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Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty The life of Robbing (Akane)

Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:43 pm

The sun would set in a couple hours. This was perfect for what the two were about to do. The two I'm speaking of is Ryou and Akane. Ryou had called Akane with a telepathy seal to inform her on what the plan was. "There are some travellers and merchants that we can rob, so we can get some practice done and get some ryo for some weapons." Ryou ended the transmission. He was sitting on a bench outside one village not far from the black market, where Hitsuyo Aku was. The village was also where the travellers and merchants were. Ryou looked at all the people passing by, he wanted to find a jerk traveller so he wouldn't feel so guilty for stealing. The young shinobi hope Akane thought likewise. 

Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:11 am
Akane would see Ryou sitting on a bench and would approach him before saying, "I can't believe I'm doing this but we do need money. Just find someone who's an ass or I'm not helping you steal from them." She would then sit down and would eye each person as they passed by, starting to look for one that was acting like an ass. It'd take a while but it was better than stealing from an innocent person who had done nothing wrong.

As she sat there she would recall the reason she became a missing ninja, killing another to protect herself and others from their torture. She didn't desire this life, she'd much rather be a part of a village but it was too late for her to become part of one. Akane wanted to redeem herself through Hitsuyō Aku, she wanted to help purge the evil in the world. She wanted to become something that Haruki could look up to, someone he could be proud to call his sister.

[WC: 178]
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:01 pm
Akane approached the Lycan and said, "I can't believe I'm doing this but we do need money. Just find someone who's an ass or I'm not helping you steal from them." Ryou would sigh in relief, "Thank God were on the same page, I didn't want to rob some innocents either." The young boy would then stand up. "You know, once I help reclaim Suna maybe I'll be Kazekage." He laughed, the only reason he said this was to lighten the mood a bit. "Maybe the group and Suna with be-" Ryou stopped as he looked at a scene. A man with a travel pack was walking by, people gave him grave stares. He did also look like a sketchy character. Just then an old woman accidentally bumped into him. "Watch it, old lady!" The man yelled on continued as the old woman looked stunned. The Kaguya smile and turns to Akane. "I think we found our guy." Ryou turned to look at him once more then turned back to Akane. "Why don't you get that guy?" The boy asked her. "It will be good practice." 

TWC: 317
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Thu Jun 22, 2017 3:32 pm
Akane would sigh when she was told to go after the man alone. It wasn't going to be hard, it just meant that she was going to have to make a scene. As she sat next to Ryou she would perform a tiger hand seal before saying, "Alright, I've got this." Upon performing the tiger hand seal she would create a dense mist that surrounded them. She would then rise from her position and would walk towards where the man was standing before. Akane would then knock the man out and would search for the sack that held his Ryo. It would take her a minute or two but she'd find it and she'd make her way back over to where Ryou was and would sit back down on the bench before dispelling the mist.

"How was that?", the young woman would say before smirking at the Lycan. She had taken the Ryo without drawing any real attention which made the task of stealing easier than it normally is. There was nobody who was able to see a thing through the mist, nobody to identify who knocked out the man a took his Ryo. Not that anyone would really care considering everyone seemed to despise the man. He deserved what was coming to him, treating a poor old lady like he did.

[WC: 226]
[TWC: 404]
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
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The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Thu Jun 22, 2017 4:09 pm
A mist appeared once Akane agreed to take on the man and rob him. Ryou looked around the mist, "Wow, this must be Hidden Mist jutsu." Ryou said to himself after recalling reading it in the book he held in his weapon pouch and seeing Alice use it in their training session. 

The mist soon dissipated and Akane once again sat with the Lycan. "How was that?" She asked, smiling at him. Ryou smiled back, "It was pretty good, that's a neat jutsu you got." The Kaguya stood up from the bench. "Now I heard some rumours on some merchants near this town." He would go on from what he heard in town. "People have said that they have a bad reputation for selling fake products and ripping people off, and in general really horrible people to the villagers that they come and visit." Ryou laughed a bit. "So why don't we go after them next?" He puts his hand on his hip waiting for an answer. 

