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Calin Pendragon
Calin Pendragon
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:48 am
Ashuron awoke the next morning with his back to a wall, and a knife up his sleeve, as was accustomed to most refugees. Today was the day he would take the genin examination and hopefully become a shinobi. He would have to keep that down, especially around the refugees. Shinobi destroyed their home after all, so it wasn't a surprise that they hated them with a passion. But he needed to get out of this kind of life, he couldn't grow old and die this way, having to sleep with his back to a wall with a hidden blade on him. It was still dark out, the sun not yet having crested the horizon. His dark eyes swept the area, taking in his surroundings with perfect clarity. He could see perfectly in the dim light, he knew that was odd as he'd seen other people stumble around in near darkness while he could move through it with no issues. He kept that quiet though, he was an orphan now in reality, no family, not even a family name to fall back on. He had to keep every advantage he had close to the chest. He sat there for a few more minutes before deciding he was awake enough and stood up, stretching silently as he did so. He then proceeded to move quietly away from the wall, stepping quickly and quietly as to not alert anyone that might try to mug him in these early hours. It wasn't always safe on the outskirts, but it was the only place he could sleep. He used his decade and a half of pranking people to it's fullest allowing him to move through the streets as quiet and quickly as mouse. He reached an inner wall within the city and got inside where it would be a bit safer. The Shinobi academy that he would be taking his exam in was deeper in the city and so he would be moving toward it soon. First however he needed to procure food.

He had managed to save up enough for a decent breakfast on this morning. He was hoping that after the exam if he passed then he could go do some missions immediately. That would give him some more money to use for food, and maybe for a place to stay. A dry mat on the floor, a roof, and a blanket was all he really wanted at night after all. He purchased breakfast in the form of Mochi, the sweet rice ball was hardly a breakfast food, but it was actually all he could end up affording. He found himself at the shinobi academy just as the sun was rising, his exam was due to take place in a few minutes so he hurried inside to the class room.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:09 am
Akihana loved the time she spent at the academy, taking a personal interest in the growth of young ninja and taking any opportunities to teach them first hand. The ninja of Hoshigakure existed in a state of caution, always afraid to show themselves for who they were in public but in the halls of the academy Den had built with his Makuton, they could be themselves. The civilians that had flocked to the academy gates to protest its existence had long since dwindled to the odd priest now and then, mostly confused and often escorted by Shina under guise of an acolyte or Lucian Nazar who provided such services out of the goodness of his heart.

Unfortunately, Akihana didn't get to spend as much time at the academy as she normally would have liked to given the Queen's ailing health and.. other circumstances. But today was a rare day. Waking up at the break of dawn, the blonde had silently kissed both her sons' foreheads, leaving them asleep to slip out the palace gates in a dark cloak that disguised her simple dark purple dress, the image of a servant making her way to the morning market complete with the small wicker basket in her hands.

When she arrived at the academy though, the kunoichi shed her cloak at the main door, greeting Shina who must have had the night watch. A large thermos of Coffee emerged from Akhana's basket as she greeted the jounin. "For everyone who got the late shift," she offered, giving the young woman the coffee along with a jar of freshly baked cookies. Shina nodded, taking the offered treats and retreating into the shadows once more to continue her duty.

Akihana made her way to the examination room, looking over the register to see who was going to try for genin today. There were only a few names but that didn't disappoint her. In fact she was glad to see that even amidst all the superstition and segregation, people of the city still wanted to be ninja.

With a cheerful smile on her face, she called out. "Come in," looking down at her register. "Ahuron-san."
Calin Pendragon
Calin Pendragon
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:22 am
He came into the door and stopped short at the woman that stood before him. It was her! The woman whose picture he used the other day to train his transformation. He couldn't believe what a small world it had been. He blushed profusely at her appearance, she really was a beautiful as he had though she'd be in person, more so in fact. He shook his head quickly to get his head in the game, and hoped she would only assume it was a bout of nerves before the exam. He had this thing down, that was certain. Now he'd simply just need to not make a fool of himself in front of her. He moved into the classroom and gave her a bow "My name is Ashuron Ma'am. No family name." He said, confirming who he was to her as he stood before her. He fought the blush that was evident on his face, he couldn't let this effect his performance in the exam. He was twenty two for shinigamis sake. He took a deep breath and stood straight and tall confident that he could get through this with enough time to earn some money for find a place to sleep tonight, even if the beautiful blonde before him haunted the dreams that would come. He looked down into her eyes with confidence that this test was in the bag. "I'm ready for my exam Miss?.." He asked, leaving the question open for her to answer. 

