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Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
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Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination Empty Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination

Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:23 am
Elizira stepped into the class room of the academy, intent to take her genin exam today and allow her to learn more advanced techniques. She would step into the class room, moon light from the evening class streaming in from the window. She knew it was odd taking a school class at night, but there were a surprising amount of teachers willing to help students in regards to being available. It was quite refreshing for her. That didn't mean she wouldn't cause them to disappear to drink their blood if she had the option of course. But it was still nice.
Rin Togakawa
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Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination Empty Re: Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination

Mon Mar 13, 2017 8:41 am
Ren strode into the classroom, a confident spring in his step. Tonight was looking up, current staffing issues not withstanding the accademy as a whole was running soothly, although one of the sealing scrolls used to teach the students sealing techniques had gone missing. Ren had told the instructors to look into it, more likely than not it had simply been misplaced, but if it was stolen then the perpetrator would have to be brought to justice. Entering the classroom Ren found ten students ready to take the exam, who knows maybe they'd surprise him and pass all the tests, but Ren doubted that; there was always at least one person who came unprepared. "All right, most of you know me already, but for those of you introverts who don't my name is Ren Tsubasa, I'm the head of the accademy and the one who's responsible if you die out in the field. So with that in mind, show me what makes you think your worthy to graduate from this accademy, we'll start with the Clone technique" Ren said, leaning against the wall in the center of the classroom as he watched the students begin the exam.

[Note: You'll need a minimum of 800 words to rank up, also to make things easier on us mods please link your stat page in your signature.]
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
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Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination Empty Re: Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination

Mon Mar 13, 2017 10:06 am
Elizira had only been waiting with the rest of the students for a few minutes before Ren Tsubasa walked into the room with a confident spring in his step. Elizira watched them carefully before he spoke and a male’s voice emerged. This surprised her for a moment as she was almost positive the person standing before her was female. He shook his head at the minor mistake before listening to the instructions. They were to start with the clone technique eh? She wondered if she could skip the waiting period after performing the clone technique and get the transformation part out of the way as well. She briefly considered it before deciding to go ahead and do so. She stood up straight, with nothing else on her person except the clothes on her back. She left the sealing scroll she’d borrowed from the school at home, why bring it back to the place they might be looking for it after all? That simply wouldn’t make any sense. As she stood she stretched out, it was still early for her, she came dark and ‘early’ for her exam so she could go train afterwards. She thought it was stupid that you needed to be a genin to access any of the higher level techniques. But that was understandable at least, they obviously couldn’t let untrained people looking at those techniques and hurting themselves or other people. On the other hand she was being denied high level techniques, so really she only hated it because it affected her as well. Once she passed this exam she’d simply go look at any high level technique she bloody well pleased. She moved her hands down together at chest level, having long since finished her stretch, and performed the Ram, Snake, and Tiger seals in a quick sequence before flaring her chakra. The two clones would form into existence at either side of her and put their hands on the hips and smirk at the instructor. She knew full well that she was bottom of the barrel compared to him but being confident in what you’d done wasn’t a bad thing now was it?

She would wait for a few minutes for the rest of the class to finish performing the clone technique, some pulling it off, others failing miserably.Then she would listen to whatever the teacher might say before nodding and getting ready to perform the transformation technique. She would take a deep breath before performing the required hand seals Dog, Boar, Ram..She would move through the seals at a good clip before focusing her chakra through her body, causing it to shift her shape as the smoke formed around her. As the smoke cleared a perfect copy of their teacher would stand before them. Which wasn’t as if it was a stretch for her to turn into Ren. They looked remarkably alike already. But what mattered is that the technique was performed well and an experienced shinobi like Ren would know immediately that it was the full blooded technique and not some cheap knock off she tried to do by changing the few things that needed to be changed about her form to match his. She still couldn’t believe that the teacher was a male. Everything about him was feminine it was incredible. She pushed those thoughts away though, there were more important things to do. Like see if the rest of the students were doing well. She let the illusion drop, the trademark smoke that always appeared forming to dispell the illusion. She would then look around and observe the other students as they tried the technique. Almost none of them performed it well, and this was coming from the perspective of an academy student. Much less an experienced chunin like Ren. She shook her head as she looked at the two other people that managed to perform both the clone technique and the transformation technique like she had.

One was a boy no older than she who was quiet, with short black hair, he transformed into Xyxer-Sama. The other student, a girl a little older than Elizira looked a lot like herself only with brown hair and blue eyes. She transformed into the previous Mizukage Haru Hyuuga. She shook her head at that. She wondered if they could get in trouble based on their choice of who they transformed into. She shook these thoughts away though. It wouldn’t matter, after all there were only so many people in the village that everyone knew the appearance of well enough to demonstrate the transformation technique with. She sighed at this as she turned toward the teacher, ready to have her headband so she could immediately run to the shinobi library and get every technique she could get her hands on. The damn receptionist wouldn’t be able to stop her with her shiny new headband.