If she said yes to the proposition, then Ryou would start to lead Akane out of the town and head west of it where he heard they liked to hang out. Since he didn't ask the villagers how many there were, Ryou had no idea how many there were going to be. "They should have a camp around this area." Ryou would tell his partner that was behind him.  

TWC: 553
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Sun Jun 25, 2017 2:59 pm
Akane would sigh when Ryou said there were more merchants that they could rob. Even though they were robbing people who ripped people off it wasn't right. They were stealing the money that the merchants were stealing from the people, taking it for themselves. Ryou and Akane could be returning that money but they weren't, they were going to take it and they were going to buy things with it. They were missing-nin though so there wasn't really any other way to get money without doing something really bad.

"Let's do this and get it over with, we may be stealing from ass hats but we're stealing money that they stole from other people. This better be the last time we're stealing too because I'm leaving after this.", Akane would say before following Ryou. She would keep an eye out for the camp when he mentioned it and would be ready to perform a quick and easy heist. She could also just make Ryou steal the Ryo on his own too since he made her steal the Ryo from the last guy. It'd be fair, Ryou would have done half the work and Akane would have done half the work.

[WC: 209]
[TWC: 613]
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Sun Jun 25, 2017 11:05 pm
Ryou listened to Akane and her response to the plan of robbing the merchants. The Lycan sighed, not in annoyance but in understanding. She was saying what he was thinking as well. "Trust me, If I knew what who they stole from, I would give it back... " Ryou thinks for a moment in silence. "I'll rob these guys if you want, I can handle them." The Lycan would tell her. Guessing she agreed with him going alone then he would continue.

The Kaguya then froze after hearing some drunken laughter. Ryou would follow the sound until he found a group sitting around a campfire in the dark of night. There were about a dozen or so men and women among them. "Ok, you get the people that try to escape, my goal isn't to kill them." The Lycan noticed a lone man outside the group, he headed to him. The man seemed to be drunken walking outside for unknown reasons. Ryou used this to hit him on the side of the head to knock him out. Then Ryou memorised the look of the man and transformed into him with transformation jutsu. The Lycan then headed to the group, pretending to be drunk. The other people didn't seem to care that he was around or even see him, they were so drunk. Ryou started to head to where he presumed the ryo was being kept, in a big bag outside the group by a tent. Ryou opened the bag only to find dirt. Then, from behind, someone said, "I knew you'd try something like that, Yuuma." The words were slurred with drunkenness. He turns around to see a man about the same height holding a kunai, "Now you die!" The man charged at him with kunai. Luckily the man was drunk and slow so Ryou easily moved out the path and tripped him. The older man fell and once he did, ryo fell out of a pouch that the man was holding. Ryou grabbed the bag. Then the drunken group saw this and started to run, half the group went one way, the other half went the other way, all of them were holding bags like the one Ryou took. Ryou looks to Akane, "You get one group, I'll get the other." Ryou takes off to one of the groups.    

Most of the group was stumbling around so it wasn't very hard to get in front of them. Ryou still looked like the man from before. "Yuuma, don't hurt us." One of the female merchants said. "Just sleep." Was all Ryou said as he, one by one took them out. They group laid unconscious. The Lycan used this time to get the ryo from them and head back to the campfire that the merchants made. Ryou sat by the fire and waited for Akane to return.

TWC: 1023
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:37 pm
Akane would sigh when she watched as the group split into two. Ryou had failed his job of getting the Ryo easily and made it harder than it needed to be. It wasn't hard to round up two groups of drunken people, they stumbled around so much that they tripped almost every step they took. As she watched the group that she was supposed to go after run off fairly slow, she'd chase after them and would knock them all out by slamming the side of her hand into their necks. She'd then begin to search all of them for Ryo and would collect it.

Akane would then make her way back to the camp and would see Ryou sitting by the fire. She would approach him slowly and would smack the back of his head lightly. "You were supposed to do that on your own dummy.", she'd say before sitting down. They had just started robbing people and Akane already knew that she didn't want to do it again. Sadly, she'd have to. She needed to make her way up in the world somehow and doing a bit of evil was how she had to make her way up. She didn't have the luxury of taking the Chuunin exams and ranking up that way. She had to kill people, rob people or complete contracts. The group needed money too and they were going to have to get it one way or another.

