didn't attack anyone else.. well, they must be coaxing us to go to them." The smile remained faintly, albeit it being a weird situation to smile considering he was talking about Haru's dead grandparents. Perhaps an absence of empathy was not always a clear advantage.

When asked if they were the ones related to the Tengakure accident, he nodded his head a little, "We can avenge your grandparents together, Haru. I trust you enough to put my life in your hands." Seeing that he was no longer going to be murked, he pushed himself from the chair and walked towards the door, turning his head around to look at him for a few seconds, "They're being prepared in the funeral home. I would not deny family of a friend of mine a proper burial." He'd pull the door open slowly, allowing for Haru to walk out if he had the strength, and perhaps interact with Aryll in the sparring room.
Haru Hyuuga
Haru Hyuuga
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You take my breath away [P] Empty Re: You take my breath away [P]

Mon Jan 11, 2016 11:38 pm
Haru raised an eyebrow at the Mizukage's statement.
"They infiltrated the village? How did two S-Ranked missing ninja manage to stow away unnoticed?" He replied skeptically. "And why target me? I haven't done anything major since we left Kirigakure." He inquired, not yet buying the Mizukage's explanation. There had to be more that he wasn't telling him.

"Are they connected with the two who attacked Tengakure before?" Haru asked suddenly. He remembered reading through the files and actually watching the attempted attack on Tengakure when he was a genin. That sure matched the description of the man who was there. "Why come all the way to Kirigakure just to kill me, though? I'm nothing but a soldier." He asked once more, as he heard Xyxer's offer to avenge his dead family. He stared at the man, about to deny help, after all, Xyxer had attacked him when he was at his most vulnerable. After a moment of silence, Haru nodded slowly. He needed Xyxer. Haru had fought with S-Ranked missing ninja before, and it was not easy. He wouldn't be able to fight two alone.

"...Xyxer, I'm putting my trust in you. Do not let it go to waste." He warned, holding out a hand to shake. "I've never been anything but loyal to your cause. I destroyed my home and left for this place on your orders. All I ask.." He offered, shaking hands if Xyxer took his. "...Is that you trust me as much as I trust you." Hefinished, waiting for Xyxer's response.

Depending on what Xyxer said, he would look past the man, to the now-opened door, and see his sister, mercifully unharmed, currently kicking the other boy's ass. Haru would slowly step out of the room, silently thanking Xyxer as he stepped through it. Aryll took notice almost immediately, and ran towards Haru, jumping into his arms. Haru embraced the last of his family, resenting that it came to this. Looking over his shoulder, back to Xyxer, he would ask simply.
"She'll be released to my custody, correct? She needs to be with family." He explained to Xyxer.
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