He knew one thing was for certain. He desperately wanted to see this woman again. He would have to or he'd never forgive himself. He took a deep breath and relaxed a bit, he was acting like a fourteen year old at the moment "Great first impression moron.." He thought to himself as he closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and letting out a breath toward his hair, blowing his bangs around as he began to take in his surroundings. The classroom looked exactly as you'd expect, thirty desks were arranged in the room looking down toward the board where the blonde woman who would be administering his exam was standing. A clock sat above the door showing the time, the lights were off at the moment, which was odd considering it was still fairly dark outside. He raised an eyebrow at this and looked toward the blonde "Are the light being off part of the exam? I can see just fine, but I do find it a little odd.." He said simply before remembering he needed to zip it. Antagonizing the proctor wouldn't be good after all.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:44 am
As the candidate walked in, Akihana raised a golden eyebrow. She had expected a child or teen but this man looked to be about her own age and certainly cut a taller figure than she did. Still, she found her face relaxing into the familiar smile because his nervousness at the exam was the same as any child's would be. And it was her job to make potential new ninja feel at ease.

"Hello Ahsuron-san, I'm Akihana. no family name as well," she tried, attempting to make the young man at ease. Had she been this nervous at her own genin exam, Akihana couldn't remember. It felt like a lifetime ago, perhaps it had been.

"Oh, I'm sorry," she apologized when he mentioned the lights. I usually see fine in the dark too so I always forget to turn them on. "In lieu of an apology, the kunoichi extended her right palm outwards, making a golden orb appear on her fingertips, bathing the classroom in a soft golden glow. The blinding ball of hikariton that had once served as Arata's nightlight wasn't called for very often but it still remained one of Akihana's favorite techniques to use. It also beat getting up and switching on the lights.

"Alright, so please perform two of the basic academy jutsu that you should have learned, and please give me a tactical use for each during either combat or surveillance."
Calin Pendragon
Calin Pendragon
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:00 am
He stared at the glowing ball of light in interest, literally looking directly into it. it bathed the classroom in a soft golden glow and it certainly interested him that she had no family name either "Another refugee of some kind?..." He thought as he heard what was required of him in this test. Two of the basic academy techniques that he had learned, and a tactical use for each? That was simple enough. He stretched out, still loosening up a little bit for the day before quickly performing a replacement with a desk. "Replacement..." He stated simply. "Use in combat would be to definitely save someones skin, but it could also be used to catch someone off guard at a moments notice and go in for a debilitating strike." He stated simply as he replaced himself with the desk once more, it landing exactly where it had been. He landed before her again, smiling at her slightly in the process. "The next one I'd prefer to do is the transformation." He said simply as he performed the required hand seals and transformed into her mirror image. "My we are having a lovely hair day aren't we?" He said as he a joke. "The use of this technique could be used to catch someone off guard in combat a well placed illusion can end a battle before it begins. But it's mostly used for information gathering. Transform into some B level worker in an area and listen in and you can get information quickly and efficiently." He explained before dropping the illusion. The cloud of smoke dispersed the illusion and he was back to his normal self.

He had briefly toyed with the idea of doing a transformation out of the transformation to prank her, but decided that pranking his exam administrator would be a bad idea. So he settled for standing before her for her evaluation. His eyes were drawn to the glowing orb above her hand and stared directly into it once more. "You know that's pretty interesting, any way I could learn that?" He said with a grin, a well placed light could do wonders for pranks at night time if one was creative enough, especially when mirrors got involved. He proceeded to zip his lip after that particular comment however and awaited her words on his test.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:37 am
Akihana looked on thoughtfully as her performed the two jutsu, the second one making her smile. Up until then, the kunoichi had no idea if she was having a good hair day or not, such frivolities left behind in the past. In truth, the boy was simply being kind, or currying favor. Her thin lanky frame in the ankle length dark purple dress and the simply braid she usually styled her golden locks in hung just as it always had. Still, the though made her smile.