WC: 811
Rin Togakawa
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Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination Empty Re: Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination

Tue Mar 14, 2017 1:25 am
Ren nodded his head, monitoring the chakra of all the students as they performed the clone technique, most of their chakra shaping was passable, but not particularly refined. Ren made a mental note of the ones that would need further instruction even if they passed the exam, eventually everyone had made their attempt at the technique, "Good, those of you that failed to perform the technique, Xui, Lang, Sam..." Ren said listing off the students who had failed "Nice try, but you need to work on your chakra control more" once the students had moved out of the room Ren continued "Now then as for the rest of you, lets move on to the transformation technique." Ren said, his mind focused on monitoring the chakra fluctuations of the students in the classroom, once again Ren found very little skill in the majority of the students that performed the technique, but that was to be expected; they were after all mere children when it came to the art of chakra manipulation; one signature however caught his eye, The white haired girl in the back, If Ren remembered correctly his files had her listed as Elizira Kyuuketsuki, at any rate the girl managed to perform a near flawless imitation of him, although she was looking rather fatigued from the effort. Allowing himself a small smile and a nod at the girl Ren spoke up, the rest of the class having completed their attempts at the exams. Once again Ren listed off the names of the students who had failed and having them leave the room. Once they were gone Ren would stand up from his place leaning on the wall and walk to the front of the class. "Now you have all proven you can perform techniques that you have learnt ahead of time, however there is still one test you must all pass." Ren said, turning to walk to the other side of the exam room where he opened a door and walked through, waiting for the students to follow behind him.

Inside the room was a total of twenty stone altars, each one with an mildly injured animal sitting atop it, around the outside of the room were numerous, handwritten, scrolls hanging from the walls, each one detailing in intimate detail the intricacies of various aspects of medical ninjutsu. once the remaining students had entered the room Ren would speak up again, "Choose a pedestal" Ren would say, waiting for them to all move to an animal. "You now have thirty minutes to learn how to heal you chosen animal's injury. Good luck" Ren would say before moving back to lean in a shadowed corner.
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
Rosalyn 'Rose' Uchiha
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Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination Empty Re: Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination

Tue Mar 14, 2017 8:30 am
Elizira noticed Ren give her a small smile and a nod, she smiled softly at the recognition. Sure she was a cold blooded murderer, but she was still a fourteen year old girl. A little recognition would go a long way with her. She gave him her complete, undivided attention as he explained that there was one more requirement for them to complete before they would be able to graduate as genin of Kirigakure No Sato. This surprised her because as far as she knew there were only the clone and transformation techniques to be tested. Ren however was their instructor and she assumed he wouldn’t do anything..inappropriate in the room he was leading them to. Now if the room had a giant comfy bed in it the bet was off and she’d be leaving. But this did not turn out to be the case as when they arrived the room held twenty pedestals with minorly injured creatures on them. Hanging behind each one was a single, handwritten scroll. Ren explained that they had thirty minutes to heal their chosen creature before leaning against the wall to watch how well they would do with a time limit to learn a technique and apply it.

Elizira didn’t even hesitate as she strode up to the animal that caught her eye the most, a bat, and grabbed the scroll from behind it. She quickly read over the technique, nodding her head as she memorized each part before hanging the scroll up on the wall. She’d then turn to the bat and look at the wounds it held. It was sporting a multitude of shallow cuts on it’s small body and the wings and it would look up at her pitifully with large wide eyes as it contemplated if she was going to kill it or save it. She immediately felt a kinship with the creature and she smiled at it and gave it a small, comforting pet on it’s head before performing the Boar, Rat, and Snake hand seals. Glowing green chakra would encase her hand as she quickly went to work on the small guys wounds. Each cut would close and scab over and the pain would be lessened immensely because of this. The small bat looked up at her gratefully as she continued working on it’s wounds and it would affectionately lick her fingers with a small, darting little tongue in thanks as the last of it’s wounds closed over and was finally taken care of. She smiled down at it and gave it another part on the head before turning and looking around the room. There were far more animals than exam participants, and that was before most of them were kicked out due to failing. She figured it wouldn’t matter much if she healed as many as she could handle healing before going up to Ren for her headband.

She moved over to the next pedestal and looked down at the small bruised up bunny on top of it. The fluffy little thing would look up at her like the bat, wondering if she was going to heal it’s injuries or snap it’s furry little neck. She disliked rabbits, well unless they were dinner, but decided she wouldn’t kill this one because it would seem...out of place and she might be held back due to psychological evaluation if she did. So she performed the same hand seals Boar, Rat, and Snake and allow the green aura to encompass her hands once more as she began to heal the little stew ingredients bruising. The bunny would soon begin to feel better and would begin to lick her similarly to how the bat did. She didn’t enjoy this one nearly as well as she did the bat. But she’d make due with its affections long enough to make herself look good. After a few minutes she had fully healed the rabbit and it stood on it’s hind legs and gave her a small lick on the nose. She laughed at the funny feeling but really just wanted to sink her teeth into it and drain it dry.