After sitting at the fire for a minute or two Akane rose from her position and would begin walking in the direction of the village before saying, "Come on Ryou, let's go back to the village. We're done with robbing for the day." Akane would walk slowly on her way back to the village and would look up at the stars in the night sky. She hadn't gazed at the stars since she met Haruki and thought that it was finally time to go back to admiring the view of the night sky as she did while she wandered the Land of Wind, looking for a place to belong. It was saddening that she was never able to live a peaceful life but at least she was able to meet Haruki and all of the people in Hitsuyō Aku. They all gave her a purpose in life, something to fight for.

[WC: 404]
[TWC: 1,017]
Jun Fuji
Jun Fuji
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 6700

The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Fri Jun 30, 2017 4:02 pm
Akane returned from her part. She didn't seem very happy with Ryou. He could tell because she smacked his head once he got to him. "I know I said that I would do it by myself...Sorry." When Ryou said he was sorry, he sincerely meant it. The Lycan knew that she didn't like robbing as much as he did even when it was a group of thieves because he didn't know why they were stealing. Maybe they stole because they needed to feed a loved on or maybe just to have some cash. 

Akane then got up and said they should head back. Ryou followed her lead this time. The Kaguya then noticed that she was looking at the night sky, which made Ryou want to look as well. Ryou looked at the moon. It was a beauty that Ryou knew all too well. This brought him back when he was with Salzem and the Valley of Death. He remembered the pain and the joy. The pain, of course, was the Lycan transformation but they joy was knowing that Sal was with him. Ryou smiled at the moon as if it was Sal. Then he looked from the spot back onto the road to the village where the group was staying. "I can't wait until we aren't criminals..." Ryou said as they were nearing the Black Market.    

TWC: 1250
Akane Tokiyama
Akane Tokiyama
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The life of Robbing (Akane) Empty Re: The life of Robbing (Akane)

Sat Jul 22, 2017 1:01 am
"We'll never not be criminals. We've done bad things and they'll always come back to bite us in the ass, it's a fate we can never escape. After we complete our objective we probably won't even be seen as heroes, just a group of criminals who wanted to prove they were stronger than the empire of Kumogakure. That doesn't matter though, what matters is that we accomplish our goal and do some good in the world.", Akane would say before sighing heavily. She would shift her focus from the sky down to the dirt road and would follow it back to the village. She began to wonder if joining this group was a mistake and that not joining Hoshigakure was the right decision.

Then she would begin to think about Haruki and how she left him back in Suna. Akane was beginning to regret leaving him and was sad that she hadn't taken up the opportunity to join Sunagakure and fight along side the person she could call her little brother. He had helped her find happiness after such dark, lonely times in her life. He began to teach her how to fight and helped her get stronger before she left. They had even considered opening their own company so that they could begin making Ryo to do things such as buying a new house. It was the way that she wanted to make her Ryo, she didn't want to make the Ryo this way. She was stealing from those who had stolen from those who were gullible enough to be stolen from. If she really wanted to she could give the Ryo to those who needed it more than her but she knew she couldn't do that, the organization needed it if it were to survive.

Akane would look up from the dirt road and would clear her mind and would sigh softly before seeing that they had finally returned to the village. She would quickly look back at Ryou and would smile softly before giving him a kiss on the forehead before thanking him for taking her along on the mission. It was nice being reminded that what they were doing wasn't entirely bad and it stopped her from beating herself up too much about it.

Akane would then return to where she was staying and would bathe before going to bed. It had been a long day few days and she was totally exhausted. That night would be the night that she finally got a good nights sleep, instead of worrying about her clan and who she really was. She had all the time in the world to figure that out and what she needed to do in the meantime was support Hitsuyō Aku. It was important that she saw that the goal of the group was carried out eventually. She could always just find out more about her clan in her free time.

[WC: 497]
[TWC: 1515]
Claiming Mission Rewards (Whatever they are because the missions aren't written properly)
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