"Very well, you know the jutsu, but let's talk more about application," she said approvingly once he was done. "Tell me, how do you defend a village who thinks of you as the opposition? As I'm sure you know, civilian shinobi relations are not the best in our city. So how would you carry out our missions - which are all aimed at helping our people - while facing animosity from more than a few of them?"

It was this question most genin didn't answer properly. Anyone could learn a few jutsu but becoming a ninja of Hoshi warranted a commitment to not only an often thankless job but one viewed in contempt by many fo the religious factions in Hishi. It was why Akihana did things like bring coffee, hand out cookies and made sure that their active ninja were reminded of the good they were doing. Because the small kindnesses they showed to each other were just abotu the only kindnesses ninja in this city would see.

All the while she was speaking, the medic couldn't help but notice his gaze drawn to the orb of light. When she question finally came out, he shook her head. "I'm not sure. It utilizes the element of Light. You my learn it if you have Light release, an advance element but it's more of a... family trait." She felt bad turning him down just as she had when Arashi had expressed the wish to learn her Hikariton techniques but there was no help for it. "Unless you can somehow mold chakra into light, I haven't really seen any Hikariton users since.... Since forever," she finished, not wanting to go into her history with this poor candidate.
Calin Pendragon
Calin Pendragon
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:57 am
He listened to her question, and thought it over as she discussed the light release as well. His answer to her question came easily, but he wanted to make sure it was conveyed in the correct terms. He was a bit disappointed that he wouldn't be able to learn the light techniques, but his eyes were uncharacteristically drawn to it. Like it a was a beacon in her hand that somehow drew his attention. He wondered if it could get brighter. That however was a thought for another time. He turned toward her to look her in the eye, his own brimming with confidence the likes of which he hadn't felt in years. He was a refugee, he might be treated like trash on most days because of this but Hoshi was his home now. He wouldn't let what happened to Iwa happen here, not if he could help it. He tried to find the words to convey this, but they just wouldn't come to mind, his mind absently turned out toward the sun, now bright and shining. He tended to turn toward it a lot when he thought. He stare dead at the giant burning orb in the air, barely able to be seen under the edge of the window before turning back. 

"With all due respect ma'am.." He began "I'm now an orphan from Iwagakure, I was there when those monsters attacked, and no they were not shinobi..Those things could only be monsters to do something like that.." He continued, taking a deep breath before letting it all out "How do you defend a village who thinks of you as the opposition you ask? That shouldn't matter as long as you love it. Why wouldn't one defend a village when it's their home? When if something happens they have no where else. The people here are all we have too. Sure, they can ignorant, can't we all? There's no doubt in my mind that eventually that animosity will fade and eventually disappear forever. But the reason I would defend this village and it's people is because it's my home too, and I would do anything to protect it and it's ideals." He replied passionately. He realized what he'd done a moment too late and blushed while looking back toward the sun. "Sorry ma'am.." He muttered, he hadn't intended to go on a rant about such things, most people thought were silly. She probably thought he was a damn fool, but he couldn't blame her. He stood there, awaiting her judgment of his exam, while staring out toward the only thing that gave him any comfort anymore.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 11:40 am
Akihana hadn't really heard that many answers to this particular question, a shame really because the blonde legitimately believed it was the question every shinobi should answer before taking on the responsibility that came with protecting a village, protecting people you didn't know and often people who didn't want your protection. Had she been asked such a question in her exam, she doubted she would have been a ninja. But Akihana had been the product of her rigid upbringing, there was no room for personal choice in her childhood, simply her duty to her clan.

She couldn't help but notice how distracted he seemed at first by the glowing orb. Was it bothering him, should she lower the intensity? His eyes remained remarkably unblinking as he stared straight into it, a feat that was impressive even if the orb wasn't at it's brightest. His answer though, made the kunoichi forget all about that is it filled her with reassuring warmth. Many would have counted his response as idealistic but that just meant he was like her, one of the dreamers.