She checked her reserves and noted she had maybe enough to heal two more before the thirty minute marker. She nodded her head and moved over to the next woodland critter and found a small fox sitting on the stone pedestal. She smiled at this one, indifferent to it as she looked over it’s injuries. Just a few cuts on it’s face, nothing serious at all. She performed the Boar, Rat, and Snake hand seals again and felt the green, healing chakra envelop her hand in it’s healing energies again before she placed her hand on the little guys face and began to heal it’s cuts. It gave off a small purr of delight as she did and she smiled at it when it did. She slowly healed the guys cuts before nodding and checking her reserves again. She could definitely heal one more animal before calling it quits, and the time permitted it too. She turned toward the last one and heard a flapping in the air. She turned her head just fast enough to see the bat she healed before land on her shoulder and look at her before licking her nose once as if saying ‘Hi, I’m staying with you.’ She smiled at him before moving toward the last animal.

The final critty was a small bird with a few cuts on it’s wings, it’d make it difficult for it to fly with them and so she performed the now familiar Boar, Rat, and Snake hand seals one more time for that night before placing the healing energies that once again enshrouded her hands to task on healing the birds small wounds. The cuts were dealt with in short order as she worked her healing chakra through the wounds on the birds cuts. Soon it was flapping it’s wings again happily and chirping up at her. She’d still rather kill things, but at least she could heal easy things now. She turned toward Ren and walked toward him. Only twenty minutes had passed, but the bat was still on her shoulder. She bowed her head to him before speaking “Is that all that is required Ren-Sensei?” She’d ask as she brought her head up and awaited the answer. She hoped that was it, she was out of chakra. She hadn’t thought about there possibly being another test after this one. But he DID say there was ONE test they had to pass and this had been it. So hopefully she would be allowed to get a headband, become a legal shinobi, and gain access to that damn library. She’d probably go nap first though. After all she did just use all of her chakra. At that thought she turned toward the bat on her shoulder. It would turn it’s head back to her and lick her nose again. Apparently it didn’t want to leave. She briefly wondered what Ren would do about that, if anything. It would certainly be interesting to have a pet. She wondered if there were a bat summoning contract. She might have to look into that for later.

WC: 1202

Claiming 6 stats and E rank Medical Ninjutsu...and hopefully genin >.>
Rin Togakawa
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Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination Empty Re: Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination

Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:05 am
Ren stood in the corner of the room; absentmindedly flicking through that little book of his and seemingly paying no attention to the students as they worked on the last pat of the exam; however contrary to appearances even though Ren was fiddling with various fuinjutsu arrays in his mind, he was also keeping a close eye on the chakra signatures of the students; the first boy was clearly strugling, no skill what so ever when it came to medical ninjutsu and the boy clearly lacked the patience and clarity of mind to perform the technique. Rather than take a step back and focus on what he was doing wrong the boy was clearly just getting more and more agitated. Meanwhile the other boy was struggling well; he was at least refining his technique, but Ren could tell that he was struggling and at his current rate wouldn't have the technique down pat by the time the exam finished. Ren turned the page of his book; noticing he'd accidentally drawn one of the array's wrong... 'hang on a second... that array would actually...' Ren snapped out of his focus as he noticed the last students chakra forming to perform a near perfect copy of the medical technique. Filing away a mental not to look into how that array he'd mistakenly drawn could interact with another seal Ren looked up and across the room at the white haired girl who'd been doing so well so far. The girl had already healed a bat and had moved on to healing some of the other test subjects. Ren was quite impressed to say the least; by the time the exam had finished She'd healed four of the animals and even had one of them perched on her shoulder.

Walking out into the middle of the Room Ren clapped the two boys on the back as he walked past them before turning to face the three of them and speaking. "You've all done very well to make it this far, however you all need to practice more in at least one aspect of your techniques; Jason, Mitz. I'm sorry to say the two of you did not pass this time; however if either of you would like extra lessons dont hesitate to ask me. You've both done splendidly to make it this far; Ren then turned to face the girl. "Elizira Kyuuketsuki, you have proven yourself, strong, smart, tenatious, and determined; and so it is with great pleasure that I declare you a genin of kirigakure no sato." Ren said, pulling out a headband from his back pocket and passing it to the girl. "congratulations, and remember you are always welcome within these halls." Ren said, clapping the girl on the shoulder.

Once the proceedings were done Ren would, assuming nothing else came up, leave the hall and Return to his office, pulling out his little black book and opening it to the page that he had open earlier. 'Yes, as I thought; I drew the arrays wrong, and normally they wouldn't fit... that being said, maybe if I condense the entire seal into pure chakra the excess room would be just enough to fit these sealing arrays within the center concentric semi circle array.' Ren thought, pulling out a piece of paper and attempting his idea; only to find that the seal was still too small to fit the entire array. Cursing Ren folded up the paper and tucked it into his pocket; intent on continuing his research into this anomaly when he next got the oppertunity.

[Promoting Eli to Genin]
[TWC: 1236]
[Claiming 12 AP and 1236 words towards Advanced Fuin]
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Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination Empty Re: Elizira Kyuuketsuki's Genin Examination

Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:33 am
Denied. Everybody knows that there are only aquatic animals in Kiri.

Just kidding. Approved to both of you and congratulations on becoming a Genin, Eli.
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