"There are no monsters, Ashuron-san, at least I truly believe that. just men and women who make wrong decisions and who are misunderstood. That being said, I'm very proud of your answer. We may all come from different places but Hoshigakure is the one thing we have in common, the one thing we must protect at all cost."

With a grin, she reached for one of the fresh headbands that lay on her table, getting up to extend her free hand towards him, giving him the status he deserved. "Congratulations, you are now a genin of Hoshigakre. Whatever you require, clothing, food, lodging, all will be given to you when you show your headband. And may you make our city proud."
Calin Pendragon
Calin Pendragon
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Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:10 pm
His eyes widened considerably at her words, especially at the words of clothing, food, and lodging as long as he showed his headband. He couldn't believe it, he wouldn't have to be on the streets anymore. He looked up at her and smiled brightly as he reached for the headband, and for her other to shake it. His feelings of elation obvious in his eyes. When he grasped the headband his chakra reacted to his emotions and the headband glowed in the same soothing glow of her orb. He simply thought it was her technique channeling into it. He hadn't exactly touched her after all, he shrugged it off and took the headband. He then proceeded to tie to his arm with his free hand and teeth. He smiled at her again and bowed his head to her in grateful thanks. "Thank you Akihana-Sama" He simply as he barely choked back his own tears of happiness. He would be able to forge a life here after all, one that didn't involve him sleeping against walls in within the confines of his own home. 

After a few moments he realized he probably held her hand in the shake for a bit longer than he intended. He let go of it in a hurry, hoping he didn't creep her out. He hoped he would work with her again. Maybe even train with her if he could, but that seemed like wishful thinking in his eyes. He would certainly avoid pranking her though. That was worth something right?...Right? He looked back to meet her eyes and smiled again, he simply didn't know what to say. This amazingly beautiful woman just gave him a life and he didn't even think she realized it. He didn't know how to describe the feeling. But he would confidently say that he would do anything if this Akihana requested it.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

Ashuron's Genin Examination Empty Re: Ashuron's Genin Examination

Wed Mar 23, 2016 12:33 pm
"You're very welcome," the blonde replied warmly as he took the headband from ehr. This was probably her favorite moment of the genin exams, watching someone succeed at soemthing after trying hard for it. The smile on erh face froze however whe she saw what happened next. It hadn't been her imagination, she had definitely felt the young man's chakra spike, making extra light reflect on the metal sheen with the stars, her trained golden eyes took in the soft glow of the headband that lasted perhaps two seconds.

But it had been there.

Was Ashuron a Light user?

If he held her slim hand in his for longer than necessary, Akihana didn't notice, her mind too focused on teh fact that this young man may possess the same bloodline as hers. Akihana had never come across anyone who wielded Hikariton, not since she had been a girl of sixteen and on the run from Konoha. The idea that there was someone else like her was both dizzying and full of hope. He had said he was a refuge, that explained why he hadn't recognized her upon sight. But had he been somewhere else before Iwa? The questions whirled through her head as she shook his hand and when he finally let go, Akihana wasn't sure which one to ask first.

"Ashuron-san," she began tentatively only for a resouncing knock on the classroom door to interrupt her midspeech. Breaking eye contact with him, the blonde immedeately answered "come in," allowing Ser Boros entrance into the room. The grim knight in his silver armour and white cloak took to one knee in greeting, a form of address that still embarrassed Akihana after a year.

"Princess, the Queen requests your urgent presence. I've been sent to escort you back to the palace. Someone else will take over here," Ser Boros speaks clearly, and worry replaces Akihana's earlier curiosity. The Queen always took priority in everything she did.

"Very well, please give me a minute to find my cape, unless you'd like to me flicker over there." The knight's silence was all the notion she needed. "Ashuron-san please follow me." If the boy did, she would lead him down the hall and towards the main entrance where her cloak hung. "If you ever need help, or have any questions, please come to the palace. Ask for Akihana," she spoke softly though not hurriedly, hoping he would understand the gravity of the situation and why she had to leave in such a hurry. "Good luck," she added with a last smile before following the Queensguard out the door.

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